예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a BoxProp object from a PropertyInfo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">The PropertyInfo used to extract the BoxProp object</param>
        /// <returns>The extracted BoxProp object</returns>
        public static BoxProp FromPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo info)
            object[] cpa = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CommandPropertyAttribute), false);

            if (cpa.Length > 0)
                BoxProp prop = new BoxProp();

                prop.Name   = info.Name;
                prop.CanGet = info.CanRead;
                prop.CanSet = info.CanWrite;

                CommandPropertyAttribute attr = cpa[0] as CommandPropertyAttribute;

                prop.GetAccess = attr.ReadLevel;
                prop.SetAccess = attr.WriteLevel;

                if (prop.SetAccess.ToString() == "5")                   // Weird access level on Account property
                    prop.SetAccess = AccessLevel.Administrator;
                    prop.CanSet    = false;

                prop.ValueType = GetPropType(info.PropertyType);

                if (prop.ValueType == BoxPropType.Enumeration)
                    prop.EnumName = info.PropertyType.Name;


예제 #2
        public void CommandPropertyAttributeConstructorTest1()
            AccessLevel level = new AccessLevel(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            CommandPropertyAttribute target = new CommandPropertyAttribute(level);

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: 实现用来验证目标的代码");
 public void ReadLevelTest()
     AccessLevel level = new AccessLevel(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     CommandPropertyAttribute target = new CommandPropertyAttribute( level ); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     AccessLevel actual;
     actual = target.ReadLevel;
     Assert.Inconclusive( "验证此测试方法的正确性。" );
예제 #4
        public void ReadLevelTest()
            AccessLevel level = new AccessLevel();                                 // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            CommandPropertyAttribute target = new CommandPropertyAttribute(level); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            AccessLevel actual;

            actual = target.ReadLevel;
예제 #5
        public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

            if (info.ButtonID >= (int)GumpChoice.SelectPage && info.ButtonID <= (int)GumpChoice.SelectPage + (m_PropertyList.Length / m_OptionsPerPage))
                from.SendGump(new HairStylistConfigGump(m_From, m_HairStylist, m_PropertyList, info.ButtonID - (int)GumpChoice.SelectPage));
            else if (info.ButtonID >= (int)GumpChoice.EditSettings && info.ButtonID <= (int)GumpChoice.EditSettings + m_PropertyList.Length)
                int index = info.ButtonID - (int)GumpChoice.EditSettings;

                PropertyInfo prop = m_PropertyList[index];

                if (prop == null)

                CommandPropertyAttribute cpa = GetCPA(prop);
                if (!prop.CanWrite || (cpa != null && from.AccessLevel < cpa.WriteLevel))

                Type type = prop.PropertyType;

                if (IsType(type, typeofPoint3D))
                    from.SendGump(new HairStylistSetPoint3DGump(prop, from, m_HairStylist, m_PropertyList, m_Page));

                else if (IsType(type, typeofTimeSpan))
                    from.SendGump(new HairStylistSetTimeSpanGump(prop, from, m_HairStylist, m_PropertyList, m_Page));
                else if (IsCustomEnum(type))
                    from.SendGump(new HairStylistSetCustomEnumGump(prop, from, m_HairStylist, m_PropertyList, GetCustomEnumNames(type), m_Page));
                else if (IsType(type, typeofEnum))
                    from.SendGump(new HairStylistSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_HairStylist, m_PropertyList, Enum.GetNames(type), GetObjects(Enum.GetValues(type)), m_Page));
                else if (IsType(type, typeofBool))
                    from.SendGump(new HairStylistSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_HairStylist, m_PropertyList, PropertiesGump.m_BoolNames, PropertiesGump.m_BoolValues, m_Page));
                else if (IsType(type, typeofString) || IsType(type, typeofReal) || IsType(type, typeofNumeric))
                    from.SendGump(new HairStylistSetGump(prop, from, m_HairStylist, m_PropertyList, m_Page));
예제 #6
        private ArrayList GetGroups(Type objectType, PropertyInfo[] props)
            Hashtable groups = new Hashtable();

            for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; ++i)
                PropertyInfo prop = props[i];

                if (prop.CanRead)
                    CommandPropertyAttribute attr = GetCPA(prop);

                    if (attr != null && m_Mobile.AccessLevel >= attr.ReadLevel)
                        Type type = prop.DeclaringType;

