예제 #1
        //When a client wants to enter the game world, we need to send them a bunch of information to set up their game world before they can enter
        public static void HandleEnterWorldRequest(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " enter world request");

            //Read the characters name the player is going to use, use it to fetch the rest of the characters data from the database
            string        CharacterName = Packet.ReadString();
            CharacterData CharacterData = CharactersDatabase.GetCharacterData(CharacterName);

            //Fetch this ClientConnection and make sure they were able to be found
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Client not found, unable to handle enter world request.");

            //Store the character data in the client
            Client.Character = CharacterData;

            //Send the clients lists of other players, AI entities, item pickups, inventory contents, equipped items and socketed actionbar abilities
            GameWorldStatePacketSender.SendInventoryContents(ClientID, CharacterName);
            GameWorldStatePacketSender.SendEquippedItems(ClientID, CharacterName);
            GameWorldStatePacketSender.SendSocketedAbilities(ClientID, CharacterName);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a client players updated camera values to be stored in their ClientConnection, until
        /// they either leave or the server is being shutdown, to then be backed up into the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ClientID">NetworkID of the target client</param>
        /// <param name="Packet">Packet containing the information were after</param>
        public static void HandlePlayerCameraUpdate(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            //Log what we are doing here
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " Player Camera Update");

            //Extract all the values from the packet data
            float Zoom      = Packet.ReadFloat();
            float XRotation = Packet.ReadFloat();
            float YRotation = Packet.ReadFloat();

            //Try getting the ClientConnection object who sent this packet to us
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            //Display an error and exit from the function if they couldnt be found
            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: " + ClientID + " ClientConnection object couldnt be found, Player Camera Update could not be performed.");

            //Store them in the ClientConnection object
            Client.Character.CameraZoom      = Zoom;
            Client.Character.CameraXRotation = XRotation;
            Client.Character.CameraYRotation = YRotation;
예제 #3
        public static void HandleClientChatMessage(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " chat message");

            //Fetch this ClientConnection and make sure they were able to be found
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Client not found, unable to handle chat message.");

            //Extract the message content from the network packet
            string ChatMessage = Packet.ReadString();

            //Get the list of all the other game clients who are already ingame
            List <ClientConnection> OtherClients = ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameClientsExceptFor(ClientID);

            //Pass this chat message on to all the other clients that are ingame
            foreach (ClientConnection OtherClient in OtherClients)
                PlayerCommunicationPacketSender.SendChatMessage(OtherClient.ClientID, Client.Character.Name, ChatMessage);
예제 #4
        //Handles a users account logout alert
        public static void HandleAccountLogoutAlert(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            //Log what we are doing here
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " Account Logout Alert.");

            //Get the client who is logged out
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            //Clear them as being logged in to any account
            Client.Account = new AccountData();
예제 #5
        //Handles request from the player asking to have their character respawned
        public static void HandlePlayerRespawnRequest(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + "Player Respawn Request.");
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Connection to this client could not be found, unable to handle their respawn request.");
            Client.Character.WaitingToRespawn = true;
예제 #6
        //Handles a users account login request
        public static void HandleAccountLoginRequest(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            //Log what we are doing here
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + "Account Login Request.");

            //Get the username and password the user provided for trying to login with
            string AccountName = Packet.ReadString();
            string AccountPass = Packet.ReadString();

            //Make sure we are still connected to this client
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                //Ignore the request if we cant find this clients network connection
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Connection to this client could not be found, no way to reply to their Account Login Request so it has been aborted.");

            //Make sure there is account that exists with the name that was provided by the user
            if (!AccountsDatabase.DoesAccountExist(AccountName))
                //Reject the request if that account doesnt exist
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendAccountLoginReply(ClientID, false, "That account doesnt exist.");

            //Make sure someone else isnt already logged into that account
            if (ConnectionManager.AccountLoggedIn(AccountName))
                //Reject the request if the account is already being used
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendAccountLoginReply(ClientID, false, "That account is already logged in.");

            //Check if they provided the correct password
            if (!AccountsDatabase.IsPasswordCorrect(AccountName, AccountPass))
                //Reject the request if the password was wrong
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendAccountLoginReply(ClientID, false, "The password was incorrect.");

            //Fetch all of the accounts information from the database and store it with this client
            AccountData Account = AccountsDatabase.GetAccountData(AccountName);

            Client.Account = Account;

            //Grant this users account login request
            MessageLog.Print(ClientID + " logged into the account " + AccountName);
            AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendAccountLoginReply(ClientID, true, "Login Request Granted.");
예제 #7
        //Handle reply from client letting us know they are still connected through the network
        public static void HandleStillConnectedReply(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " Still Connected Reply");
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Client " + ClientID + " not found, unable to handle still connected reply.");

