예제 #1
        public static int BentConnections(bool ignoreAnnos)
            return(Project.Current.Elements.OfType <Connection>().Count(p => {
                var port1 = (Room.CompassPort)p.VertexList[0].Port;
                var port2 = (Room.CompassPort)p.VertexList[1].Port;

                if (port1 == null || port2 == null)
                    return false;

                var firstRoomConnectionDir = port1.CompassPoint;
                var secondRoomConnectionDir = port2.CompassPoint;

                if (ignoreAnnos)
                    return !Project.Current.Canvas.EqualEnough(firstRoomConnectionDir, CompassPointHelper.GetOpposite(secondRoomConnectionDir));
                if (p.VertexList[0].Connection.StartText != "" || p.VertexList[1].Connection.EndText != "")
                    return false;

                // if the port directions are not (roughly) opposite, then we have a bent connection. Note NN(EW) = N, WW(NS) = W, etc.
                return !Project.Current.Canvas.EqualEnough(firstRoomConnectionDir, CompassPointHelper.GetOpposite(secondRoomConnectionDir));
예제 #2
        Room IAutomapCanvas.CreateRoom(Room existing, AutomapDirection directionFromExisting, string roomName, string line)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(existing))
                // avoid issues if the user has just deleted the existing room

            var room = new Room(Project.Current)
                Name = roomName

            if (line != roomName)
                room.SubTitle = line.Replace(roomName, "");

            Vector delta;

            positionRelativeTo(room, existing, CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(directionFromExisting), out delta);

            if (anyRoomsIntersect(room))
                ShiftMap(room.InnerBounds, delta);
                Debug.WriteLine("Shift map.");


예제 #3
        public void Element(string localName, CompassPoint value)
            string name;

            if (CompassPointHelper.ToName(value, out name))
                Writer.WriteElementString(localName, name);
예제 #4
        public void Value(CompassPoint value)
            string name;

            if (CompassPointHelper.ToName(value, out name))
예제 #5
        public void Attribute(string localName, CompassPoint value)
            string name;

            if (CompassPointHelper.ToName(value, out name))
                Writer.WriteAttributeString(localName, name);
예제 #6
        public CompassPoint ToCompassPoint(CompassPoint defaultValue)
            CompassPoint point;

            if (CompassPointHelper.FromName(Text, out point))
예제 #7
        private static void positionRelativeTo(Room room, Room existing, CompassPoint existingCompassPoint, out Vector delta)
            delta    = CompassPointHelper.GetAutomapDirectionVector(existingCompassPoint);
            delta.X *= Settings.PreferredDistanceBetweenRooms + room.Width;
            delta.Y *= Settings.PreferredDistanceBetweenRooms + room.Height;

            var newRoomCenter = existing.InnerBounds.Center + delta;

            room.Position = Settings.Snap(new Vector(newRoomCenter.X - room.Width / 2, newRoomCenter.Y - room.Height / 2));
예제 #8
        private void writeDoor(TextWriter writer, Location location, AutomapDirection direction, Exit exit)
            var oppositeDirection = CompassPointHelper.GetOpposite(direction);
            var reciprocal        = exit.Target.GetBestExit(oppositeDirection);

