private void LoadDepositeRequest(Guid commDepositeId) { CommodityDepositeRequestBLL objCDR = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); objCDR = objCDR.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById(commDepositeId); if (objCDR != null) { this.lblProductionYear.Text = objCDR.ProductionYear.ToString(); this.lblDateRecived.Text = objCDR.DateTimeRecived.ToString(); this.lblTrackingNo.Text = objCDR.TrackingNo; this.hfReceivigRequestId.Value = commDepositeId.ToString(); this.hfWarehouseId.Value = objCDR.WarehouseId.ToString(); LoadClient(objCDR.ClientId); Guid coffeeId = (Guid)WarehouseApplication.BLL.Utility.GetCommodityId("Coffee"); if (objCDR.CommodityId == coffeeId) { LoadVoucherInformation(commDepositeId); ViewState["hasVoucher"] = true; } else { ViewState["hasVoucher"] = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { this.Page.DataBind(); if (Session["SamplingId"] != null) { Guid Id = Guid.Empty; Id = new Guid(Session["SamplingId"].ToString()); Session["SamplingId"] = null; if (Id != Guid.Empty) { SamplingBLL obj = new SamplingBLL(); obj = obj.GetSampleDetail(Id); obj.Id = Id; if (obj != null) { this.lblSampleCode.Text = obj.SampleCode; this.txtDateCodeGenrated.Text = obj.GeneratedTimeStamp.ToShortDateString(); this.txtTimeArrival.Text = obj.GeneratedTimeStamp.ToShortTimeString(); ViewState["SamplingId"] = Id; CommodityDepositeRequestBLL objCDR = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); objCDR = objCDR.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById(obj.ReceivigRequestId); if (objCDR != null) { lblArrivalDate.Text = objCDR.DateTimeRecived.ToShortDateString(); } } } } } }
private void LoadDepositeRequest(Guid commDepositeId) { CommodityDepositeRequestBLL objCDR = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); objCDR = objCDR.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById(commDepositeId); if (objCDR != null) { //this.lblProductionYear.Text = objCDR.ProductionYear.ToString(); this.lblDateRecived.Text = objCDR.DateTimeRecived.ToString(); this.lblTrackingNo.Text = objCDR.TrackingNo; this.hfReceivigRequestId.Value = commDepositeId.ToString(); this.hfWarehouseId.Value = objCDR.WarehouseId.ToString(); LoadClient(objCDR.ClientId); } }
private void LoadCommodity() { Guid GradingId = Guid.Empty; try { GradingId = new Guid(this.cboGradingCode.SelectedValue.ToString()); } catch { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please Select Grading Code."; return; } if (GradingId == Guid.Empty) { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please Select Grading Code."; return; } GradingBLL objGrading = new GradingBLL(); objGrading = objGrading.GetById(GradingId); Guid CommodityReciveingRequestId = Guid.Empty; if (objGrading != null) { CommodityReciveingRequestId = objGrading.CommodityRecivingId; } else { this.lblMsg.Text = "An error has occured please Try again."; return; } if (CommodityReciveingRequestId != Guid.Empty) { CommodityDepositeRequestBLL objCommDepReq = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); objCommDepReq = objCommDepReq.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById(CommodityReciveingRequestId); if (objCommDepReq != null) { if (objCommDepReq.CommodityId != null) { this.cboCommodity_CascadingDropDown.ContextKey = objCommDepReq.CommodityId.ToString(); this.cboCommodity_CascadingDropDown.SelectedValue = objCommDepReq.CommodityId.ToString(); this.cboCommodity.SelectedValue = objCommDepReq.CommodityId.ToString(); LoadGradingFactors(objCommDepReq.CommodityId); } } } }
private void CoffeeCodingReport_ReportStart(object sender, EventArgs e) { Guid CommodityDepositeId = Guid.Empty; Guid WoredaId = Guid.Empty; GradingBLL objCode = new GradingBLL(); if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CodeReport"] != null) { objCode = (GradingBLL)HttpContext.Current.Session["CodeReport"]; } else { throw new Exception("Session expired."); } if (objCode != null) { this.txtDateCoded.Text = objCode.DateCoded.ToString("dd MMM-yyyy"); this.txtCode.Text = objCode.GradingCode.ToString(); CommodityDepositeId = objCode.CommodityRecivingId; } if (CommodityDepositeId != Guid.Empty) { CommodityDepositeRequestBLL objCDR = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); objCDR = objCDR.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById(CommodityDepositeId); if (objCDR != null) { WoredaId = objCDR.WoredaId; WoredaBLL objWoreda = new WoredaBLL(); objWoreda = objWoreda.GetWoredabyId(WoredaId); if (objWoreda != null) { this.txtOrigin.Text = objWoreda.WoredaName; } } } this.txtDateGenerated.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM-yyyy"); conn = Connection.getConnection(); GradingByBLL objGradersReader = new GradingByBLL(); reader = objGradersReader.GetGradersByGradingIdDataReader(objCode.Id, conn); }
