예제 #1
    public static void MakeAtlasReplaceWithCloth(GameObject pObj, string sParentFolder)
        #region Step0: Count Progress

        int             iMC            = (int)ECharactorMainColor.ECMC_Max;
        int             iSC            = (int)ECharactorSubColor.ECSC_Max + 1;
        List <string[]> combineList    = GetHumanoidCombineList();
        int             iProgressCount = pObj.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>(true).Length + combineList.Count;
        int             iProgressFull  = iProgressCount * (2 + 3 * iMC * iSC);
        int             iProgressNow   = 0;


        #region Step1: make gameobject table and make dirs (1x)

        CommonFunctions.CreateFolder(Application.dataPath + "/" + sParentFolder + "/Textures/?");
        for (int i = 0; i < iMC; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < iSC; ++j)
                CommonFunctions.CreateFolder(Application.dataPath + "/" + sParentFolder + "/Resources/CharMesh/" + string.Format("M{0}S{1}/?", i, j));

        List <SCharRendererFullInfo>     info = new List <SCharRendererFullInfo>();
        Dictionary <string, Texture2D[]> contextureCombine = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D[]>();
        Dictionary <string, int>         infoIndex         = new Dictionary <string, int>();
        foreach (MeshRenderer renderer in pObj.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>(true))
            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("正在收集Renderer信息", string.Format("{0}/{1}", iProgressNow, iProgressFull),
                                             iProgressNow / (float)iProgressFull);

            Texture2D mainTex  = renderer.sharedMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex") as Texture2D;
            Texture2D colorTex = renderer.sharedMaterial.GetTexture("_ColorTex") as Texture2D;
            Texture2D shaTex   = renderer.sharedMaterial.GetTexture("_ShadowTex") as Texture2D;

            if (null == mainTex || null == colorTex || null == shaTex)
                CRuntimeLogger.LogError("有的材质没有贴图: " + CommonFunctions.FindFullName(pObj, renderer.gameObject));

            string sTextureName = CommonFunctions.BuildStringOrder(new[] { mainTex.name, colorTex.name, shaTex.name });
            Mesh   mesh         = renderer.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

            info.Add(new SCharRendererFullInfo
                m_sFullTexName     = sTextureName,
                m_pMesh            = mesh,
                m_sMeshFilterName  = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mesh),
                m_sMeshName        = mesh.name,
                m_pObj             = renderer.gameObject,
                m_sObjectPath      = CommonFunctions.FindFullName(pObj, renderer.gameObject),
                m_pMainTexture     = mainTex,
                m_pColorTexture    = colorTex,
                m_pShaTexture      = shaTex,
                m_pCombinedMesh    = new Mesh[0],
                m_bDiscard         = false,
                m_pCombinedMeshObj = null,
                m_bCombine         = false,
            infoIndex.Add(CommonFunctions.FindFullName(pObj, renderer.gameObject), info.Count - 1);
            if (!contextureCombine.ContainsKey(sTextureName))
                contextureCombine.Add(sTextureName, new[] { mainTex, colorTex, shaTex });

        iProgressNow = iProgressCount;


        #region Step2: make colored textures (20x)

        CCharactorColor colors = new CCharactorColor();
        Dictionary <string, Texture2D> outTexture = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D>();
        for (int i = 0; i < iMC; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < iSC; ++j)
                Color mainC = colors[string.Format("M{0}", i + 1)].m_cColor;
                Color subC  = Color.white * 0.7f;
                if (j < (int)ECharactorSubColor.ECSC_Max)
                    subC = colors[string.Format("S{0}", j + 1)].m_cColor;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Texture2D[]> kvp in contextureCombine)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("正在阵营着色", string.Format("{0}/{1}", iProgressNow, iProgressFull),
                                                     iProgressNow / (float)iProgressFull);
                    Texture2D outPutT = GetTexture2DWithColor(kvp.Value[0], kvp.Value[1], kvp.Value[2], mainC, subC, j == (int)ECharactorSubColor.ECSC_Max);
                    outTexture.Add(string.Format("{0}_M{1}S{2}", kvp.Key, i, j), outPutT);
                iProgressNow = (i * iSC + j + 2) * iProgressCount;

        Shader unlit                     = Shader.Find("Unlit/Texture");
        string sPackTextureName          = sParentFolder + "/Textures/" + unlit.name.Replace("/", "_").Replace(".", "_");
        Dictionary <string, Rect> packed = EditorCommonFunctions.PackTexture(outTexture, sPackTextureName, unlit, EditorCommonFunctions.EPackColorFormat.ForcePng);


        #region Step3: Combine Batch (1x)

        List <string> sDisableList = new List <string>();
        foreach (string[] combines in combineList)
            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("正在收集合并Batch信息", string.Format("{0}/{1}", iProgressNow, iProgressFull),
                                             iProgressNow / (float)iProgressFull);

            GameObject            parent = info[infoIndex[pObj.name + "/" + combines[0]]].m_pObj;
            SCharRendererFullInfo cmb    = new SCharRendererFullInfo
                m_sObjectPath       = CommonFunctions.FindFullName(pObj, parent.transform.parent.gameObject) + "/",
                m_bDiscard          = false,
                m_pObj              = null,
                m_pTransfParentPath = pObj.name + "/" + combines[0],
                m_bCombine          = true,
            string            sMeshFilterName = "";
            List <GameObject> cmbobjs         = new List <GameObject>();
            List <Mesh>       cmbmeshes       = new List <Mesh>();
            List <string>     cmbtextures     = new List <string>();

            foreach (string t in combines)
                if (!sDisableList.Contains(pObj.name + "/" + t))
                    sDisableList.Add(pObj.name + "/" + t);
                GameObject theObj = info[infoIndex[pObj.name + "/" + t]].m_pObj;
                cmb.m_sObjectPath += theObj.name;
                sMeshFilterName   += theObj.name;
                cmbmeshes.Add(info[infoIndex[pObj.name + "/" + t]].m_pMesh);
                cmbtextures.Add(info[infoIndex[pObj.name + "/" + t]].m_sFullTexName);
            cmb.m_pCombinedMeshObj = cmbobjs.ToArray();
            cmb.m_pCombinedMesh    = cmbmeshes.ToArray();
            cmb.m_sTextureNames    = cmbtextures.ToArray();
            cmb.m_sMeshFilterName  = sMeshFilterName;

        foreach (string namecmbdisable in sDisableList)
            info[infoIndex[namecmbdisable]].m_bDiscard = true;

        iProgressNow = (2 + iMC * iSC) * iProgressCount;


        #region Step4: Create Meshes (20x)

        Dictionary <string, string> meshDic = CreateMeshes(info.ToArray(), packed,
                                                           sParentFolder + "/Resources/CharMesh/", iProgressNow, iProgressFull, iMC, iSC);
        iProgressNow = (2 + iMC * iSC * 2) * iProgressCount;


        #region Step5: Assemble Game Objects (20x)

        //Create the matrix
        for (int i = 0; i < iMC; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < iSC; ++j)
                CreateObj(i, j, info, meshDic, "Assets/" + sPackTextureName + ".mat", pObj, iProgressNow, iProgressFull);
                iProgressNow = ((2 + iMC * iSC * 2) + ((i * iSC) + j + 1)) * iProgressCount;