            writer.WriteLine($"{exit.ConnectionName} is a door. {exit.ConnectionName} is {direction.ToString().ToLower()} of {location.ExportName} and {oppositeDirection.ToString().ToLower()} of {exit.Target.ExportName}.  ");
            writer.WriteLine($"{exit.ConnectionName} is {(exit.Door.Open ? "open" : "closed")} and {(exit.Door.Openable ? "openable" : "not openable")}.");
            writer.WriteLine($"{exit.ConnectionName} is {(exit.Door.Locked ? "locked" : "unlocked")} and {(exit.Door.Lockable ? "lockable" : "not lockable")}.");
            writer.WriteLine($"The description of {exit.ConnectionName} is {toInform7PrintableString(exit.ConnectionDescription)}.");
            reciprocal.Exported = true;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 ///   Test whether an exit is reciprocated in the other direction; i.e. is there a bidirectional connection.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsReciprocated(Location source, AutomapDirection direction, Location target)
     if (target != null)
         var oppositeDirection = CompassPointHelper.GetOpposite(direction);
         var reciprocal        = target.GetBestExit(oppositeDirection);
         if (reciprocal != null)
             Debug.Assert(reciprocal.PrimaryDirection == oppositeDirection || reciprocal.SecondaryDirection == oppositeDirection, "Alleged opposite direction appears to lead somewhere else. Something went wrong whilst building the set of exits from each room.");
             return(reciprocal.Target == source);
예제 #10
        private void writeDoor(TextWriter writer, Location location, MappableDirection direction, Exit exit)
            var oppositeDirection = CompassPointHelper.GetOpposite(direction);
            var reciprocal        = exit.Target.GetBestExit(oppositeDirection);

            writer.WriteLine("Object {0} {1}", GetExportName(exit.ConnectionName, null), exit.ConnectionDescription);
            writer.WriteLine("  with  name {0},", toI6Words(Deaccent(stripUnaccentedCharacters(exit.ConnectionName))));
            writer.WriteLine("        description {0},", toI6String(exit.ConnectionDescription, DOUBLE_QUOTE));
            writer.WriteLine("        found_in {0} {1},", location.ExportName, exit.Target.ExportName);
            writer.WriteLine("        door_to [; if (self in {0}) return {1}; return {0};],", location.ExportName, exit.Target.ExportName);
            writer.WriteLine("        door_dir [; if (self in {0}) return {1}; return {2}; ],", location.ExportName, toI6PropertyName(direction), toI6PropertyName(oppositeDirection));
            writer.WriteLine("  has   door {0} {1} {2} {3} ;", exit.Door.Openable ? "openable" : string.Empty, exit.Door.Open ? "open" : "~open", exit.Door.Lockable ? "lockable" : string.Empty, exit.Door.Locked ? "locked" : "~locked");
            reciprocal.Exported = true;
예제 #11
        private static void annotate(XGraphics graphics, Palette palette, LineSegment lineSegment, TextBlock text, StringAlignment alignment)
            Vector point;
            var    delta = lineSegment.Delta;

            switch (alignment)
                point = lineSegment.Start;

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                point = lineSegment.Mid;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                point = lineSegment.End;

            var bounds = new Rect(point, Vector.Zero);


            float angle;
            var   compassPoint = CompassPointHelper.DirectionFromAngle(out angle, delta);

            var pos    = bounds.GetCorner(compassPoint);
            var format = new XStringFormat();

            Drawing.SetAlignmentFromCardinalOrOrdinalDirection(format, compassPoint);
            if (alignment == StringAlignment.Center && Numeric.InRange(angle, -10, 10))
                // HACK: if the line segment is pretty horizontal and we're drawing mid-line text,
                // move text below the line to get it out of the way of any labels at the ends,
                // and center the text so it fits onto a line between two proximal rooms.
                pos = bounds.GetCorner(CompassPoint.South);
                format.Alignment     = XStringAlignment.Center;
                format.LineAlignment = XLineAlignment.Near;

            if (!Settings.DebugDisableTextRendering)
                text.Draw(graphics, Settings.SubtitleFont, palette.LineTextBrush, pos, Vector.Zero, format);
예제 #12
        void IAutomapCanvas.RemoveExitStub(Room room, MappableDirection direction)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(room))

            var compassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(direction);

            foreach (var connection in room.GetConnections(compassPoint))
                var source = connection.GetSourceRoom(out var sourceCompassPoint);
                var target = connection.GetTargetRoom(out var targetCompassPoint);
                if (source == room && target == room && sourceCompassPoint == compassPoint && targetCompassPoint == compassPoint)
예제 #13
        private static void writeNormalExit(TextWriter writer, Location location, AutomapDirection direction, Exit exit)
            writer.Write($"{getInform7Name(direction)} of {location.ExportName} is {exit.Target.ExportName}.");
            var oppositeDirection = CompassPointHelper.GetOpposite(direction);

