private async Task dealWithFindTeam(WebSocket webSocketFromGameHandler) { WebSocketReceiveResult Wrr; do { var returnResult = await ReceiveStringAsync(webSocketFromGameHandler, 1024 * 1024 * 10); Wrr = returnResult.wr; //returnResult.wr; string outPut = "haveNothingToReturn"; { var notifyJson = returnResult.result; // var notifyJson = getBodyStr(context); Console.WriteLine($"createTeam receive:{notifyJson}"); CommonClass.Command c = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonClass.Command>(notifyJson); switch (c.c) { case "TeamJoin": { /* * TeamJoin,如果传入的字段不是数字,返回 is not number * TeamJoin,如果传入的字段如果是数字,不存在这个队伍 返回not has the team * TeamJoin,如果队伍中人数已满,不存在这个队伍 返回team is full * */ CommonClass.TeamJoin teamJoin = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonClass.TeamJoin>(notifyJson); int teamIndex; if (int.TryParse(teamJoin.TeamIndex, out teamIndex)) { bool memberIsFull = false; bool notHasTheTeam = false; Team t = null; lock (Program.teamLock) { if (Program.allTeams.ContainsKey(teamIndex)) { if (Program.allTeams[teamIndex].member.Count >= 4) { memberIsFull = true; } else { Program.allTeams[teamIndex].member.Add(teamJoin); t = Program.allTeams[teamIndex]; } } else { notHasTheTeam = true; } } if (memberIsFull) { outPut = "team is full"; // await context.Response.WriteAsync(""); } else if (notHasTheTeam) { outPut = "not has the team"; //await context.Response.WriteAsync(""); } else if (t.IsBegun) { outPut = "game has begun"; //t.IsBegun 必须在判断 notHasTheTeam 之后。否则t可能为null // await context.Response.WriteAsync(""); } else { var PlayerNames = new List <string>(); CommonClass.TeamJoinFinish teamJoinFinish = new CommonClass.TeamJoinFinish() { c = "TeamJoinFinish", PlayerNames = new List <string>(), TeamNum = t.TeamID, WebSocketID = teamJoin.WebSocketID // PlayerNames = }; { CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo addInfomation = new CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo() { c = "TeamJoinBroadInfo", PlayerName = teamJoin.PlayerName, WebSocketID = t.captain.WebSocketID }; await sendMsg(t.captain.FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addInfomation)); } teamJoinFinish.PlayerNames.Add(t.captain.PlayerName); for (var i = 0; i < t.member.Count; i++) { teamJoinFinish.PlayerNames.Add(t.member[i].PlayerName); if (t.member[i].FromUrl == teamJoin.FromUrl && t.member[i].WebSocketID == teamJoin.WebSocketID) { } else { CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo addInfomation = new CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo() { c = "TeamJoinBroadInfo", PlayerName = teamJoin.PlayerName, WebSocketID = t.member[i].WebSocketID }; await sendMsg(t.member[i].FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addInfomation)); } } await sendMsg(teamJoin.FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(teamJoinFinish)); outPut = "ok"; // await context.Response.WriteAsync("ok"); // t.captain. //await context.Response.WriteAsync("not has the team"); } } else { outPut = "is not number"; // await context.Response.WriteAsync(""); } }; break; } } { var sendData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(outPut); await webSocketFromGameHandler.SendAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(sendData, 0, sendData.Length), WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, CancellationToken.None); } } while (!Wrr.CloseStatus.HasValue); }
private static async Task <string> DealWith(string notifyJson) { Console.WriteLine($"notify receive:{notifyJson}"); //File.AppendAllText("log/d.txt", $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}-{notifyJson}{Environment.NewLine}"); //File.AppendText("",) // CommonClass.TeamCreateFinish teamCreateFinish = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CommonClass.TeamCreateFinish>(notifyJson); string outPut = "haveNothingToReturn"; { CommonClass.Command c = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonClass.Command>(notifyJson); switch (c.c) { case "TeamCreate": { CommonClass.TeamCreate teamCreate = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonClass.TeamCreate>(notifyJson); int indexV; lock (Program.teamLock) { int maxValue = 10; //int indexV; do { indexV = Program.rm.Next(0, maxValue); maxValue *= 2; } while (Program.allTeams.ContainsKey(indexV)); Program.allTeams.Add(indexV, new