예제 #1
        private static void HeroPowers(IDictionary <string, List <Enchantment> > cards)
            // ----------------------------------- HERO_POWER - NEUTRAL
            // [BRM_027p] DIE, INSECT! (*) - COST:2
            // - Set: fp2,
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Hero Power</b>
            //       Deal $8 damage to a random enemy. *spelldmg
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("BRM_027p", new List <Enchantment> {
                new Enchantment
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.SPELL,
                    SingleTask = ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 8)

            // ----------------------------------- HERO_POWER - NEUTRAL
            // [BRM_027pH] DIE, INSECTS! (*) - COST:2
            // - Set: fp2,
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Hero Power</b>
            //       Deal $8 damage to a random enemy. TWICE. *spelldmg
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("BRM_027pH", new List <Enchantment> {
                new Enchantment
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.SPELL,
                    SingleTask = new EnqueueTask(2, ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 8))
예제 #2
        private static void Mage(IDictionary <string, Power> cards)
            // ------------------------------------------ MINION - MAGE
            // [BRM_002] Flamewaker - COST:3 [ATK:2/HP:4]
            // - Set: brm, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: After you cast a spell, deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("BRM_002", new Power {
                Trigger = new Trigger(TriggerType.AFTER_CAST)
                    TriggerSource = TriggerSource.FRIENDLY,
                    SingleTask    = new EnqueueTask(2, ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 1))

            // ------------------------------------------- SPELL - MAGE
            // [BRM_003] Dragon's Breath - COST:5
            // - Set: brm, Rarity: common
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: Deal $4 damage. Costs (1) less for each minion that died this turn. @spelldmg
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // PlayReq:
            // - REQ_TARGET_TO_PLAY = 0
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("BRM_003", new Power {
                Aura      = AdaptiveCostEffect.NumEachMinionDiedThisTurn,
                PowerTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                    new DamageTask(4, EntityType.TARGET, true))
예제 #3
        private static void HeroPowers(IDictionary <string, CardDef> cards)
            // ----------------------------------- HERO_POWER - NEUTRAL
            // [BRM_027p] DIE, INSECT! (*) - COST:2
            // - Set: brm,
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Hero Power</b>
            //       Deal $8 damage to a random enemy. @spelldmg
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("BRM_027p", new CardDef(new Power
                PowerTask = ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 8)

            // ----------------------------------- HERO_POWER - NEUTRAL
            // [BRM_027pH] DIE, INSECTS! (*) - COST:2
            // - Set: brm,
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Hero Power</b>
            //       Deal $8 damage to a random enemy. TWICE. @spelldmg
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("BRM_027pH", new CardDef(new Power
                PowerTask = new EnqueueTask(2, ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 8))
예제 #4
        private static void Mage(IDictionary <string, List <Enchantment> > cards)
            // ------------------------------------------- SPELL - MAGE
            // [BRM_003] Dragon's Breath - COST:5
            // - Set: fp2, Rarity: common
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: Deal $4 damage. Costs (1) less for each minion that died this turn. *spelldmg
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // PlayReq:
            // - REQ_TARGET_TO_PLAY = 0
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("BRM_003", new List <Enchantment> {
                new Enchantment
                    Area       = EnchantmentArea.SELF,
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.HAND_ZONE,
                    Enchant    = Auras.CostFunc(
                        owner => - (owner.Controller.NumFriendlyMinionsThatDiedThisTurn +
                new Enchantment
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.SPELL,
                    SingleTask = new DamageTask(4, EntityType.TARGET, true)

