private bool checkInsertedAssetData(List <Tuple <string, string> > assetData) { bool isError = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < assetData.Count; i++) { switch (assetData[i].Item1) { case "assetName": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(assetData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Asset Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(assetData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Asset Name should contains only Numbers and letters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "value": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(assetData[i].Item2)) { if (!VALIDATION.isDoubleValue(assetData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Value should contains only numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "quantity": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(assetData[i].Item2)) { if (!VALIDATION.isDoubleValue(assetData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("quantity should contains only numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(isError); }
private bool checkInsertedAssetData(List <Tuple <string, string> > dataList) { bool isError = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; i++) { switch (dataList[i].Item1) { case "description": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dataList[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Description Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(dataList[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Description should contains only Numbers and letters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "symbol": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dataList[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Symbol Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(dataList[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Symbol should contains only Numbers and letters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(isError); }
private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isError = false; int itemTypeIdId = Convert.ToInt16(txt_itemTypeID.Text); string itemType = txt_itemType.Text; try { //check for do action if (COMM_METHODS.checkActPermission(this.Name, USERNAME)) { //validate item Type name if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(itemType)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Item Type Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(itemType)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Item Type should contains only Letters and Numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } if (!isError) { //insert data to tbl_itemtype if (MANAGEDB.insertData_itemType(itemTypeIdId, itemType)) { IS_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = true; COM_MESSAGE.successfullMessage("Successfully created the Item Type !!!"); clearAllText(this); txt_itemTypeID.Text = MANAGEDB.getMaxItemTypeID().ToString(); txt_itemType.Focus(); } } } else { COM_MESSAGE.permissionMessage("Sorry You dont have permission to do action !!!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { COM_MESSAGE.exceptionMessage(ex.Message); } }
private bool checkInsertedReleaseEntry(List <Tuple <string, string> > dataList) { bool isError = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; i++) { switch (dataList[i].Item1) { case "comment": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dataList[i].Item2)) { if (VALIDATION.isSpecialChars(dataList[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("comment should not contains special characters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "destination": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dataList[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Destination Cannot Be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } break; case "stockEntryId": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dataList[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("stock Id Cannot Be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(isError); }
private void txt_search_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); int type = cmb_search.SelectedIndex; try { if (type > 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_search.Text)) { dt = MANAGEDB.getUnitWhileSearching(type, txt_search.Text); grd_editUnits.DataSource = dt; } } else { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Please Select Type to Search "); } } catch (Exception ex) { COM_MESSAGE.exceptionMessage(ex.Message); } }
private void btn_search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string str = String.Empty; if (chk_all.Checked) { SEARCH = String.Empty; } else if (chk_date.Checked) { SEARCH = string.Concat(" AND stockEntryDate BETWEEN '", dt_from.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), "' AND '", dt_to.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), "' "); } else if (chk_itemCode.Checked) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt_itemCode.Text)) { SEARCH = string.Concat(" AND itemCode = ", txt_itemCode.Text); } else { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Item Code Cannot be Empty !!!"); } } else { SEARCH = String.Empty; } fillGrid(SEARCH); } catch (Exception ex) { COM_MESSAGE.exceptionMessage(ex.Message); } }
private bool checkInsertedDealerData(List <Tuple <string, string> > dealerData) { bool isError = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < dealerData.Count; i++) { switch (dealerData[i].Item1) { case "dealerName": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dealerData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Dealer Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(dealerData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Dealer Name should contains only Numbers and letters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "companyName": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dealerData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Company Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(dealerData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Company Name should contains only Numbers and letters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "phoneNo": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dealerData[i].Item2)) { if (!VALIDATION.isNumberOnly(dealerData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Phone Number should contains only numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "mobile": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(dealerData[i].Item2)) { if (!VALIDATION.isNumberOnly(dealerData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Mobile Phone Number should contains only numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(isError); }
private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //check for do action if (COMM_METHODS.checkActPermission(this.Name, USERNAME)) { bool isError = false; string taxId = txt_taxId.Text; string symbol = txt_symbol.Text; string description = txt_description.Text; string taxPercentage = txt_taxPercentage.Text; DateTime from = DateTime.MinValue.Date; DateTime to = DateTime.MinValue.Date; var dataList = new List <Tuple <string, string> >(); dataList.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("symbol", symbol)); dataList.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("description", description)); dataList.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("taxPercentage", taxPercentage)); isError = checkInsertedTaxData(dataList); if (chk_timePeriod.Checked) { from = dateTime_from.Value.Date; to = dateTime_to.Value.Date; if (from > to) { isError = true; COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("From Date cannot be greater than To Date !!!"); } } if (!isError) { //insert data to db ADD_TAX._taxId = Convert.ToInt32(taxId); ADD_TAX._symbol = symbol; ADD_TAX._description = description; ADD_TAX._taxPercentage = Convert.ToDouble(taxPercentage); ADD_TAX._effectFrom = from; ADD_TAX._effectTo = to; if (MANAGEDB.insertData_tax(ADD_TAX)) { COM_MESSAGE.successfullMessage("Successfully Insert the Tax "); COMM_METHODS.clearAllText(this); txt_taxId.Text = MANAGEDB.getMaxTaxId().ToString(); } } } else { COM_MESSAGE.permissionMessage("Sorry You dont have permission to do action !!!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { COM_MESSAGE.exceptionMessage(ex.Message); } }