Team() { captain = teamCreate, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, TeamID = indexV, member = new List <CommonClass.TeamJoin>(), IsBegun = false }); //Program.allTeams.Add() } var teamCreateFinish = new CommonClass.TeamCreateFinish() { c = "TeamCreateFinish", CommandStart = teamCreate.CommandStart, TeamNum = indexV, WebSocketID = teamCreate.WebSocketID, PlayerName = teamCreate.PlayerName }; await sendMsg(teamCreate.FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(teamCreateFinish)); //await (prot) // await sendInmationToUrl(addItem.FromUrl, notifyJson); CommonClass.TeamResult t = new CommonClass.TeamResult() { c = "TeamResult", FromUrl = teamCreate.FromUrl, TeamNumber = indexV, WebSocketID = teamCreate.WebSocketID }; outPut = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(t); }; break; case "TeamBegain": { CommonClass.TeamBegain teamBegain = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonClass.TeamBegain>(notifyJson); Team t = null; lock (Program.teamLock) { if (Program.allTeams.ContainsKey(teamBegain.TeamNum)) { t = Program.allTeams[teamBegain.TeamNum]; } //Program.allTeams.Add() } if (t == null) { outPut = "ng"; } else { for (var i = 0; i < t.member.Count; i++) { var secret = CommonClass.AES.AesEncrypt("team:" + teamBegain.RoomIndex.ToString(), t.member[i].CommandStart); CommonClass.TeamNumWithSecret teamNumWithSecret = new CommonClass.TeamNumWithSecret() { c = "TeamNumWithSecret", WebSocketID = t.member[i].WebSocketID, Secret = secret }; var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(teamNumWithSecret); await sendMsg(t.member[i].FromUrl, json); } t.IsBegun = true; outPut = "ok"; } }; break; case "TeamJoin": { /* * TeamJoin,如果传入的字段不是数字,返回 is not number * TeamJoin,如果传入的字段如果是数字,不存在这个队伍 返回not has the team * TeamJoin,如果队伍中人数已满,不存在这个队伍 返回team is full * */ CommonClass.TeamJoin teamJoin = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonClass.TeamJoin>(notifyJson); int teamIndex; if (int.TryParse(teamJoin.TeamIndex, out teamIndex)) { bool memberIsFull = false; bool notHasTheTeam = false; Team t = null; lock (Program.teamLock) { if (Program.allTeams.ContainsKey(teamIndex)) { if (Program.allTeams[teamIndex].member.Count >= 4) { memberIsFull = true; } else { Program.allTeams[teamIndex].member.Add(teamJoin); t = Program.allTeams[teamIndex]; } } else { notHasTheTeam = true; } } if (memberIsFull) { outPut = "team is full"; // await context.Response.WriteAsync(""); } else if (notHasTheTeam) { outPut = "not has the team"; //await context.Response.WriteAsync(""); } else if (t.IsBegun) { outPut = "game has begun"; //t.IsBegun 必须在判断 notHasTheTeam 之后。否则t可能为null // await context.Response.WriteAsync(""); } else { var PlayerNames = new List <string>(); CommonClass.TeamJoinFinish teamJoinFinish = new CommonClass.TeamJoinFinish() { c = "TeamJoinFinish", PlayerNames = new List <string>(), TeamNum = t.TeamID, WebSocketID = teamJoin.WebSocketID // PlayerNames = }; { CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo addInfomation = new CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo() { c = "TeamJoinBroadInfo", PlayerName = teamJoin.PlayerName, WebSocketID = t.captain.WebSocketID }; await sendMsg(t.captain.FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addInfomation)); } teamJoinFinish.PlayerNames.Add(t.captain.PlayerName); for (var i = 0; i < t.member.Count; i++) { teamJoinFinish.PlayerNames.Add(t.member[i].PlayerName); if (t.member[i].FromUrl == teamJoin.FromUrl && t.member[i].WebSocketID == teamJoin.WebSocketID) { } else { CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo addInfomation = new CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo() { c = "TeamJoinBroadInfo", PlayerName = teamJoin.PlayerName, WebSocketID = t.member[i].WebSocketID }; await sendMsg(t.member[i].FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addInfomation)); } } await sendMsg(teamJoin.FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(teamJoinFinish)); outPut = "ok"; // await context.Response.WriteAsync("ok"); // t.captain. //await context.Response.WriteAsync("not has the team"); } } else { outPut = "is not number"; // await context.Response.WriteAsync(""); } }; break; } } { return(outPut); } }
