public static int DeleteData(Category categoryModel) { int returnCode = 0; string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ConnectionString; using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(constr)) { StringBuilder strQuery = new StringBuilder("DELETE FROM product_category WHERE id='" + categoryModel.ID + "' "); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(strQuery.ToString(), con)) { con.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } UpdateDataAfterDeleted(CommonMethod.ParseInt32(categoryModel.ID.ToString())); return(returnCode); }
public IActionResult Create([FromBody] Bill item) { passport = CommonMethod.GetPassport(Request); if (item == null) { return(BadRequest()); } Object addResult = service.Add(passport, item); if (addResult.GetType().ToString() == "DgWebAPI.Model.Bill") { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(true, (Bill)addResult); return(new ObjectResult(result)); } else { return(new ObjectResult(addResult.ToString())); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据公司取得公司开通的项目 /// </summary> /// <param name="strCompanyCode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable GetCompanyProjects(string strCompanyCode) { DataTable dt = null; string strSql = "SELECT PROJECTIDS FROM USER_SHARE_COMPANYRELATE WHERE COMPANYCODE=:COMPANYCODE "; ParamList param = new ParamList(); param["COMPANYCODE"] = strCompanyCode; string strProjectIds = CommonMethod.FinalString(StaticConnectionProvider.ExecuteScalar(strSql, param)); if (strProjectIds.Length > 0) { strProjectIds = strProjectIds.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(','); strSql = "SELECT PROJECTID,PROJECTNAME FROM USER_SHARE_PROJECT WHERE PROJECTID IN(" + strProjectIds + ") AND STATUS=" + ShareEnum.ProjectStatus.Normal.ToString("d"); dt = StaticConnectionProvider.ExecuteDataTable(strSql); } return(dt); }
public IActionResult RemoveAndReturnProfit([FromBody] DeleteBillGoods item) { passport = CommonMethod.GetPassport(Request); if (item == null) { return(BadRequest()); } object doResult = service.RemoveAndReturnProfit(passport, item); if (doResult.GetType().ToString() == "DgWebAPI.Model.Profit") { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(true, (Profit)doResult); return(new ObjectResult(result)); } else { return(new ObjectResult(doResult.ToString())); } }
private void dgvInventory_CellValueChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e) { ST_StockTransactionDetailDto detailDto = dgcInventory.GetFocusedRow <ST_StockTransactionDetailDto>(); //Set auto value for column No dgcInventory.SetRowCellValue(CommonKey.LineNumber, CommonMethod.ParseString(e.RowHandle + 1)); #region Set validate dgcInventory.ClearErrors(); /// <summary> /// Item Code must be fill in ///</summary> if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detailDto.ItemCode)) { IvsMessage msg = new IvsMessage(CommonConstantMessage.COM_MSG_REQUIRED, colItemCode.Caption); dgcInventory.SetColumnError(colItemCode.FieldName, msg.MessageText); return; } /// <summary> /// Quantity must be greater than 0 ///</summary> if (detailDto.Quantity == null || detailDto.Quantity <= 0) { IvsMessage msg = new IvsMessage(CommonConstantMessage.COM_MSG_REQUIRED, colQuantity.Caption); dgcInventory.SetColumnError(colQuantity.FieldName, msg.MessageText); return; } #endregion Set validate #region Add new row if focus to last row if (dgcInventory.IsFocusedLastRow()) { dgcInventory.AddNewRow(); } #endregion Add new row if focus to last row }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetLessonist(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, int GradeId) { using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { try { var parameters = CommonMethod.GetJQueryDatatableParamList(param, GetSortingColumnName(param.iSortCol_0)); var searchRecords = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@SearchRecords", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output }; if (GradeId != 0) { parameters.Parameters.Insert(0, new SqlParameter("@GradeId", SqlDbType.BigInt) { Value = GradeId }); } var allList = await _lessonService.GetLessonList(parameters.Parameters.ToArray()); var total = allList.FirstOrDefault()?.TotalRecords ?? 