public void RenderArabicCharacters_WithIsolatedForm_Works(string testStr, int expectedGlyphIndex)
            // arrange
            Font arabicFont = new FontCollection().Add(TestFonts.ArabicFontFile).CreateFont(8);
            var  renderer   = new ColorGlyphRenderer();

            // act
            TextRenderer.RenderTextTo(renderer, testStr, new TextOptions(arabicFont));

            // assert
            GlyphRendererParameters glyphKey = Assert.Single(renderer.GlyphKeys);

            Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndex, glyphKey.GlyphIndex);
        public void SingleAdjustmentPositioning_Format1_Works()
            // arrange
            string fontFile = TestFonts.GposLookupType1Format1;
            ushort upem     = ReadFontUpem(fontFile);
            Font   font     = new FontCollection().Add(fontFile).CreateFont(upem);
            var    renderer = new ColorGlyphRenderer();
            string testStr  = "\u0012\u0014"; // XPlacement should be adjusted by minus 200 for both glyphs.

            int[]           expectedGlyphIndices   = { 20, 22 };
            FontRectangle[] expectedFontRectangles =
                new(275,  2011, 825, 719),
                new(1622, 2010, 978, 704),
        public void SingleSubstitution_Works()
            // arrange
            Font   font               = new FontCollection().Add(TestFonts.GSubTestFontFile1).CreateFont(12);
            var    renderer           = new ColorGlyphRenderer();
            string testStr            = "A";
            int    expectedGlyphIndex = 38; // we expect A to be mapped to B.

            // act
            TextRenderer.RenderTextTo(renderer, testStr, new TextOptions(font));

            // assert
            GlyphRendererParameters glyphKey = Assert.Single(renderer.GlyphKeys);

            Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndex, glyphKey.GlyphIndex);
        public void ContextualFractions_WithSlash_Works()
            // arrange
            Font   font     = new FontCollection().Add(TestFonts.RobotoRegular).CreateFont(12);
            var    renderer = new ColorGlyphRenderer();
            string testStr  = "9/2";

            int[] expectedGlyphIndices = { 580, 404, 453 };

            // act
            TextRenderer.RenderTextTo(renderer, testStr, new TextOptions(font));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices.Length, renderer.GlyphKeys.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedGlyphIndices.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices[i], renderer.GlyphKeys[i].GlyphIndex);
        public void ReverseChainingContextualSingleSubstitution_Works()
            // arrange
            Font   font     = new FontCollection().Add(TestFonts.GSubTestFontFile2).CreateFont(12);
            var    renderer = new ColorGlyphRenderer();
            string testStr  = "X89"; // X89 -> XYZ

            int[] expectedGlyphIndices = { 57, 58, 59 };

            // act
            TextRenderer.RenderTextTo(renderer, testStr, new TextOptions(font));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices.Length, renderer.GlyphKeys.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedGlyphIndices.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices[i], renderer.GlyphKeys[i].GlyphIndex);
        public void ChainedContextsSubstitution_Format3_WithCursiveScript_Works()
            // arrange
            Font   font     = new FontCollection().Add(TestFonts.FormalScript).CreateFont(12);
            var    renderer = new ColorGlyphRenderer();
            string testStr  = "ba"; // Characters following b should have a special form and should be replaced.

            int[] expectedGlyphIndices = { 69, 102 };

            // act
            TextRenderer.RenderTextTo(renderer, testStr, new TextOptions(font));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices.Length, renderer.GlyphKeys.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedGlyphIndices.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices[i], renderer.GlyphKeys[i].GlyphIndex);
        public void ChainedContextsSubstitution_Format3_Works()
            // arrange
            Font   font     = new FontCollection().Add(TestFonts.GSubTestFontFile2).CreateFont(12);
            var    renderer = new ColorGlyphRenderer();
            string testStr  = "x=y"; // This should be replaced with "x>y".

            int[] expectedGlyphIndices = { 89, 31, 90 };

            // act
            TextRenderer.RenderTextTo(renderer, testStr, new TextOptions(font));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices.Length, renderer.GlyphKeys.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedGlyphIndices.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices[i], renderer.GlyphKeys[i].GlyphIndex);
        public void ChainedContextsSubstitution_Format2_Works()
            // arrange
            Font   font     = new FontCollection().Add(TestFonts.GSubLookupType6Format2).CreateFont(12);
            var    renderer = new ColorGlyphRenderer();
            string testStr  = "\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017"; // "20212223" -> "20216423"

            int[] expectedGlyphIndices = { 22, 23, 64, 25 };

            // act
            TextRenderer.RenderTextTo(renderer, testStr, new TextOptions(font));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices.Length, renderer.GlyphKeys.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedGlyphIndices.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices[i], renderer.GlyphKeys[i].GlyphIndex);
        public void ContextualSubstitution_Format3_Works()
            // arrange
            Font   font     = new FontCollection().Add(TestFonts.GSubLookupType5Format3).CreateFont(12);
            var    renderer = new ColorGlyphRenderer();
            string testStr  = "\u0041\u0042\u0043\u0044"; // "65666768" -> "657678"

            int[] expectedGlyphIndices = { 67, 78, 80 };

            // act
            TextRenderer.RenderTextTo(renderer, testStr, new TextOptions(font));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices.Length, renderer.GlyphKeys.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < expectedGlyphIndices.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(expectedGlyphIndices[i], renderer.GlyphKeys[i].GlyphIndex);