            // ------------------------------------------ MINION - MAGE
            // [BRM_002] Flamewaker - COST:3 [ATK:2/HP:4]
            // - Set: fp2, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: After you cast a spell, deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("BRM_002", new List <Enchantment> {
                new Enchantment
                    Area       = EnchantmentArea.GRAVEYARD_AND_SECRET,
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.BOARD_ZONE,
                    Trigger    = new TriggerBuilder().Create()
                                 .EnableConditions(SelfCondition.IsInZone(Zone.PLAY), SelfCondition.IsNotSilenced)
                                 .TriggerEffect(GameTag.JUST_PLAYED, -1)
                                 .SingleTask(new EnqueueTask(2, ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 1)))
예제 #5
        private static void Neutral(IDictionary <string, Power> cards)
            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_016] Sylvanas Windrunner - COST:6 [ATK:5/HP:5]
            // - Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Deathrattle:</b> Take
            //       control of a random
            //       enemy minion.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_016", new Power {
                DeathrattleTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                    new RandomTask(1, EntityType.OP_MINIONS),
                    new ControlTask(EntityType.STACK))

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_050] Coldlight Oracle - COST:3 [ATK:2/HP:2]
            // - Race: murloc, Fac: neutral, Set: expert1, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Each player draws 2 cards.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_050", new Power {
                PowerTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                    new EnqueueTask(2, new DrawTask()),
                    new EnqueueTask(2, new DrawOpTask()))

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_062] Old Murk-Eye - COST:4 [ATK:2/HP:4]
            // - Race: murloc, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Charge</b>. Has +1 Attack for each other Murloc on the battlefield.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - CHARGE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_062", new Power {
                Aura = new AdaptiveEffect(GameTag.ATK, EffectOperator.ADD, p =>
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (Minion m in p.Controller.BoardZone)
                        if (m.Race == Race.MURLOC)

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_112] Gelbin Mekkatorque - COST:6 [ATK:6/HP:6]
            // - Fac: alliance, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Summon an AWESOME invention.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Entourage: Mekka1, Mekka2, Mekka3, Mekka4
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_112", new Power {
                // TODO [EX1_112] Gelbin Mekkatorque && Test: Gelbin Mekkatorque_EX1_112
                //PowerTask = null,
                //Trigger = null,

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_284] Azure Drake - COST:5 [ATK:4/HP:4]
            // - Race: dragon, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Spell Damage +1</b>
            //       <b>Battlecry:</b> Draw a card.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - SPELLPOWER = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_284", new Power {
                PowerTask = new DrawTask()

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_298] Ragnaros the Firelord - COST:8 [ATK:8/HP:8]
            // - Race: elemental, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: Can't attack. At the end of your turn, deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - CANT_ATTACK = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_298", new Power {
                Trigger = new Trigger(TriggerType.TURN_END)
                    SingleTask = ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 8)

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_620] Molten Giant - COST:25 [ATK:8/HP:8]
            // - Set: expert1, Rarity: epic
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: Costs (1) less for each damage your hero has taken.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_620", new Power {
                Aura = new AdaptiveCostEffect(EffectOperator.SUB, p => p.Controller.Hero.Damage)

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [NEW1_016] Captain's Parrot - COST:2 [ATK:1/HP:1]
            // - Race: beast, Set: hof, Rarity: epic
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Draw a Pirate from your deck.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("NEW1_016", new Power {
                // TODO [NEW1_016] Captain's Parrot && Test: Captain's Parrot_NEW1_016
                //PowerTask = null,
                //Trigger = null,

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [PRO_001] Elite Tauren Chieftain - COST:5 [ATK:5/HP:5]
            // - Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Give both players the power to ROCK! (with a Power Chord card)
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Entourage: PRO_001a, PRO_001b, PRO_001c
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("PRO_001", new Power {
                // TODO [PRO_001] Elite Tauren Chieftain && Test: Elite Tauren Chieftain_PRO_001
                //PowerTask = null,
                //Trigger = null,
예제 #6
        private static void Neutral(IDictionary <string, List <Enchantment> > cards)
            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_016] Sylvanas Windrunner - COST:6 [ATK:5/HP:5]
            // - Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Deathrattle:</b> Take
            //       control of a random
            //       enemy minion.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_016", new List <Enchantment> {
                new Enchantment
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.DEATHRATTLE,
                    SingleTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                        new RandomTask(1, EntityType.OP_MINIONS),
                        new ControlTask(EntityType.STACK))