0; return(Json(new { param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = total, iTotalDisplayRecords = total, aaData = allList })); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.AddErrorLog(ex, "GetLessonList"); return(Json(new { param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = 0, iTotalDisplayRecords = 0, aaData = "" })); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetGradeWiseStudentFilter(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, StudentFilterDto model) { using (var txscope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { try { var parameters = CommonMethod.GetJQueryDatatableParamList(param, GetSortingColumnName(param.iSortCol_0)); parameters.Parameters.Insert(0, new SqlParameter("@Fromdate", SqlDbType.DateTime) { Value = Convert.ToDateTime(model.FromDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") }); parameters.Parameters.Insert(1, new SqlParameter("@Todate", SqlDbType.DateTime) { Value = Convert.ToDateTime(model.ToDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") }); //parameters.Parameters.Insert(2, new SqlParameter("@Ismember", SqlDbType.Bit) { Value = model.IsMember }); var allList = await _studentService.GetGradeWiseStudentFilter(parameters.Parameters.ToArray()); var total = allList.FirstOrDefault()?.TotalRecords ?? 0; return(Json(new { param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = total, iTotalDisplayRecords = total, aaData = allList })); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.AddErrorLog(ex, "GetGradeWiseStudentFilter"); return(Json(new { param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = 0, iTotalDisplayRecords = 0, aaData = "" })); } } }
/// <summary> /// Select User-Group related informations /// </summary> /// <param name="htCondition"> /// Hashtable contain condition to select data from table ms_groupassign /// </param> /// <param name="dtResult"> /// DataTable to contain data selected from table ms_groupassign /// </param> /// <returns> /// 0: Search successful /// others: Sql Exception /// </returns> public int SelectGroupByUserId(string userCode, out DataTable dtResult) { int returnCode = 0; dtResult = new System.Data.DataTable(); using (BaseDao context = new BaseDao()) { try { IQueryable <ms_groupsassign> lstItem = context.ms_groupsassign.AsQueryable(); if (!CommonMethod.IsNullOrEmpty(userCode)) { lstItem = lstItem.Where(ig => ig.UserCode.Equals(userCode)); } //if (htCondition[CommonKey.GroupCode] != null && !CommonMethod.IsNullOrEmpty(htCondition[CommonKey.GroupCode])) //{ // string groupCode = htCondition[CommonKey.GroupCode].ToString(); // lstItem = lstItem.Where(ig => ig.GroupCode.Equals(groupCode)); //} #region Search data IEnumerable <SYS_GroupsAssignModel> lstResult = lstItem.Select(ig => new SYS_GroupsAssignModel { ID = ig.ID, UserCode = ig.UserCode, GroupCode = ig.GroupCode, }); dtResult = base.ToDataTable(lstResult); #endregion Search data } catch (Exception ex) { returnCode = this.ProcessDbException(ex); } } return(returnCode); }
public string AddOneByJsonIncludeAudio() { MessageInfo mi = new MessageInfo(); mi.State = "0000"; mi.Message = ""; mi.Result = "false"; string name = string.Empty; try { //string conferenceName = Context.Request["conferenceName"]; int conferenceID = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Request["conferenceID"]); string json = Context.Request["json"]; name = Context.Request.Files[0].FileName; Stream stream = Context.Request.Files[0].InputStream; byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); stream.Dispose(); string fsName = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + Constant.AudioLocalRootName + "\\" + name; string fsNameUrl = Constant.AudioTempHttp + name; using (FileStream fs = File.Create(fsName)) { fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } //信息添加辅助 this.AddOneByJsonHelper(conferenceID, json, fsNameUrl); mi.Result = "true"; } catch (Exception e) { } Context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Context.Response.Charset = Encoding.UTF8.ToString(); //设置字符集类型 Context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; Context.Response.Write(CommonMethod.Serialize(mi)); Context.Response.End(); return(name); }
