private void AttemptConnect() { connected = false; UInt32 DeviceCount = 0; FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK; // Create new instance of the FTDI device class ftdi = new FTDI(); // Determine the number of FTDI devices connected to the machine ftStatus = ftdi.GetNumberOfDevices( ref DeviceCount ); // Check status if(ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK || DeviceCount == 0) { commStat = CommStatus.NoDevice; return; } commStat = CommStatus.NoElev8; // Allocate storage for device info list FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] DeviceList = new FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[DeviceCount]; try { // Populate our device list ftStatus = ftdi.GetDeviceList( DeviceList ); bool FoundElev8 = false; for(int i = 0; i < DeviceCount && FoundElev8 == false; i++) { if(DeviceList[i].Type != FTDI.FT_DEVICE.FT_DEVICE_X_SERIES) continue; for(int baud = 0; baud < 2; baud++) { ftStatus = ftdi.OpenBySerialNumber( DeviceList[i].SerialNumber ); if(ftStatus == FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK) { string portName; ftdi.GetCOMPort( out portName ); if(portName == null || portName == "") { ftdi.Close(); continue; } if(baud == 0) { ftdi.SetBaudRate( 115200 ); // try this first } else { ftdi.SetBaudRate( 57600 ); // then try this (xbee) } ftdi.SetDataCharacteristics( 8, 1, 0 ); ftdi.SetFlowControl( FTDI.FT_FLOW_CONTROL.FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0 ); txBuffer[0] = (byte)'E'; txBuffer[1] = (byte)'l'; txBuffer[2] = (byte)'v'; txBuffer[3] = (byte)'8'; uint written = 0; for(int j = 0; j < 10 && FoundElev8 == false && !quit; j++) // Keep pinging until it replies, or we give up { ftdi.Write( txBuffer, 4, ref written ); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 50 ); uint bytesAvail = 0; ftdi.GetRxBytesAvailable( ref bytesAvail ); // How much data is available from the serial port? if(bytesAvail > 0) { int TestVal = 0; while(bytesAvail > 0 && !quit) { uint bytesRead = 0; ftdi.Read( rxBuffer, 1, ref bytesRead ); if(bytesRead == 1) { TestVal = (TestVal << 8) | rxBuffer[0]; if(TestVal == (int)(('E' << 0) | ('l' << 8) | ('v' << 16) | ('8' << 24)) ) { FoundElev8 = true; commStat = CommStatus.Connected; break; } } if(bytesRead == 0) break; } } } if(FoundElev8) { connected = true; if(ConnectionStarted != null) { ConnectionStarted(); } break; } else { ftdi.Close(); } } } } } catch(Exception) { return; } }
private void AttemptConnect() { connected = false; UInt32 DeviceCount = 0; FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK; // Create new instance of the FTDI device class ftdi = new FTDI(); // Determine the number of FTDI devices connected to the machine ftStatus = ftdi.GetNumberOfDevices( ref DeviceCount ); // Check status if(ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK || DeviceCount == 0) { commStat = CommStatus.NoDevice; return; } commStat = CommStatus.NoElev8; // Allocate storage for device info list FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] DeviceList = new FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[DeviceCount]; try { // Populate our device list ftStatus = ftdi.GetDeviceList( DeviceList ); bool FoundElev8 = false; for(int i = 0; i < DeviceCount && FoundElev8 == false; i++) { if(DeviceList[i].Type != FTDI.FT_DEVICE.FT_DEVICE_X_SERIES) continue; ftStatus = ftdi.OpenBySerialNumber( DeviceList[i].SerialNumber ); if(ftStatus == FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK) { string portName; ftdi.GetCOMPort( out portName ); if(portName == null || portName == "") { ftdi.Close(); continue; } ftdi.SetBaudRate( 115200 ); ftdi.SetDataCharacteristics( 8, 1, 0 ); ftdi.SetFlowControl( FTDI.FT_FLOW_CONTROL.FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0 ); txBuffer[0] = (byte)0; // Set it to MODE_None to stop it writing (reset in case it was disconnected) txBuffer[1] = (byte)0xff; // Send 0xff to the Prop to