예제 #1
        public void AddLog(CommentActivityLog activityLog)
            DateTime dateKey = activityLog.LogCommentEvent.EventDate.Date;
            int      logKey  = activityLog.LogCommentEvent.SourceEventLogId;
            int      userKey = activityLog.LogCommentEvent.EventLog.SenderId;

            //organized first by date
            if (_activites.ContainsKey(dateKey) == false)
                _activites.Add(dateKey, new SortedDictionary <int, SortedDictionary <int, CommentActivityLog> >());

            //then the ID of the event that they track
            if (_activites[dateKey].ContainsKey(logKey) == false)
                _activites[dateKey].Add(logKey, new SortedDictionary <int, CommentActivityLog>());

            //then the user the generated the event
            if (_activites[dateKey][logKey].ContainsKey(userKey) == false)
                _activites[dateKey][logKey][userKey] = activityLog;
                //we want the most recent post by the user, replace if we are storing an older item
                CommentActivityLog other = _activites[dateKey][logKey][userKey];
                if (activityLog.LogCommentEvent.EventDate > other.LogCommentEvent.EventDate)
                    _activites[dateKey][logKey][userKey] = activityLog;
예제 #2
        public ActionResult Index(int?id, int timestamp = -1)
            if (null != ActiveCourseUser)
                ViewBag.HideMail = OSBLE.Utility.DBHelper.GetAbstractCourseHideMailValue(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID);
                ViewBag.HideMail     = true;
                ViewBag.errorMessage = "No user information yet available. Please sign up for a course first.";
                ViewBag.errorName    = "No Courses";

                var query = new ActivityFeedQuery(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID);
                var subscriptionsQuery = new ActivityFeedQuery(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID);
                ProfileViewModel vm    = new ProfileViewModel();
                vm.User = CurrentUser;
                if (id != null)
                    UserProfile user = DBHelper.GetUserProfile((int)id);
                    if (user != null && ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID != (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Observer)
                        vm.User = user;

                if (timestamp > 0)
                    DateTime pullDate = new DateTime(timestamp);
                    query.StartDate = pullDate;

                //Only show social events
                foreach (var evt in ActivityFeedQuery.GetSocialEvents())

                //add in the list of users that the current person cares about

                //build the feed view model
                vm.Feed              = new FeedViewModel();
                vm.Feed.Feed         = AggregateFeedItem.FromFeedItems(query.Execute().ToList());
                vm.Feed.LastLogId    = -1;
                vm.Feed.SingleUserId = vm.User.ID;
                vm.Feed.LastPollDate = query.StartDate;
                //vm.Score = Db.UserScores.Where(s => s.UserId == vm.User.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                using (SqlConnection conn = DBHelper.GetNewConnection())
                    int AskForHelpValue = conn.Query <int>("SELECT e.EventTypeId " +
                                                           "FROM EventTypes e " +
                                                           "WHERE e.EventTypeName = 'AskForHelpEvent' ").FirstOrDefault();
                    int FeedPostValue = conn.Query <int>("SELECT e.EventTypeId " +
                                                         "FROM EventTypes e " +
                                                         "WHERE e.EventTypeName = 'FeedPostEvent'").FirstOrDefault();
                    int LogCommentValue = conn.Query <int>("SELECT e.EventTypeId " +
                                                           "FROM EventTypes e " +
                                                           "WHERE e.EventTypeName = 'LogCommentEvent'").FirstOrDefault();

                    var posts = conn.Query <EventLog>(
                        "SELECT * " +
                        "FROM EventLogs " +
                        "WHERE EventTypeId = @fpe " +
                        "AND SenderId = @UserId " +
                        "ORDER BY EventDate DESC",
                        new { fpe = FeedPostValue, afhe = AskForHelpValue, UserId = vm.User.ID }).ToList();
                    vm.NumberOfPosts = posts.Count;

                    var comments = DBHelper.GetCommentsForUserID(vm.User.ID, conn);
                    //var comments = conn.Query<EventLog>(
                    //    "SELECT * " +
                    //    "FROM EventLogs e " +
                    //    "WHERE (e.EventTypeId = @lcv " +
                    //    "AND e.SenderId = @UserId) " +
                    //    "ORDERBY e.EventDate DESCENDING", new { lcv = LogCommentValue, UserId = CurrentUser.ID }).ToList();
                    vm.NumberOfComments = comments.Count();

