public static List <string> MakeHostHtml(DataInfo info, Options options) { List <string> stringResult = new List <string>(); string htmlFile = GetHostFile(options, info); if (CommonIO.Exists(htmlFile, options) == true) { if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Host file = [" + htmlFile + "]"); } stringResult = LoadStrings(htmlFile, options); } else { if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceWarning)) { Trace.TraceWarning("No Host file, likely webassembly or Razor"); } } return(stringResult); }
public void SaveOrderToList(Order newOrder) { OrdrLkpResponses AllOrders = new OrdrLkpResponses(); AllOrders = _manager.LoadOrders(newOrder.OrderDate); String userConfirm = ConsoleIO.RequireYorN("Would you like to save this order? (y=yes, n=no)"); _orders = AllOrders.Orders; if (userConfirm == "Y") { int orderNumToReplace = newOrder.OrderNumber; Order OldOrder = _orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrderNumber == newOrder.OrderNumber); int indexToReplace = (_orders.IndexOf(OldOrder)); _orders[indexToReplace] = newOrder; _manager.SaveOrders(newOrder.OrderDate, _orders); userConfirm = userConfirm.ToUpper(); CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue($"New order ID {newOrder.OrderNumber} has been saved."); CommonIO.Continue(); } else if (userConfirm == "N") { CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue($"New order ID {newOrder.OrderNumber} was NOT saved."); CommonIO.Continue(); } }
//private List<Order> myVar = Orders; public void Execute() { CommonIO.ShowHeader("Lookup an order"); List <Order> _allOrders = new List <Order>(); DateTime OrderDate = ConsoleIO.AskForOrderDate(); OrdrLkpResponses AllOrders = new OrdrLkpResponses(); AllOrders = _manager.LoadOrders(OrderDate); _allOrders = AllOrders.Orders; Console.Clear(); if (AllOrders.Success) { foreach (Order OneOrder in _allOrders) { ConsoleIO.DisplayOrderDetails(OneOrder); } CommonIO.Continue(); } else { CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue(AllOrders.Message); } }
private static void ApplyChoice(int menuChoice) { switch (menuChoice) { case 1: OrderLookupWorkflow LookupWorkflow = new OrderLookupWorkflow(); LookupWorkflow.Execute(); break; case 2: AddOrderWorkflow AddOrder = new AddOrderWorkflow(); AddOrder.Execute(); break; case 3: EditOrderWorkflow EditOrder = new EditOrderWorkflow(); EditOrder.Execute(); break; case 4: DeleteOrderWorkflow DeleteOrder = new DeleteOrderWorkflow(); DeleteOrder.Execute(); break; case 5: Console.Write("To exit, "); CommonIO.Continue(); break; } }
public static void OutputRazorCodeBehindFile(Options options, DataInfo info) { string blazerFile = GetRazorFile(options, info) + ".cs"; Console.WriteLine("Razor Code Behind File = [" + blazerFile + "]"); CommonIO.OutputFile(blazerFile, info.RazorCodeBehindStrings, options); }
public static void Start() { int menuChoice = 0; do { ShowMenu(); menuChoice = CommonIO.GetIntFromUser(1, 5); ApplyChoice(menuChoice); } while (menuChoice != 5); }
public static void OutputCustomRazorLayout(Options options, DataInfo info) { string strFile = GetRazorCustomLayoutFile(options, info); if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceError("Razor Custom Layout File = [" + strFile + "]"); } CommonIO.OutputFile(strFile, info.RazorCustomLayoutStrings, options); }
public static void CopyAssetsDirectory(Options options) { string sourceDirectory = GetSourceDirectory(options); string destinationDirectory = GetDestinationDirectory(options); if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Copying Assets Source=" + sourceDirectory); Trace.TraceInformation(" Dest =" + destinationDirectory); } CommonIO.CopyDirectory(sourceDirectory, destinationDirectory, options); }
public static void OutputBlazorFile(Options options, DataInfo info) { string blazerFile = GetRazorFile(options, info); if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Blazor File = [" + blazerFile + "]"); } CommonIO.OutputFile(blazerFile, info.BlazorStrings, options); }
public void Execute() // The construct doesn't get executed when a method is static. // But, without having this static makes it difficult to count orders // AND diffiuclt to get the next order number. { Order orderFromUsr = new Order(); CommonIO.ShowHeader("Add an order"); orderFromUsr = ConsoleIO.GetNewOrder(); OrdrLkpResponses AllOrders = new OrdrLkpResponses(); AllOrders = _manager.LoadOrders(orderFromUsr.OrderDate); if (AllOrders.Success) { _orders = AllOrders.Orders; } else { Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: "); Console.WriteLine(AllOrders.Message); } orderFromUsr = CalcRestofOrder(orderFromUsr); //DateTime OrderDate = orderFromUsr.OrderDate; CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue("Order entry is complete."); CommonIO.Continue(); ConsoleIO.DisplayOrderDetails(orderFromUsr); String userConfirm = ConsoleIO.RequireYorN("Would you like to save this information? (y=Yes, n=No.)"); if (userConfirm.ToUpper() == "Y") { //List<Order> AllOrders = _manager.LoadOrders(DateTime.Now); _manager.SaveOrder(orderFromUsr); //manager.SaveOrders(AllOrders); CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue($"New order ID {orderFromUsr.OrderNumber} has been saved."); CommonIO.Continue(); } else { CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue($"New order ID {orderFromUsr.OrderNumber} was NOT saved."); CommonIO.Continue(); } }