            //Update the timer tracking how long since we last heard from this client
            Client.LastCommunication = new Time.PointInTime();
예제 #8
        //When a client has finished receiving all the setup information they will let us know when they are entering into the game world finally
        public static void HandleNewPlayerReady(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " new player ready alert");

            //Fetch this ClientConnection and make sure they were able to be found
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Client not found, unable to handle new player ready alert.");

            //Flag them as needing to be added into the game world
            Client.Character.WaitingToEnter = true;
예제 #9
        //Handles a users new user account registration request
        public static void HandleAccountRegisterRequest(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            //Log what we are doing here
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " Account Registration Request.");

            //Fetch the username and password the client has provided
            string AccountName = Packet.ReadString();
            string AccountPass = Packet.ReadString();

            //Make sure we are still connected to this client
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                //Ignore the request if we cant find this clients network connection
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Connection to this client could not be found, no way to reply to their Account Registration Request.");

            //Make sure this username isnt already taken by someone else
            if (AccountsDatabase.DoesAccountExist(AccountName))
                //Reject the request is the username is already taken
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendAccountRegistrationReply(ClientID, false, "That username is already taken.");

            //Make sure they have provided us with a valid username and password
            if (!ValidInputCheckers.IsValidUsername(AccountName))
                //Reject the request if the username contained any banned characters
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendAccountRegistrationReply(ClientID, false, "The username you provided contained banned characters.");
            if (!ValidInputCheckers.IsValidUsername(AccountPass))
                //Reject the request if the password contained any banned characters
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendAccountRegistrationReply(ClientID, false, ("The password you provided contained banned characters."));

            //Register the new account into the database and tell the client their request has been granted
            AccountsDatabase.RegisterNewAccount(AccountName, AccountPass);
            AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendAccountRegistrationReply(ClientID, true, "Account Registered Successfully.");
예제 #10
        public static void HandlePlayAnimationAlert(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " Play Animation Alert");
            string           AnimationName = Packet.ReadString();
            ClientConnection Client        = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Client not found, unable to handle play animation alert.");
            List <ClientConnection> OtherClients = ClientSubsetFinder.GetInGameClientsExceptFor(ClientID);

            foreach (ClientConnection OtherClient in OtherClients)
                PlayerManagementPacketSender.SendPlayAnimationAlert(OtherClient.ClientID, Client.Character.Name, AnimationName);
예제 #11
        //Handles a users character data request
        public static void HandleCharacterDataRequest(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            //Log what we are doing here
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " Character Data Request.");

            //Make sure we are still connected to this client
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                //Ignore the request if we arent connected to this client anymore
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR:  Cant find this clients network connection, no way to fullfil their Character Data Request.");

            //Fulfil the users request
            AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendCharacterDataReply(ClientID, Client.Account.Username);
예제 #12
        //Handles alert from player letting us know they have performed an attack, checks if it hits anyone then updated their health
        public static void HandlePlayerAttackAlert(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + "Player Attack Alert.");

            //Get the client who performed this attack, make sure their connection is still active
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                //Ignore the request if we cant find their connection open
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: Connection to this client could not be found, unable to handle their player attack alert.");
                Client.ConnectionDead = true;

            //Flag the client as needing to perform an attack on the next physics update
            Client.Character.AttackPerformed = true;
            Client.Character.AttackPosition  = Packet.ReadVector3();
예제 #13
        //Handles a users character creation request
        public static void HandleCreateCharacterRequest(int ClientID, ref NetworkPacket Packet)
            //Log what we are doing here
            CommunicationLog.LogIn(ClientID + " Character Creation Request.");

            //Fetch the name that has been provided for the new character
            string CharacterName = Packet.ReadString();

            //Make sure we are still connected to this client
            ClientConnection Client = ConnectionManager.GetClient(ClientID);

            if (Client == null)
                //Ignore the request if the connection could not be found
                MessageLog.Print("ERROR: " + ClientID + " network connection could not be found, ignoring their character creation request.");

            //Make sure they provided a valid character name
            if (!ValidInputCheckers.IsValidCharacterName(CharacterName))
                //Reject the request if the provided character name contained any banned character
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendCreateCharacterReply(ClientID, false, "Character name provided contained banned characters.");

            //Make sure the character name isnt already taken
            if (!CharactersDatabase.IsCharacterNameAvailable(CharacterName))
                //Reject the request if the name is already taken
                AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendCreateCharacterReply(ClientID, false, "That character name is already taken.");

            //Register the new character into the database and then reload this clients account information from the database
            CharactersDatabase.SaveNewCharacter(Client.Account.Username, CharacterName);
            Client.Account = AccountsDatabase.GetAccountData(Client.Account.Username);

            //Tell the client their character creation request has been a success
            AccountManagementPacketSenders.SendCreateCharacterReply(ClientID, true, "Character Created.");