                    //vm.NumberOfPosts = (from e in Db.EventLogs
                    //                    where (e.LogType == FeedPostEvent.Name || e.LogType == AskForHelpEvent.Name)
                    //                    && e.SenderId == vm.User.Id
                    //                    select e
                    //                    ).Count();
                    //vm.NumberOfComments = Db.LogCommentEvents.Where(c => c.EventLog.SenderId == vm.User.Id).Count();
                    //if (vm.Score == null)
                    //    vm.Score = new UserScore();

                    ////// need to figure this out
                    //////var maxQuery = Db.EventLogs.Where(e => e.SenderId == vm.User.Id).Select(e => e.Id);
                    //////if (maxQuery.Count() > 0)
                    //////    vm.Feed.LastLogId = maxQuery.Max();

                    // Build a catalog of recent commenting activity:
                    // 1. Find all comments that the user has made
                    // 2. Find all comments made by others on posts authored by the current user
                    // 3. Find all comments made by others on posts on which the current user has written a comment

                    DateTime maxLookback = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-14);

                    //1. find recent comments

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (LogCommentEvent lce in comments)
                        lce.SourceEvent = DBHelper.GetActivityEvent(lce.SourceEventLogId, conn);
                        lce.Sender      = vm.User;

                        CommentActivityLog cal = new CommentActivityLog()
                            Id = i,
                            LogCommentEvent   = lce,
                            LogCommentEventId = lce.EventLogId,
                            UserProfile       = vm.User,
                            UserProfileId     = vm.User.ID
                        if (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID == (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Observer)
                            cal.UserProfileId = 0;


                    //List<CommentActivityLog> socialLogs = (from social in Db.CommentActivityLogs
                    //    .Include("TargetUser")
                    //    .Include("LogCommentEvent")
                    //    .Include("LogCommentEvent.SourceEventLog")
                    //    .Include("LogCommentEvent.SourceEventLog.Sender")
                    //    .Include("LogCommentEvent")
                    //    .Include("LogCommentEvent.EventLog")
                    //    .Include("LogCommentEvent.EventLog.Sender")
                    //    where 1 == 1
                    //          && social.LogCommentEvent.EventDate >= maxLookback
                    //          &&
                    //          (social.TargetUserId == vm.User.Id ||
                    //           social.LogCommentEvent.SourceEventLog.SenderId == vm.User.Id)
                    //    orderby social.LogCommentEvent.EventDate descending
                    //    select social
                    //    ).ToList();
                //show subscriptions only if the user is accessing his own page
                //if (vm.User.Id == CurrentUser.Id)
                //    List<int> eventLogIds = Db.EventLogSubscriptions.Where(s => s.UserId == vm.User.Id).Select(s => s.LogId).ToList();
                //    if (eventLogIds.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        foreach (int logId in eventLogIds)
                //        {
                //            subscriptionsQuery.AddEventId(logId);
                //        }
                //        vm.EventLogSubscriptions = AggregateFeedItem.FromFeedItems(subscriptionsQuery.Execute().ToList());
                //    }


                ViewBag.IsInstructor   = ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRoleID == (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Instructor;
                ViewBag.IsSelf         = ActiveCourseUser != null ? ActiveCourseUser.UserProfileID == id || id == null : false;
                ViewBag.UploadedImages = GetImageFilesForCurrentUser();

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.errorMessage = ex.Message;
                ViewBag.errorName    = ex.GetType().ToString();
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method for posting a comment.  Will return true if everything went OK, false otherwise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logId"></param>
        /// <param name="comment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool PostComment(string logId, string comment)
            int id = -1;

            if (Int32.TryParse(logId, out id) == true)
                //comments made on comments or mark helpful events need to be routed back to the original source
                IOsbideEvent checkEvent = Db.LogCommentEvents.Where(l => l.EventLogId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (checkEvent != null)
                    id = (checkEvent as LogCommentEvent).SourceEventLogId;
                    checkEvent = Db.HelpfulMarkGivenEvents.Where(l => l.EventLogId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (checkEvent != null)
                        id = (checkEvent as HelpfulMarkGivenEvent).LogCommentEvent.SourceEventLogId;