            if (Exit.IsReciprocated(location, direction, exit.Target))
                // only export each connection once, if reciprocated;
                // I7 will infer that the direction is two way unless contradicted.
                var reciprocal = exit.Target.GetBestExit(oppositeDirection);
                reciprocal.Exported = true;
            else if (exit.Target.GetBestExit(oppositeDirection) == null)
                // if we aren't laying down a contradiction which I7 will pick up,
                // then be clear about one way connections.
                writer.Write($" {getInform7Name(oppositeDirection)} of {exit.Target.ExportName} is nowhere.");
예제 #14
        void IAutomapCanvas.RemoveExitStub(Room room, AutomapDirection direction)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(room))
                // avoid issues if the user has just deleted one of these rooms

            var compassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(direction);

            foreach (var connection in room.GetConnections(compassPoint))
                CompassPoint sourceCompassPoint, targetCompassPoint;
                var          source = connection.GetSourceRoom(out sourceCompassPoint);
                var          target = connection.GetTargetRoom(out targetCompassPoint);
                if (source == room && target == room && sourceCompassPoint == compassPoint && targetCompassPoint == compassPoint)
예제 #15
        void IAutomapCanvas.AddExitStub(Room room, MappableDirection direction)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(room))

            var sourceCompassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(direction);
            var connection         = addConnection(room, sourceCompassPoint, room, sourceCompassPoint);

            switch (direction)
            case MappableDirection.Up:
                connection.StartText = Connection.Up;

            case MappableDirection.Down:
                connection.StartText = Connection.Down;
예제 #16
        void IAutomapCanvas.AddExitStub(Room room, AutomapDirection direction)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(room))
                // avoid issues if the user has just deleted one of these rooms

            var sourceCompassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(direction);
            var connection         = addConnection(room, sourceCompassPoint, room, sourceCompassPoint);

            switch (direction)
            case AutomapDirection.Up:
                connection.StartText = Connection.Up;

            case AutomapDirection.Down:
                connection.StartText = Connection.Down;
예제 #17
        public void DrawBlock(XGraphics graphics)
            var bounds = new Rect(Segment.Start, Vector.Zero);

            var  compassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassPointFromDirectionVector(Segment.Delta);
            var  pos          = bounds.GetCorner(compassPoint);
            Size offsets      = new Size(0, 0);

            switch (compassPoint)
            case CompassPoint.NorthWest:
                offsets.Height = -(Offset * 12);
                offsets.Width  = -(Offset * 10) - HORIZONTAL_LINE_OFFSET;

            case CompassPoint.NorthEast:
                offsets.Height = -(Offset * 12);
                offsets.Width  = (Offset * 10) + HORIZONTAL_STEM_OFFSET;

            case CompassPoint.SouthEast:
                offsets.Height = (Offset * 12);
                offsets.Width  = (Offset * 10) + HORIZONTAL_LINE_OFFSET;

            case CompassPoint.SouthWest:
                offsets.Height = (Offset * 12) + VERTICAL_LINE_OFFSET;
                offsets.Width  = -(Offset * 10);

            case CompassPoint.East:
                offsets.Height = VERTICAL_LINE_OFFSET;
                offsets.Width  = (Offset * 16) + HORIZONTAL_STEM_OFFSET;

            case CompassPoint.West:
                offsets.Height = VERTICAL_LINE_OFFSET;
                offsets.Width  = -(Offset * 16) - (HORIZONTAL_LINE_OFFSET);

            case CompassPoint.South:
                offsets.Height = (Offset * 16) + VERTICAL_STEM_OFFSET;
                offsets.Width  = -HORIZONTAL_LINE_OFFSET;

            case CompassPoint.North:
                offsets.Height = -(Offset * 16) - VERTICAL_STEM_OFFSET;
                offsets.Width  = -HORIZONTAL_LINE_OFFSET;

