/// <summary> /// 查询 /// </summary> private void DoSelect() { string CorpId = string.Empty; string where = string.Empty; var UsrEnt = SysUser.Find(UserInfo.UserID); CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (ps.IsNoticeRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { where += " (WorkFlowState='1' or WorkFlowState='2' or WorkFlowState='-1') "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriterion.GetSearchValue("Year") + "")) { where += " and year(ApplyTime)= " + SearchCriterion.GetSearchValue("Year") + " "; } SearchCriterion.RemoveSearch("Year"); ents = UsrTravelWelfare.FindAll(SearchCriterion, Expression.Sql(where)); this.PageState.Add("UsrTravelWelfareList", ents); } else { // 判断公司登陆 UserContextInfo UC = new UserContextInfo(); CorpId = UC.GetUserCurrentCorpId(UserInfo.UserID); //SearchCriterion.AddSearch("CompanyId", CorpId); where += " (WorkFlowState='1' or WorkFlowState='2' or WorkFlowState='-1') " + AppealUsrAuth(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriterion.GetSearchValue("Year") + "")) { where += " and year(ApplyTime)= " + SearchCriterion.GetSearchValue("Year") + " "; } SearchCriterion.RemoveSearch("Year"); SearchCriterion.SetOrder("CompanyId", true); ents = UsrTravelWelfare.FindAll(SearchCriterion, Expression.Sql(where)); this.PageState.Add("UsrTravelWelfareList", ents); } }
private void ImpExcel() { string WorkFlowState = RequestData.Get <string>("WorkFlowState"); string where = string.Empty; //审批意见 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkFlowState)) { where += " and A.WorkFlowState='" + WorkFlowState + "' "; } CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (ps.IsNoticeRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName) || ps.IsHR(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { //管理员或HR组 } else { where += AppealUsrAuth(); } //A.TravelMoney, 旅游费用/每人 string sql = @"select distinct A.UserName,A.WorkNo,A.CompanyName,A.DeptName,A.Sex, A.TravelAddr,A.TravelTime as TimeSeg, A.XLMoney as TravelMoney, case when HaveFamily='Y' then '是' when HaveFamily='N' then '否' end As IsFamily, convert(varchar(10),A.ApplyTime ,120) As ApplyTime, C.Indutydate As IndutyDate, datediff(year,C.Indutydate,getdate()) As WorkYear, B.Name As Fname,B.Sex As OSex, B.Age As OAge,cast(B.Height as varchar(10)) Height, Case when WorkFlowState='1' then '未处理' when WorkFlowState='-1' then '不同意' when WorkFlowState='2' then '同意' when WorkFlowState='Exception' then '异常' End As State from FL_Culture..UsrTravelWelfare As A left join FL_Culture..UsrTravelInfo As B on A.Id=B.WelfareTravelId left join FL_PortalHR..SysUser As C on C.UserID=A.UserId where (WorkFlowState='1' or WorkFlowState='2' or WorkFlowState='-1') and A.Id is not null"; sql = sql.Replace("FL_PortalHR", Global.AimPortalDB); sql += where; string path = RequestData.Get <string>("path"); string fileName = RequestData.Get <string>("fileName"); string xlsName = fileName + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddhhmmss"); DataTable forExcelDt = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(sql); forExcelDt = DtDetail(forExcelDt); if (forExcelDt.Rows.Count > 0) { forExcelDt.TableName = "data"; WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner(); string xlsMdlPath = Server.MapPath(path); designer.Open(xlsMdlPath); designer.SetDataSource(forExcelDt); designer.Process(); Aspose.Cells.Worksheet ws = designer.Workbook.Worksheets.GetSheetByCodeName(fileName); string newXls = xlsName + ".xls"; System.IO.DirectoryInfo xlspath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel")); ExcelHelper.deletefile(xlspath); designer.Save(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel") + "\\" + newXls, FileFormatType.Excel2003); this.PageState.Add("fileName", "../Excel/tempexcel/" + newXls); } }
private void ImpExcel() { var year = RequestData.Get("year") + ""; var WorkFlowState = RequestData.Get("WorkFlowState") + ""; var WelfareType = RequestData.Get("WelfareType") + ""; var month = RequestData.Get("month") + ""; var type = RequestData.Get("type") + ""; var DealState = RequestData.Get("DealState") + ""; string where = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(year)) { year = DateTime.Now.Year + ""; where += " and Year(ApplyTime)=" + year + " "; } else { where += " and Year(ApplyTime)=" + year + " "; } //处理结果 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DealState)) { where += " and WorkFlowState='" + DealState + "' "; } //月份 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(month)) { where += " and Month(ApplyTime)=" + month + " "; } //未处理 if (type == "n") { where += " and A.WorkFlowState='1' "; } else //已处理 { where += " and (WorkFlowState='2' or WorkFlowState='-1') "; } //审批意见 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WorkFlowState)) { where += " and A.WorkFlowState='" + WorkFlowState + "' "; } CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (!ps.IsNoticeRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { where += AppealUsrAuth(); } string SQL = @" select distinct Year(A.ApplyTime) As Year,Month(A.ApplyTime) As Month, A.UserName,A.WorkNo,A.CompanyName,A.DeptName, convert(varchar(10),A.IndutyData,120) As IndutyDate, A.Sex,A.OtherUserName,A.OtherIdentityCard,A.OSex, C.UsrName as ChildName,C.Sex As ChildSex,C.IDCartNo AS ChildIDCard,C.IDType, case when A.WorkFlowState='2' then '同意' when A.WorkFlowState='-1' then '不同意' end As State, case when A.IsSingleChild='Y' then '是' when A.IsSingleChild='N' then '否' end As IsSingleChild, case when A.IsDoubleWorker='Y' then '是' when A.IsDoubleWorker='N' then '否' end As IsDoubleWorker, OtherUserWorkNo from FL_Culture..UsrChildWelfare