예제 #1
        //List<int> cellElo = new List<int>();

        protected void ComputeScaling(ref CommonParams inp, out double scaleIN, out double scaleOT)
            Debug.Assert(Math.Sign(muA) == Math.Sign(muB));

            switch (this.m_mode)
            case Mode.SWIP: {
                scaleIN = muB / (muA + muB);
                scaleOT = muA / (muA + muB);

            case Mode.SIP: {
                // Konventionell:
                scaleIN = 0.5;
                scaleOT = 0.5;

             * case Mode.VolumeScaled: {
             * double volIN = this.m_LsTrk._Regions.GetSpeciesVolume(inp.jCell, this.NegativeSpecies);
             * double volOT = this.m_LsTrk._Regions.GetSpeciesVolume(inp.jCell, this.PositiveSpecies);
             * scaleIN = volIN / (volIN + volOT);
             * scaleOT = volOT / (volIN + volOT);
             * Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(scaleIN + scaleOT - 1.0) <= 1.0e-8);
             * return;
             * }

                throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #2
        public override double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams cp,
                                             double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                             double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double M = ComputeEvaporationMass(cp.Parameters_IN.GetSubVector(2 * m_D, m_D + 3), cp.Parameters_OUT.GetSubVector(2 * m_D, m_D + 3), cp.Normal, cp.jCellIn);

            if (M == 0.0)

            double[] VelocityMeanIn  = new double[m_D];
            double[] VelocityMeanOut = new double[m_D];
            for (int d = 0; d < m_D; d++)
                VelocityMeanIn[d]  = cp.Parameters_IN[m_D + d];
                VelocityMeanOut[d] = cp.Parameters_OUT[m_D + d];

            double LambdaIn;
            double LambdaOut;

            LambdaIn  = LambdaConvection.GetLambda(VelocityMeanIn, cp.Normal, false);
            LambdaOut = LambdaConvection.GetLambda(VelocityMeanOut, cp.Normal, false);

            double Lambda = Math.Max(LambdaIn, LambdaOut);

            double uJump = -M * ((1 / m_rhoA) - (1 / m_rhoB)) * cp.Normal[m_d];

            double flx = Lambda * uJump * 0.8;

            return(-flx * (m_rhoA * vA - m_rhoB * vB));
예제 #3
        double GetPenalty(ref CommonParams inp)
            //double penaltySizeFactor_A = 1.0 / this.ccBB.Get_hminBB(this.SpcId, inp.jCellIn);
            //double penaltySizeFactor_B = 1.0 / this.ccBB.Get_hminBB(this.SpcId, inp.jCellOut);
            double penaltySizeFactor_A = 1.0 / this.m_LenScales[inp.jCellIn];
            double penaltySizeFactor_B = 1.0 / this.m_LenScales[inp.jCellOut];

            double penaltySizeFactor = Math.Max(penaltySizeFactor_A, penaltySizeFactor_B);

            double penalty_muFactor;

            switch (this.m_Mode)
            case XLaplace_Interface.Mode.SIP:
            //case XLaplace_Interface.Mode.VolumeScaled:
            case XLaplace_Interface.Mode.SWIP:
                penalty_muFactor = species_Mu;

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            return(this.penatly_baseFactor * penaltySizeFactor * penalty_muFactor);
예제 #4
        void ComputeScaling(ref CommonParams inp, out double scaleIN, out double scaleOT)
            switch (this.m_Mode)
            case XLaplace_Interface.Mode.SIP:
            case XLaplace_Interface.Mode.SWIP: {
                scaleIN = 0.5;
                scaleOT = 0.5;