protected void btnGenerateSampleTicket_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Nullable <Guid> Id; Guid WarehouseId = UserBLL.GetCurrentWarehouse(); Guid Moistureid = Guid.Empty; bool isMoisture = false; string TransactionId = String.Empty; Nullable <Guid> RecievingRequestId = null; try { if (this.chkReSampling.Checked == false) { RecievingRequestId = SamplingBLL.GetRandomSample(WarehouseId); isMoisture = false; } else { try { RecievingRequestId = SamplingBLL.GetRandomReSampling(WarehouseId, out Moistureid, out TransactionId); } catch (Exception ex) { this.lblMsg.Text = ex.Message; } isMoisture = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.lblMsg.Text = ex.Message; return; } if (RecievingRequestId == null) { this.lblMsg.Text = "There are no records Pending Sampling"; return; } Nullable <int> SerialNo = null; SamplingBLL objSample = new SamplingBLL(); SerialNo = objSample.GetSerialNo(WarehouseId); if (SerialNo == null) { throw new Exception("Inavlid Serial No. exception"); } // Create sampling obect SamplingBLL objSampling = new SamplingBLL(); objSampling.ReceivigRequestId = (Guid)RecievingRequestId; objSampling.SamplingStatusId = SamplingStatus.Active; objSampling.SerialNo = SamplingBLL.GetSerial(WarehouseId); objSampling.WarehouseId = WarehouseId; CommodityDepositeRequestBLL objCommDep = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); objCommDep = objCommDep.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById((Guid)RecievingRequestId); if (objCommDep != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objCommDep.TrackingNo) == true) { this.lblMsg.Text = "Can not get Tracking Number.Please try again."; return; } else { if (isMoisture == false) { objSampling.TrackingNo = objCommDep.TrackingNo; } else { objSampling.TrackingNo = TransactionId; } } } else { throw new Exception("Unable to get Arrival Information CommDepId=" + RecievingRequestId.ToString()); } //Create Sampler SamplerBLL objSampler = new SamplerBLL(); try { objSampler.SamplerId = new Guid(this.cboSampler.SelectedValue.ToString()); } catch { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please select Sampler"; return; } objSampler.Status = SamplerStatus.Active; Id = objSampling.InsertSample(objSampling, objSampler, isMoisture); if (Id != null) { objSampling.Id = (Guid)Id; string tran = ""; tran = SamplingBLL.GetTransactionNumber((Guid)RecievingRequestId); Session["Sampler"] = objSampler; Session["Sample"] = objSampling; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "ShowReport", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + string.Format("\"ReportSampleTicket.aspx?id={0}\", \"_blank\",\"height=400px,width=600px,top=0,left=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes\");", Id.ToString()) + "</script>", false); } else { this.lblMsg.Text = "Data can not be saved.Please try again if the error persists contact the administrator."; } }
private void LoadData() { string str = ""; Guid Id; if (Session["GRID"] != null) { str = Session["GRID"].ToString(); } if (str == "") { this.lblMsg.Text = "Unable to load data please try again."; return; } try { Id = new Guid(str); this.hfId.Value = Id.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Unable to Update Data.", ex); } GradingResultBLL obj = new GradingResultBLL(); obj = obj.GetGradingResultById(Id); if (obj != null) { this.cboGradingRecivedStatus.SelectedValue = ((int)obj.Status).ToString(); } lblGradingReceivedDate.Text = obj.GradeRecivedTimeStamp.ToShortDateString(); cmpSampGen.ValueToCompare = obj.GradeRecivedTimeStamp.ToShortDateString(); if (obj.GradingCode != null) { this.lblGradeCode.Text = obj.GradingCode; } this.lblClient.Text = ""; string cg = ""; CommodityDepositeRequestBLL obCD = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); obCD = obCD.