internal ChangeComplexPropertyTypeCommand(ComplexConceptualProperty property, ComplexType newType)

            _property = property;
            _newType  = newType;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a FunctionComplexProperty within a ModificationFunction mapped to the passed in
        ///     C-side property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentModificationFunction">The parent inside which this FunctionComplexProperty will be placed</param>
        /// <param name="property">This must be a valid Property from the C-Model.</param>
        internal CreateFunctionComplexPropertyCommand(ModificationFunction parentModificationFunction, ComplexConceptualProperty property)
            : base(PrereqId)

            _parentModificationFunction = parentModificationFunction;
            _property = property;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a FunctionComplexProperty using a FunctionComplexProperty from prereq command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prereq">Pre-requisite Command which will produce the FunctionComplexProperty inside which the newly produced FunctionComplexProperty will be placed</param>
        /// <param name="property">This must be a valid ComplexConceptualProperty.</param>
        internal CreateFunctionComplexPropertyCommand(CreateFunctionComplexPropertyCommand prereq, ComplexConceptualProperty property)
            : base(PrereqId)

            _property = property;
        protected override void InvokeInternal(CommandProcessorContext cpc)
            // first create new ComplexType
            _createdComplexType = CreateComplexTypeCommand.CreateComplexTypeWithDefaultName(cpc);
            // add a copy of Entity properties to the ComplexType
            var copyCmd      = new CopyPropertiesCommand(new PropertiesClipboardFormat(_properties), _createdComplexType);
            var propertyName = ModelHelper.GetUniqueConceptualPropertyName(
                ComplexConceptualProperty.DefaultComplexPropertyName, _entityType);
            // add a new Property of created ComplexType to the Entity
            var createCPCmd = new CreateComplexPropertyCommand(propertyName, _entityType, _createdComplexType);
            var cp          = new CommandProcessor(cpc, copyCmd, createCPCmd);

            _createdComplexProperty = createCPCmd.Property;

            // preserve mappings
            foreach (var property in _properties)
                if (property is ComplexConceptualProperty)
                    var createdComplexTypeProperty =
                        _createdComplexType.FindPropertyByLocalName(property.LocalName.Value) as ComplexConceptualProperty;
                    Debug.Assert(createdComplexTypeProperty != null, "Copied complex property not found");
                    if (createdComplexTypeProperty != null)
                        foreach (var complexPropertyMapping in property.GetAntiDependenciesOfType <ComplexProperty>())
                            PreserveComplexPropertyMapping(cpc, complexPropertyMapping, createdComplexTypeProperty);

                        foreach (var fcp in property.GetAntiDependenciesOfType <FunctionComplexProperty>())
                            PreserveFunctionComplexPropertyMapping(cpc, fcp, createdComplexTypeProperty);
                    var createdComplexTypeProperty = _createdComplexType.FindPropertyByLocalName(property.LocalName.Value);
                    Debug.Assert(createdComplexTypeProperty != null, "Copied property not found");
                    if (createdComplexTypeProperty != null)
                        // update EntityTypeMappings
                        foreach (var scalarPropertyMapping in property.GetAntiDependenciesOfType <ScalarProperty>())
                            PreserveScalarPropertyMapping(cpc, scalarPropertyMapping, createdComplexTypeProperty);

                        // update ModificationFunctionMappings
                        foreach (var fsp in property.GetAntiDependenciesOfType <FunctionScalarProperty>())
                            PreserveFunctionScalarPropertyMapping(cpc, fsp, createdComplexTypeProperty);
        private static ComplexProperty CreateComplexPropertyUsingComplexProperty(
            ComplexProperty parentComplexProperty, ComplexConceptualProperty property)
            // make sure that we don't already have one
            var cp = parentComplexProperty.FindComplexProperty(property);

            if (cp == null)
                cp = CreateNewComplexProperty(parentComplexProperty, property);
        private static ComplexProperty CreateComplexPropertyUsingFragment(
            MappingFragment mappingFragment, ComplexConceptualProperty property)
            // make sure that we don't already have one
            var cp = mappingFragment.FindComplexProperty(property);