             * case XLaplace_Interface.Mode.VolumeScaled: {
             *  double volIN = LsTrk._Regions.GetSpeciesVolume(inp.jCellIn, this.SpcId);
             *  double volOT = LsTrk._Regions.GetSpeciesVolume(inp.jCellOut, this.SpcId);
             *  scaleIN = volIN / (volIN + volOT);
             *  scaleOT = volOT / (volIN + volOT);
             *  Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(scaleIN + scaleOT - 1.0) <= 1.0e-8);
             *  return;
             * }
                throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Stress divergence inner edge term
        /// </summary>
        protected override double InnerEdgeFlux(ref CommonParams inp, double[] Tin, double[] Tout)
            double res = 0;

            int jIn = inp.jCellIn;
            int jOt = inp.jCellOut;

            double h_min_in_loc = inp.GridDat.iGeomCells.h_min[jIn];
            double h_min_ot_loc = inp.GridDat.iGeomCells.h_min[jOt];
            double h_Edge       = ((GridData.EdgeData)(inp.GridDat.iGeomEdges)).h_min_Edge[inp.iEdge];
            double h            = Math.Min(h_min_in_loc, h_min_ot_loc);
            double h2           = Math.Min(h, h_Edge);

            res += 0.5 * (Tin[0] + Tout[0]) * inp.Normal[0] + 0.5 * (Tin[1] + Tout[1]) * inp.Normal[1]; // central difference for stress divergence

            switch (Component)
            case 0:
                res += -pen2 / h2 * (Tin[2] - Tout[2]);

            case 1:
                res += -pen2 / h2 * (Tin[2] - Tout[2]);

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            return(InverseReynolds * res);
예제 #6
        protected override double InnerEdgeFlux(ref CommonParams inp, double[] Uin, double[] Uout)
            double Umean_dot_Normal = 0;

            for (int d = D - 1; d >= 0; d--)
                Umean_dot_Normal += (inp.Parameters_IN[d] + inp.Parameters_OUT[d]) * inp.Normale[d];
            Umean_dot_Normal *= 0.5;

            double flux = 0;

            if (Umean_dot_Normal >= 0)
                for (int d = D - 1; d >= 0; d--)
                    flux += inp.Parameters_IN[d] * inp.Normale[d];
                flux *= Uin[0];
                for (int d = D - 1; d >= 0; d--)
                    flux += inp.Parameters_OUT[d] * inp.Normale[d];
                flux *= Uout[0];
예제 #7
파일: ASRApi.cs 프로젝트: jsliugang/IflySdk
 public ASRApi(AppSettings settings, CommonParams common, DataParams data, BusinessParams business)
     _settings = settings;
     _common   = common;
     _data     = data;
     _business = business;
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] _uIN, double[] _uOUT, double[,] _Grad_uIN, double[,] _Grad_uOUT, double _vIN, double _vOUT, double[] _Grad_vIN, double[] _Grad_vOUT)
            double[] Normale = inp.Normale.CloneAs();

            //double[,] T__in, double[,] T_out, double[,] S, double[] U0__in, double[] U0_out

            double[,] T__in = new double[2, 2];
            double[,] T_out = new double[2, 2];
            double[,] S__in = new double[2, 2];
            double[,] S_out = new double[2, 2];

            T__in[0, 0] = _uIN[0];  // stress_XX
            T__in[1, 0] = _uIN[1];  // stress_XY
            T__in[0, 1] = _uIN[1];  // stress_XY
            T__in[1, 1] = _uIN[2];  // stress_YY

            T_out[0, 0] = _uOUT[0]; // stress_XX
            T_out[1, 0] = _uOUT[1]; // stress_XY
            T_out[0, 1] = _uOUT[1]; // stress_XY
            T_out[1, 1] = _uOUT[2]; // stress_YY