As A left join FL_Culture..UsrWelfareChildInfo As C on C.ChildWelfareId=A.Id where A.Id is not null "; SQL += where; //导出SQL string childSQL = string.Empty, dbleSQL = string.Empty; if (WelfareType == "double") { dbleSQL = SQL + " and C.BeRelation='配偶' "; } else if (WelfareType == "child") { childSQL = SQL + " and C.BeRelation='子女' "; } else { dbleSQL = SQL + " and C.BeRelation='配偶' "; childSQL = SQL + " and C.BeRelation='子女' "; } string xlsNameDouble = "员工保险汇总表_配偶保险" + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddhhmmss"); string xlsNameChild = "员工保险汇总表_子女保险" + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyMMddhhmmss"); DataTable dble = null; DataTable child = null; string url = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SurveyUrl"] + ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WelfareType)) { child = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(childSQL); dble = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(dbleSQL); string fileName = string.Empty; { string FullPath = @"/Excel/EmpChild.xls"; if (url.Contains("FD")) { FullPath = @"/FD/Excel/EmpChild.xls"; } child.TableName = "data"; WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner(); string xlsMdlPath = Server.MapPath(FullPath); designer.Open(xlsMdlPath); designer.SetDataSource(child); designer.Process(); Aspose.Cells.Worksheet ws = designer.Workbook.Worksheets.GetSheetByCodeName("子女保险"); string newXls = xlsNameChild + ".xls"; System.IO.DirectoryInfo xlspath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel")); ExcelHelper.deletefile(xlspath); designer.Save(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel") + "\\" + newXls, FileFormatType.Excel2003); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { fileName += "|" + "/Excel/tempexcel/" + newXls; // | 文件分割 } else { fileName += "/Excel/tempexcel/" + newXls; } } { //double string FullPath = @"../Excel/EmpDouble.xls"; if (url.Contains("FD")) { FullPath = @"/FD/Excel/EmpDouble.xls"; } dble.TableName = "data"; WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner(); string xlsMdlPath = Server.MapPath(FullPath); designer.Open(xlsMdlPath); designer.SetDataSource(dble); designer.Process(); Aspose.Cells.Worksheet ws = designer.Workbook.Worksheets.GetSheetByCodeName("配偶保险"); string newXls = xlsNameDouble + ".xls"; System.IO.DirectoryInfo xlspath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel")); if (xlspath.GetFiles(xlsNameChild + ".xls").Length <= 0) { ExcelHelper.deletefile(xlspath); } designer.Save(Server.MapPath("../Excel/tempexcel") + "\\" + newXls, FileFormatType.Excel2003); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { fileName += "|" + "/Excel/tempexcel/" + newXls; } else { fileName += "/Excel/tempexcel/" + newXls; } } this.PageState.Add("fileName", fileName); } else if (WelfareType == "double") { string FullPath = @"/Excel/EmpDouble.xls"; if (url.Contains("FD")) { FullPath = @"/FD/Excel/EmpDouble.xls"; } dble = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(dbleSQL); CrateExcel(dble, "配偶保险", FullPath, xlsNameDouble); } else if (WelfareType == "child") { string FullPath = @"/Excel/EmpChild.xls"; if (url.Contains("FD")) { FullPath = @"/FD/Excel/EmpChild.xls"; } child = DataHelper.QueryDataTable(childSQL); CrateExcel(child, "子女保险", FullPath, xlsNameChild); } }
// private void DoSelect() { string where = ""; CommPowerSplit ps = new CommPowerSplit(); if (!ps.IsNoticeRole(UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.LoginName)) { where += AppealUsrAuth(); } if (SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches.Count == 0) { where += " and year(A.ApplyTime)=" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + " "; } foreach (CommonSearchCriterionItem item in SearchCriterion.Searches.Searches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()) || item.PropertyName == "Year") //默认本年度 { switch (item.PropertyName) { case "Year": string tempVal = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString()) ? DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() : item.Value.ToString(); //where += " and Year='" + tempVal + "'"; where += " and year(A.ApplyTime)=" + tempVal + " "; break; case "Month": //where += " and Month=" + item.Value.ToString() + " "; where += " and month(A.ApplyTime)=" + item.Value.ToString() + " "; break; case "CompanyName": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value.ToString())) { where += " and CompanyName like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; } break; case "WelfareType": if (item.Value.ToString() == "child") { where += " and BeRelation='子女' "; } if (item.Value.ToString() == "double") { where += " and BeRelation='配偶' "; } break; case "WorkFlowState": if (item.Value.ToString() == "2,-1") { where += " and (WorkFlowState='2' or WorkFlowState='-1' ) "; } else { where += " and " + item.PropertyName + "='" + item.Value + "' "; } break; default: where += " and " + item.PropertyName + " like '%" + item.Value + "%' "; break; } } } string SQL = @"select year(A.ApplyTime) Year,month(A.ApplyTime) Month, A.*,C.UsrName As ChildName ,C.IDCartNo as ChildIdCart,C.Sex As ChlidSex,C.IDType from FL_Culture..UsrChildWelfare As A left join FL_Culture..UsrWelfareChildInfo As C on C.ChildWelfareId=A.Id where A.Id is not null ##Query## "; //未处理 if (type == "n") { where += " and WorkFlowState='1' "; } else//已处理 { where += " and (WorkFlowState='-1' or WorkFlowState='2' ) "; } SQL = SQL.Replace("##Query##", where); SearchCriterion.SetOrder("CreateTime", false); //var Ent = DataHelper.QueryDictList(SQL); this.PageState.Add("DataList", GetPageData(SQL, SearchCriterion)); }