예제 #1
        public AnimationSet ToAnimationSet()
            AnimationSet set = new AnimationSet();

            // Collect all colors used and stuff them in the palette
            var colors = new Dictionary <Color32, int>();
            int index  = 0;

            foreach (var anim in animations)
                foreach (var animTrack in anim.tracks)
                    foreach (var keyframe in animTrack.keyframes)
                        var color = keyframe.color;
                        if (color.a != 0)
                            int ignore = 0;
                            if (!colors.TryGetValue(keyframe.color, out ignore))
                                colors.Add(keyframe.color, index);
                        // else its a special color

            // Add the colors to the palette
            set.palette = new byte[colors.Count * 3];
            foreach (var ci in colors)
                Color32 color = ColorMapping.RemapColor(ci.Key);
                int     i     = ci.Value;
                set.palette[i * 3 + 0] = color.r;
                set.palette[i * 3 + 1] = color.g;
                set.palette[i * 3 + 2] = color.b;

            int currentTrackOffset    = 0;
            int currentKeyframeOffset = 0;

            var anims     = new List <Animation>();
            var tracks    = new List <AnimationTrack>();
            var rgbTracks = new List <RGBTrack>();
            var keyframes = new List <RGBKeyframe>();

            // Add animations
            for (int animIndex = 0; animIndex < animations.Count; ++animIndex)
                var editAnim = animations[animIndex];
                var anim     = new Animation();
                anim.duration         = (ushort)(editAnim.duration * 1000.0f);
                anim.tracksOffset     = (ushort)currentTrackOffset;
                anim.trackCount       = (ushort)editAnim.tracks.Sum(t => t.ledIndices.Count);
                anim.animationEvent   = (byte)editAnim.@event;
                anim.specialColorType = (byte)editAnim.@specialColorType;

                // Now add tracks
                for (int j = 0; j < editAnim.tracks.Count; ++j)
                    var editTrack = editAnim.tracks[j];

                    foreach (var led in editTrack.ledIndices)
                        var track = new AnimationTrack();

                        var rgbTrack = new RGBTrack();
                        rgbTrack.keyframesOffset = (ushort)currentKeyframeOffset;
                        rgbTrack.keyFrameCount   = (byte)editTrack.keyframes.Count;
                        track.trackOffset        = (ushort)rgbTracks.Count;

                        track.ledIndex = (byte)led;

                        // Now add keyframes
                        for (int k = 0; k < editTrack.keyframes.Count; ++k)
                            var editKeyframe = editTrack.keyframes[k];
                            int colorIndex   = AnimationSet.SPECIAL_COLOR_INDEX;
                            if (editKeyframe.color.a != 0)
                                colorIndex = colors[editKeyframe.color];
                            var keyframe = new RGBKeyframe();
                            keyframe.setTimeAndColorIndex((ushort)(editKeyframe.time * 1000.0f), (ushort)colorIndex);
                        currentKeyframeOffset += editTrack.keyframes.Count;

                currentTrackOffset += editAnim.tracks.Sum(t => t.ledIndices.Count);

            set.keyframes  = keyframes.ToArray();
            set.rgbTracks  = rgbTracks.ToArray();
            set.tracks     = tracks.ToArray();
            set.animations = anims.ToArray();