            S__in[ComponentRow, ComponentCol] = _vIN;
            S_out[ComponentRow, ComponentCol] = _vOUT;

            double flxIn = MyCellBoundaryForm(Normale, T__in, T_out, S__in, inp.Parameters_IN, inp.Parameters_OUT, false, 0);

            double flxOt = MyCellBoundaryForm(Normale, T_out, T__in, S_out, inp.Parameters_OUT, inp.Parameters_IN, false, 0);

            return(flxIn + flxOt);
예제 #9
        protected double GetPenalty(ref CommonParams inp)
            double PosCellLengthScale = LengthScaleS[inp.jCellOut];
            double NegCellLengthScale = LengthScaleS[inp.jCellIn];

            double penaltySizeFactor_A = 1.0 / NegCellLengthScale;
            double penaltySizeFactor_B = 1.0 / PosCellLengthScale;

            double penaltySizeFactor = Math.Max(penaltySizeFactor_A, penaltySizeFactor_B);

            double penalty_muFactor;

            switch (this.m_mode)
            case Mode.SWIP:
                penalty_muFactor = (2.0 * muA * muB) / (muA + muB);

            case Mode.SIP:
                //case Mode.VolumeScaled:
                penalty_muFactor = Math.Max(Math.Abs(muA), Math.Abs(muB)) * Math.Sign(muA);

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            return(this.penatly_baseFactor * penaltySizeFactor * penalty_muFactor);
예제 #10
        public ASRApi BuildASR()
            if (_settings == null)
                throw new Exception("App setting can not null.");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_language))
                throw new Exception("Language set can not null.");
            CommonParams common = new CommonParams()
                app_id = _settings.AppID,
                uid    = _uid,
            DataParams data = new DataParams()
                format   = _format,
                encoding = _encoding
            BusinessParams business = new BusinessParams()
                language = _language,
                domain   = _domain,
                accent   = _accent,
            ASRApi api = new ASRApi(_settings, common, data, business);

            api.OnError   += _onError;
            api.OnMessage += _onMessage;
예제 #11
        public override double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB, double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double FlxNeg = 0; // we are not interested in "A"
            double FlxPos = U_Pos[0] * inp.Normal[0];

            return(FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB);
예제 #12
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] _uA, double[] _uB, double[,] _Grad_uA, double[,] _Grad_uB, double _vA, double _vB, double[] _Grad_vA, double[] _Grad_vB)
            double Acc   = 0.0;
            double pnlty = GetPenalty(inp.jCellIn, inp.jCellOut);//, inp.GridDat.Cells.cj);

            double DiffusivityA;
            double DiffusivityB;
            double DiffusivityMax;

            double[] difusivityArguments_IN  = prmsOK ? inp.Parameters_IN : _uA;
            double[] difusivityArguments_OUT = prmsOK ? inp.Parameters_OUT : _uB;
            DiffusivityA = Diffusivity(difusivityArguments_IN);
            DiffusivityB = Diffusivity(difusivityArguments_OUT);

            foreach (var Diffusivity in new double[] { DiffusivityA, DiffusivityB })

            for (int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++)
                // consistency term
                Acc += 0.5 * (DiffusivityA * _Grad_uA[i, d] + DiffusivityB * _Grad_uB[i, d]) * (_vA - _vB) * inp.Normal[d];
                // symmetry term
                Acc += 0.5 * (DiffusivityA * _Grad_vA[d] + DiffusivityB * _Grad_vB[d]) * (_uA[i] - _uB[i]) * inp.Normal[d];
            // penalty term
            DiffusivityMax = (Math.Abs(DiffusivityA) > Math.Abs(DiffusivityB)) ? DiffusivityA : DiffusivityB;

            Acc -= (_uA[i] - _uB[i]) * (_vA - _vB) * pnlty * DiffusivityMax;

예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Penalty Term enforcing the Dirichlet value at the interface
        /// Note: this Form is written only in terms of uA, since there is no XDG-field involved
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inp">inp.ParamsNeg[0] is the Dirichlet value from the parameter-field</param>
        /// <param name="uA">the unknown</param>
        /// <param name="uB">not needed</param>
        /// <param name="Grad_uA">not needed</param>
        /// <param name="Grad_uB">not needed</param>
        /// <param name="vA">test function</param>
        /// <param name="vB">not needed</param>
        /// <param name="Grad_vA">not needed</param>
        /// <param name="Grad_vB">not needed</param>
        /// <returns>the evaluated penalty flux</returns>
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] uA, double[] uB, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB, double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double NegCellLengthScale = NegCellLengthScaleS[inp.jCellIn];
            double PosCellLengthScale = (PosCellLengthScaleS != null) ? PosCellLengthScaleS[inp.jCellOut] : NegCellLengthScaleS[inp.jCellOut];

            double hmin;

            if (NegCellLengthScale.IsNaN())
                hmin = PosCellLengthScale;
            else if (PosCellLengthScale.IsNaN())
                hmin = NegCellLengthScale;
                hmin = Math.Min(NegCellLengthScale, PosCellLengthScale);

