예제 #1
        /// <summary> Initialize all members with the given number of tiles and components.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nt">Number of tiles
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nc">Number of components
        /// </param>
        public DecoderSpecs(int nt, int nc)
            // Quantization
            qts  = new QuantTypeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
            qsss = new QuantStepSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
            gbs  = new GuardBitsSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);

            // Wavelet transform
            wfs = new SynWTFilterSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
            dls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);

            // Component transformation
            cts = new CompTransfSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);

            // Entropy decoder
            ecopts = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
            ers    = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);
            cblks  = new CBlkSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);

            // Precinct partition
            pss = new PrecinctSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, dls);

            // Codestream
            nls  = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
            pos  = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
            pcs  = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
            sops = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
            ephs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
            pphs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
            iccs = new ModuleSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE);
예제 #2
 /// <summary> Constructs a new ForwCompTransf object that operates on the
 /// specified source of image data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be
 /// transformed
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="decSpec">The decoder specifications
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="utdepth">The bit depth of the un-transformed components
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="pl">The command line optinons of the decoder
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
 /// </seealso>
 public InvCompTransf(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, DecoderSpecs decSpec, int[] utdepth, ParameterList pl) : base(imgSrc)
     this.cts     = decSpec.cts;
     this.wfs     = decSpec.wfs;
     src          = imgSrc;
     this.utdepth = utdepth;
     noCompTransf = !(pl.getBooleanParameter("comp_transf"));
예제 #3
 /// <summary> Initializes the source of compressed data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">From where to obtain the quantized data.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="rb">The number of "range bits" for each component (must be the
 /// "range bits" of the un-transformed components. For a definition of
 /// "range bits" see the getNomRangeBits() method.
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="getNomRangeBits">
 /// </seealso>
 public Dequantizer(CBlkQuantDataSrcDec src, int[] utrb, DecoderSpecs decSpec) : base(src)
     if (utrb.Length != src.NumComps)
         throw new System.ArgumentException();
     this.src  = src;
     this.utrb = utrb;
     this.cts  = decSpec.cts;
     this.wfs  = decSpec.wfs;
예제 #4
        /// <summary> Initialize all members with the given number of tiles and components
        /// and the command-line arguments stored in a ParameterList instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nt">Number of tiles
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nc">Number of components
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="imgsrc">The image source (used to get the image size)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance
        /// </param>
        public EncoderSpecs(int nt, int nc, BlkImgDataSrc imgsrc, ParameterList pl)
            nTiles = nt;
            nComp  = nc;

            // ROI
            rois = new MaxShiftSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP);

            // Quantization
            pl.checkList(Quantizer.OPT_PREFIX, CSJ2K.j2k.util.ParameterList.toNameArray(Quantizer.ParameterInfo));
            qts  = new QuantTypeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
            qsss = new QuantStepSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);
            gbs  = new GuardBitsSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);

            // Wavelet transform
            wfs = new AnWTFilterSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, qts, pl);
            dls = new IntegerSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl, "Wlev");

            // Component transformation
            cts = new ForwCompTransfSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, wfs, pl);

            // Entropy coder
            System.String[] strLcs = new System.String[] { "near_opt", "lazy_good", "lazy" };
            lcs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Clen_calc", strLcs, pl);
            System.String[] strTerm = new System.String[] { "near_opt", "easy", "predict", "full" };
            tts = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterm_type", strTerm, pl);
            System.String[] strBoolean = new System.String[] { "on", "off" };
            sss   = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cseg_symbol", strBoolean, pl);
            css   = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Ccausal", strBoolean, pl);
            rts   = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cterminate", strBoolean, pl);
            mqrs  = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "CresetMQ", strBoolean, pl);
            bms   = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, "Cbypass", strBoolean, pl);
            cblks = new CBlkSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, pl);

            // Precinct partition
            pss = new PrecinctSizeSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE_COMP, imgsrc, dls, pl);

            // Codestream
            sops = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Psop", strBoolean, pl);
            ephs = new StringSpec(nt, nc, ModuleSpec.SPEC_TYPE_TILE, "Peph", strBoolean, pl);
예제 #5
 /// <summary> Constructs a new ForwCompTransf object that operates on the specified
 /// source of image data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="imgSrc">The source from where to get the data to be transformed
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="encSpec">The encoder specifications
 /// </param>
 /// <seealso cref="BlkImgDataSrc">
 /// </seealso>
 public ForwCompTransf(BlkImgDataSrc imgSrc, EncoderSpecs encSpec) : base(imgSrc)
     this.cts = encSpec.cts;
     this.wfs = encSpec.wfs;
     src      = imgSrc;