public PipelineEnvironment(PipelineConfiguration configuration, IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null)
            if (configuration is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));
            Debug.WriteLineIf(serviceProvider is null, "no IServiceProvider is provided to the pipeline environment");
            Pipeline = PsiPipeline.Create(configuration.Name, configuration.DeliveryPolicy);
            var instEnvs = new List <ComponentEnvironment>();

            Instances = instEnvs;
            var pending = new List <ComponentConfiguration>(configuration.Instances);

            while (true)
                //find one with all dependencies ready
                var compConfig = pending.Where(c => ReadyToInstantiate(c, instEnvs)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (compConfig is null)  //if not found
                    if (pending.Count > 0)
                        throw new Exception($"{pending.Count} components cannot be instantiated because their data flow dependencies are not fulfilled.");
                var instance = compConfig.Instantiate(Pipeline, instEnvs, serviceProvider);
                var env      = new ComponentEnvironment(compConfig, instance);
        public void Notify(object sender, ComponentEnvironment env)
            Console.WriteLine($"Sender is {sender.GetType()}");

            if (env == ComponentEnvironment.Comp1_MethodA)
                Console.WriteLine("Mediator triggers operations:");

            if (env == ComponentEnvironment.Comp2_MethodD)
                Console.WriteLine("Mediator triggers operations:");