            //return PenaltyBase * 2 / hmin * (uA[0] + uB[0] - inp.ParamsNeg[0] - inp.ParamsPos[0]) * (vA+vB) /4 ;
            return(PenaltyBase * 2 / hmin * (uA[0] - inp.Parameters_IN[0]) * (vA));
            //return PenaltyBase * 2 / hmin * (uB[0] - inp.ParamsPos[0]) * (vB);
예제 #14
        public static void ApplyArgument(string arg)
            char[]   splitter = { '=' };
            string[] sp       = arg.ToLower().Split(splitter);

            if (sp.Length == 1)
            else if (sp.Length != 2)
                throw new InvalidParameterException("Invalid command-line argument " + arg);

            string parameter = sp[0];
            string value     = sp[1];

            if (CommonParams.ApplyArgument(parameter, value))
            if (String.Compare(parameter, "secretLength", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                Parameters.secretLength = Convert.ToInt32(value);

            throw new InvalidParameterException("Invalid command-line parameter " + parameter);
예제 #15
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] uA, double[] uB, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB, double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double S0 = 0; // velocity in normal direction, at the interface

            for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                S0 += inp.Normal[d] * inp.Parameters_IN[d];

            double NegCellLengthScale = NegCellLengthScaleS[inp.jCellIn];
            double PosCellLengthScale = PosCellLengthScaleS[inp.jCellOut];

            double hmin;

            if (NegCellLengthScale.IsNaN())
                hmin = PosCellLengthScale;
            else if (PosCellLengthScale.IsNaN())
                hmin = NegCellLengthScale;
                hmin = Math.Min(NegCellLengthScale, PosCellLengthScale);

            double penalty = PenaltyBase / hmin;

            return(penalty * (uA[0] - S0) * vA);
예제 #16
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB, double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double FlxNeg = -U_Neg[0] * inp.Normal[0] * alpha_A;
            double FlxPos = -U_Pos[0] * inp.Normal[0] * alpha_B;

            return(FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// default-implementation
        /// </summary>
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp,
                                    //public override double EdgeForm(ref Linear2ndDerivativeCouplingFlux.CommonParams inp,
                                    double[] uA, double[] uB, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                    double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double[] N        = inp.Normal;
            double   hCellMin = this.m_LsTrk.GridDat.Cells.h_min[inp.jCellIn];

            // symmetric interior penalty
            // ==========================

            int    D = N.Length;
            double Grad_uA_xN = 0, Grad_uB_xN = 0, Grad_vA_xN = 0, Grad_vB_xN = 0;

            for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                Grad_uA_xN += Grad_uA[0, d] * N[d];
                Grad_uB_xN += Grad_uB[0, d] * N[d];
                Grad_vA_xN += Grad_vA[d] * N[d];
                Grad_vB_xN += Grad_vB[d] * N[d];

            double NegCellLengthScale = NegCellLengthScaleS[inp.jCellIn];
            double PosCellLengthScale = PosCellLengthScaleS[inp.jCellOut];
            double hCutCellMin        = Math.Min(NegCellLengthScale, PosCellLengthScale);

            Debug.Assert(!(double.IsInfinity(hCutCellMin) || double.IsNaN(hCutCellMin)));

            if (hCutCellMin <= 1.0e-10 * hCellMin)
                // very small cell -- clipping
                hCutCellMin = hCellMin;

            double Ret = 0.0;