                        while (true)
                            Type baseType = type.BaseType;

                            if (baseType == null || baseType == typeofObject)

                            if (baseType.GetProperty(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType) != null)
                                type = baseType;

                        ArrayList list = (ArrayList)groups[type];

                        if (list == null)
                            groups[type] = list = new ArrayList();


            ArrayList sorted = new ArrayList(groups);

            sorted.Sort(new GroupComparer(objectType));

예제 #7
        private void InitializePage(int pageNumber)
            //The background
            AddBackground(60, 95, 515, 330, 5054);

            //Adds see through
            AddAlphaRegion(60, 95, 515, 330);

            int startIndex = (pageNumber * m_OptionsPerPage) > m_PropertyList.Length ? m_PropertyList.Length : (pageNumber * m_OptionsPerPage);
            int endIndex   = (startIndex + m_OptionsPerPage) > m_PropertyList.Length ? m_PropertyList.Length : (startIndex + m_OptionsPerPage);

            for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i)
                PropertyInfo             pI  = m_PropertyList[i];
                DescriptionAttribute     dA  = GetDescriptionAttribute(pI);
                CommandPropertyAttribute cpa = GetCPA(pI);

                //Field name
                AddLabelCropped(437, 120 + (((endIndex - 1) - i) * 70), 128, 20, 0x384, pI.Name);

                //Prop value
                AddImageTiled(435, 140 + (((endIndex - 1) - i) * 70), 110, 20, 0x0BBC);
                AddLabelCropped(437, 140 + (((endIndex - 1) - i) * 70), 108, 20, 0, PropertiesGump.ValueToString(m_HairStylist, pI));

                //Edit button
                if (pI.CanWrite && cpa != null && m_From.AccessLevel >= cpa.WriteLevel)
                    AddButton(550, 142 + (((endIndex - 1) - i) * 70), 0x15E1, 0x15E5, (int)GumpChoice.EditSettings + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                //Variabel description
                AddHtml(70, 102 + (((endIndex - 1) - i) * 70), 360, 60, dA.Description, true, false);
                //Delimiter image
                AddImageTiled(70, 165 + (((endIndex - 1) - i) * 70), 497, 2, 96);

            for (int i = 0; i <= (m_PropertyList.Length / m_OptionsPerPage); i++)
                //Highlight current page
                if (i == pageNumber)
                    AddImageTiled(67 + (i * 25), 387, 25, 25, 0xBBC);

                AddButton(70 + (i * 25), 390, 0x8B1 + i, 0x8B1 + i, (int)GumpChoice.SelectPage + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
예제 #8
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = state.Mobile;

            if (!BaseCommand.IsAccessible(from, m_Object))
                from.SendMessage("You may no longer access their properties.");

            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case 0:                     // Closed
                if (m_Stack != null && m_Stack.Count > 0)
                    object obj = m_Stack.Pop();

                    from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, obj, m_Stack, null));


            case 1:                     // Previous
                if (m_Page > 0)
                    from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page - 1));


            case 2:                     // Next
                if ((m_Page + 1) * EntryCount < m_List.Count)
                    from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page + 1));


                int index = (m_Page * EntryCount) + (info.ButtonID - 3);

                if (index >= 0 && index < m_List.Count)
                    PropertyInfo prop = m_List[index] as PropertyInfo;

                    if (prop == null)

                    CommandPropertyAttribute attr = GetCPA(prop);

                    if (!prop.CanWrite || attr == null || from.AccessLevel < attr.WriteLevel)

