private async void ConvertToForm_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //packetMsg.MessageBody = " //Message #1 \r\n //Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2016 12:29:03 PST\r\n //From: kz6dm\r\n //To: kz6dm\r\n //Subject: 6DM-907P_O/R_ICS213_Check-in\r\n //!PACF!6DM-907P_O/R_ICS213_Check-in\r\n //# EOC MESSAGE FORM \r\n //# JS-ver. PR-4.1-3.1, 01/19/17,\r\n //# FORMFILENAME: Message.html\r\n //MsgNo: [6DM - 907P]\r\n //1a.: [02/01/2016]\r\n //1b.: [1219]\r\n4.: [OTHER]\r\n5.: [ROUTINE]\r\n7.: [Operations]\r\n9a.: [MTVEOC]\r\n8.: [Operations]\r\n9b.: [HOSECM]\r\n10.: [Check-in]\r\n12.: [\\nMonday Check-in]\r\nRec-Sent: [sent]\r\nMethod: [Other]\r\nOther: [Packet]\r\nOpCall: [KZ6DM]\r\nOpName: [Poul Hansen]\r\nOpDate: []\r\nOpTime: []\r\n# EOF\r\n"; // read data //!PACF!6DM - 681P_O / R_ICS213_ghjhgj //# EOC MESSAGE FORM //# JS-ver. PR-4.1-3.1, 01/19/17 //# FORMFILENAME: Message.html //MsgNo: [6DM - 681P] //1a.: [03/01/18] //1b.: [1650] //4.: [OTHER] //5.: [ROUTINE] //9a.: [gfhjgfj] //9b.: [gfhjgfhj] //10.: [ghjhgj] //12.: [\nghjghj] //Rec-Sent: [sent] //Method: [Other] //Other: [Packet] //OpCall: [KZ6DM] //OpName: [Poul Hansen] //OpDate: [03/01/2018] //OpTime: [1652] //#EOF // Find type // do a navigate to forms with index and form id (maybe file name} PacketMessage message = new PacketMessage() { ReceivedTime = DateTime.Parse(messageReceivedTime.Text), MessageNumber = SettingsPageViewModel.GetMessageNumberPacket(), TNCName = "E-Mail", }; message.MessageBody = $"Date: {message.ReceivedTime}\r\n"; message.MessageBody += $"From: {messageTo.Text}\r\n"; message.MessageBody += $"To: {messageFrom.Text}\r\n"; message.MessageBody += $"Subject: {messageSubject.Text}\r\n"; message.MessageBody += PacFormText.Text; CommunicationsService communicationsService = CommunicationsService.CreateInstance(); communicationsService.CreatePacketMessageFromMessageAsync(ref message); }
public CommunicationsServiceTests() { long Id = singleEntity.Id; Mock = DefaultContextMock.GetMock(); MockSet = SetUpMock.SetUpFor(testEntities); Mock.Setup(c => c.Set <Communication>()).Returns(MockSet.Object); Mock.Setup(c => c.Communication).Returns(MockSet.Object); testedService = new CommunicationsService(Mock.Object); }
public HomeController(CommunicationsService communicationsService) { this.communicationsService = communicationsService; }