private void GetDevices() { this.Devices.Clear(); List <Device> devices = new List <Device>(); using (CGM.Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork uow = new Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork()) { devices = uow.Device.GetAllDevices(); } foreach (var item in devices) { var device = new DeviceItemViewModel(item, _dialogService); device.Removed += Device_Removed; this.Devices.Add(device); } if (this.Devices.Count > 0) { this.SelectedDevice = this.Devices[0]; } else { this.SelectedDevice = null; } }
private void SaveSetting() { using (CGM.Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork uow = new Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork()) { uow.Setting.Update(_setting); } }
private async void DeleteDevice() { await _dialogService.ShowMessage($"Are you sure you want to delete device: {this.ToString()}?", "Confirmation", buttonConfirmText : "Ok", buttonCancelText : "Cancel", afterHideCallback : (confirmed) => { if (confirmed) { using (CGM.Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork uow = new Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork()) { uow.Device.Remove(_device); } if (Removed != null) { Removed(this, null); } } else { // User has pressed the "cancel" button // (or has discared the dialog box). // ... } }); }
private void ClearHistory() { using (CGM.Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork uow = new Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork()) { uow.History.ResetHistory(); } _dialogService.ShowMessage("History has been cleared.", "Clear history"); }
public SettingsViewModel(IDialogService dialogService) { _dialogService = dialogService; SwitchThemeCommand = new RelayCommand(async() => { await ThemeSelectorService.SwitchThemeAsync(); }); this.GetDevicesCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.GetDevices()); this.ClearHistoryCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.ClearHistory()); using (CGM.Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork uow = new Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork()) { _setting = uow.Setting.GetSettings(); } GetDevices(); this.LocalPath = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path; }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when the application is launched normally by the end user. Other entry points /// will be used such as when the application is launched to open a specific file. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Details about the launch request and process.</param> protected override async void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e) { if (!e.PrelaunchActivated) { await ActivationService.ActivateAsync(e); } string DataPath = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path; ApplicationLogging.LoggerFactory.AddCgmLog(DataPath); ApplicationLogging.LoggerFactory.AddEventAggregatorLog(); using (Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork uow = new Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork()) { uow.CheckDatabaseVersion(DataPath); uow.Setting.CheckSettings(); } //check for nightscout settings }
public async void StatusChanged(BayerUsbDevice device) { await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { this.IsConnected = device.IsConnected; Setting settings; using (CGM.Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork uow = new Communication.Data.Repository.CgmUnitOfWork()) { settings = uow.Setting.GetSettings(); if (this.IsConnected && settings.OtherSettings.AutoStartTask) { this.On = true; } else { this.On = false; } } }); }