private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)//send test request { button1.IsEnabled = false; cmd.command = "Test"; cmd.testAuthor = author.Text.Replace(" ", "_"); cmd.testName = name.Text; cmd.dateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss"); //cmd.dateTime = "11_20_2016_09_00_00"; cmd.xmlFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(xmlfile.Text); AddTestTime(xmlfile.Text, cmd); changeNameAndSendToRepo(xmlfile.Text, cmd); for (int i = 0; i < listBox.Items.Count; i++) { cmd.dllFiles.Add(System.IO.Path.GetFileName((string)listBox.Items.GetItemAt(i))); changeNameAndSendToRepo((string)listBox.Items.GetItemAt(i), cmd); } try { stringSender sndr = new stringSender("http://localhost:8080/THStrRcvr"); CommandEncoder cmdEnocoder = new CommandEncoder(cmd); sndr.PostMessage(cmdEnocoder.encode()); textBox7.Text += "\n the datetime for query is: " + cmd.dateTime; Thread th = new Thread(s => { IsFileExist((string)s); }); th.Start("../../../log/" + cmd.testAuthor + "_" + cmd.dateTime + ".txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } button1.IsEnabled = true; }
void caseRequestQuary(CommandData cmdData)//command from client to ask a query { IFileService fs = null; string CFRcvr = cmdData.url + "/CFRcvr"; int count = 0; while (true) { try { fs = TestHarness.fileSender.CreateChannel(CFRcvr); break; } catch { Console.Write("\n connection to service failed {0} times - trying again", ++count); Thread.Sleep(500); continue; } } Console.Write("\n Connected to {0}\n", CFRcvr); string relativeFilePath = "../../../repo/"; string filepath = Path.GetFullPath(relativeFilePath); string file = filepath + cmdData.testAuthor + "_" + cmdData.dateTime + ".txt"; try { Console.Write("\n sending file {0}", file); timer.Start(); if (!fileSender.SendFile(fs, file)) { timer.Stop(); Console.Write("\n could not send file"); cmdData.command = "NoResult"; cmdData.from = "Repository"; = "Client"; string csl = cmdData.url + "/CStrRcvr"; try{ sndr = new stringSender(csl); CommandEncoder cmdEnocoder = new CommandEncoder(cmdData); sndr.PostMessage(cmdEnocoder.encode()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } else { timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("send file :{0} in {1} ", file, timer.ElapsedTimeSpan); } } catch {} }
void sendRunTest(CommandData cmdData)//tell TH to run the test { cmdData.command = "RunTest"; cmdData.from = "Repo"; = "TH"; try { stringSender sndr = new stringSender("http://localhost:8080/THStrRcvr"); CommandEncoder cmdEnocoder = new CommandEncoder(cmdData); sndr.PostMessage(cmdEnocoder.encode()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }
void sendFileNotMatch(CommandData cmdData)//when we not find the match { cmdData.command = "FileNotMatch"; cmdData.from = "Repo"; = "TH"; try { stringSender sndr = new stringSender("http://localhost:8080/THStrRcvr"); CommandEncoder cmdEnocoder = new CommandEncoder(cmdData); sndr.PostMessage(cmdEnocoder.encode()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)//send the query request { cmd.command = "Request Query"; cmd.testAuthor = author.Text.Replace(" ", "_"); cmd.dateTime = datetime.Text; stringSender sndr = new stringSender("http://localhost:8081/RepoStrRcvr"); CommandEncoder cmdEnocoder = new CommandEncoder(cmd); sndr.PostMessage(cmdEnocoder.encode()); if (File.Exists("../../../log/" + cmd.testAuthor + "_" + cmd.dateTime + ".txt")) { try { File.Delete("../../../log/" + cmd.testAuthor + "_" + cmd.dateTime + ".txt"); } catch { } } Thread th = new Thread(s => { IsFileExist((string)s); }); th.Start("../../../log/" + cmd.testAuthor + "_" + cmd.dateTime + ".txt"); textBox7.Text += "----------------this is demo for requirement 9"; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Repository repo = new Repository(); repo.startRepository(); //------------------test sub------------------ #if (TEST_REPOSITORY) CommandData cmd = new CommandData(); cmd.from = "client"; = "repo"; cmd.testAuthor = "me"; cmd.testName = "test"; cmd.command = "Request Query"; DateTime tm = new DateTime(2016, 11, 20, 09, 00, 00); cmd.dateTime = tm.ToString("MM_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss"); cmd.url = "http://localhost:8082/"; cmd.dllFiles.Add("tc1.dll"); cmd.dllFiles.Add("tc2.dll"); cmd.dllFiles.Add("td1.dll"); cmd.dllFiles.Add("td2.dll"); cmd.xmlFile = "XMLFile1.xml"; try { stringSender sndr = new stringSender("http://localhost:8081/RepoStrRcvr"); CommandEncoder cmdEnocoder = new CommandEncoder(cmd); sndr.PostMessage(cmdEnocoder.encode()); cmd.testAuthor = "me1"; cmdEnocoder = new CommandEncoder(cmd); sndr.PostMessage(cmdEnocoder.encode()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } #endif }