// GET: Login public ActionResult Index(string errorStr, bool isAdLogin = true) { //获取请求使用的语言 string language = Request.Headers["Accept-Language"].ToString(); language = language.Split(',')[0].ToString(); if (language.IndexOf("en") >= 0) { ViewBag.language = "English"; } else { ViewBag.language = "Chinese"; } ViewBag.language = language; ViewBag.errorStr = errorStr; //判断是否存在对应的cookie HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["Passport.Token"]; if (cookie != null) { return(Redirect("/Home/Index")); } //判断是否为AD域登陆 if (isAdLogin) { string userName = CommonMethod.GetUserLoginName(HttpContext); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { // 设置用户 cookie HttpCookie createCookie = new HttpCookie("Passport.Token"); createCookie.Value = userName; createCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(8); createCookie.Secure = FormsAuthentication.RequireSSL; Response.Cookies.Add(createCookie); return(Redirect("/Home/Index")); } } return(View()); }
//重新生成wap静态页 protected void btnUpdateWapHtml_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "select t_article.*,t_article_type.type_name, as articleType from t_article left join t_article_type on ( "; DataTable dt = artBll.SelectToDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { int articleId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["id"]); string title = dt.Rows[i]["title"].ToString(); string title1 = dt.Rows[i]["title1"].ToString(); string source = dt.Rows[i]["source"].ToString(); int articleType = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["articleType"]); string articleTypeName = dt.Rows[i]["type_name"].ToString(); string content = dt.Rows[i]["content"].ToString(); string keyword = dt.Rows[i]["keyword"].ToString(); string search_keyword = dt.Rows[i]["search_keyword"].ToString(); string artPic = dt.Rows[i]["pic"].ToString(); string article_html = dt.Rows[i]["html"].ToString(); string tagStr = dt.Rows[i]["tag"].ToString(); string tag_id = dt.Rows[i]["tag_id"].ToString(); string tagIdHtml = ""; if (tag_id.Trim() != "") { string[] arrayTag_id = tag_id.Split(','); for (int j = 0; j < arrayTag_id.Length; j++) { if (arrayTag_id[j].Trim() != "," && arrayTag_id[j].Trim() != "") { tagIdHtml = arrayTag_id[j]; break; } } } //生成wap版静态页 CommonMethod.CreateArticleHtml_Wap(articleId, title, title1, source, articleType, articleTypeName, content, keyword, artPic, article_html, tagStr, tag_id, tagIdHtml, search_keyword); } } InText.AlertAndRedirect("生成成功!", Request.Url.ToString());//刷新当前页 }
public static void PreProcessFolder(string folderPrefix, out string entityFolderPath, out string daoFolderPath, out string mapperFolderPath, out string controllerFolderPath, out string serviceImplFolderPath, out string serviceInterfaceFolderPath) { entityFolderPath = BackendOutputPath + EntityPath + folderPrefix; daoFolderPath = BackendOutputPath + DaoPath + folderPrefix; mapperFolderPath = BackendOutputPath + MapperPath + folderPrefix; controllerFolderPath = BackendOutputPath + ControllerPath + folderPrefix; serviceImplFolderPath = BackendOutputPath + ServiceImplPath + folderPrefix; serviceInterfaceFolderPath = BackendOutputPath + ServiceInterfacePath + folderPrefix; if (Program.IsOutputToProject) { entityFolderPath = @"C:\0_Workspace\icts\src\main\java\com\infinite\icts\" + EntityPath + folderPrefix; daoFolderPath = @"C:\0_Workspace\icts\src\main\java\com\infinite\icts\" + DaoPath + folderPrefix; mapperFolderPath = @"C:\0_Workspace\icts\src\main\resources\" + MapperPath + folderPrefix; controllerFolderPath = @"C:\0_Workspace\icts\src\main\java\com\infinite\icts\" + ControllerPath + folderPrefix; serviceImplFolderPath = @"C:\0_Workspace\icts\src\main\java\com\infinite\icts\" + ServiceImplPath + folderPrefix; serviceInterfaceFolderPath = @"C:\0_Workspace\icts\src\main\java\com\infinite\icts\" + ServiceInterfacePath + folderPrefix; } CommonMethod.CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(entityFolderPath); CommonMethod.CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(daoFolderPath); CommonMethod.CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(mapperFolderPath); CommonMethod.CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(controllerFolderPath); CommonMethod.CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(serviceImplFolderPath); CommonMethod.CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(serviceInterfaceFolderPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPrefix)) { CommonMethod.ClearFolderIfExistFiles(entityFolderPath); CommonMethod.ClearFolderIfExistFiles(daoFolderPath); CommonMethod.ClearFolderIfExistFiles(mapperFolderPath); CommonMethod.ClearFolderIfExistFiles(controllerFolderPath); CommonMethod.ClearFolderIfExistFiles(serviceImplFolderPath); CommonMethod.ClearFolderIfExistFiles(serviceInterfaceFolderPath); } }