public static void OutputNavMenuFile(Options options, DataInfo info) { if (info.NewNavMenuStrings.Count > 0) { string strFile = GetNavMenuFile(options, info); if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("NavMenu File = [" + strFile + "]"); } CommonIO.OutputFile(strFile, info.NewNavMenuStrings, options); } }
public static void OutputHostFile(Options options, DataInfo info) { if (info.NewHostStrings.Count > 0) { string htmlFile = GetHostFile(options, info); if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Host File = [" + htmlFile + "]"); } CommonIO.OutputFile(htmlFile, info.NewHostStrings, options); } }
public static void OutputPreview(Options options, DataInfo info) { if (options.HasPreview() == true) { string previewFile = options.PreviewFile; if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Preview File = [" + previewFile + "]"); } CommonIO.OutputFile(previewFile, info.PreviewStrings, options); } }
// support methods public static List <string> LoadStrings(string fileName, Options options) { List <string> strings = new List <string>(); if (CommonIO.Exists(fileName, options) == true) { string[] strs = CommonIO.ReadAllLines(fileName, options); foreach (string s in strs) { strings.Add(s); } } return(strings); }
public static Type_Options GetProjectType(Options options) { Type_Options result = Type_Options.Unknown; try { string strFile = options.BlazorProjectPath + options.HostHtml; if (CommonIO.Exists(strFile, options) == true) { result = Type_Options.BlazorServer; } else { strFile = options.BlazorProjectPath + options.WasmHostHtml; if (CommonIO.Exists(strFile, options) == true) { strFile = options.BlazorProjectPath + options.PWAFile; if (CommonIO.Exists(strFile, options) == true) { result = Type_Options.BlazorWebassemblyPWA; } else { result = Type_Options.BlazorWebassembly; } } else { strFile = options.BlazorProjectPath + options.RazorHostHtml; if (CommonIO.Exists(strFile, options) == true) { result = Type_Options.ASPNetRazor; } } } } catch (IOException e) { if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceExceptions)) { Trace.TraceError("Exception get Project Type", e); } } return(result); }
public void Execute() { //OrderManager manager = OrderManagerFactory.Create(); CommonIO.ShowHeader("Edit an order"); OrderLookupResponse response = ConsoleIO.AskForExistingOrder(); if (response.Success) { EditOrderIO.ShowEditInstructions(); GetEdits(response.Order); SaveOrderToList(response.Order); } else { Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: "); CommonIO.errMsg(response.Message); } }
public void Execute() { CommonIO.ShowHeader("Delete Order"); DateTime OrderDateToDelete = ConsoleIO.AskForOrderDate(); OrdrLkpResponses AllOrders = new OrdrLkpResponses(); AllOrders = _manager.LoadOrders(OrderDateToDelete); if (AllOrders.Success) { _orders = AllOrders.Orders; int orderNumtoDelete = CommonIO.GetIntFromUser(1, 999, 0, "What order number would you like to delete?"); DeleteOrder(OrderDateToDelete, orderNumtoDelete); } else { CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue(AllOrders.Message); } }
private void DeleteOrder(DateTime OrderDateToDelete, int orderNumtoDelete) { OrderLookupResponse response = _manager.LookupOrder(OrderDateToDelete, orderNumtoDelete); if (response.Success) { ConsoleIO.DisplayOrderDetails(response.Order); string confirmYN = ConsoleIO.RequireYorN("Are you sure you want to remove this order? (y=yes, n=no)"); do { if (confirmYN == "Y") { _orders.RemoveAll(o => o.OrderNumber == response.Order.OrderNumber); //_orders.Remove(_orders[indexToDelete]); //TODO: Learn why .remove did not work and .removeall did work. _manager.SaveOrders(OrderDateToDelete, _orders); CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue($"Order {orderNumtoDelete} was deleted."); } else if (confirmYN == "N") { CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue($"Order {orderNumtoDelete} was NOT deleted."); //CommonIO.Continue(); } else { CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue("Please enter y or n."); } } while ((confirmYN == "Y") && (confirmYN == "N")); } else { Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: "); Console.WriteLine(response.Message); } CommonIO.Continue(); }
