//删除 protected void btnDelete_Clik(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { string fid = e.CommandName; CommonDao<SafeRewards> newmgr = new CommonDao<SafeRewards>(); CommonDao<SafeDeptMoney> moneymgr=new CommonDao<SafeDeptMoney>(); SafeRewards sf = newmgr.FindById(fid); CommonDao<SafeRewards> rewardmgr = new CommonDao<SafeRewards>(); SafeDeptMoney sm = moneymgr.FindByConditions(" deptname='" + sf.dept + "' and deptyear=datepart(yy,'"+sf.createtime.ToString()+"') "); sm.currentmoney = sm.currentmoney - sf.rewards; if (sm != null && sf != null) { if (moneymgr.Update(sm)) { if (newmgr.Del(sf)) { MsgShow("恭喜您,删除记录成功!"); InfoBind(); } } else { MsgShow("Sorry,删除记录失败!"); } } else { MsgShow("Sorry,未找到对应部门金额,删除记录失败!"); } }
//删除 protected void btnDelete_Clik(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { string fid = e.CommandName; CommonDao<SafeBook> newmgr = new CommonDao<SafeBook>(); SafeBook sf = newmgr.FindById(fid); if (newmgr.Del(sf)) { MsgShow("恭喜您,删除记录成功!"); InfoBind(); } else { MsgShow("Sorry,删除记录失败!"); } }
protected void GridViewEmployee_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { string fid = GridViewEmployee.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); CommonDao<Safezhuan> newmgr = new CommonDao<Safezhuan>(); Safezhuan safezhuan = newmgr.FindById(fid); CommonDao<SafeNews> safenewmgr = new CommonDao<SafeNews>(); int count = int.Parse(safenewmgr.GetTotalCount("NewsZhuan='" + fid + "'")); if (count == 0) { if (safezhuan != null) { if (newmgr.Del(safezhuan)) { Alert("热点专题删除成功!"); BindGridView(); } } } else { Alert("有属于该专题的文章,专题不能删除!"); } }
protected void GridViewEmployee_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { string fid = GridViewEmployee.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); CommonDao<SafeDeptMoney> newmgr = new CommonDao<SafeDeptMoney>(); SafeDeptMoney safemoney = newmgr.FindById(fid); CommonDao<SafeRewards> rewardmgr = new CommonDao<SafeRewards>(); int countreward = int.Parse(rewardmgr.GetTotalCount("dept='" + safemoney.deptname + "' and datepart(yy,createtime)='" + safemoney.deptyear + "'")); if (countreward == 0) { if (safemoney != null) { if (newmgr.Del(safemoney)) { Alert("部门金额删除成功!"); BindGridView(); } } } else { Alert("已有部门奖惩记录,无法删除!"); } }