protected void btnLogin_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 务器端验证 if (txtUserName.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { Alert("请输入您的换客名!"); Select(txtUserName); return; } if (txtPwd.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { Alert("请输入您的密码!"); Select(txtPwd); return; } #endregion #region 系统登陆 if (XiHuan_UserFacade.IsUserValid(txtUserName.Text, txtPwd.Text)) { int uid = XiHuan_UserFacade.GetIdByName(txtUserName.Text); DateTime dt = DateTime.MinValue; if (chkAutoLogin.Checked) { dt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14); } CommonMethod.AddLoginCookie(uid, txtUserName.Text, dt); Alert("您已成功登录,请在窗口关闭后继续刚才的操作 ^_^!"); ExecScript("parent.ymPrompt.close();"); } else { Alert("换客名或密码不正确,请重试!"); return; } #endregion }
private static void GenerateEntity(string entityName, Dictionary <string, string> fieldDict) { StringBuilder entityBuilder = new StringBuilder(); entityBuilder.AppendLine("package " + Backend_Anchors.EntityPackagePrefix + ";"); if (entityName == "Anchors") { entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); entityBuilder.AppendLine("import java.util.List;"); } entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); entityBuilder.AppendLine($"public class {entityName} " + "{"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); foreach (var item in fieldDict) { var propertyName = CommonMethod.GetFirstUpString(item.Key); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" private {item.Value} {item.Key};"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" public {item.Value} get{propertyName}() " + "{"); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" return {item.Key};"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(" }"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" public void set{propertyName}({item.Value} value) " + "{"); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" this.{item.Key} = value;"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(" }"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); } if (entityName == "Anchors") { entityBuilder.AppendLine(" public Anchors(String name) {"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(" deviceType = name;"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(" }"); } entityBuilder.AppendLine("}"); var content = entityBuilder.ToString(); var filePath = _entityFolderPath + $"\\{entityName}.java"; File.WriteAllText(filePath, content, new UTF8Encoding(false)); }
private bool CopyMethodFiles(MethodInfo method, string parentDirectory) { try { eftir_cls_ident_method cls_method = eftir_cls_ident_method.Deserialize(method.methodFile); if (cls_method == null) { return(false); } //拷贝引用的光谱文件 //会将模型中的数状结构变成平面结构,因此要保证模型中所引用的文件名不相同 foreach (eftir_cls_ident_method.analyte item in cls_method.analytes) { string filename = Path.Combine(parentDirectory, Path.GetFileName(item.filename)); File.Copy(item.filename, filename, true); item.filename = filename; //修改引用文件路径到当前路径 } foreach (eftir_cls_ident_method.interferent item in cls_method.interferents) { string filename = Path.Combine(parentDirectory, Path.GetFileName(item.filename)); File.Copy(item.filename, filename, true); item.filename = filename; } //序列化模型文件到当前文件夹 string clsfile = Path.Combine(parentDirectory, Path.GetFileName(method.methodFile)); if (!cls_method.Serialize(clsfile)) { return(false); } //序列化MethodInfo到当前文件夹 clsfile = Path.Combine(parentDirectory, "MethodInfo_Temp.methodinfo"); //MethodInfo的内容 return(method.Serialize(clsfile)); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonMethod.ErrorMsgBox(ex.Message); return(false); } }
