private void SendReport(IPlayer reporter, IPlayer suspect, string subject, string message) { var authorIconURL = string.Empty; var author = _config.IsReporterIcon ? reporter : suspect; if (_config.AuthorIcon) { authorIconURL = PluginData.UserCache.Find(author.Id)?.ImageURL ?? string.Empty; UpdateCachedImage(author); // Won't get update now but will be for any other reports for this user } const string type = "rich"; var body = new WebhookBody { Embeds = new[] { new EmbedBody { Title = _config.EmbedTitle, Description = _config.EmbedDescription, Type = type, Color = _config.EmbedColor, Author = new EmbedBody.AuthorBody { AuthorIconURL = authorIconURL, AuthorURL = string.Format(SteamProfile, author.Id), Name = author.Name }, Fields = new[] { new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Report Subject"), Value = subject, Inline = false }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Report Message"), Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? GetMsg("Webhook: Report Message If Empty") : message, Inline = false }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Reporter Data Title"), Value = FormatUserDetails(new StringBuilder(GetMsg("Webhook: Reporter Data")), reporter), Inline = false }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Suspect Data Title"), Value = FormatUserDetails(new StringBuilder(GetMsg("Webhook: Suspect Data")), suspect), Inline = false } } } } }; #if RUST if (_config.ShowCombatlog && suspect.Object is BasePlayer) { var events = CombatLog.Get(((BasePlayer)suspect.Object).userID).ToArray(); for (var i = 1; i <= _config.CombatlogEntries && i <= events.Length; i++) { var combat = events[events.Length - i]; Array.Resize(ref body.Embeds, 1 + i); body.Embeds[i] = new EmbedBody { Title = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Title").Replace("{n}", $"{i}"), Type = type, Color = _config.EmbedColor, Fields = new[] { new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Attacker Title"), Value = combat.attacker, Inline = true }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Target Title"), Value =, Inline = true }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Time Title"), Value = (UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup - combat.time).ToString("0.0s"), Inline = true }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Weapon Title"), Value = combat.weapon, Inline = true }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Ammo Title"), Value = combat.ammo, Inline = true }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Distance Title"), Value = combat.distance.ToString("0.0m"), Inline = true }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Old HP Title"), Value = combat.health_old.ToString("0.0"), Inline = true }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog New HP Title"), Value = combat.health_new.ToString("0.0"), Inline = true }, new EmbedBody.FieldBody { Name = GetMsg("Webhook: Combatlog Info Title"), Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? "none" :, Inline = true } } }; } } #endif webrequest.Enqueue(_config.Webhook, JObject.FromObject(body).ToString(), (code, result) => SetCooldown(reporter), this, RequestMethod.POST, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Content-Type", "application/json" } }); }
string GetCombatLog(ulong steamid, int count) { var storage = CombatLog.Get(steamid); TextTable textTable = new TextTable(); textTable.AddColumn("time"); textTable.AddColumn("attacker"); textTable.AddColumn("id"); textTable.AddColumn("target"); textTable.AddColumn("id"); textTable.AddColumn("weapon"); textTable.AddColumn("ammo"); textTable.AddColumn("area"); textTable.AddColumn("distance"); textTable.AddColumn("old_hp"); textTable.AddColumn("new_hp"); textTable.AddColumn("info"); int num = storage.Count - count; int num1 = ConVar.Server.combatlogdelay; int num2 = 0; foreach (CombatLog.Event evt in storage) { if (num <= 0) { float single = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - evt.time; if (single < (float)num1) { num2++; } else { string str = single.ToString("0.0s"); string str1 = evt.attacker == "you" ? GetNameFromId(steamid.ToString()) : evt.attacker; string str2 = storedData.Players.ContainsKey((uint)evt.attacker_id) ? GetNameFromId(storedData.Players[(uint)evt.attacker_id].ToString()) : evt.attacker_id.ToString(); string str3 = == "you" ? GetNameFromId(steamid.ToString()) :; string str4 = storedData.Players.ContainsKey((uint)evt.target_id) ? GetNameFromId(storedData.Players[(uint)evt.target_id].ToString()) : evt.target_id.ToString(); string str5 = evt.weapon; string str6 = evt.ammo; string lower = HitAreaUtil.Format(evt.area).ToLower(); string str7 = evt.distance.ToString("0.0m"); string str8 = evt.health_old.ToString("0.0"); string str9 = evt.health_new.ToString("0.0"); string str10 =; textTable.AddRow(new string[] { str, str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, lower, str7, str8, str9, str10 }); } } else { num--; } } string str11 = textTable.ToString(); if (num2 > 0) { string str12 = str11; object[] objArray = new object[] { str12, "+ ", num2, " ", null }; objArray[4] = (num2 <= 1 ? "event" : "events"); str11 = string.Concat(objArray); str12 = str11; object[] objArray1 = new object[] { str12, " in the last ", num1, " ", null }; objArray1[4] = (num1 <= 1 ? "second" : "seconds"); str11 = string.Concat(objArray1); } return(str11); }
public void Init() { = CombatLog.Get(this.player.userID); }