            if (cp == null)
                cp = CreateNewComplexProperty(mappingFragment, property);
 private void PreserveComplexPropertyMapping(
     CommandProcessorContext cpc, ComplexProperty complexPropertyMapping, ComplexConceptualProperty createdComplexTypeProperty)
     // walk the Properties tree
     foreach (var sp in complexPropertyMapping.ScalarProperties())
         PreserveScalarPropertyMapping(cpc, sp, createdComplexTypeProperty);
     foreach (var cp in complexPropertyMapping.ComplexProperties())
         PreserveComplexPropertyMapping(cpc, cp, createdComplexTypeProperty);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a ComplexProperty in a MappingFragment based on conceptualEntityType passed in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conceptualEntityType">A C side entity</param>
        /// <param name="property">This must be a valid Property from the C-Model.</param>
        /// <param name="tableColumn">This must be a valid Property from the S-Model.</param>
        internal CreateFragmentComplexPropertyCommand(
            EntityType conceptualEntityType, ComplexConceptualProperty property, Property tableColumn)
            : base(PrereqId)

            _conceptualEntityType = conceptualEntityType;
            _property             = property;
            _tableColumn          = tableColumn;
            _mode = Mode.EntityType;
 private void PreserveFunctionComplexPropertyMapping(
     CommandProcessorContext cpc, FunctionComplexProperty fcp, ComplexConceptualProperty createdComplexTypeProperty)
     // walk the Properties tree
     foreach (var fsp in fcp.ScalarProperties())
         PreserveFunctionScalarPropertyMapping(cpc, fsp, createdComplexTypeProperty);
     foreach (var childFcp in fcp.ComplexProperties())
         PreserveFunctionComplexPropertyMapping(cpc, childFcp, createdComplexTypeProperty);
예제 #10
        private static FunctionComplexProperty CreateComplexPropertyUsingComplexProperty(
            FunctionComplexProperty parentComplexProperty, ComplexConceptualProperty property)
            // make sure that we don't already have one
            var fcp = parentComplexProperty.FindFunctionComplexProperty(property);

            if (fcp == null)
                fcp = CreateNewFunctionComplexProperty(parentComplexProperty, property);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a ComplexProperty in the given MappingFragment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mappingFragment">The MappingFragment to place this ComplexProperty; cannot be null.</param>
        /// <param name="property">This must be a valid ComplexTypeProperty.</param>
        /// <param name="isPartial"></param>
        internal CreateFragmentComplexPropertyCommand(MappingFragment mappingFragment, ComplexConceptualProperty property)
            : base(PrereqId)

            _mappingFragment = mappingFragment;
            if (mappingFragment != null &&
                mappingFragment.EntityTypeMapping != null)
                _conceptualEntityType = mappingFragment.EntityTypeMapping.FirstBoundConceptualEntityType;
            _property = property;
            _mode     = Mode.MappingFragment;
        private static ComplexProperty CreateNewComplexProperty(EFElement parent, ComplexConceptualProperty property)
            // actually create it in the XLinq tree
            var cp = new ComplexProperty(parent, null);



            if (cp == null)
                throw new ItemCreationFailureException();

            Debug.Assert(cp.Name.Target != null && cp.Name.Target.LocalName.Value == cp.Name.RefName, "Broken property resolution");

예제 #13
 // Check whether all the ScalarProperties in this ComplexProperty are mapped
 private void CheckForUnmappedComplexProperty(
     ComplexConceptualProperty entityProperty, ComplexConceptualProperty currentProperty, string propertyName)
     if (currentProperty.ComplexType.Status == BindingStatus.Known)
         var severity = ValidationHelper.IsStorageModelEmpty(currentProperty.Artifact)
                            ? ErrorInfo.Severity.WARNING
                            : ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR;
         foreach (var property in currentProperty.ComplexType.Target.Properties())
             var ccp = property as ComplexConceptualProperty;
             if (ccp == null)
                 var unmapped = true;
                 foreach (var scalarProperty in property.GetAntiDependenciesOfType <ScalarProperty>())
                     var etm = scalarProperty.GetParentOfType(typeof(EntityTypeMapping)) as EntityTypeMapping;
                     if (etm != null &&
                         etm.FirstBoundConceptualEntityType == entityProperty.Parent)
                         unmapped = false;
                 if (unmapped)
                     var msg = String.Format(
                         CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.EscherValidation_UnmappedProperty,
                         propertyName + "." + property.LocalName.Value);
                         new ErrorInfo(
                             severity, msg, entityProperty, ErrorCodes.ESCHER_VALIDATOR_UNMAPPED_PROPERTY, ErrorClass.Escher_MSL));
                 CheckForUnmappedComplexProperty(entityProperty, ccp, propertyName + "." + ccp.LocalName.Value);
        private static ComplexProperty CreateComplexPropertyUsingEntity(
            CommandProcessorContext cpc, EntityType conceptualEntityType, ComplexConceptualProperty property, Property tableColumn)
            // the S-Side entity
            var storageEntityType = tableColumn.Parent as EntityType;