private bool checkInsertedItemData(List <Tuple <string, string> > userData) { bool isError = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < userData.Count; i++) { switch (userData[i].Item1) { case "itemCode": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Item Code Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Item Code should contains only Numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "itemName": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Item Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (VALIDATION.isSpecialChars(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Item Name should not contains special characters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "altName": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { if (VALIDATION.isSpecialChars(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Alternative Name should not contains special characters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "itemType": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Item Type Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } break; default: isError = true; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(isError); }
private bool checkInsertedStockEntry(List <Tuple <string, string> > stockEntry) { bool isError = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < stockEntry.Count; i++) { switch (stockEntry[i].Item1) { case "quantity": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(stockEntry[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Quantity Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isDoubleValue(stockEntry[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Quantity is not Correct in format !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "buyingUnitPrice": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(stockEntry[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Buying Unit Price Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isDoubleValue(stockEntry[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Buying Unit Price is not in Correct format !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "sellingUnitPrice": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(stockEntry[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Selling Unit Price Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isDoubleValue(stockEntry[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Selling Unit Price is not in Correct format !!!"); isError = true; } } break; case "priceAfterDiscount": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(stockEntry[i].Item2)) { if (!VALIDATION.isDoubleValue(stockEntry[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Price After Discount is not in Correct format !!!"); isError = true; } } break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(isError); }
private bool checkInsertedUserData(List <Tuple <string, string> > userData) { bool isError = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < userData.Count; i++) { switch (userData[i].Item1) { //validate User Name case "userName": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("User Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("User Name should contains only Letters and Numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } break; //validate First Name case "firstName": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("First Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterOnly(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("First Name should contains only Letters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; //validate Last Name case "lastName": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Last Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterOnly(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Last Name should contains only Letters !!!"); isError = true; } } break; //validate NIC case "idNumber": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("NIC Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("NIC should contains only Letters and Numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } break; //validate email - it can be empty case "email": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { if (!VALIDATION.isEmail(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("email is not in correct format !!!"); isError = true; } } break; //validate user Role case "userRole": if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("User Role Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } break; //validate Phone number case "phoneNo": if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userData[i].Item2)) { if (!VALIDATION.isNumberOnly(userData[i].Item2)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Phone Number should contains only Numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } break; default: isError = true; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(isError); }
private void btn_create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isError = false; string userName = txt_userName.Text; string firstName = txt_firstName.Text; string lastName = txt_lastName.Text; string idNumber = txt_nic.Text; string email = txt_email.Text; string userRole = dropDown_userRole.SelectedItem.ToString(); string phoneNo = txt_phoneNumber.Text; //validate User Name if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userName)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("User Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(userName)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("User Name should contains only Letters and Numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } //validate First Name if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(firstName)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("First Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterOnly(firstName)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("First Name should contains only Letters !!!"); isError = true; } } //validate Last Name if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(lastName)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Last Name Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterOnly(lastName)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Last Name should contains only Letters !!!"); isError = true; } } //validate NIC if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(idNumber)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("NIC Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } else { if (!VALIDATION.isLetterAndNumberOnly(idNumber)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("NIC should contains only Letters and Numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } //validate email - it can be empty if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(email)) { if (!VALIDATION.isEmail(email)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("email is not in correct format !!!"); isError = true; } } //validate user Role if (VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(userRole)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("User Role Cannot be Empty !!!"); isError = true; } //validate Phone number if (!VALIDATION.isEmptyTextBox(phoneNo)) { if (!VALIDATION.isNumberOnly(phoneNo)) { COM_MESSAGE.validationMessage("Phone Number should contains only Numbers !!!"); isError = true; } } if (!isError) { //insert data to db CREATEUSER._userId = Convert.ToInt16(txt_userID.Text); CREATEUSER._userName = userName; CREATEUSER._firstName = firstName; CREATEUSER._lastName = lastName; CREATEUSER._dob = Convert.ToDateTime(txt_dob.Text); CREATEUSER._idNumber = idNumber; CREATEUSER._address = txt_address.Text; CREATEUSER._email = email; CREATEUSER._userRole = userRole; CREATEUSER._roleId = Convert.ToInt16(dropDown_userRole.SelectedValue); } }