예제 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the initial column states.
            /// Note that this method itself does not actually cause any UI/column updates,
            /// but just computes and returns the new states.
            /// </summary>
            private static Dictionary <string, ColumnState2> GetInitialCustomColumnStates(
                IReadOnlyList <ColumnState> allColumnStates,
                ImmutableArray <AbstractCustomColumnDefinition> customColumns)
                var customColumnStatesMap = new Dictionary <string, ColumnState2>(customColumns.Length);
                var customColumnNames     = new HashSet <string>(customColumns.Select(c => c.Name));

                // Compute the default visibility for each custom column.
                // If there is an existing column state for the custom column, flip it to be non-visible
                // by default at the start of FAR query.
                // We do so because the column will have empty values for all results for a FAR query for
                // certain cases such as types, literals, no references found case, etc.
                // It is preferable to dynamically hide an empty column for such queries, and dynamically
                // show the column if it has at least one non-default value.
                foreach (ColumnState2 columnState in allColumnStates.Where(c => customColumnNames.Contains(c.Name)))
                    var newColumnState = new ColumnState2(columnState.Name, isVisible: false, columnState.Width,
                                                          columnState.SortPriority, columnState.DescendingSort, columnState.GroupingPriority);
                    customColumnStatesMap.Add(columnState.Name, newColumnState);

                // For the remaining custom columns with no existing column state, use the default column state.
                foreach (var customColumn in customColumns)
                    if (!customColumnStatesMap.ContainsKey(customColumn.Name))
                        customColumnStatesMap.Add(customColumn.Name, customColumn.DefaultColumnState);

        public Reference[] GetContents(string windowCaption)
            return(InvokeOnUIThread <Reference[]>(cancellationToken =>
                // Find the tool window
                var tableControl = GetFindReferencesWindow(windowCaption);

                // Remove all grouping
                var columnStates = tableControl.ColumnStates;
                var newColumnsStates = new List <ColumnState2>();
                foreach (ColumnState2 state in columnStates)
                    var newState = new ColumnState2(
                        groupingPriority: 0);

                // Force a refresh, if necessary. This doesn't re-run the Find References or
                // Find Implementations operation itself, it just forces the results to be
                // realized in the table.
                var forcedUpdateResult = ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                    return await tableControl.ForceUpdateAsync();

                // Extract the basic text of the results.
                return forcedUpdateResult.AllEntries.Select(CreateReference).ToArray();
        public async Task <ImmutableArray <ITableEntryHandle2> > GetContentsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken);

            await TestServices.Workspace.WaitForAsyncOperationsAsync(FeatureAttribute.FindReferences, cancellationToken);

            // Find the tool window
            var tableControl = await GetFindReferencesWindowAsync(cancellationToken);

            // Remove all grouping
            var columnStates     = tableControl.ColumnStates;
            var newColumnsStates = new List <ColumnState2>();

            foreach (ColumnState2 state in columnStates)
                var newState = new ColumnState2(
                    groupingPriority: 0);


            // Force a refresh, if necessary. This doesn't re-run the Find References or
            // Find Implementations operation itself, it just forces the results to be
            // realized in the table.
            var forcedUpdateResult = await tableControl.ForceUpdateAsync().WithCancellation(cancellationToken);

            // Extract the basic text of the results.
            return(forcedUpdateResult.AllEntries.Cast <ITableEntryHandle2>().ToImmutableArray());
        public static IEnumerable <ColumnState> LoadSettings(string window, IEnumerable <ColumnState> defaultColumns)
            var columns = new List <Tuple <int, ColumnState> >();

            using (var rootKey = VSRegistry.RegistryRoot(ProjectSystemToolsPackage.ServiceProvider, __VsLocalRegistryType.RegType_UserSettings, writable: false))
                using (var columnsSubKey = rootKey.OpenSubKey(CreateColumnsKey(window), writable: false))
                    if (columnsSubKey == null)

                    foreach (var columnName in columnsSubKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                        using (var columnSubKey = columnsSubKey.OpenSubKey(columnName, writable: false))
                            if (columnSubKey == null)

                            var descendingSort = (int)columnSubKey.GetValue(ColumnSortDown, 1) != 0;
                            var sortPriority   = (int)columnSubKey.GetValue(ColumnSortPriority, 0);

                            var groupingPriority = (int)columnSubKey.GetValue(ColumnGroupingPriority, 0);

                            var columnOrder = (int)columnSubKey.GetValue(ColumnOrder, int.MaxValue);
                            var visibility  = (int)columnSubKey.GetValue(ColumnVisibility, 0) != 0;
                            var width       = (int)columnSubKey.GetValue(ColumnWidth, 20);

