예제 #1
 public void CompilesTemplate()
     TemplateService.Setup(x => x.Compile(TemplateString, typeof(object), CacheName));
     _template.SetupGet(x => x.Meta).Returns(new OdfMetadata(typeof(object)));
     _template.SetupGet(x => x.Content).Returns(TemplateString);
     _sut.Compile(_template.Object, CacheName);
     TemplateService.Verify(x => x.Compile(TemplateString, typeof(object), CacheName));
예제 #2
        public void IntegrationTest()
            const string templatePath            = @"..\..\Test Templates\Modeled Basic Template.odt";
            const string reportPath              = @"..\..\Generated Reports\Very Basic Report.odt";
            const string expectedReportPath      = @"..\..\Expected Report Outputs\Very Basic Report.odt";
            var          templateFactory         = new TemplateFactory();
            var          zipFactory              = new ZipFactory();
            var          readerFactory           = new StreamReaderWrapperFactory();
            var          zipHandlerService       = new ZipHandlerService(readerFactory);
            var          buildOdfMetadataService = new BuildOdfMetadataService();
            var          xmlNamespaceService     = new XmlNamespaceService();
            var          xDocumentParserService  = new XDocumentParserService();
            var          odfHandlerService       = new OdfHandlerService(zipFactory, zipHandlerService, buildOdfMetadataService,
                                                                         xmlNamespaceService, xDocumentParserService);

            var templateService = new TemplateBuilderService(templateFactory, odfHandlerService,
                                                             xmlNamespaceService, xDocumentParserService);
            var document = File.ReadAllBytes(templatePath);

            var template             = templateService.BuildTemplate(document);
            var razorTemplateService = new TemplateService();
            var compileService       = new CompileService(razorTemplateService);

            compileService.Compile(template, "Template 1");

            var reportService = new ReportGeneratorService(new ZipFactory(), razorTemplateService);

            using (var report = new FileStream(reportPath, FileMode.Create))
                reportService.BuildReport(template, new BasicModel {
                    Name = "Fancypants McSnooterson"
                }, report);
            var diffs = GetDifferences(expectedReportPath, reportPath);
            var thereAreDifferences = diffs.HasDifferences();

예제 #3
        public void CorrectSourceCSCompileTest()
            var actualResult = CompileService.Compile(
                this.correctCsSourceCode, CSLanguageType, this.emptyInput, this.emptyOutput, Timelimit, Memorylimit);

            Assert.AreEqual(AcceptedTestResult, actualResult);
예제 #4
        public void CompileServiceTest()
            var          compileService = new CompileService();
            var          source         = CompileServiceLanguageSourceCode.CPPCorrectSourceCode;
            const string Language       = "CPP8";
            var          input          = new string[0];
            var          output         = new string[0];
            var          inputStrings   = new[] { "1 2" };
            var          outputStrings  = new[] { "12" };

            string expected;

            // compile with incorrect language parameter
                expected = compileService.Compile(source, "IncorrectLanguageName", input, output, 100, 100);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, true);
            catch (Exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(true, true);

                expected = compileService.Compile(source, string.Empty, input, output, 100, 100);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, true);
            catch (Exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(true, true);

            // compile with incorrect timelimit parameter
                expected = compileService.Compile(source, Language, inputStrings, outputStrings, -5, 100);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, true);
            catch (Exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(true, true);

            // compile with incorrect memorylimit parameter
                expected = compileService.Compile(source, Language, inputStrings, outputStrings, 100, -5);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, true);
            catch (Exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(true, true);

            // compile with correct parameters
                input    = new[] { "2 5", "7 5" };
                output   = new[] { "25", "75" };
                expected = compileService.Compile(source, Language, input, output, 1000, 1000);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, "Accepted");
            catch (Exception)
                Assert.AreEqual(false, true);