public CommandsNamespaceAttribute(CommandNamespace @namespace1, CommandNamespace @namespace2, CommandNamespace @namespace3, params string[] segments) { var s = new List <string> { "" + @namespace1, "" + @namespace2, "" + namespace3 }; s.AddRange(segments); Segments = s.ToArray(); }
public CommandNamespaceAttribute(CommandNamespace rootNamespace, params string[] segments) { var s = new List <string> { rootNamespace + "" }; s.AddRange(segments); Segments = s.ToArray(); }
public DirCommand(CommandNamespace ns, int selfAuth = 0, int targetAuth = 50) : base("?", "Lists all members of the given namespace", selfAuth, targetAuth, true) { _ns = ns; }
public CommandsNamespaceAttribute(CommandNamespace @namespace) { Segments = new string[] { "" + @namespace }; }