            //      int dist = 15;
//      if (compassPoint == CompassPoint.NorthWest)
//        bounds.Inflate(-dist, -dist + 9);
//      if (compassPoint == CompassPoint.NorthEast)
//        bounds.Inflate(-dist - 5, -dist);
//      if (compassPoint == CompassPoint.SouthEast)
//        bounds.Inflate(-dist, dist - 9);
//      if (compassPoint == CompassPoint.SouthWest)
//        bounds.Inflate(-dist, -dist);

            graphics.DrawImage(Image, pos.ToPointF() + offsets);
예제 #18
        protected override void ExportContent(TextWriter writer)
            // export location
            bool needConditionalFunction = false, wroteConditionalFunction = false;

            foreach (var location in LocationsInExportOrder)
                location.Exported = true;

                writer.WriteLine($"<ROOM {location.ExportName}");
                writer.WriteLine($"    (DESC {toZILString(location.Room.Name)})");
                writer.Write($"    (IN ROOMS)");

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Room.PrimaryDescription))
                    writer.Write($"    (LDESC {toZILString(location.Room.PrimaryDescription)})");

                foreach (var direction in AllDirections)
                    var exit = location.GetBestExit(direction);
                    if (exit != null && exit.Conditional)
                        writer.Write($"    ({toZILPropertyName(direction)} PER TRIZBORT-CONDITIONAL-EXIT)");
                        needConditionalFunction = true;
                    else if (exit != null)
                        writer.Write($"    ({toZILPropertyName(direction)} TO {exit.Target.ExportName})");
                        var oppositeDirection = CompassPointHelper.GetOpposite(direction);
                        if (Exit.IsReciprocated(location, direction, exit.Target))
                            var reciprocal = exit.Target.GetBestExit(oppositeDirection);
                            reciprocal.Exported = true;

                if (!location.Room.IsDark)
                    writer.Write("    (FLAGS LIGHTBIT)");

                if (needConditionalFunction && !wroteConditionalFunction)
                    writer.WriteLine("<ROUTINE TRIZBORT-CONDITIONAL-EXIT ()");
                    writer.WriteLine($"    <TELL {DOUBLE_QUOTE}An export nymph appears on your keyboard. She says, 'You can't go that way, as that exit was marked as conditional, you know, a dotted line, in Trizbort. Obviously in your game you'll have a better rationale for this than, er, me.' She looks embarrassed. 'Bye!'{DOUBLE_QUOTE} CR>");
                    writer.WriteLine("    <RFALSE>>");
                    wroteConditionalFunction = true;

                exportThings(writer, location.Things, null, 1);
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 ///   Approximately match two directions, allowing for aesthetic rearrangement by the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   Two compass points match if they are on the same side of a box representing the room.
 /// </remarks>
 private static bool approximateDirectionMatch(CompassPoint one, CompassPoint two)
     return(CompassPointHelper.GetAutomapDirectionVector(one) == CompassPointHelper.GetAutomapDirectionVector(two));
예제 #20
        private async Task ProcessTranscriptText(List <string> lines)
            string previousLine = null;

            for (var index = 0; index < lines.Count; ++index)
                var    line = lines[index];
                string roomName;
                if (ExtractRoomName(line, previousLine, out roomName))
                    string roomDescription;
                    ExtractParagraph(lines, index + 1, out roomDescription);