            Debug.Assert(storageEntityType != null, "tableColumn.Parent should be an EntityType");

            // get the fragment to use
            var mappingFragment = ModelHelper.FindMappingFragment(cpc, conceptualEntityType, tableColumn.EntityType, true);

            Debug.Assert(mappingFragment != null, "Failed to create the MappingFragment to house this ComplexProperty");
            if (mappingFragment == null)
                throw new ParentItemCreationFailureException();

            // now go do the real work
            var cp = CreateComplexPropertyUsingFragment(mappingFragment, property);

예제 #15
        protected override void InvokeInternal(CommandProcessorContext cpc)
            // get unique name for the property
            var propertyName = ModelHelper.GetUniqueName(typeof(ConceptualProperty), _parentComplexType, _clipboardProperty.PropertyName);

            if (!_clipboardProperty.IsComplexProperty)
                // scalar property case
                var cmd = new CreateComplexTypePropertyCommand(
                    propertyName, _parentComplexType, _clipboardProperty.PropertyType, _clipboardProperty.IsNullable);
                CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
                _createdProperty = cmd.Property;
                // complex property case
                // first try to find ComplexType by it's name
                var complexTypeNormalizedName = EFNormalizableItemDefaults.DefaultNameNormalizerForEDM(
                    _parentComplexType, _clipboardProperty.PropertyType);
                var         items       = _parentComplexType.Artifact.ArtifactSet.GetSymbolList(complexTypeNormalizedName.Symbol);
                ComplexType complexType = null;
                foreach (var efElement in items)
                    // the GetSymbolList() method might return more than one element so choose the first ComplexType
                    complexType = efElement as ComplexType;
                    if (complexType != null)
                if (complexType != null)
                    // if the ComplexType is found, simply use the create command
                    var cmd = new CreateComplexTypePropertyCommand(propertyName, _parentComplexType, complexType, false);
                    CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);
                    _createdProperty = cmd.Property;
                    // in this case we're going to create ComplexProperty with unresolved type
                    var complexProperty = new ComplexConceptualProperty(_parentComplexType, null);
                    // set the name and add to the parent entity
                    complexProperty.LocalName.Value = propertyName;

                    // set other attributes of the property
                    complexProperty.Nullable.Value = BoolOrNone.FalseValue;

                        complexProperty.ComplexType.Status != BindingStatus.Known,
                        "Why didn't we find the ComplexType in the ArtifactSet previously?");
                    _createdProperty = complexProperty;

            // safety check
            Debug.Assert(_createdProperty != null, "We didn't get good Property out of the command");
            if (_createdProperty != null)
                // set Property attributes
                var cmd2 = new SetConceptualPropertyFacetsCommand(
                    _createdProperty, _clipboardProperty.Default,
                    _clipboardProperty.ConcurrencyMode, _clipboardProperty.GetterAccessModifier, _clipboardProperty.SetterAccessModifier,
                    DefaultableValueBoolOrNone.GetFromNullableBool(_clipboardProperty.FixedLength), _clipboardProperty.Precision,
                    DefaultableValueBoolOrNone.GetFromNullableBool(_clipboardProperty.Unicode), _clipboardProperty.Collation);
                CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd2);
        protected override void InvokeInternal(CommandProcessorContext cpc)
            // safety check, this should never be hit
            Debug.Assert(ParentComplexType != null, "InvokeInternal is called when ParentComplexType is null.");
            if (ParentComplexType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("InvokeInternal is called when ParentComplexType is null");