see if it replies uint written = 0; for(int j = 0; j < 10 && FoundElev8 == false; j++) // Keep pinging until it replies, or we give up { ftdi.Write( txBuffer, 2, ref written ); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 50 ); uint bytesAvail = 0; ftdi.GetRxBytesAvailable( ref bytesAvail ); // How much data is available from the serial port? if(bytesAvail > 0) { uint bytesRead = 0; ftdi.Read( rxBuffer, 1, ref bytesRead ); // If it comes back with 0xE8 it's the one we want if(bytesRead == 1 && rxBuffer[0] == 0xE8) { FoundElev8 = true; commStat = CommStatus.Connected; break; } } } if(FoundElev8) { connected = true; txBuffer[0] = 2; // MODE_Sensors written = 0; ftdi.Write( txBuffer, 1, ref written ); if(ConnectionStarted != null) { ConnectionStarted(); } break; } else { ftdi.Close(); } } } } catch(Exception) { return; } }
void SendStatusRequest() { if (!connectionActive /*|| machineState == MachineState.Jog*/) { return; } try { if (requestFullStatus) { SendByte(CMD_STATUS_REQUEST_FULL); requestFullStatus = false; showStatusMsg++; } else { SendByte(CMD_STATUS_REQUEST); } } catch { ClosePort(); ConnectionStatus = CommStatus.Disconnected; if (CommStatusChanged != null) { CommStatusChanged(this, ConnectionStatus); } } }
public CommStatusUpdatedEventArgs(ErrorStatus error_status, CommStatus comm_status, CommStatus comm_status_old) { ErrorStatus = error_status; CommStatus = comm_status; CommStatusMask = comm_status ^ comm_status_old; }
}//SerialDataReceivedEventHandler #endregion #region DisplayFunctions private void CommWatcher_Show(Object sender, EventArgs e) { CommStatus state = (CommStatus)commWatcher.GetCommStatus(); switch (state) { case CommStatus.Lost: commWatchStatus.Text = "Lost"; commWatchStatus.BackColor = Color.Red; this.GraphsButton.Enabled = false; FlashWindow.Flash(this); break; case CommStatus.Silent: commWatchStatus.Text = "Waiting"; commWatchStatus.BackColor = Color.Yellow; this.GraphsButton.Enabled = false; FlashWindow.Stop(this); break; case CommStatus.Working: commWatchStatus.Text = "Receiving"; commWatchStatus.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen; this.GraphsButton.Enabled = true; FlashWindow.Stop(this); break; } } // CommWather_Show
void SendStatusRequest() { if (!connectionActive /*|| machineState == MachineState.Jog*/) { return; } try { SendByte(CMD_STATUS_REQUEST); } catch { ClosePort(); ConnectionStatus = CommStatus.Disconnected; if (StatusChanged != null) { StatusChanged(this, ConnectionStatus); } } }
void HandleReconnection(string version) { driverVersion = version; activePort = port.PortName; if (machineState == MachineState.Idle) { GetAllGrblParameters(); } //machineState = MachineState.Idle; if (ConnectionStatus != CommStatus.Connected) { ConnectionStatus = CommStatus.Connected; grblStatus.state = GrblStatus.MachineState.Unknown; if (CommStatusChanged != null) { CommStatusChanged(this, ConnectionStatus); } } requestFullStatus = true; }
/// <summary> /// 得到四个地面站无线网桥和8辆车的网络设备的通讯状态 /// 需要注意的是:mainCanvas.Children在未添加CarComm时的Count=14,最大索引maxIndex=13;方法中出现的数字13即为此含义 /// 数字8代表8辆车 /// </summary> private void AssignCommStatus() { if (Communication.CommStatus.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Communication.CommStatus.Add(new CommStatus(new bool[] { false, false, false, false })); } } if (commHelper.SucceedCount[2] < 3) {//索引为2时对应的为无线网桥的状态计数 Communication.CommStatus[0] = new CommStatus(commHelper.CommStatus); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {//添加8辆车的通讯状态 CarComm carComm = (CarComm)mainCanvas.Children[14 + i]; CommStatus comm = new CommStatus(carComm.CommStatus); Communication.CommStatus[i + 1] = comm; } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the displayed information. Used to show every sent/received packet. