예제 #1
        public static NodeComponent FromXml(XElement component)
            Type T;

            if (ComponentMap.TryGetValue(component.Element("ComponentName").Value, out T))
                Object o = Activator.CreateInstance(T);
                if (!(o is NodeComponent))
                    throw new Exception("Attempt to deserialize XML failed. Object of type " + o.GetType().Name + " could not be cast to NodeComponent");
                if (ComponentFields.ContainsKey(T))
                    // for each Property element in xml, try to find the matching component variable
                    foreach (XElement p in component.Elements("Property"))
                        foreach (FieldInfo fi in ComponentFields[T])
                            if (p.Element("Key").Value == fi.Name)
                                fi.SetValue(o, p.Element("Value").Value);

                if (component.Element("ComponentNodeLink") != null)
                    (o as NodeComponent).nodeLinks = component
                                                     .Select(e => new ComponentNodeLink(e))

                return(o as NodeComponent);
                throw new Exception("Attempt to deserialize XML failed. Component of type " + component.Element("ComponentName").Value + " could not be found in component map");
예제 #2
        public XElement ToXml()
            XElement node = new XElement("Component");

            node.Add(new XElement("ComponentName", GetType().ToString()));
            if (ComponentFields.ContainsKey(GetType()))
                foreach (FieldInfo fi in ComponentFields[GetType()])
                    XElement propertyNode = new XElement("Property");
                    propertyNode.Add(new XElement("Key", fi.Name));
                    propertyNode.Add(new XElement("Value", fi.GetValue(this)));

            foreach (ComponentNodeLink l in nodeLinks)

 /// <summary>
 /// Add field to be searched in the More Like This component/widget
 /// <para>Default value is "Name"</para>
 /// </summary>
 public void AddComponentField(string name)
     ComponentFields.TryAdd(name, true);