                    Type type = prop.PropertyType;

                    if (IsType(type, typeofMobile) || IsType(type, typeofItem))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetObjectGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, type, m_Page, m_List));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofType))
                        from.Target = new XmlSetObjectTarget(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, type, m_Page, m_List);
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofPoint3D))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetPoint3DGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofPoint2D))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetPoint2DGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofTimeSpan))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetTimeSpanGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List));
                    else if (IsCustomEnum(type))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetCustomEnumGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, GetCustomEnumNames(type)));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofEnum))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, Enum.GetNames(type), GetObjects(Enum.GetValues(type))));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofBool))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_BoolNames, m_BoolValues));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofString) || IsType(type, typeofReal) || IsType(type, typeofNumeric))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofPoison))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, m_PoisonNames, m_PoisonValues));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofMap))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlSetListOptionGump(prop, from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_Page, m_List, Map.GetMapNames(), Map.GetMapValues()));
                    else if (IsType(type, typeofSkills) && m_Object is Mobile)
                        from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, m_Object, m_Stack, m_List, m_Page));
                        from.SendGump(new SkillsGump(from, (Mobile)m_Object));
                    else if (HasAttribute(type, typeofPropertyObject, true))
                        from.SendGump(new XmlPropertiesGump(from, prop.GetValue(m_Object, null), m_Stack, m_Object));

예제 #9
        private void Initialize(int page)
            m_Page = page;

            int count = m_List.Count - (page * EntryCount);

            if (count < 0)
                count = 0;
            else if (count > EntryCount)
                count = EntryCount;

            int lastIndex = (page * EntryCount) + count - 1;

            if (lastIndex >= 0 && lastIndex < m_List.Count && m_List[lastIndex] == null)

            int totalHeight = OffsetSize + ((EntryHeight + OffsetSize) * (ColumnEntryCount + 1));


            AddBackground(0, 0, TotalWidth * 3 + BorderSize * 2, BorderSize + totalHeight + BorderSize, BackGumpID);
            AddImageTiled(BorderSize, BorderSize + EntryHeight, (TotalWidth - (OldStyle ? SetWidth + OffsetSize : 0)) * 3, totalHeight - EntryHeight, OffsetGumpID);

            int x = BorderSize + OffsetSize;
            int y = BorderSize /*+ OffsetSize*/;

            int emptyWidth = TotalWidth - PrevWidth - NextWidth - (OffsetSize * 4) - (OldStyle ? SetWidth + OffsetSize : 0);

            if (m_Object is Item)
                AddLabelCropped(x + TextOffsetX, y, TypeWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, TextHue, ((Item)m_Object).Name);
            int propcount = 0;

            for (int i = 0, index = page * EntryCount; i < count && index < m_List.Count; ++i, ++index)
                // do the multi column display
                int column = propcount / ColumnEntryCount;
                if (propcount % ColumnEntryCount == 0)
                    y = BorderSize;
                x  = BorderSize + OffsetSize + column * (ValueWidth + NameWidth + OffsetSize * 2 + SetOffsetX + SetWidth);
                y += EntryHeight + OffsetSize;

                object o = m_List[index];

                if (o == null)
                    AddImageTiled(x - OffsetSize, y, TotalWidth, EntryHeight, BackGumpID + 4);

                /*if ( o is Type )
                 *              {
                 *                      Type type = (Type)o;
                 *                      AddImageTiled( x, y, TypeWidth, EntryHeight, EntryGumpID );
                 *                      AddLabelCropped( x + TextOffsetX, y, TypeWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, TextHue, type.Name );
                 *                      x += TypeWidth + OffsetSize;
                 *                      if ( SetGumpID != 0 )
                 *                              AddImageTiled( x, y, SetWidth, EntryHeight, SetGumpID );
                 *              }
                 *              else
                if (o is PropertyInfo)

                    PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)o;

