protected void Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // check login for current user and create his profile string userID = userNameTxt.Text; string password = password_txt.Text; string sql = "select * from pos.tusers where user_id=@user_id and password=@password and active = 1 "; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("@user_id", userID); parameters.Add("@password", password); DataTable result = new ConnectionManager().select(sql, parameters); if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0) { // here create profile for user and redirect him to home page for stat transaction UserProfile myProfile = new UserProfile(); myProfile.ID = result.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); myProfile.userID = result.Rows[0]["USER_ID"].ToString(); myProfile.Name = result.Rows[0]["NAME"].ToString(); sql = "select * from pos.tcompany where id in (select distinct(comp_id) " + " from pos.troles where id in (select role_id from pos.trole_usr where user_id=@id))"; parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("@id", myProfile.ID); List <CompanyBeans> company_result = new CompanyBeans().getAllCompany(sql, parameters); myProfile.userCompany.AddRange(company_result); sql = " SELECT A.ROLE_ID,OBJECT_ID,ACTION_ID , B.ID AS 'COMP_ID' FROM POS.TROLE_ACTION AS A " + " JOIN POS.TCOMPANY B ON A.ROLE_ID = B.ID " + " WHERE ROLE_ID IN (SELECT ID FROM POS.TROLE_USR WHERE USER_ID = @ID)"; parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("@ID", myProfile.ID); DataTable privilageResult = new ConnectionManager().select(sql, parameters); for (int i = 0; i < privilageResult.Rows.Count; i++) { string actionID = privilageResult.Rows[i]["ACTION_ID"].ToString(); string objectID = privilageResult.Rows[i]["OBJECT_ID"].ToString(); string roleID = privilageResult.Rows[i]["ROLE_ID"].ToString(); string CompanyID = privilageResult.Rows[i]["COMP_ID"].ToString(); AuthorizationMatrixBean authBean = new AuthorizationMatrixBean(); authBean.actionID = int.Parse(actionID); authBean.objectID = int.Parse(objectID); authBean.roleID = int.Parse(roleID); authBean.companyID = int.Parse(CompanyID); myProfile.authirzationMatrix.Add(authBean); } Session[SessionKeys.userProfile] = myProfile; Response.Redirect("~/pgs/home/index.aspx", true); } else { ResultMessage = "بيانات الدخول غير صحيحة برجاء المحاولة مرة اخرى"; new AlertScript().displayAlert(this, ResultMessage); } }
public UserProfile FillUser(string userID) { UserProfile myProfile = new UserProfile(); try { string sql = "select * from pos.tusers where user_id=@user_id "; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("@user_id", userID); DataTable dt =, parameters); myProfile.ID = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); myProfile.userID = dt.Rows[0]["USER_ID"].ToString(); myProfile.Name = dt.Rows[0]["NAME"].ToString(); sql = "select * from pos.tcompany where id in (select distinct(comp_id) " + " from pos.troles where id in (select role_id from pos.trole_usr where user_id=@id))"; parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("@id", myProfile.ID); List <CompanyBeans> company_result = new CompanyBeans().getAllCompany(sql, parameters); myProfile.userCompany.AddRange(company_result); sql = " SELECT A.ROLE_ID,OBJECT_ID,ACTION_ID , B.ID AS 'COMP_ID' FROM POS.TROLE_ACTION AS A " + " JOIN POS.TCOMPANY B ON A.ROLE_ID = B.ID " + " WHERE ROLE_ID IN (SELECT ID FROM POS.TROLE_USR WHERE USER_ID = @ID)"; parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("@ID", myProfile.ID); DataTable privilageResult =, parameters); for (int i = 0; i < privilageResult.Rows.Count; i++) { string actionID = privilageResult.Rows[i]["ACTION_ID"].ToString(); string objectID = privilageResult.Rows[i]["OBJECT_ID"].ToString(); string roleID = privilageResult.Rows[i]["ROLE_ID"].ToString(); string CompanyID = privilageResult.Rows[i]["COMP_ID"].ToString(); AuthorizationMatrixBean authBean = new AuthorizationMatrixBean(); authBean.actionID = int.Parse(actionID); authBean.objectID = int.Parse(objectID); authBean.roleID = int.Parse(roleID); authBean.companyID = int.Parse(CompanyID); myProfile.authirzationMatrix.Add(authBean); } } catch (Exception ee) { myLog.Error(ee); } return(myProfile); }