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">Sent or received packet</param> /// <param name="status">Current status of the communication</param> public void updateCommUI(SerialComm.Packet_t p, CommStatus status) { // fix; this might have caused an IndexOutOfRangeException if ( != null && p.dataLength > { p.dataLength = (ushort); } // temporary fix of IndexOutOfRange exception //try //{ // check if the packet should be ignored if (ignoreSeqNrQueue.Count >= 1) { if (ignoreSeqNrQueue.Peek() + 1 == p.sequenceNumber) { ignoreSeqNrQueue.Dequeue(); } } if (ignoreSeqNrQueue.Count >= 1) { if (ignoreSeqNrQueue.Peek() == p.sequenceNumber) { return; } } // show the packet according to its status. switch (status) { case CommStatus.AckReceived: timeoutFlag = false; arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Image = Properties.Resources.arrow_left_green; flowCommStatus.Controls.Add(arrowArray[nextPictureBox]); toolTip.SetToolTip(arrowArray[nextPictureBox], "ack"); arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Show(); if (nextPictureBox < 5) { nextPictureBox++; } break; case CommStatus.AckTimeout: if (timeoutFlag == false) { arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Image = Properties.Resources.arrow_left_transparent; flowCommStatus.Controls.Add(arrowArray[nextPictureBox]); toolTip.SetToolTip(arrowArray[nextPictureBox], "ack timeout"); arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Show(); if (nextPictureBox < 5) { nextPictureBox++; } timeoutFlag = true; } break; case CommStatus.NackReceived: timeoutFlag = false; if (nextPictureBox < arrowArray.Length) { arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Image = Properties.Resources.arrow_left_red; flowCommStatus.Controls.Add(arrowArray[nextPictureBox]); toolTip.SetToolTip(arrowArray[nextPictureBox], "nack"); arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Show(); nextPictureBox++; } break; case CommStatus.ResponseReceived: timeoutFlag = false; if (nextPictureBox < arrowArray.Length) { arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Image = Properties.Resources.arrow_left_grey; flowCommStatus.Controls.Add(arrowArray[nextPictureBox]); toolTip.SetToolTip(arrowArray[nextPictureBox], "response"); arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Show(); nextPictureBox++; } fillInDetails(p); break; case CommStatus.ResponseTimeout: if (timeoutFlag == false && nextPictureBox < arrowArray.Length) { arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Image = Properties.Resources.arrow_left_transparent; flowCommStatus.Controls.Add(arrowArray[nextPictureBox]); toolTip.SetToolTip(arrowArray[nextPictureBox], "response timeout"); arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Show(); nextPictureBox++; timeoutFlag = true; } break; case CommStatus.PacketSent: // clear all displayed information. timeoutFlag = false; nextPictureBox = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arrowArray.Length; i++) { arrowArray[i].Hide(); } clearDetails(); fillOutDetails(p); if (nextPictureBox < arrowArray.Length) { arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Image = Properties.Resources.arrow_left_grey; arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone); flowCommStatus.Controls.Add(arrowArray[nextPictureBox]); toolTip.SetToolTip(arrowArray[nextPictureBox], "command/request"); arrowArray[nextPictureBox].Show(); nextPictureBox++; } break; default: break; } // close the expanded view. if (CmdExpanded == true) { btnExpand_Click(this, new EventArgs()); } //} //catch { } }