                    // look for the default value of the equivalent property in the XmlSpawnerDefaults.DefaultEntry class

                    int       huemodifier = TextHue;
                    FieldInfo finfo       = null;
                    Server.Mobiles.XmlSpawnerDefaults.DefaultEntry de = new Server.Mobiles.XmlSpawnerDefaults.DefaultEntry();
                    Type ftype = de.GetType();
                    if (ftype != null)
                        finfo = ftype.GetField(prop.Name);
                    // is there an equivalent default field?
                    if (finfo != null)
                        // see if the value is different from the default
                        if (ValueToString(finfo.GetValue(de)) != ValueToString(prop))
                            huemodifier = 68;

                    AddImageTiled(x, y, NameWidth, EntryHeight, EntryGumpID);
                    AddLabelCropped(x + TextOffsetX, y, NameWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, huemodifier, prop.Name);
                    x += NameWidth + OffsetSize;
                    AddImageTiled(x, y, ValueWidth, EntryHeight, EntryGumpID);
                    AddLabelCropped(x + TextOffsetX, y, ValueWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, huemodifier, ValueToString(prop));
                    x += ValueWidth + OffsetSize;

                    if (SetGumpID != 0)
                        AddImageTiled(x, y, SetWidth, EntryHeight, SetGumpID);

                    CommandPropertyAttribute cpa = GetCPA(prop);

                    if (prop.CanWrite && cpa != null && m_Mobile.AccessLevel >= cpa.WriteLevel)
                        AddButton(x + SetOffsetX, y + SetOffsetY, SetButtonID1, SetButtonID2, i + 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
 public void CommandPropertyAttributeConstructorTest()
     AccessLevel readLevel = new AccessLevel(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     AccessLevel writeLevel = new AccessLevel(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
     CommandPropertyAttribute target = new CommandPropertyAttribute( readLevel, writeLevel );
     Assert.Inconclusive( "TODO: 实现用来验证目标的代码" );
예제 #11
        private void Initialize(int page)
            m_Page = page;

            int count = m_List.Count - (page * EntryCount);

            if (count < 0)
                count = 0;
            else if (count > EntryCount)
                count = EntryCount;

            int lastIndex = (page * EntryCount) + count - 1;

            if (lastIndex >= 0 && lastIndex < m_List.Count && m_List[lastIndex] == null)

            int totalHeight = OffsetSize + ((EntryHeight + OffsetSize) * (count + 1));


            AddBackground(0, 0, BackWidth, BorderSize + totalHeight + BorderSize, BackGumpID);
            AddImageTiled(BorderSize, BorderSize, TotalWidth - (OldStyle ? SetWidth + OffsetSize : 0), totalHeight, OffsetGumpID);

            int x = BorderSize + OffsetSize;
            int y = BorderSize + OffsetSize;

            int emptyWidth = TotalWidth - PrevWidth - NextWidth - (OffsetSize * 4) - (OldStyle ? SetWidth + OffsetSize : 0);

            if (OldStyle)
                AddImageTiled(x, y, TotalWidth - (OffsetSize * 3) - SetWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID);
                AddImageTiled(x, y, PrevWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID);

            if (page > 0)
                AddButton(x + PrevOffsetX, y + PrevOffsetY, PrevButtonID1, PrevButtonID2, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                if (PrevLabel)
                    AddLabel(x + PrevLabelOffsetX, y + PrevLabelOffsetY, TextHue, "Previous");

            x += PrevWidth + OffsetSize;

            if (!OldStyle)
                AddImageTiled(x, y, emptyWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID);

            if (TypeLabel && m_Type != null)
                AddHtml(x, y, emptyWidth, EntryHeight, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#FAFAFA><CENTER>{0}</CENTER></BASEFONT>", m_Type.Name), false, false);

            x += emptyWidth + OffsetSize;

            if (!OldStyle)
                AddImageTiled(x, y, NextWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID);

            if ((page + 1) * EntryCount < m_List.Count)
                AddButton(x + NextOffsetX, y + NextOffsetY, NextButtonID1, NextButtonID2, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1);

