예제 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Called for every syntax node in the compilation, we can inspect the nodes and save any information useful for generation
            /// </summary>
            public void OnVisitSyntaxNode(GeneratorSyntaxContext context)
                if (context.Node is ClassDeclarationSyntax classDeclaration)
                    INamedTypeSymbol classTypeSymbol = context.SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(classDeclaration) as INamedTypeSymbol;

                    if (classTypeSymbol.GetAttributes().Any(ad => ad.AttributeClass.ToDisplayString() == "System.Mvvm.MVVMViewModelAttribute"))
                        ClassTypeSymbol = classTypeSymbol;

                        var props = classDeclaration.Members.OfType <PropertyDeclarationSyntax>();

                        ImmutableArray <ISymbol> members = ClassTypeSymbol.GetMembers();

                        foreach (ISymbol member in members)
                            if (member is IFieldSymbol fieldSymbol)
                                if (fieldSymbol.Type.ToDisplayString() == "System.Mvvm.DelegateCommand")

                        //check to see if any properties are exposed
                        if (props.Any())
                            var commandFieldnames = new List <string>();

                            var fieldsToRemove = new List <IFieldSymbol>();

                            //work through each property
                            foreach (PropertyDeclarationSyntax propertySyntax in props)
                                IPropertySymbol propertySymbol = context.SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(propertySyntax);

                                if (propertySymbol.Type.ToDisplayString() == "System.Windows.Input.ICommand" || (propertySymbol.Type.ToDisplayString() == "System.Mvvm.DelegateCommand"))
                                    var propCode = propertySyntax.ToString();

                                    if (CommandFields.Any())
                                        foreach (var command in CommandFields)
                                            if (propCode.Contains(command.Name))
                                                //don't notify the field as its cheaper to call the OnPropertyChanged notification


                            //remove removed fields :-)
                            foreach (var field in fieldsToRemove)