void HandleReceivedLine(string line) { if (line.Length == 0) { return; } bool isStatusLine = false; if (line.Length > maxlinelen) { maxlinelen = line.Length; tmpLongLine = line; } if (line.StartsWith("Grbl")) { activePort = port.PortName; if (machineState == MachineState.Idle) { GetAllGrblParameters(); } //machineState = MachineState.Idle; if (ConnectionStatus != CommStatus.Connected) { ConnectionStatus = CommStatus.Connected; if (StatusChanged != null) { StatusChanged(this, ConnectionStatus); } } } else if (line.StartsWith("<")) { isStatusLine = true; grblStatus.Parse(line); if (StatusUpdate != null) { StatusUpdate(this, grblStatus); } } else if (line.StartsWith("$")) { HandleParamLine(line); } else if (line.StartsWith("ok")) { HandleOKLine(line); } else if (line.StartsWith("[")) { HandleMessageLine(line); } else if (line.StartsWith("error")) { HandleErrorLine(line, MessageType.Error); } else if (line.StartsWith("ALARM")) { HandleErrorLine(line, MessageType.Alarm); } if (LineReceived != null) { LineReceived(this, line, isStatusLine && showStatusMsg == 0); if (showStatusMsg > 0) { showStatusMsg--; } } }
private void AttemptConnect() { connected = false; string[] names = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); List <string> Ports = new List <string>(); foreach (string name in names) { if (name != "COM1" && name != "COM2" && name != "COM3" && name != "COM4") { Ports.Add(name); } } // Check status if (Ports.Count == 0) { commStat = CommStatus.NoDevice; return; } commStat = CommStatus.NoElev8; try { bool FoundElev8 = false; for (int i = 0; i < Ports.Count && FoundElev8 == false; i++) { serial = new SerialPort(Ports[i], 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); serial.Open(); txBuffer[0] = (byte)'E'; txBuffer[1] = (byte)'l'; txBuffer[2] = (byte)'v'; txBuffer[3] = (byte)'8'; for (int j = 0; j < 10 && FoundElev8 == false; j++) // Keep pinging until it replies, or we give up { serial.Write(txBuffer, 0, 4); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); int bytesAvail = serial.BytesToRead; if (bytesAvail > 0) { int TestVal = 0; while (bytesAvail > 0) { int bytesRead = serial.Read(rxBuffer, 0, 1); if (bytesRead == 1) { TestVal = (TestVal << 8) | rxBuffer[0]; if (TestVal == (int)(('E' << 0) | ('l' << 8) | ('v' << 16) | ('8' << 24))) { FoundElev8 = true; commStat = CommStatus.Connected; break; } } } } } if (FoundElev8) { connected = true; if (ConnectionStarted != null) { ConnectionStarted(); } break; } else { serial.Close(); serial.Dispose(); serial = null; } } } catch (Exception) { return; } }
public virtual void NotifyError(CommStatus errorStatus, String errorMessage) { GecoSiLogger.Error(errorMessage); siListener.Notify(errorStatus, errorMessage); }
public virtual void Notify(CommStatus status) { GecoSiLogger.Log("!", status.GetType().Name); siListener.Notify(status); }
private void AttemptConnect() { connected = false; string[] names = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); List<string> Ports = new List<string>(); foreach(string name in names) { if(name != "COM1" && name != "COM2" && name != "COM3" && name != "COM4") Ports.Add( name ); } // Check status if(Ports.Count == 0) { commStat = CommStatus.NoDevice; return; } commStat = CommStatus.NoElev8; try { bool FoundElev8 = false; for(int i = 0; i < Ports.Count && FoundElev8 == false; i++) { serial = new SerialPort( Ports[i], 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One ); serial.Open(); txBuffer[0] = (byte)'E'; txBuffer[1] = (byte)'l'; txBuffer[2] = (byte)'v'; txBuffer[3] = (byte)'8'; for(int j = 0; j < 10 && FoundElev8 == false; j++) // Keep pinging until it replies, or we give up { serial.Write( txBuffer, 0, 4 ); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 50 ); int bytesAvail = serial.BytesToRead; if(bytesAvail > 0) { int TestVal = 0; while(bytesAvail > 0) { int bytesRead = serial.Read( rxBuffer, 0, 1 ); if(bytesRead == 1) { TestVal = (TestVal << 8) | rxBuffer[0]; if(TestVal == (int)(('E' << 0) | ('l' << 8) | ('v' << 16) | ('8' << 24))) { FoundElev8 = true; commStat = CommStatus.Connected; break; } } } } } if(FoundElev8) { connected = true; if(ConnectionStarted != null) { ConnectionStarted(); } break; } else { serial.Close(); serial.Dispose(); serial = null; } } } catch(Exception) { return; } }