                            var state = new ColumnState2(columnName, visibility, width, sortPriority, descendingSort, groupingPriority);

                            columns.Add(new Tuple <int, ColumnState>(columnOrder, state));

            columns.Sort((a, b) => a.Item1 - b.Item1);

            return(columns.Select(a => a.Item2));
예제 #5
            private void UpdateCustomColumnsVisibility(ImmutableDictionary <string, ImmutableArray <string> > additionalPropertiesWithMultipleValues)
                // Check if we have any custom reference data to display.
                // columnDefinitionManager will be null under unit test
                var columnDefinitionManager = TableControl.ColumnDefinitionManager;

                if (additionalPropertiesWithMultipleValues.Count == 0 || columnDefinitionManager == null)

                // Get the new column states corresponding to the custom columns to display for custom data.
                var newColumnStates = ArrayBuilder <ColumnState2> .GetInstance();

                    lock (Gate)
                        foreach (var customColumnName in additionalPropertiesWithMultipleValues.Keys)
                            // Get the matching custom column.
                            var customColumnDefinition = columnDefinitionManager.GetColumnDefinition(customColumnName) as AbstractCustomColumnDefinition;
                            if (customColumnDefinition == null)
                                Debug.Fail($"{nameof(SourceReferenceItem.AdditionalPropertiesWithMultipleValues)} has a key '{customColumnName}', but there is no exported '{nameof(AbstractCustomColumnDefinition)}' with this name.");

                            // Ensure that we flip the visibility to true for the custom column.
                            // Note that the actual UI update happens outside the lock when we
                            // invoke "TableControl.SetColumnStates" below.
                            ColumnState2 newColumnStateOpt = null;
                            if (_customColumnTitleToStatesMap.TryGetValue(customColumnDefinition.Name, out var columnState))
                                if (!columnState.IsVisible)
                                    newColumnStateOpt = new ColumnState2(columnState.Name, isVisible: true, columnState.Width,
                                                                         columnState.SortPriority, columnState.DescendingSort, columnState.GroupingPriority);
                                newColumnStateOpt = customColumnDefinition.DefaultColumnState;

                            if (newColumnStateOpt != null)
                                _customColumnTitleToStatesMap[customColumnDefinition.Name] = newColumnStateOpt;


                    // Update the column states if required.
                    if (newColumnStates.Count > 0)
                        // SetColumnStates API forces a switch to UI thread, so it should be safe to call
                        // from a background thread here.
                        // Also note that we will call it only once for each new custom column to add for
                        // each find references query - the lock above guarantees that newColumnStatesOpt is
                        // going to be non-null only for the first result that has a non-empty column value.
예제 #6
        public Reference[] GetContents(string windowCaption)
            return(InvokeOnUIThread(() =>
                // Find the tool window
                var toolWindow = ((DTE2)GetDTE()).ToolWindows.GetToolWindow(windowCaption);

                // Dig through to get the Find References control.
                var toolWindowType = toolWindow.GetType();
                var toolWindowControlField = toolWindowType.GetField("Control");
                var toolWindowControl = toolWindowControlField.GetValue(toolWindow);

                // Dig further to get the results table (as opposed to the toolbar).
                var tableControlAndCommandTargetType = toolWindowControl.GetType();
                var tableControlField = tableControlAndCommandTargetType.GetField("TableControl");
                var tableControl = (IWpfTableControl2)tableControlField.GetValue(toolWindowControl);

                // Remove all grouping
                var columnStates = tableControl.ColumnStates;
                var newColumnsStates = new List <ColumnState2>();
                foreach (ColumnState2 state in columnStates)
                    var newState = new ColumnState2(
                        groupingPriority: 0);

                // Force a refresh, if necessary. This doesn't re-run the Find References or
                // Find Implementations operation itself, it just forces the results to be
                // realized in the table.
                var forcedUpdateResult = ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
                    return await tableControl.ForceUpdateAsync();

                // Extract the basic text of the results.
                return forcedUpdateResult.AllEntries.Select(handle =>
                    handle.TryGetValue(StandardTableKeyNames.DocumentName, out string filePath);
                    handle.TryGetValue(StandardTableKeyNames.Line, out int line);
                    handle.TryGetValue(StandardTableKeyNames.Column, out int column);
                    handle.TryGetValue(StandardTableKeyNames.Text, out string code);

                    var reference = new Reference
                        FilePath = filePath,
                        Line = line,
                        Column = column,
                        Code = code

                    return reference;
예제 #7
 protected AbstractFindUsagesCustomColumnDefinition()
     DefaultColumnState = new ColumnState2(Name, isVisible: false, DefaultWidth);