            Ret -= 0.5 * (m_muA * Grad_uA_xN + m_muB * Grad_uB_xN) * (vA - vB);                                                   // consistency term
            Ret -= 0.5 * (m_muA * Grad_vA_xN + m_muB * Grad_vB_xN) * (uA[0] - uB[0]);                                             // symmetry term
            Ret += (m_penalty / hCutCellMin) * (uA[0] - uB[0]) * (vA - vB) * (Math.Abs(m_muA) > Math.Abs(m_muB) ? m_muA : m_muB); // penalty term

            // moving-mesh-contribution
            // ========================

            double s = m_NormalVel(inp.X, inp.time);
            double movingFlux;

            if (s > 0)   // select DOWN-wind!
                movingFlux = (-s) * uB[0];
                movingFlux = (-s) * uA[0];

            Debug.Assert(!(double.IsInfinity(Ret) || double.IsNaN(Ret)));
예제 #18
            public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] PhiIn, double[] PhiOt, double[,] GradPhiIn, double[,] GradPhiOt, double vIn, double vOt, double[] Grad_vIn, double[] Grad_vOt)
                double signIn = Math.Sign(m_PhiMean[inp.jCellIn]);
                double signOt = Math.Sign(m_PhiMean[inp.jCellOut]);
                double Flux;

                if (signIn != signOt || (signIn * signOt == 0))
                    // central difference

                    Flux = 0.5 * (PhiIn[0] + PhiOt[0]) * (inp.Normal[this.m_Direction]);
                    Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(signIn) == 1);
                    Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(signOt) == 1);
                    Debug.Assert(signIn == signOt);
                    double sign = signIn;

                    double delta = (m_PhiMean[inp.jCellIn] - m_PhiMean[inp.jCellOut]) * sign;

                    if (delta < 0)
                        Flux = PhiIn[0] * (inp.Normal[this.m_Direction]);
                        Flux = PhiOt[0] * (inp.Normal[this.m_Direction]);

                return(Flux * (vIn - vOt));
예제 #19
 public static void PrintUsage()
     Console.Out.WriteLine("Usage:  TrIncSrv.exe [filename or param=value]... where filename contains");
     Console.Out.WriteLine("        lines of the form param=value and param must be one of the following.");
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of the LinearDualValueFlux for Inner-Edges, based on <see cref="IEdgeForm"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inp"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <param name="_uA"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <param name="_uB"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <param name="_Grad_uA"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <param name="_Grad_uB"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <param name="_vA"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <param name="_vB"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <param name="_Grad_vA"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <param name="_Grad_vB"><see cref="IEdgeForm"/></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] _uA, double[] _uB, double[,] _Grad_uA, double[,] _Grad_uB, double _vA, double _vB, double[] _Grad_vA, double[] _Grad_vB)
            double Flx_InCell, Flx_OutCell;

            this.InnerEdgeFlux(ref inp, _uA, _uB, out Flx_InCell, out Flx_OutCell);
            return(Flx_InCell * _vA + Flx_OutCell * _vB);
예제 #21
        public static void ApplyArgument(string arg)
            char[]   splitter = { '=' };
            string[] sp       = arg.ToLower().Split(splitter);

            if (sp.Length == 1)
            else if (sp.Length != 2)
                throw new InvalidParameterException("Invalid command-line argument " + arg);

            string parameter = sp[0];
            string value     = sp[1];

            if (CommonParams.ApplyArgument(parameter, value))

            throw new InvalidParameterException("Invalid command-line parameter " + parameter);
예제 #22
        private double GetCoeff(ref double d1, ref double d2, ref CommonParams inp)
            int D = inp.Normale.Length;

            Debug.Assert(this.NoArgs == this.ArgumentOrdering.Count);

            Debug.Assert(uA.Length == NoArgs);
            Debug.Assert(uB.Length == NoArgs);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uA.GetLength(0) == NoArgs);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uB.GetLength(0) == NoArgs);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uA.GetLength(1) == D);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uB.GetLength(1) == D);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_vA.Length == D);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_vB.Length == D);