                LogCommentEvent logComment = new LogCommentEvent()
                    Content          = comment,
                    SourceEventLogId = id,
                    SolutionName     = "OSBIDE"
                OsbideWebService client = new OsbideWebService();
                Authentication   auth   = new Authentication();
                string           key    = auth.GetAuthenticationKey();
                EventLog         log    = null;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) == false)
                    log = new EventLog(logComment, CurrentUser);
                    log = client.SubmitLog(log, CurrentUser);
                logComment = Db.LogCommentEvents.Where(l => l.EventLogId == log.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                //the code below performs two functions:
                // 1. Send interested parties email notifications
                // 2. Log the comment in the social activity log (displayed on an individual's profile page)

                //find others that have posted on this same thread
                List <OsbideUser> interestedParties = Db.LogCommentEvents
                                                      .Where(l => l.SourceEventLogId == id)
                                                      .Where(l => l.EventLog.SenderId != CurrentUser.Id)
                                                      .Select(l => l.EventLog.Sender)

                //(email only) find those that are subscribed to this thread
                List <OsbideUser> subscribers = (from logSub in Db.EventLogSubscriptions
                                                 join user in Db.Users on logSub.UserId equals user.Id
                                                 where logSub.LogId == id &&
                                                 logSub.UserId != CurrentUser.Id &&
                                                 user.ReceiveNotificationEmails == true
                                                 select user).ToList();

                //check to see if the author wants to be notified of posts
                OsbideUser eventAuthor = Db.EventLogs.Where(l => l.Id == id).Select(l => l.Sender).FirstOrDefault();

                //master list shared between email and social activity log
                Dictionary <int, OsbideUser> masterList = new Dictionary <int, OsbideUser>();
                if (eventAuthor != null)
                    masterList.Add(eventAuthor.Id, eventAuthor);
                foreach (OsbideUser user in interestedParties)
                    if (masterList.ContainsKey(user.Id) == false)
                        masterList.Add(user.Id, user);

                //add the current user for activity log tracking, but not for emails
                OsbideUser creator = new OsbideUser(CurrentUser);
                creator.ReceiveNotificationEmails = false;  //force no email send on the current user
                if (masterList.ContainsKey(creator.Id) == true)
                masterList.Add(creator.Id, creator);

                //update social activity
                foreach (OsbideUser user in masterList.Values)
                    CommentActivityLog social = new CommentActivityLog()
                        TargetUserId      = user.Id,
                        LogCommentEventId = logComment.Id

                //form the email list
                SortedDictionary <int, OsbideUser> emailList = new SortedDictionary <int, OsbideUser>();

                //add in interested parties from our master list
                foreach (OsbideUser user in masterList.Values)
                    if (user.ReceiveNotificationEmails == true)
                        if (emailList.ContainsKey(user.Id) == false)
                            emailList.Add(user.Id, user);

                //add in subscribers to email list
                foreach (OsbideUser user in subscribers)
                    if (emailList.ContainsKey(user.Id) == false)
                        emailList.Add(user.Id, user);

                //send emails
                if (emailList.Count > 0)
                    //send email
                    string url  = StringConstants.GetActivityFeedDetailsUrl(id);
                    string body = "Greetings,<br />{0} has commented on a post that you have previously been involved with:<br />\"{1}\"<br />To view this "
                                  + "conversation online, please visit {2} or visit your OSBIDE user profile.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />OSBIDE<br /><br />"
                                  + "These automated messages can be turned off by editing your user profile.";
                    body = string.Format(body, logComment.EventLog.Sender.FirstAndLastName, logComment.Content, url);
                    List <MailAddress> to = new List <MailAddress>();
                    foreach (OsbideUser user in emailList.Values)
                        to.Add(new MailAddress(user.Email));
                    Email.Send("[OSBIDE] Activity Notification", body, to);