                if (NextLabel)
                    AddLabel(x + NextLabelOffsetX, y + NextLabelOffsetY, TextHue, "Next");

            for (int i = 0, index = page * EntryCount; i < count && index < m_List.Count; ++i, ++index)
                x  = BorderSize + OffsetSize;
                y += EntryHeight + OffsetSize;

                object o = m_List[index];

                if (o == null)
                    AddImageTiled(x - OffsetSize, y, TotalWidth, EntryHeight, BackGumpID + 4);
                else if (o is Type)
                    Type type = (Type)o;

                    AddImageTiled(x, y, TypeWidth, EntryHeight, EntryGumpID);
                    AddLabelCropped(x + TextOffsetX, y, TypeWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, TextHue, type.Name);
                    x += TypeWidth + OffsetSize;

                    if (SetGumpID != 0)
                        AddImageTiled(x, y, SetWidth, EntryHeight, SetGumpID);
                else if (o is PropertyInfo)
                    PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)o;

                    AddImageTiled(x, y, NameWidth, EntryHeight, EntryGumpID);
                    AddLabelCropped(x + TextOffsetX, y, NameWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, TextHue, prop.Name);
                    x += NameWidth + OffsetSize;
                    AddImageTiled(x, y, ValueWidth, EntryHeight, EntryGumpID);
                    AddLabelCropped(x + TextOffsetX, y, ValueWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, TextHue, ValueToString(prop));
                    x += ValueWidth + OffsetSize;

                    if (SetGumpID != 0)
                        AddImageTiled(x, y, SetWidth, EntryHeight, SetGumpID);

                    CommandPropertyAttribute cpa = GetCPA(prop);

                    if (prop.CanWrite && cpa != null && m_Mobile.AccessLevel >= cpa.WriteLevel && !cpa.ReadOnly)
                        AddButton(x + SetOffsetX, y + SetOffsetY, SetButtonID1, SetButtonID2, i + 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
예제 #12
        public static PropertyInfo[] GetPropertyInfoChain(Mobile from, Type type, string propertyString, PropertyAccess endAccess, ref string failReason)
            string[] split = propertyString.Split('.');

            if (split.Length == 0)

            PropertyInfo[] info = new PropertyInfo[split.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i)
                string propertyName = split[i];

                if (CIEqual(propertyName, "current"))

                PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

                bool isFinal = (i == (info.Length - 1));

                PropertyAccess access = endAccess;

                if (!isFinal)
                    access |= PropertyAccess.Read;

                for (int j = 0; j < props.Length; ++j)
                    PropertyInfo p = props[j];

                    if (CIEqual(p.Name, propertyName))
                        CommandPropertyAttribute attr = GetCPA(p);

                        if (attr == null)
                            failReason = String.Format("Property '{0}' not found.", propertyName);
                        else if ((access & PropertyAccess.Read) != 0 && from.AccessLevel < attr.ReadLevel)
                            failReason = String.Format("You must be at least {0} to get the property '{1}'.",
                                                       Mobile.GetAccessLevelName(attr.ReadLevel), propertyName);

                        else if ((access & PropertyAccess.Write) != 0 && from.AccessLevel < attr.WriteLevel)
                            failReason = String.Format("You must be at least {0} to set the property '{1}'.",
                                                       Mobile.GetAccessLevelName(attr.WriteLevel), propertyName);

                        else if ((access & PropertyAccess.Read) != 0 && !p.CanRead)
                            failReason = String.Format("Property '{0}' is write only.", propertyName);
                        else if ((access & PropertyAccess.Write) != 0 && (!p.CanWrite || attr.ReadOnly) && isFinal)
                            failReason = String.Format("Property '{0}' is read only.", propertyName);

                        info[i] = p;
                        type    = p.PropertyType;

                if (info[i] == null)
                    failReason = String.Format("Property '{0}' not found.", propertyName);