            Debug.Assert(!(Type == null && ComplexType == null), "InvokeInternal is called when Type or ComplexType is null.");
            if (Type == null &&
                ComplexType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("InvokeInternal is called when Type and ComplexType is null");

            // check for uniqueness
            string msg;

            if (!ModelHelper.ValidateComplexTypePropertyName(ParentComplexType, Name, true, out msg))
                throw new CommandValidationFailedException(msg);

            // check for ComplexType circular definition
            if (ComplexType != null)
                if (ModelHelper.ContainsCircularComplexTypeDefinition(ParentComplexType, ComplexType))
                    throw new CommandValidationFailedException(
                                  CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_CircularComplexTypeDefinitionOnAdd, ComplexType.LocalName.Value));
            // create the property
            Property property = null;

            if (Type != null)
                var conceptualProperty = new ConceptualProperty(ParentComplexType, null);
                property = conceptualProperty;
                var complexProperty = new ComplexConceptualProperty(ParentComplexType, null);
                property = complexProperty;
            Debug.Assert(property != null, "property should not be null");
            if (property == null)
                throw new ItemCreationFailureException();

            // set the name and add to the parent entity
            property.LocalName.Value = Name;

            // set other attributes of the property
            if (Nullable != null)
                property.Nullable.Value = (Nullable.Value ? BoolOrNone.TrueValue : BoolOrNone.FalseValue);

            _createdProperty = property;
예제 #17
        protected override void InvokeInternal(CommandProcessorContext cpc)
            // safety check, this should never be hit
            Debug.Assert(EntityType != null, "InvokeInternal is called when EntityType is null.");
            if (EntityType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("InvokeInternal is called when EntityType is null");

            // check for uniqueness
            string msg;

            if (!ModelHelper.ValidateEntityPropertyName(EntityType, Name, true, out msg))
                throw new CommandValidationFailedException(msg);

            // create the property
            _createdProperty = new ComplexConceptualProperty(EntityType, null, _insertPosition);

            // set the name and add to the parent entity
            _createdProperty.LocalName.Value = Name;
            if (ComplexType != null)
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_typeName))
                // separate this name into the namespace and name parts
                string typeNamespace;
                string typeLocalName;
                EFNormalizableItemDefaults.SeparateRefNameIntoParts(_typeName, out typeNamespace, out typeLocalName);

                // look to see if the referenced complex type exists (it may not if they are pasting across models)
                // just search on local name since two models will have different namespaces probably
                ComplexType type = null;
                var         cem  = EntityType.EntityModel as ConceptualEntityModel;
                foreach (var c in cem.ComplexTypes())
                    if (string.Compare(typeLocalName, c.LocalName.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        type = c;

                // set the complex type reference
                if (type == null)
                    // if we didn't find the complex type locally, write out the type name - but for the local namespace
                    // this will let the user subsequently copy the complex type and this property will start working again
                    var typeSymbol = new Symbol(cem.Namespace.Value, typeLocalName);

            // runtime does not support nullable complex properties, need to set it to false since the default is true
            _createdProperty.Nullable.Value = BoolOrNone.FalseValue;

예제 #18
        private static FunctionComplexProperty CreateNewFunctionComplexProperty(EFElement parent, ComplexConceptualProperty property)
            Debug.Assert(property != null,
                         "CreateFunctionComplexPropertyCommand.CreateNewFunctionComplexProperty() received null property");
                (property.ComplexType.Target != null,
                + ".CreateNewFunctionComplexProperty() received property with null ComplexType.Target");

            // actually create it in the XLinq tree
            var fcp = new FunctionComplexProperty(parent, null);



            if (fcp == null)
                throw new ItemCreationFailureException();

                fcp.Name.Target != null && fcp.Name.Target.LocalName.Value == fcp.Name.RefName,
                (fcp.Name.Target == null
                     ? "Broken property resolution for FunctionComplexProperty " + fcp.ToPrettyString() + ": null Target"
                     : "Broken property resolution for FunctionComplexProperty " + fcp.ToPrettyString() + ": Target.LocalName = "
                 + fcp.Name.Target.LocalName.Value + ", RefName = " + fcp.Name.RefName));