                    // work out which room the transcript is referring to here, asking them if necessary
                    var room = FindRoom(roomName, roomDescription, line);
                    if (room == null)
                        // new room
                        if (m_lastKnownRoom != null && m_lastMoveDirection != null)
                            // player moved to new room
                            // is there already a connection in that direction?
                            var mOtherRoom = m_lastKnownRoom.GetConnections(CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(m_lastMoveDirection.Value)).FirstOrDefault()?.GetTargetRoom();
                            if (mOtherRoom != null)
                                var frm = new AutomapRoomSameDirectionDialog {
                                    Room1 = mOtherRoom,
                                    Room2 = roomName

                                switch (frm.Result)
                                case AutomapSameDirectionResult.KeepRoom1:

                                case AutomapSameDirectionResult.KeepRoom2:
                                    room = m_canvas.CreateRoom(m_lastKnownRoom, m_lastMoveDirection.Value, roomName, line);
                                    m_canvas.Connect(m_lastKnownRoom, m_lastMoveDirection.Value, room, m_settings.AssumeTwoWayConnections);

                                case AutomapSameDirectionResult.KeepBoth:
                                    room = m_canvas.CreateRoom(m_lastKnownRoom, m_lastMoveDirection.Value, roomName, line);
                                    m_canvas.Connect(m_lastKnownRoom, m_lastMoveDirection.Value, room, m_settings.AssumeTwoWayConnections);

                                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                                // if not added already, add room to map; and join it up to the previous one
                                room = m_canvas.CreateRoom(m_lastKnownRoom, m_lastMoveDirection.Value, roomName, line);
                                m_canvas.Connect(m_lastKnownRoom, m_lastMoveDirection.Value, room, m_settings.AssumeTwoWayConnections);
                                Trace("{0}: {1} is now {2} from {3}.", FormatTranscriptLineForDisplay(line), roomName, m_lastMoveDirection.Value.ToString().ToLower(), m_lastKnownRoom.Name);
                            if ((m_firstRoom) || (m_gameName == roomName))
                                // most likely this is the game title
                                m_firstRoom = false;
                                m_gameName  = roomName;
                                await WaitForStep();
                                // player teleported to new room;
                                // don't connect it up, as we don't know how they got there
                                room = m_canvas.CreateRoom(m_lastKnownRoom, roomName);
                                if (m_lastKnownRoom == null)
                                    room.IsStartRoom = true;
                                Trace("{0}: teleported to new room, {1}.", FormatTranscriptLineForDisplay(line), roomName);
                                await WaitForStep();
                        if (room != null)
                            DeduceExitsFromDescription(room, roomDescription);
                        await WaitForStep();
                    else if (room != m_lastKnownRoom)
                        // player moved to existing room
                        if (m_lastKnownRoom != null && m_lastMoveDirection != null)
                            // player moved sensibly; ensure rooms are connected up
                            m_canvas.Connect(m_lastKnownRoom, m_lastMoveDirection.Value, room, m_settings.AssumeTwoWayConnections);
                            Trace("{0}: {1} is now {2} from {3}.", FormatTranscriptLineForDisplay(line), roomName, m_lastMoveDirection.Value.ToString().ToLower(), m_lastKnownRoom.Name);

                        await WaitForStep();
                        // player didn't change rooms
                        Trace("{0}: still in {1}.", FormatTranscriptLineForDisplay(line), m_lastKnownRoom.Name);

                    // add this description if the room doesn't have it already
                    if (room != null)

                    // now forget the last movement direction we saw.
                    // we'll still place any rooms we see before we see a movement direction,
                    // but we won't join them up to this room.
                    // we might end up caring if, for example, the user gives multiple commands at one prompt,
                    // or they're moved to one room and then teleported to another.
                    m_lastMoveDirection = null;
                    Trace("{0}: {1}{2}{3}", FormatTranscriptLineForDisplay(line), HaveFailureReason() ? "not a room name because " : string.Empty, GetFailureReason(), HaveFailureReason() ? "." : string.Empty);
                previousLine = line;
예제 #21
        void IAutomapCanvas.Connect(Room source, AutomapDirection directionFromSource, Room target, bool assumeTwoWayConnections)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(source) || !Project.Current.Elements.Contains(target))
                // avoid issues if the user has just deleted one of these rooms