            Debug.Assert(this.edgeForm.InnerEdgeForm(ref inp, uA, uB, Grad_uA, Grad_uB, vA, vB, Grad_vA, Grad_vB) == 0.0);

            d2 = 1;                                                                                               // set test function
            double a1 = this.edgeForm.InnerEdgeForm(ref inp, uA, uB, Grad_uA, Grad_uB, vA, vB, Grad_vA, Grad_vB); // probe for the source/affine part

            Debug.Assert((this.InnerEdgeTerms & (TermActivationFlags.GradV | TermActivationFlags.V)) != 0 || a1 == 0);
            d1 = 1;                                                                                              // set trial function
            double a = this.edgeForm.InnerEdgeForm(ref inp, uA, uB, Grad_uA, Grad_uB, vA, vB, Grad_vA, Grad_vB); // probe for the bilinear+affine part

            d1 = 0;                                                                                              // reset
            d2 = 0;                                                                                              // reset
            return(a - a1);
        protected override double InnerEdgeFlux(ref CommonParams inp, double[] Tin, double[] Tout)
            double res = 0;

            double u = 0.5 * (inp.Parameters_IN[0] + inp.Parameters_OUT[0]);
            double v = 0.5 * (inp.Parameters_IN[1] + inp.Parameters_OUT[1]);

            Vector n = new Vector(inp.Normale[0], inp.Normale[1]);
            Vector velocityVector = new Vector(u, v);

            if (velocityVector * n > 0)
                res += u * (m_alpha * Tin[0] + (1 - m_alpha) * Tout[0]) * inp.Normale[0];
                res += v * (m_alpha * Tin[0] + (1 - m_alpha) * Tout[0]) * inp.Normale[1];
                res += u * (m_alpha * Tout[0] + (1 - m_alpha) * Tin[0]) * inp.Normale[0];
                res += v * (m_alpha * Tout[0] + (1 - m_alpha) * Tin[0]) * inp.Normale[1];

            return(m_Weissenberg * res);
예제 #24
        override public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] _uA, double[] _uB, double[,] _Grad_uA, double[,] _Grad_uB, double _vA, double _vB, double[] _Grad_vA, double[] _Grad_vB)
            double Acc = 0.0;

            double muA = this.Nu(inp.X, inp.Parameters_IN, inp.jCellIn);
            double muB = this.Nu(inp.X, inp.Parameters_OUT, inp.jCellOut);

            double scaleIN, scaleOT;

            ComputeScaling(ref inp, out scaleIN, out scaleOT);

            for (int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++)
                Acc += (scaleIN * muA * _Grad_uA[0, d] + scaleOT * muB * _Grad_uB[0, d]) * (_vA - _vB) * inp.Normal[d];  // consistency term
                Acc += (scaleIN * muA * _Grad_vA[d] + scaleOT * muB * _Grad_vB[d]) * (_uA[0] - _uB[0]) * inp.Normal[d];  // symmetry term
            Acc *= this.m_alpha;

            Acc -= (_uA[0] - _uB[0]) * (_vA - _vB) * this.GetPenalty(ref inp); // penalty term

예제 #25
        public override double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams cp,
                                             double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                             double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            throw new NotImplementedException("TODO");

            //double M = ComputeEvaporationMass(cp.ParamsNeg, cp.ParamsPos, cp.n, cp.jCell);

            //double s;
            //if (hVapA > 0) {
            //    s = (M / rhoB) * cp.n[m_d] + U_Pos[0];
            //} else {
            //    s = (M / rhoA) * cp.n[m_d] + U_Neg[0];

            //double FlxNeg;
            //double FlxPos;
            //if (hVapA > 0) {
            //    FlxNeg = -s * U_Neg[0];
            //    FlxPos = -FlxNeg;
            //} else {
            //    FlxNeg = -s * U_Pos[0];
            //    FlxPos = -FlxNeg;

            //return FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB;
예제 #26
        public virtual double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp,
                                            double[] uA, double[] uB, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                            double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double[] N = inp.Normal;
            double   Grad_uA_xN = 0, Grad_uB_xN = 0, Grad_vA_xN = 0, Grad_vB_xN = 0;
            int      D = N.Length;