private static void GenerateEntity(string entityFolderPath, HotchnerTable table) { var entityName = Backend_Devices.GetEntityName(table); StringBuilder entityBuilder = new StringBuilder(); entityBuilder.AppendLine("package " + Backend_Devices.EntityPackagePrefix + ";"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); entityBuilder.AppendLine("import java.sql.Timestamp;"); entityBuilder.AppendLine("import java.util.Date;"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); entityBuilder.AppendLine($"public class {entityName} " + "{"); foreach (var row in table.RowList) { entityBuilder.AppendLine($" // {row.Description}"); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" private {RowTypeJavaDict[row.RowType]} {row.Name.ToLower()};"); } entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); foreach (var row in table.RowList) { string javeType = RowTypeJavaDict[row.RowType]; string firstUpOtherLow = CommonMethod.GetFirstUpAndOtherLowString(row.Name); string nameLower = row.Name.ToLower(); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" public {javeType} get{firstUpOtherLow}() " + "{"); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" return {row.Name.ToLower()};"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(" }"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" public void set{firstUpOtherLow}({javeType} {nameLower}) " + "{"); entityBuilder.AppendLine($" this.{nameLower} = {nameLower};"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(" }"); entityBuilder.AppendLine(""); } entityBuilder.AppendLine("}"); var content = entityBuilder.ToString(); var filePath = entityFolderPath + $"\\{entityName}.java"; File.WriteAllText(filePath, content, new UTF8Encoding(false)); }
void resUnit_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ViewMode == CommonData.Mode.View) { return; } LookUpEdit LookupEdit = sender as LookUpEdit; DataRowView SelectedDataRow = (DataRowView)LookupEdit.GetSelectedDataRow(); if (SelectedDataRow != null) { decimal unitPrice = IsMinus ? CommonMethod.ParseDecimal(SelectedDataRow[CommonKey.SalesPrice]) : CommonMethod.ParseDecimal(SelectedDataRow[CommonKey.PurchasePrice]); decimal quantity = CommonMethod.ParseDecimal(dgvAdjustment.GetDataRow(dgvAdjustment.FocusedRowHandle)[CommonKey.InputQuantity]); decimal amount = unitPrice * quantity; dgcAdjustment.SetRowCellValueForBandedGridView(CommonKey.InputUnitPrice, CommonMethod.ParseString(unitPrice)); dgcAdjustment.SetRowCellValueForBandedGridView(CommonKey.InputAmount, CommonMethod.ParseString(amount)); } dgvAdjustment.PostEditor(); }
public ActionResult FileManager(string id = "") { var istdate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "India Standard Time"); filemanagermodel objmodel = new filemanagermodel(); ManageFileManager filemanager = new ManageFileManager(); if (id == "") { objmodel.uploadeddate1 = CommonMethod.ToDDMMYYYY(istdate); objmodel.filedate1 = CommonMethod.ToDDMMYYYY(istdate); //ViewBag.compid = new SelectList(filemanager.CompList, "compid", "compname"); //ViewBag.compfinyr = new SelectList(new List<compfinyearlist>(), "compfinid", "finyear"); //ViewBag.filecatlist = new SelectList(filemanager.FileCatList, "catid", "catname"); //ViewBag.filesubcat = new SelectList(new List<mstfilesubcategory>(), "subcatid", "subcatname"); } return(View(objmodel)); }
/// <summary> /// 重连模块 /// </summary> private void reconnect() { if (_reconnectMax == 0) { return; //不重连直接返回 } reconnectCi++; //每重连一次重连的次数加1 if (stateOne != null) { stateOne.WorkSocket.Close(); stateOne = null; } if (reconnectOn == false) { reconnectOn = true; CommonMethod.eventInvoket(() => { ReconnectionStart(); }); } _engineStart = false; StartEngine(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string action = CommonMethod.FinalString(Request["action"]); if (action.Equals("addNewPic")) { trOldPic.Visible = false; btnUpLoad.Text = " 上传图片 "; notice.Visible = false; } else if (action.Equals("ModifyPic")) { OldImage.ImageUrl = Microsoft.JScript.GlobalObject.unescape(CommonMethod.FinalString(Request["src"])); txtImgDesc.Text = Microsoft.JScript.GlobalObject.unescape(CommonMethod.FinalString(Request["desc"])); chkIsDefault.Checked = CommonMethod.FinalString(Request["isdefault"]).Equals("1"); btnUpLoad.Text = " 保存修改 "; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Page_Load(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (CommonMethod.FinalString(Request["id"]).Length > 0) { XiHuan_LinksEntity link = new XiHuan_LinksEntity(); link.Id = CommonMethod.ConvertToInt(Request["id"], 0); link.Retrieve(); if (link.IsPersistent) { txtLinkName.Text = CommonMethod.FinalString(link.Name); txtLinkUrl.Text = CommonMethod.FinalString(link.Url); txtAlt.Text = CommonMethod.FinalString(link.Alt); txtSort.Text = CommonMethod.FinalString(link.Sort); } } } }