void ConnectFTDI() { UInt32 DeviceCount = 0; FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK; // Create new instance of the FTDI device class ftdi = new FTDI(); // Determine the number of FTDI devices connected to the machine ftStatus = ftdi.GetNumberOfDevices( ref DeviceCount ); // Check status if(ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK || DeviceCount == 0) { commStat = CommStatus.NoDevices; return; } commStat = CommStatus.NoElev8; // Allocate storage for device info list FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] DeviceList = new FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[DeviceCount]; try { // Populate our device list ftStatus = ftdi.GetDeviceList( DeviceList ); bool FoundElev8 = false; for(int i = 0; i < DeviceCount && FoundElev8 == false; i++) { if(DeviceList[i].Type != FTDI.FT_DEVICE.FT_DEVICE_X_SERIES) continue; ftStatus = ftdi.OpenBySerialNumber( DeviceList[i].SerialNumber ); if(ftStatus == FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK) { string portName; ftdi.GetCOMPort( out portName ); if(portName == null || portName == "") { ftdi.Close(); continue; } ftdi.SetBaudRate( 115200 ); ftdi.SetDataCharacteristics( 8, 1, 0 ); ftdi.SetFlowControl( FTDI.FT_FLOW_CONTROL.FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0 ); txBuffer[0] = (byte)0xff; // Send 0xff to the Prop to see if it replies uint written = 0; for(int j = 0; j < 10 && FoundElev8 == false; j++) // Keep pinging until it replies, or we give up { ftdi.Write( txBuffer, 1, ref written ); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 50 ); uint bytesAvail = 0; ftdi.GetRxBytesAvailable( ref bytesAvail ); // How much data is available from the serial port? if(bytesAvail > 0) { uint bytesRead = 0; ftdi.Read( rxBuffer, 1, ref bytesRead ); // If it comes back with 0xE8 it's the one we want if(bytesRead == 1 && rxBuffer[0] == 0xE8) { FoundElev8 = true; commStat = CommStatus.Connected; break; } } } if(FoundElev8) { break; } else { ftdi.Close(); } } } } catch(Exception) { return; } Active = true; if( ftdi.IsOpen ) { currentMode = (Mode)(tcMainTabs.SelectedIndex + 1); txBuffer[0] = (byte)currentMode; uint written = 0; ftdi.Write( txBuffer, 1, ref written ); // Which mode are we in? } // Start my 'tick timer' - It's set to tick every 20 milliseconds // (used to check the comm port periodically instead of using a thread) //tickTimer.Start(); }
private static extern bool ClearCommError(int hFile, out uint lpErrors, out CommStatus lpStat);
void UpdateCommStatus() { if(commStat != lastStat) { string msg = null; lastStat = commStat; switch(commStat) { case CommStatus.Initializing: msg = "Initializing"; break; case CommStatus.NoDevices: msg = "No FTDI devices found"; break; case CommStatus.NoElev8: msg = "Looking for Elev8-FC"; break; case CommStatus.Connected: msg = "Connected"; break; } tsStatLabel.Text = msg; if(commStat == CommStatus.Connected) { tickTimer.Interval = 20; } else { tickTimer.Interval = 100; } } }
private void AttemptConnect() { connected = false; UInt32 DeviceCount = 0; FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK; // Create new instance of the FTDI device class ftdi = new FTDI(); // Determine the number of FTDI devices connected to the machine ftStatus = ftdi.GetNumberOfDevices(ref DeviceCount); // Check status if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK || DeviceCount == 0) { commStat = CommStatus.NoDevice; return; } commStat = CommStatus.NoElev8; // Allocate storage for device info list FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] DeviceList = new FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[DeviceCount]; try { // Populate our device list ftStatus = ftdi.GetDeviceList(DeviceList); bool FoundElev8 = false; for (int i = 0; i < DeviceCount && FoundElev8 == false; i++) { if (DeviceList[i].Type != FTDI.FT_DEVICE.FT_DEVICE_X_SERIES) { continue; } ftStatus = ftdi.OpenBySerialNumber(DeviceList[i].SerialNumber); if (ftStatus == FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK) { string portName; ftdi.GetCOMPort(out portName); if (portName == null || portName == "") { ftdi.Close(); continue; } ftdi.SetBaudRate(115200); ftdi.SetDataCharacteristics(8, 1, 0); ftdi.SetFlowControl(FTDI.FT_FLOW_CONTROL.FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0); txBuffer[0] = (byte)0; // Set it to MODE_None to stop it writing (reset in case it was disconnected) txBuffer[1] = (byte)0xff; // Send 0xff to the Prop to see if it replies uint written = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 10 && FoundElev8 == false; j++) // Keep pinging until it replies, or we give up { ftdi.Write(txBuffer, 2, ref written); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); uint bytesAvail = 0; ftdi.GetRxBytesAvailable(ref bytesAvail); // How much data is available from the serial port? if (bytesAvail > 0) { uint bytesRead = 0; ftdi.Read(rxBuffer, 1, ref bytesRead); // If it comes back with 0xE8 it's the one we want if (bytesRead == 1 && rxBuffer[0] == 0xE8) { FoundElev8 = true; commStat = CommStatus.Connected; break; } } } if (FoundElev8) { connected = true; txBuffer[0] = 2; // MODE_Sensors written = 0; ftdi.Write(txBuffer, 1, ref written); if (ConnectionStarted != null) { ConnectionStarted(); } break; } else { ftdi.Close(); } } } } catch (Exception) { return; } }
private void AttemptConnect() { connected = false; UInt32 DeviceCount = 0; FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK; // Create new instance of the FTDI device class ftdi = new FTDI(); // Determine the number of FTDI devices connected to the machine ftStatus = ftdi.GetNumberOfDevices(ref DeviceCount); // Check status if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK || DeviceCount == 0) { commStat = CommStatus.NoDevice; return; } commStat = CommStatus.NoElev8; // Allocate storage for device info list FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] DeviceList = new FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[DeviceCount]; try { // Populate our device list ftStatus = ftdi.GetDeviceList(DeviceList); bool FoundElev8 = false; for (int i = 0; i < DeviceCount && FoundElev8 == false; i++) { if (DeviceList[i].Type != FTDI.FT_DEVICE.FT_DEVICE_X_SERIES) { continue; } for (int baud = 0; baud < 2; baud++) { ftStatus = ftdi.OpenBySerialNumber(DeviceList[i].SerialNumber); if (ftStatus == FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK) { string portName; ftdi.GetCOMPort(out portName); if (portName == null || portName == "") { ftdi.Close(); continue; } if (baud == 0) { ftdi.SetBaudRate(115200); // try this first } else { ftdi.SetBaudRate(57600); // then try this (xbee) } ftdi.SetDataCharacteristics(8, 1, 0); ftdi.SetFlowControl(FTDI.FT_FLOW_CONTROL.FT_FLOW_NONE, 0, 0); txBuffer[0] = (byte)'E'; txBuffer[1] = (byte)'l'; txBuffer[2] = (byte)'v'; txBuffer[3] = (byte)'8'; uint written = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 10 && FoundElev8 == false && !quit; j++) // Keep pinging until it replies, or we give up { ftdi.Write(txBuffer, 4, ref written); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); uint bytesAvail = 0; ftdi.GetRxBytesAvailable(ref bytesAvail); // How much data is available from the serial port? if (bytesAvail > 0) { int TestVal = 0; while (bytesAvail > 0 && !quit) { uint bytesRead = 0; ftdi.Read(rxBuffer, 1, ref bytesRead); if (bytesRead == 1) { TestVal = (TestVal << 8) | rxBuffer[0]; if (TestVal == (int)(('E' << 0) | ('l' << 8) | ('v' << 16) | ('8' << 24))) { FoundElev8 = true; commStat = CommStatus.Connected; break; } } if (bytesRead == 0) { break; } } } } if (FoundElev8) { connected = true; if (ConnectionStarted != null) { ConnectionStarted(); } break; } else { ftdi.Close(); } } } } } catch (Exception) { return; } }
public void Notify(CommStatus errorStatus, String errorMessage) { Console.WriteLine("Error -> " + errorStatus + " " + errorMessage); }
public void Notify(CommStatus status) { Console.WriteLine("Status" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff") + " -> " + status); }