            // work out the correct compass point to use for the given direction

            // look for existing connections:
            // if the given direction is up/down/in/out, any existing connection will suffice;
            // otherwise, only match an existing connection if it's pretty close to the one we want.
            var          sourceCompassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(directionFromSource);

            switch (directionFromSource)
            case AutomapDirection.Up:
            case AutomapDirection.Down:
            case AutomapDirection.In:
            case AutomapDirection.Out:
                acceptableSourceCompassPoint = null; // any existing connection will do

                acceptableSourceCompassPoint = sourceCompassPoint;
            bool wrongWay;
            var  connection = findConnection(source, target, acceptableSourceCompassPoint, out wrongWay);

            if (connection == null)
                // there is no suitable connection between these rooms:
                var targetCompassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetAutomapOpposite(sourceCompassPoint);

                // check whether we can move one of the rooms to make the connection tidier;
                // we won't need this very often, but it can be useful especially if the user teleports into a room
                // and then steps out into an existing one (this can appear to happen if the user moves into a
                // dark room, turns on the light, then leaves).
                tryMoveRoomsForTidyConnection(source, sourceCompassPoint, target, targetCompassPoint);

                // add a new connection
                connection = addConnection(source, sourceCompassPoint, target, targetCompassPoint);

                if (mAutomap.UseDottedConnection)
                    connection.Style             = ConnectionStyle.Dashed;
                    mAutomap.UseDottedConnection = false;
                    connection.Style = ConnectionStyle.Solid;

                connection.Flow = assumeTwoWayConnections ? ConnectionFlow.TwoWay : ConnectionFlow.OneWay;
            else if (wrongWay)
                // there is a suitable connection between these rooms, but it goes the wrong way;
                // make it bidirectional since we can now go both ways.
                connection.Flow = ConnectionFlow.TwoWay;

            // if this is an up/down/in/out connection, mark it as such;
            // but don't override any existing text.
            switch (directionFromSource)
            case AutomapDirection.Up:
            case AutomapDirection.Down:
            case AutomapDirection.In:
            case AutomapDirection.Out:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection.StartText) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection.EndText))
                    switch (directionFromSource)
                    case AutomapDirection.Up:
                        connection.SetText(wrongWay ? ConnectionLabel.Down : ConnectionLabel.Up);

                    case AutomapDirection.Down:
                        connection.SetText(wrongWay ? ConnectionLabel.Up : ConnectionLabel.Down);

                    case AutomapDirection.In:
                        connection.SetText(wrongWay ? ConnectionLabel.Out : ConnectionLabel.In);

                    case AutomapDirection.Out:
                        connection.SetText(wrongWay ? ConnectionLabel.In : ConnectionLabel.Out);
예제 #22
        private void ProcessPromptCommand(string command)
            // unless we find one, this command does not involve moving in a given direction
            m_lastMoveDirection = null;

            // first process trizbort commands
            if (command.ToUpper().StartsWith(m_settings.AddRegionCommand.ToUpper()))
                var regionName = command.Substring(m_settings.AddRegionCommand.Length).Trim();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionName) && m_lastKnownRoom != null)
                    // region already exists, just set the room to it
                    if (Settings.Regions.Find(p => p.RegionName.Equals(regionName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) == null)
                        Settings.Regions.Add(new Region {
                            RegionName = regionName, TextColor = Settings.Color[Colors.Subtitle], RColor = System.Drawing.Color.White
                    m_lastKnownRoom.Region = regionName;


            if (command.ToUpper().StartsWith(m_settings.AddObjectCommand.ToUpper()))
                // the user wants to add an object to the map
                var objectName = command.Substring(m_settings.AddObjectCommand.Length).Trim();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectName) && m_lastKnownRoom != null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_lastKnownRoom.Objects))
                        var alreadyExists = false;
                        foreach (var line in m_lastKnownRoom.Objects.Replace("\r", string.Empty).Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                            if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(line.Trim(), objectName) == 0)
                                alreadyExists = true;
                        if (!alreadyExists)
                            m_lastKnownRoom.Objects += "\r\n" + objectName;
                        m_lastKnownRoom.Objects = objectName;

            // TODO: We entirely don't handle "go east. n. s then w." etc. and I don't see an easy way of doing so.