            Debug.Assert(Grad_uA.GetLength(0) == this.ArgumentOrdering.Count);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uB.GetLength(0) == this.ArgumentOrdering.Count);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uA.GetLength(1) == D);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uB.GetLength(1) == D);

            for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                Grad_uA_xN += Grad_uA[0, d] * N[d];
                Grad_uB_xN += Grad_uB[0, d] * N[d];
                Grad_vA_xN += Grad_vA[d] * N[d];
                Grad_vB_xN += Grad_vB[d] * N[d];

            double omega_A, omega_B;

            ComputeScaling(ref inp, out omega_A, out omega_B);

            double Ret = 0.0;

            Ret += (muA * omega_A * Grad_uA_xN + muB * omega_B * Grad_uB_xN) * (vA - vB);
            Ret += (muA * omega_A * Grad_vA_xN + muB * omega_B * Grad_vB_xN) * (uA[0] - uB[0]);

            Ret -= GetPenalty(ref inp) * (uA[0] - uB[0]) * (vA - vB);

예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inp">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="uIn">
        /// ExtensionVelocity
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="uOut"></param>
        /// <param name="Grad_uIn"></param>
        /// <param name="Grad_uOut"></param>
        /// <param name="vIn"></param>
        /// <param name="vOut"></param>
        /// <param name="Grad_vA"></param>
        /// <param name="Grad_vB"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] uIn, double[] uOut, double[,] Grad_uIn, double[,] Grad_uOut, double vIn, double vOut, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double Acc = 0.0;

            double AbsGrad_uIn  = 0;
            double AbsGrad_uOut = 0;

            for (int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++)
                AbsGrad_uIn  += Grad_uIn[0, d] * Grad_uIn[0, d];
                AbsGrad_uOut += Grad_uOut[0, d] * Grad_uOut[0, d];

            AbsGrad_uIn  = Math.Sqrt(AbsGrad_uIn);
            AbsGrad_uOut = Math.Sqrt(AbsGrad_uOut);

            //Central Differences
            bool eval = NearFieldBitMask[inp.jCellIn] && NearFieldBitMask[inp.jCellOut];

            for (int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++)
                /// Central Differences
                Acc += 0.5 * (DiffusionRate(AbsGrad_uIn, eval) * Grad_uIn[0, d] * inp.Normale[d] + DiffusionRate(AbsGrad_uOut, eval) * Grad_uOut[0, d] * inp.Normale[d]) * (vIn - vOut);
                /// Inner Values
                //Acc += DiffusionRate(AbsGrad_uA, eval) * Grad_uA[0, d] * inp.Normale[d] * vA - DiffusionRate(AbsGrad_uB, eval) * Grad_uB[0, d] * inp.Normale[d] * vB;

                // consistency term
                //The Volume Integrals are already non-symmetric, so theres nothing to symmetrize here
                //Acc += 0.5 * (DiffusionRate(AbsGrad_uA, eval) * Grad_vA[d] + DiffusionRate(AbsGrad_uB, eval) * Grad_vB[d]) * (uA[0] - uB[0]) * inp.Normale[d];  // symmetry term
예제 #28
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] _uA, double[] _uB, double[,] _Grad_uA, double[,] _Grad_uB, double _vA, double _vB, double[] _Grad_vA, double[] _Grad_vB)
            double Acc = 0.0;

            double pnlty   = GetPenalty(inp.jCellIn, inp.jCellOut, inp.GridDat.Cells.cj);
            double lambdaA = EoS.GetViscosity(inp.Parameters_IN[0]);
            double lambdaB = EoS.GetViscosity(inp.Parameters_OUT[0]);

            for (int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++)
                // consistency term
                Acc += 0.5 * (lambdaA * _Grad_uA[0, d] + lambdaB * _Grad_uB[0, d]) * (_vA - _vB) * inp.Normale[d];
                // symmetry term
                Acc += 0.5 * (lambdaA * _Grad_vA[d] + lambdaB * _Grad_vB[d]) * (_uA[0] - _uB[0]) * inp.Normale[d];