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_062] Old Murk-Eye - COST:4 [ATK:2/HP:4]
            // - Race: murloc, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Charge</b>. Has +1 Attack for each other Murloc on the battlefield.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - CHARGE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_062", new List <Enchantment> {
                // TODO [EX1_062] Old Murk-Eye && Test: Old Murk-Eye_EX1_062
                new Enchantment
                    //Activation = null,
                    //SingleTask = null,

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_112] Gelbin Mekkatorque - COST:6 [ATK:6/HP:6]
            // - Fac: alliance, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Summon an AWESOME invention.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Entourage: Mekka1, Mekka2, Mekka3, Mekka4
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_112", new List <Enchantment> {
                // TODO [EX1_112] Gelbin Mekkatorque && Test: Gelbin Mekkatorque_EX1_112
                new Enchantment
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.BATTLECRY,
                    SingleTask = null,

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_284] Azure Drake - COST:5 [ATK:4/HP:4]
            // - Race: dragon, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Spell Damage +1</b>. <b>Battlecry:</b> Draw a card.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - SPELLPOWER = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_284", new List <Enchantment> {
                new Enchantment
                    Area       = EnchantmentArea.HERO,
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.BOARD,
                    Enchant    = Auras.SpellPowerDamage(1)
                new Enchantment
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.BATTLECRY,
                    SingleTask = new DrawTask()

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_298] Ragnaros the Firelord - COST:8 [ATK:8/HP:8]
            // - Race: elemental, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: Can't attack. At the end of your turn, deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - CANT_ATTACK = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_298", new List <Enchantment> {
                new Enchantment
                    Area       = EnchantmentArea.CONTROLLER,
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.BOARD,
                    Trigger    = new TriggerBuilder().Create()
                                 .EnableConditions(SelfCondition.IsInZone(Zone.PLAY), SelfCondition.IsNotSilenced)
                                 .TriggerEffect(GameTag.TURN_START, -1)
                                 .SingleTask(ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 8))

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [NEW1_016] Captain's Parrot - COST:2 [ATK:1/HP:1]
            // - Race: beast, Set: hof, Rarity: epic
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Draw a Pirate from your deck.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("NEW1_016", new List <Enchantment> {
                // TODO [NEW1_016] Captain's Parrot && Test: Captain's Parrot_NEW1_016
                new Enchantment
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.BATTLECRY,
                    SingleTask = null,

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [PRO_001] Elite Tauren Chieftain - COST:5 [ATK:5/HP:5]
            // - Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Give both players the power to ROCK! (with a Power Chord card)
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Entourage: PRO_001a, PRO_001b, PRO_001c
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("PRO_001", new List <Enchantment> {
                // TODO [PRO_001] Elite Tauren Chieftain && Test: Elite Tauren Chieftain_PRO_001
                new Enchantment
                    Activation = EnchantmentActivation.BATTLECRY,
                    SingleTask = null,
예제 #7
        private static void Neutral(IDictionary <string, CardDef> cards)
            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_016] Sylvanas Windrunner - COST:6 [ATK:5/HP:5]
            // - Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Deathrattle:</b> Take
            //       control of a random
            //       enemy minion.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - DEATHRATTLE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_016", new CardDef(new Power
                DeathrattleTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                    new RandomTask(1, EntityType.OP_MINIONS),
                    new ControlTask(EntityType.STACK))

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_050] Coldlight Oracle - COST:3 [ATK:2/HP:2]
            // - Race: murloc, Fac: neutral, Set: expert1, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Each player draws 2 cards.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_050", new CardDef(new Power
                PowerTask = ComplexTask.Create(
                    new EnqueueTask(2, new DrawTask()),
                    new EnqueueTask(2, new DrawOpTask()))

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_062] Old Murk-Eye - COST:4 [ATK:2/HP:4]
            // - Race: murloc, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Charge</b>. Has +1 Attack for each other Murloc on the battlefield.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - CHARGE = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_062", new CardDef(new Power
                Aura = new AdaptiveEffect(GameTag.ATK, EffectOperator.ADD, p =>
                    int count = 0;
                    ReadOnlySpan <Minion> span = p.Controller.BoardZone.GetSpan();
                    for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
                        if (span[i].IsRace(Race.MURLOC))