private string GetInputPathArgument(StreamState state) { var protocol = state.InputProtocol; var mediaPath = state.MediaPath ?? string.Empty; var inputPath = new[] { mediaPath }; if (state.IsInputVideo) { if (!(state.VideoType == VideoType.Iso && state.IsoMount == null)) { inputPath = MediaEncoderHelpers.GetInputArgument(FileSystem, mediaPath, state.InputProtocol, state.IsoMount, state.PlayableStreamFileNames); } } return MediaEncoder.GetInputArgument(inputPath, protocol); }
public Order GetEdits(Order OrderToEdit) { //Order EditedOrder = new Order(); // Edit Customer Name Console.Write($"Customer Name ({OrderToEdit.CustomerName}), "); CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue("press Enter for no change."); String newCustomerName = ConsoleIO.AskForNewCustomerName(); if (newCustomerName == "") { Console.WriteLine("Name Unchanged\n"); } else { OrderToEdit.CustomerName = newCustomerName; } // Edit State Console.WriteLine($"Order State ({OrderToEdit.State}):"); CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue(" 0. No change"); String newState = ConsoleIO.AskForNewStateAbbr(); if (newState != null) { Console.WriteLine("State Unchanged"); } else { OrderToEdit.State = newState; } // Edit Product Console.WriteLine($"Product ({OrderToEdit.ProductType}):"); CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue(" 0. No change"); Product EditedProduct = ConsoleIO.AskForNewProduct(); if (newState == null) { Console.WriteLine("Product Unchanged"); } else { OrderToEdit.State = newState; } // Edit Area Console.WriteLine($"Area ({OrderToEdit.Area}), "); CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue("Enter 0 for no change."); //Decimal editedArea = ConsoleIO.AskForArea(); decimal editedArea = 0; int min = 100, max = 100000; bool intCk = false; do { intCk = decimal.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out editedArea); if (!intCk) { editedArea = 1; } if (editedArea == 0) { CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue("Area unchanged."); break; } else if (editedArea < min) { CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue($"Please enter a number between {min} and {max}"); //CommonIO.Continue(); } } while (editedArea < min || editedArea > max); if (editedArea != 0) { OrderToEdit.Area = editedArea; } CommonIO.MessageToUserInBlue("Editing order is complete. Next, you'll view the edited order and decide if you want to save it."); CommonIO.Continue(); Console.Clear(); ConsoleIO.DisplayOrderDetails(OrderToEdit); //• CustomerName, State, ProductType, Area return(OrderToEdit); }
public static void MoveAssetsDirectory(Options options, DataInfo info) { string sourceDirectory = GetSourceDirectory(options); string destinationDirectory = GetDestinationDirectory(options); try { if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Moving Assets Source=" + sourceDirectory); Trace.TraceInformation(" Dest =" + destinationDirectory); } CommonIO.CreateDirectory(destinationDirectory, options); foreach (Asset TheAsset in info.Assets) { if (TheAsset.AssetType == AssetType_Options.ImageAsset) { string sourceFile = options.BootstrapProjectPath + TheAsset.HtmlAsset; string destFile = destinationDirectory + TheAsset.RawAsset; string sourcePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceFile); string destPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(destFile) + @"\assets\img"; if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Copying Assets Source=" + sourcePath); Trace.TraceInformation(" Dest =" + destPath); } CommonIO.CopyDirectory(sourcePath, destPath, options); } else if (TheAsset.AssetType == AssetType_Options.HostAsset) { string sourcePath = options.BootstrapProjectPath + TheAsset.RawAsset; string destPath = options.BlazorProjectPath + "wwwroot\\" + options.PageName + "\\" + TheAsset.RawAsset; if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Copying Assets Source=" + sourcePath); Trace.TraceInformation(" Dest =" + destPath); } CommonIO.CopyDirectory(sourcePath, destPath, options); } else if (TheAsset.AssetType == AssetType_Options.ScriptAsset) { string sourcePath = options.BootstrapProjectPath + TheAsset.RawAsset; string destPath = options.BlazorProjectPath + "wwwroot\\" + options.PageName + "\\" + TheAsset.RawAsset; if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceInfo)) { Trace.TraceInformation("Copying Assets Source=" + sourcePath); Trace.TraceInformation(" Dest =" + destPath); } CommonIO.CopyDirectory(sourcePath, destPath, options); } } } catch (IOException e) { if (options.IsTraceOn(Trace_Options.TraceExceptions)) { Trace.TraceError("IO Exception copying assets" + e.ToString()); } } }