            // penalty term
            double lambdaMax = (Math.Abs(lambdaA) > Math.Abs(lambdaB)) ? lambdaA : lambdaB;

            Acc -= (_uA[0] - _uB[0]) * (_vA - _vB) * pnlty * lambdaMax;

            Acc *= 1.0 / (Reynolds * Prandtl);

예제 #29
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams cp, double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB, double v_Neg, double v_Pos, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double uAxN = GenericBlas.InnerProd(U_Neg, cp.Normal);

            var parameters_P = m_getParticleParams(cp.X, cp.time);

            double[] uLevSet = new double[] { parameters_P[0], parameters_P[1] };
            double   wLevSet = parameters_P[2];

            pRadius = parameters_P[3];

            double[] _uLevSet = new double[D];

            _uLevSet[0] = uLevSet[0] + pRadius * wLevSet * -cp.Normal[1];
            _uLevSet[1] = uLevSet[1] + pRadius * wLevSet * cp.Normal[0];

            double uBxN = GenericBlas.InnerProd(_uLevSet, cp.Normal);

            // transform from species B to A: we call this the "A-fictitious" value
            double uAxN_fict;

            uAxN_fict = uBxN;

            double FlxNeg = -DirichletFlux(uAxN, uAxN_fict); // flux on A-side

            //double FlxPos = 0;

            return(FlxNeg * v_Neg);
예제 #30
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] Uin, double[] Uout, double[,] GradUin, double[,] GradUout, double Vin, double Vout, double[] GradVin, double[] GradVout)
            double res = 0;

            switch (Component)
            case 0:
                res = 0.5 * ((Uin[0] + Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[0] + (Uin[1] + Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[0])                    // central difference fo grad(u) and grad(u)^T
                      + pen1[0] * ((Uin[0] - Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[0]) + pen1[1] * ((Uin[0] - Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[1])  // beta Penalty for grad(u)
                      + pen1[0] * ((Uin[1] - Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[0]) + pen1[1] * ((Uin[1] - Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[1]); // beta penalty for grad(u)^T


            case 1:
                res = 0.5 * ((Uin[0] + Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[1] + (Uin[1] + Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[0])
                      + pen1[0] * ((Uin[0] - Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[0]) + pen1[1] * ((Uin[0] - Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[1])
                      + pen1[0] * ((Uin[1] - Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[0]) + pen1[1] * ((Uin[1] - Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[1]);


            case 2:
                res = 0.5 * ((Uin[0] + Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[1] + (Uin[1] + Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[1])
                      + pen1[0] * ((Uin[0] - Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[0]) + pen1[1] * ((Uin[0] - Uout[0]) * inp.Normale[1])
                      + pen1[0] * ((Uin[1] - Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[0]) + pen1[1] * ((Uin[1] - Uout[1]) * inp.Normale[1]);


                throw new NotImplementedException();

            return(-2 * m_ViscosityNonNewton * 0.5 * res * (Vin - Vout));
예제 #31
파일: Settings.cs 프로젝트: iyus/scada
 /// <summary>
 /// Создать полную копию общих параметров
 /// </summary>
 public CommonParams Clone()
     CommonParams commonParams = new CommonParams();
     commonParams.ServerUse = ServerUse;
     commonParams.ServerHost = ServerHost;
     commonParams.ServerPort = ServerPort;
     commonParams.ServerUser = ServerUser;
     commonParams.ServerPwd = ServerPwd;
     commonParams.ServerTimeout = ServerTimeout;
     commonParams.WaitForStop = WaitForStop;
     commonParams.RefrParams = RefrParams;
     return commonParams;
예제 #32
파일: Settings.cs 프로젝트: iyus/scada
 /// <summary>
 /// Конструктор
 /// </summary>
 public Settings()
     Params = new CommonParams();
     CommLines = new List<CommLine>();