private void findTeam(IApplicationBuilder app) { //app.Run(async context => //{ //}); app.Run(async context => { if (context.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest) { var webSocket = await context.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync(); await dealWithFindTeam(webSocket); } }); return; app.Run(async context => { if (context.Request.Method.ToLower() == "post") { // await context.Response.WriteAsync("ok"); var notifyJson = getBodyStr(context); Console.WriteLine($"findTeam receive:{notifyJson}"); CommonClass.Command c = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonClass.Command>(notifyJson); switch (c.c) { case "TeamJoin": { /* * TeamJoin,如果传入的字段不是数字,返回 is not number * TeamJoin,如果传入的字段如果是数字,不存在这个队伍 返回not has the team * TeamJoin,如果队伍中人数已满,不存在这个队伍 返回team is full * */ CommonClass.TeamJoin teamJoin = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonClass.TeamJoin>(notifyJson); int teamIndex; if (int.TryParse(teamJoin.TeamIndex, out teamIndex)) { bool memberIsFull = false; bool notHasTheTeam = false; Team t = null; lock (Program.teamLock) { if (Program.allTeams.ContainsKey(teamIndex)) { if (Program.allTeams[teamIndex].member.Count >= 4) { memberIsFull = true; } else { Program.allTeams[teamIndex].member.Add(teamJoin); t = Program.allTeams[teamIndex]; } } else { notHasTheTeam = true; } } if (memberIsFull) { await context.Response.WriteAsync("team is full"); } else if (notHasTheTeam) { await context.Response.WriteAsync("not has the team"); } else if (t.IsBegun) { //t.IsBegun 必须在判断 notHasTheTeam 之后。否则t可能为null await context.Response.WriteAsync("game has begun"); } else { var PlayerNames = new List <string>(); CommonClass.TeamJoinFinish teamJoinFinish = new CommonClass.TeamJoinFinish() { c = "TeamJoinFinish", PlayerNames = new List <string>(), TeamNum = t.TeamID, WebSocketID = teamJoin.WebSocketID // PlayerNames = }; { CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo addInfomation = new CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo() { c = "TeamJoinBroadInfo", PlayerName = teamJoin.PlayerName, WebSocketID = t.captain.WebSocketID }; await sendMsg(t.captain.FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addInfomation)); } teamJoinFinish.PlayerNames.Add(t.captain.PlayerName); for (var i = 0; i < t.member.Count; i++) { teamJoinFinish.PlayerNames.Add(t.member[i].PlayerName); if (t.member[i].FromUrl == teamJoin.FromUrl && t.member[i].WebSocketID == teamJoin.WebSocketID) { } else { CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo addInfomation = new CommonClass.TeamJoinBroadInfo() { c = "TeamJoinBroadInfo", PlayerName = teamJoin.PlayerName, WebSocketID = t.member[i].WebSocketID }; await sendMsg(t.member[i].FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addInfomation)); } } await sendMsg(teamJoin.FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(teamJoinFinish)); await context.Response.WriteAsync("ok"); // t.captain. //await context.Response.WriteAsync("not has the team"); } } else { await context.Response.WriteAsync("is not number"); } }; break; } //switch (c.c) //{ // case "TeamCreate": // { // CommonClass.TeamCreate teamCreate = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CommonClass.TeamCreate>(notifyJson); // int indexV; // lock (Program.teamLock) // { // int maxValue = 10; // //int indexV; // do // { // indexV = Program.rm.Next(0, maxValue); // maxValue *= 2; // } while (Program.allTeams.ContainsKey(indexV)); // Program.allTeams.Add(indexV, new Team() // { // captain = teamCreate, // CreateTime = DateTime.Now, // TeamID = indexV // }); // //Program.allTeams.Add() // } // var teamCreateFinish = new CommonClass.TeamCreateFinish() // { // c = "TeamCreateFinish", // CommandStart = teamCreate.CommandStart, // TeamNum = indexV, // WebSocketID = teamCreate.WebSocketID, // PlayerName = teamCreate.PlayerName // }; // await sendMsg(teamCreate.FromUrl, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(teamCreateFinish)); // //await (prot) // // await sendInmationToUrl(addItem.FromUrl, notifyJson); // CommonClass.TeamResult t = new CommonClass.TeamResult() // { // c = "TeamResult", // FromUrl = teamCreate.FromUrl, // TeamNumber = indexV, // WebSocketID = teamCreate.WebSocketID // }; // await context.Response.WriteAsync(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(t)); // }; break; //} } }); }