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_112] Gelbin Mekkatorque - COST:6 [ATK:6/HP:6]
            // - Fac: alliance, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Summon an AWESOME invention.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Entourage: Mekka1, Mekka2, Mekka3, Mekka4
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_112", new CardDef(new[] { "Mekka1", "Mekka2", "Mekka3", "Mekka4" }, new Power
                // TODO [EX1_112] Gelbin Mekkatorque && Test: Gelbin Mekkatorque_EX1_112
                //PowerTask = null,
                //Trigger = null,

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_284] Azure Drake - COST:5 [ATK:4/HP:4]
            // - Race: dragon, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: rare
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Spell Damage +1</b>
            //       <b>Battlecry:</b> Draw a card.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - SPELLPOWER = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_284", new CardDef(new Power
                PowerTask = new DrawTask()

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_298] Ragnaros the Firelord - COST:8 [ATK:8/HP:8]
            // - Race: elemental, Fac: neutral, Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: Can't attack. At the end of your turn, deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - CANT_ATTACK = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_298", new CardDef(new Power
                Trigger = new Trigger(TriggerType.TURN_END)
                    SingleTask = ComplexTask.DamageRandomTargets(1, EntityType.ENEMIES, 8)

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [EX1_620] Molten Giant - COST:25 [ATK:8/HP:8]
            // - Set: expert1, Rarity: epic
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: Costs (1) less for each damage your hero has taken.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("EX1_620", new CardDef(new Power
                Aura = new AdaptiveCostEffect(p => p.Controller.Hero.Damage)
            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [GIL_692] Genn Greymane - COST:6 [ATK:6/HP:5]
            // - Set: gilneas, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: [x]<b>Start of Game:</b>
            //       If your deck has only even-
            //       Cost cards, your starting
            //       Hero Power costs (1).
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - START_OF_GAME = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("GIL_692", new CardDef(new Power
                Trigger = new Trigger(TriggerType.GAME_START)
                    TriggerActivation    = TriggerActivation.DECK,
                    Condition            = SelfCondition.HasNoOddCostInDeck,
                    SingleTask           = new AddEnchantmentTask("GIL_692e", EntityType.HERO_POWER),
                    RemoveAfterTriggered = true

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [GIL_826] Baku the Mooneater - COST:9 [ATK:7/HP:8]
            // - Race: beast, Set: gilneas, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: [x]<b>Start of Game:</b>
            //       If your deck has only odd-
            //       Cost cards, upgrade
            //       your Hero Power.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - START_OF_GAME = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("GIL_826", new CardDef(new Power
                Trigger = new Trigger(TriggerType.GAME_START)
                    TriggerActivation    = TriggerActivation.DECK,
                    Condition            = SelfCondition.HasNoEvenCostInDeck,
                    SingleTask           = SpecificTask.JusticarTrueheart,
                    RemoveAfterTriggered = true

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [NEW1_016] Captain's Parrot - COST:2 [ATK:1/HP:1]
            // - Race: beast, Set: hof, Rarity: epic
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Draw a Pirate from your deck.
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("NEW1_016", new CardDef(new Power
                // TODO [NEW1_016] Captain's Parrot && Test: Captain's Parrot_NEW1_016
                //PowerTask = null,
                //Trigger = null,

            // --------------------------------------- MINION - NEUTRAL
            // [PRO_001] Elite Tauren Chieftain - COST:5 [ATK:5/HP:5]
            // - Set: hof, Rarity: legendary
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Text: <b>Battlecry:</b> Give both players the power to ROCK! (with a Power Chord card)
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // Entourage: PRO_001a, PRO_001b, PRO_001c
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            // GameTag:
            // - ELITE = 1
            // - BATTLECRY = 1
            // --------------------------------------------------------
            cards.Add("PRO_001", new CardDef(new[] { "PRO_001a", "PRO_001b", "PRO_001c" }, new Power
                // TODO [PRO_001] Elite Tauren Chieftain && Test: Elite Tauren Chieftain_PRO_001
                //PowerTask = null,
                //Trigger = null,