            // split the command into individual words
            var parts = command.Split(s_wordSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (parts.Length == 0)
                // there's no command left over

            // strip out words we consider fluff, like "to".
            var words = new List <string>();

            foreach (var word in parts)
                var stripWord = false;
                foreach (var strippable in s_wordsToStripFromCommands)
                    if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(word, strippable) == 0)
                        stripWord = true;
                if (word[0] == '[')
                    for (var temp = 1; temp < word.Length; temp++)
                        if (word[temp] == ']')
                            stripWord = true;
                        if ((word[temp] < '0') || (word[temp] > '9'))

                if (stripWord)


            // if the command starts with a word meaning "go", remove it.
            if (words.Count > 0)
                foreach (var wordMeaningGo in s_wordsMeaningGo)
                    if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(words[0], wordMeaningGo) == 0)

            if ((words.Count == 2) && (words[0].Equals("trypush")))
                foreach (var pair in s_namesForMovementCommands)
                    var direction         = pair.Key;
                    var wordsForDirection = pair.Value;
                    foreach (var wordForDirection in wordsForDirection)
                        if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(words[1], wordForDirection) == 0)
                            Vector delta = CompassPointHelper.GetAutomapDirectionVector(CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(direction));
                            delta.X *= m_lastKnownRoom.Width + Settings.PreferredDistanceBetweenRooms;
                            delta.X += m_lastKnownRoom.X;
                            delta.Y *= m_lastKnownRoom.Height + Settings.PreferredDistanceBetweenRooms;
                            delta.Y += m_lastKnownRoom.Y;
                            m_lastKnownRoom.Position = Settings.Snap(delta);

            // look for custom tb trizbort commands
            if (words.Count > 0)
                if (words[0].Equals("tb", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (words.Count > 1)
                        if (words[1].Equals("dotted", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            UseDottedConnection = true;

                        if (words[1].Equals("exit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            if (words.Count > 2)
                                var direction = getDirection(words[2]);
                                if (direction != MappableDirection.None)
                                    m_canvas.AddExitStub(m_lastKnownRoom, direction);

                        if (words[1].Equals("noexit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            if (words.Count > 2)
                                var direction = getDirection(words[2]);
                                if (direction != MappableDirection.None)
                                    m_canvas.RemoveExitStub(m_lastKnownRoom, direction);

            // we should have just one word left
            if (words.Count != 1)
                // we have no words left, or more than one

            // the word we have left is hopefully a direction
            var possibleDirection = words[0];

            // work out which direction it is, if any
            foreach (var pair in s_namesForMovementCommands)
                var direction         = pair.Key;
                var wordsForDirection = pair.Value;
                foreach (var wordForDirection in wordsForDirection)
                    if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(possibleDirection, wordForDirection) == 0)
                        // aha, we know which direction it was
                        m_lastMoveDirection = direction;

                        // remove any stub exit in this direction;
                        // we'll either add a proper connection shortly, or they player can't go that way
                        m_canvas.RemoveExitStub(m_lastKnownRoom, m_lastMoveDirection.Value);


            // the word wasn't for a direction after all.
예제 #23
        protected override void ExportContent(TextWriter writer)
            // export regions
            foreach (var region in RegionsInExportOrder)
                writer.WriteLine("There is a region called {0}.", getExportName(region.ExportName, null));

            // export each location
            foreach (var location in LocationsInExportOrder)
                // remember we've exported this location
                location.Exported = true;

