/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new measurement object for power calculation output measurements
        /// </summary>
        private static PowerMeasurement CreateMeasurement(string companyAcronym, string deviceAcronym, string vendorAcronym, string signalTypeAcronym, string circuitDescription, int deviceID, int?historianID, string descriptionSuffix)
            PowerMeasurement measurement = new PowerMeasurement
                PointTag     = CommonPhasorServices.CreatePointTag(companyAcronym, deviceAcronym, vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym),
                Adder        = 0,
                Multiplier   = 1,
                Description  = $"{circuitDescription} {descriptionSuffix}",
                DeviceID     = deviceID,
                HistorianID  = historianID,
                SignalTypeID = 10,
                Enabled      = true,
                SignalID     = Guid.Empty

            if (measurement.PointTag != null)
                int beginIndex = measurement.PointTag.IndexOf('_');
                measurement.SignalReference = measurement.PointTag.Substring(beginIndex + 1);

예제 #2
 public string CreatePhasorPointTag(string deviceAcronym, string signalTypeAcronym, string phasorLabel, string phase, int signalIndex, int baseKV)
     return(CommonPhasorServices.CreatePointTag(CompanyAcronym, deviceAcronym, null, signalTypeAcronym, phasorLabel, signalIndex, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phase) ? '_' : phase.Trim()[0], baseKV));
예제 #3
 public string CreateIndexedPointTag(string deviceAcronym, string signalTypeAcronym, int signalIndex)
     return(CommonPhasorServices.CreatePointTag(CompanyAcronym, deviceAcronym, null, signalTypeAcronym, null, signalIndex));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves <see cref="Phasor"/> information to database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param>
        /// <param name="phasor">Information about <see cref="Phasor"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="oldSourceIndex">The old source index of the phasor.</param>
        /// <param name="skipMeasurementUpdate">Skips associated measurement update if this is already being handled.</param>
        /// <returns>String, for display use, indicating success.</returns>
        public static string SaveAndReorder(AdoDataConnection database, Phasor phasor, int oldSourceIndex, bool skipMeasurementUpdate = false)
            bool   createdConnection = false;
            string query;

                createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database);

                if (phasor.SourceIndex == 0)
                    phasor.SourceIndex = database.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT MAX(SourceIndex) FROM Phasor WHERE DeviceID = {0}", phasor.DeviceID) + 1;

                // Since phasors could be reordered in the source device, this test could inadvertently throw an exception when it should not - so the validation has been removed
                //if (database.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Phasor WHERE ID <> {0} AND DeviceID = {1} AND SourceIndex = {2}", phasor.ID, phasor.DeviceID, phasor.SourceIndex) > 0)
                //    throw new InvalidOperationException("Phasor source index must be unique per device.");

                if (phasor.ID == 0)
                    query = database.ParameterizedQueryString("INSERT INTO Phasor (DeviceID, Label, Type, Phase, BaseKV, SourceIndex, UpdatedBy, UpdatedOn, CreatedBy, CreatedOn) " +
                                                              "VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9})", "deviceID", "label", "type", "phase", "baseKV", "sourceIndex", "updatedBy", "updatedOn", "createdBy",

                    database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(query, DefaultTimeout, phasor.DeviceID, phasor.Label, phasor.Type, phasor.Phase, phasor.BaseKV, phasor.SourceIndex,
                                                        CommonFunctions.CurrentUser, database.UtcNow, CommonFunctions.CurrentUser, database.UtcNow);
                    query = database.ParameterizedQueryString("UPDATE Phasor SET DeviceID = {0}, Label = {1}, Type = {2}, Phase = {3}, BaseKV = {4}, SourceIndex = {5}, " +
                                                              "UpdatedBy = {6}, UpdatedOn = {7} WHERE ID = {8}", "deviceID", "label", "type", "phase", "baseKV", "sourceIndex", "updatedBy", "updatedOn", "id");

                    database.Connection.ExecuteNonQuery(query, DefaultTimeout, phasor.DeviceID, phasor.Label, phasor.Type,
                                                        phasor.Phase, phasor.BaseKV, phasor.SourceIndex, CommonFunctions.CurrentUser, database.UtcNow, phasor.ID);

                // Get reference to the device to which phasor is being added.
                Device device = Device.GetDevice(database, "WHERE ID = " + phasor.DeviceID);

                // Get Phasor signal types.
                ObservableCollection <SignalType> signals;

                if (phasor.Type == "V")
                    signals = SignalType.GetVoltagePhasorSignalTypes();
                    signals = SignalType.GetCurrentPhasorSignalTypes();

                // Get reference to phasor which has just been added.
                Phasor addedPhasor = GetPhasor(database, "WHERE DeviceID = " + phasor.DeviceID + " AND SourceIndex = " + phasor.SourceIndex);

                foreach (SignalType signal in signals)
                    Measurement measurement = Measurement.GetMeasurement(database, "WHERE DeviceID = " + phasor.DeviceID + " AND SignalTypeSuffix = '" + signal.Suffix + "' AND PhasorSourceIndex = " + oldSourceIndex);

                    if ((object)measurement == null)
                        measurement = new Measurement();

                        measurement.DeviceID          = device.ID;
                        measurement.HistorianID       = device.HistorianID;
                        measurement.PointTag          = CommonPhasorServices.CreatePointTag(device.CompanyAcronym, device.Acronym, device.VendorAcronym, signal.Acronym, addedPhasor.Label, addedPhasor.SourceIndex, addedPhasor.Phase[0], addedPhasor.BaseKV);
                        measurement.SignalReference   = device.Acronym + "-" + signal.Suffix + addedPhasor.SourceIndex;
                        measurement.SignalTypeID      = signal.ID;
                        measurement.Description       = device.Name + " " + addedPhasor.Label + " " + device.VendorDeviceName + " " + addedPhasor.Phase + " " + signal.Name;
                        measurement.PhasorSourceIndex = addedPhasor.SourceIndex;
                        measurement.Enabled           = true;

                        Measurement.Save(database, measurement);
                    else if (!skipMeasurementUpdate || addedPhasor.SourceIndex != oldSourceIndex) //  || measurement.SignalTypeID != signal.ID
                        // Update existing record when needed or when phasor source index has changed
                        measurement.HistorianID       = device.HistorianID;
                        measurement.PointTag          = CommonPhasorServices.CreatePointTag(device.CompanyAcronym, device.Acronym, device.VendorAcronym, signal.Acronym, addedPhasor.Label, addedPhasor.SourceIndex, addedPhasor.Phase[0], addedPhasor.BaseKV);
                        measurement.SignalReference   = device.Acronym + "-" + signal.Suffix + addedPhasor.SourceIndex;
                        measurement.SignalTypeID      = signal.ID;
                        measurement.Description       = device.Name + " " + addedPhasor.Label + " " + device.VendorDeviceName + " " + addedPhasor.Phase + " " + signal.Name;
                        measurement.PhasorSourceIndex = addedPhasor.SourceIndex;

                        Measurement.Save(database, measurement);

                return("Phasor information saved successfully");
                if (createdConnection && database != null)