public void PlayAwardVideo(bool isEnd = false) { float time = _userTurn > 0 ? 2.0f : 0.0f; GameManager.instance.ISPLAY = _userTurn > 0 ? false : true; StartCoroutine(CommonMethod.WaitTime(time, () => { UIManager.Instance.OpenPopup <UIAwardPlayer>(Enums_Common.UIRootType.Screen_Local).PlayeVideo("movie/" + GetAward().ToString(), () => { if (isEnd) { GameEnd(); } else { SetTurnStart(); } }); })); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string type = CommonMethod.FinalString(Request["type"]); if (!IsUserAlreadyLogin) { MemberCenterPageRedirect("", "userequest.aspx?type=" + type); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (type == "receive") { BindReceive(); } else { BindSend(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 书本的构造函数(列表构造者) /// </summary> /// <param name="title">书本的标题</param> /// <param name="imageUri">书的背景图</param> public UcBook(Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List list, string imageName) : this() { try { //生成对象时添加属性值 this.Title = list.Title; //this.ImageUri = imageUri; this.List = list; BitmapImage imageSource = CommonMethod.GetImageSource(imageName); this.TomBook_Loaded(title, imageSource); } catch (Exception ex) { MethodLb.CreateLog(this.GetType().FullName, "UcBook", ex.ToString(), list, imageName); } finally { } }
/// <summary> /// 书本的构造函数(文件夹构造者) /// </summary> /// <param name="title">书本的标题</param> /// <param name="imageUri">书的背景图</param> public UcBook(Folder forder, string imageName) : this() { try { //生成对象时添加属性值 this.Title = forder.Name; this.Folder = forder; BitmapImage imageSource = CommonMethod.GetImageSource(imageName); this.TomBook_Loaded(title, imageSource); } catch (Exception ex) { MethodLb.CreateLog(this.GetType().FullName, "UcBook", ex.ToString(), forder, imageName); } finally { } }
public void GetTeams() { string cmd = "Select * from PartyMaster where deactive=0 and Msrno > " + gMSRNO; var dt = fetchdata.GetDataTable(cmd); var list = CommonMethod.ConvertToList <PartyMaster>(dt).ToList(); if (list != null) { if (list.Count > 0) { var totalTeams = list.Count(); var greenTeams = list.Where(x => x.ETicket != "0").Count(); var redTeams = list.Where(x => x.ETicket == "0").Count(); ViewBag.TotalTeams = totalTeams; ViewBag.Greenteams = greenTeams; ViewBag.Redteams = redTeams; ViewBag.MyDirect = list.Where(x => x.SponsorId == gMemberId).Count(); } } }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { IvsMessage message = null; if (CommonMethod.IsNullOrEmpty(Code)) { message = new IvsMessage("COM_MSG_MS_DEPARTMENT_CODE"); yield return(new ValidationResult(message.MessageText, new[] { CommonKey.Code })); } if (CommonMethod.IsNullOrEmpty(Name1)) { message = new IvsMessage("COM_MSG_MS_DEPARTMENT_NAME1"); yield return(new ValidationResult(message.MessageText, new[] { CommonKey.Name1 })); } if (CommonMethod.IsNullOrEmpty(Name2)) { message = new IvsMessage("COM_MSG_MS_DEPARTMENT_NAME2"); yield return(new ValidationResult(message.MessageText, new[] { CommonKey.Name2 })); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Page_Load(); if (!IsPostBack) { BindNotes(0); string action = CommonMethod.FinalString(Request.QueryString["action"]); if (action.Length > 0) { switch (action) { case "del": DelNotes(Request["id"]); break; case "check": CheckNotes(Request["id"], Request["gid"]); break; default: break; } } } }
protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType) { if (modelType.Equals(typeof(IModel))) { string controllerName = CommonMethod.ParseString(controllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"]); //var modelList = Ivs.Core.Web.Controllers.BaseController.ModelList; if (ApplicationState.Contain(controllerName)) { Type type = ApplicationState.GetValue <Type>(controllerName); if (type != null) { var model = Activator.CreateInstance(type); bindingContext.ModelMetadata = ModelMetadataProviders.Current.GetMetadataForType(() => model, type); return(model); } } } return(base.CreateModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, modelType)); }
public static void Sort(int[] array) { int n = array.Length; //build heap (rearrange array) for (int i = n / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Heapify(array, n, i); } //one by one extract an element from heap for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) { //Move current root to end CommonMethod.Swap(array, 0, i); //call max heapify on the reduced heap Heapify(array, i, 0); } }