protected void LinqButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ComicsDBDataContext db = new ComicsDBDataContext();

        string sDirectory    = @"~\Comics\Explosm\";

        int iIncrementFrom    = 1210;
        int iIncrementTo      = 3040;

        //ComicData columns
        string sFileName      = "Explosm";
        string sFileExtension = ".png";
        string sWebsite       = "Explosm";
        int    iBumps         = 0;
        string sAbsolutePath = (sDirectory + sFileName + Convert.ToString(iIncrementFrom) + sFileExtension);

        DateTime oDateNow = DateTime.Now;

        //This is how the webpage determines if the filepath exists because
        //(System.IO.File.Exists() doesn't work the way I try to use it)
        string sCompleteFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(sDirectory + sFileName + Convert.ToString(iIncrementFrom) + sFileExtension);

                //checks to see if the directory file even exists, if not then skip && increment
                if(System.IO.File.Exists(sCompleteFilePath) == true)

                    //returns true if there if FileName exists in the database.
                    var hasName = db.ComicDatas.Any(p => p.FileName.Equals(sFileName + Convert.ToString(iIncrementFrom)) );

                    //if the FileName does not exist in the column
                    if (hasName == false)

                        ComicData oColumn = new ComicData();

                        oColumn.FileName = (sFileName + Convert.ToString(iIncrementFrom));
                        oColumn.FileExtension = sFileExtension;
                        oColumn.Website = sWebsite;
                        oColumn.Bumps = iBumps;
                        oColumn.FilePath = sAbsolutePath;
                        oColumn.DateAdded = oDateNow;


                iIncrementFrom += 1;

                //re-bind with the incremented data
                sCompleteFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(sDirectory + sFileName + Convert.ToString(iIncrementFrom) + sFileExtension);
                //re-bind with the incremented data
                sAbsolutePath = (sDirectory + sFileName + Convert.ToString(iIncrementFrom) + sFileExtension);

           } while (iIncrementFrom <= iIncrementTo);
예제 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Grab Antics comic data from the ComicsRUS database

        ComicsDBDataContext db = new ComicsDBDataContext();

        ComicData comic = db.ComicDatas.Single(c => c.Website == "Antics");
        ImageButton1.ImageUrl = comic.FilePath;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Grabs and verifies the file path of the needed comic
        //grabs a random Explosm comic

        ComicsDBDataContext db = new ComicsDBDataContext();

        Random oRandomComic = new Random();
        int iRandomComic = oRandomComic.Next(1000, 3041);

        var doesComicActuallyExist = db.ComicDatas.Any(c => c.FileName.Equals("Explosm" + Convert.ToString(iRandomComic)) );

        while(doesComicActuallyExist == false)

            iRandomComic = oRandomComic.Next(1000, 1016);
            doesComicActuallyExist = db.ComicDatas.Any(c => c.FileName.Equals("Explosm" + Convert.ToString(iRandomComic)) );


        ComicData comic = db.ComicDatas.Single(c => c.FileName == ( "Explosm" + Convert.ToString(iRandomComic) ));
        ImageButton1.ImageUrl = comic.FilePath;