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById(obj.CommodityDepositRequestId); ClientBLL objClient = new ClientBLL(); objClient = ClientBLL.GetClinet(obCD.ClientId); if (objClient != null) { this.lblClient.Text = objClient.ClientName; } else { this.lblMsg.Text = "Unable to load client Data."; } cg = CommodityGradeBLL.GetCommodityGradeNameById(obj.CommodityGradeId); this.lblCommodityGrade.Text = cg; if (((int)obj.Status == 3 || (int)obj.Status == 4) && obj.ClientAcceptanceTimeStamp != null) { this.cboAcceptanceStatus.SelectedValue = ((int)obj.Status).ToString(); DateTime dtCA = DateTime.Now; if (obj.ClientAcceptanceTimeStamp == null) { this.cboAcceptanceStatus.SelectedIndex = -1; } dtCA = (DateTime)obj.ClientAcceptanceTimeStamp; this.txtDateOfAcceptance.Text = dtCA.Date.ToShortDateString(); this.txtTimeodAcceptance.Text = dtCA.ToLongTimeString(); this.cboGradingRecivedStatus.SelectedValue = ((int)obj.GradingResult).ToString(); } }
protected void btnGenerateCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isSaved = false; this.lblMsg.Text = ""; string WarehouseNo; try { WarehouseNo = UserBLL.GetCurrentWarehouseCode(); } catch { this.lblMsg.Text = "No warehouse code,please try agian."; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WarehouseNo) == true) { this.lblMsg.Text = "No warehouse code,please try agian."; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.cboSampleCode.SelectedItem.Text) == true) { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please if the sample code exists"; return; } string[] IdCollection = new string[3]; IdCollection = this.cboSampleCode.SelectedValue.Split('/'); Guid SamplingResultId = Guid.Empty; Guid ReceivigRequestId = Guid.Empty; try { SamplingResultId = new Guid(IdCollection[0].ToString()); ReceivigRequestId = new Guid(IdCollection[1].ToString()); } catch { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please if the sample code exists"; return; } string TrackingNo = IdCollection[2].ToString(); DateTime DateCoded = DateTime.Parse(this.txtDateCodeGenrated.Text + " " + txtTimeArrival.Text); GradingBLL objGrading = new GradingBLL(); if (SamplingResultId != Guid.Empty) { objGrading.SamplingResultId = SamplingResultId; } else { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please if the sample code exists"; return; } if (ReceivigRequestId != Guid.Empty) { objGrading.CommodityRecivingId = ReceivigRequestId; } else { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please if the sample code exists"; return; } objGrading.Status = GradingStatus.Coded; objGrading.TrackingNo = TrackingNo; objGrading.CreatedBy = UserBLL.GetCurrentUser(); objGrading.DateCoded = DateCoded; List <GradingByBLL> list = new List <GradingByBLL>(); list = (List <GradingByBLL>)Session["Graders"]; if (list == null) { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please provide graders."; return; } if (list.Count <= 0) { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please provide graders."; return; } if (isSingleSupervisorGrader(list) == false) { return; } Guid CommodityId = Guid.Empty; CommodityDepositeRequestBLL objCDR = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); objCDR = objCDR.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById(ReceivigRequestId); if (GradingByBLL.IsNumberofGraderAcceptable(list.Count, objCDR.CommodityId) == false) { this.lblMsg.Text = "The number of graders selected is less than the minimum required."; return; } if (list == null || list.Count <= 0) { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please add graders before generating code."; return; } if (this.hfTrackingNo.Value == "" || this.hfTrackingNo.Value == null) { this.lblMsg.Text = "An error has occured."; return; } isSaved = objGrading.Add(WarehouseNo, this.hfTrackingNo.Value.ToString(), list); if (isSaved == true) { // TODO Update a GridView dataBind and print the Coding Ticket. this.lblMsg.Text = "Data Added Successfully."; CommodityDepositeRequestBLL obj = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); Session["Graders"] = null; this.gvGrader.DataSource = null; this.gvGrader.DataBind(); this.pnlGradingDetail.Visible = false; this.btnGenerateCode.Visible = false; LoadCode(objGrading.SamplingResultId); } else { this.lblMsg.Text = "Data can not be saved. Please check the data entered and try again.If the error persists, conatact the IT support."; } }