                // tiresome format, avoids I7 errors:
                // these can occur with rooms called "West of House", or one room called "Cave" and one called "Damp Cave", etc.
                writer.Write("There is a room called {0}.", location.ExportName);
                if (location.ExportName != location.Room.Name)
                    writer.Write(" The printed name of it is {0}.", toInform7PrintableString(location.Room.Name));
                var description = location.Room.PrimaryDescription;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                    writer.Write(" {0}{1}", toInform7PrintableString(description), description.EndsWith(".") ? string.Empty : ".");
                if (location.Room.IsDark)
                    writer.Write(" It is dark.");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(location.Room.Region) && !location.Room.Region.Equals(Region.DefaultRegion))
                    writer.Write(" It is in {0}.", RegionsInExportOrder.Find(p => p.Region.RegionName == location.Room.Region).ExportName);

                writer.WriteLine(); // end the previous line
                writer.WriteLine(); // blank line

            // export the chosen exits from each location.
            foreach (var location in LocationsInExportOrder)
                // export the chosen exits from this location.
                foreach (var direction in AllDirections)
                    var exit = location.GetBestExit(direction);
                    if (exit != null && !exit.Exported)
                        // remember we've exported this exit
                        exit.Exported = true;

                        writer.Write("{0} of {1} is {2}.", getInform7Name(direction), location.ExportName, exit.Target.ExportName);
                        var oppositeDirection = CompassPointHelper.GetOpposite(direction);
                        if (Exit.IsReciprocated(location, direction, exit.Target))
                            // only export each connection once, if reciprocated;
                            // I7 will infer that the direction is two way unless contradicted.
                            var reciprocal = exit.Target.GetBestExit(oppositeDirection);
                            reciprocal.Exported = true;
                        else if (exit.Target.GetBestExit(oppositeDirection) == null)
                            // if we aren't laying down a contridiction which I7 will pick up,
                            // then be clear about one way connections.
                            writer.Write(" {0} of {1} is nowhere.", getInform7Name(oppositeDirection), exit.Target.ExportName);


            // if an exit is conditional, block it.
            var wroteConditionalFunction = false;

            foreach (var location in LocationsInExportOrder)
                foreach (var direction in AllDirections)
                    var exit = location.GetBestExit(direction);
                    if (exit != null && exit.Conditional)
                        if (!wroteConditionalFunction)
                            writer.WriteLine("To block conditional exits:");
                            writer.WriteLine("\tsay \"An export nymph appears on your keyboard. She says, 'You can't go that way, as that exit was marked as conditional, you know, a dotted line, in Trizbort. Obviously in your game you'll have a better rationale for this than, er, me.' She looks embarrassed. 'Bye!'\"");
                            wroteConditionalFunction = true;

                        writer.WriteLine("Instead of going {0} from {1}, block conditional exits.", getInform7Name(direction).ToLowerInvariant(), location.ExportName);

            if (wroteConditionalFunction)
                // add a blank line if we need one

            var exportedThings = false;

            foreach (var location in LocationsInExportOrder)
                foreach (var thing in location.Things)
                    exportedThings = true;
                    if (thing.Container == null)
                        writer.Write("{0}{1} {2} in {3}.", getArticle(thing.ExportName), thing.ExportName, isAre(thing.ExportName), thing.Location.ExportName);
                        writer.Write("{0}{1} {2} in the {3}.", getArticle(thing.ExportName), thing.ExportName, isAre(thing.ExportName), thing.Container.ExportName);
                    if (thing.DisplayName != thing.ExportName)
                        writer.Write(" It is privately-named. The printed name of it is {0}{1} Understand {2} as {3}.", toInform7PrintableString(thing.DisplayName), thing.DisplayName.EndsWith(".") ? string.Empty : ".", toInform7UnderstandWords(thing.DisplayName), thing.ExportName);

            if (exportedThings)
                // add a blank line if we need one