private void ActionRespawn()
     this.X         = 0;
     this.Y         = 2;
     this.VelocityX = 0;
     this.VelocityY = 0;
     this.VelocityZ = 0;
     this._State    = PlayerState.FallDown;
     this._Item     = ItemType.Grenade;
     this.ItemCount = 0;
     this.FaceLeft  = false;
     this._HurtSide = CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.None;
     this.RotationY = 0;
     this.RotationX = 0;
        private void ActionHurt(BackgroundAccess Foreground)
            //hurt 7

            float BigMovement = SpaceAndTime.LengthFrom2DTo3D(30);

            if (this.Frame != 7)
                this.Frame = 7;

                //First cancel all movement
                this.VelocityX = 0;
                this.VelocityY = 0;

                //Now get the new movement
                switch (this._HurtSide)
                case (CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.TopRight):
                    this.VelocityX = BigMovement;
                    this.VelocityY = -BigMovement;

                case (CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.TopLeft):
                    this.VelocityX = -BigMovement;
                    this.VelocityY = -BigMovement;

                case (CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.BottomRight):
                    this.VelocityX = BigMovement;
                    this.VelocityY = BigMovement;

                case (CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.BottomLeft):
                    this.VelocityX = -BigMovement;
                    this.VelocityY = BigMovement;
            else if (this.VelocityX == 0 || this.IsOnGround)
                this._HurtSide = CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.None;
                this._State    = PlayerState.RollBack;

        //Check this sprite against other sprites. If it
        // is hitting them it will change its state accordingly
        public void CheckEnemyCollision(PlayableCharacterAccess[] PlayersToCheck, uint IndexToSkip)
            if (this._HurtSide == CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.None)
                for (uint i = 0; i < PlayersToCheck.Length; i++)
                    //Skip the index of IndexToSkip
                    if (i != IndexToSkip)
                        //Set this collision
                        this._HurtSide = this.CollisionRects.CheckObjectRectAgainst(PlayersToCheck[i], this.Frame, this.X, this.Y);

                        //Set the other collision
                        switch (this._HurtSide)
                        case (CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.TopRight):
                            PlayersToCheck[i]._HurtSide = CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.BottomLeft;

                        case (CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.TopLeft):
                            PlayersToCheck[i]._HurtSide = CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.BottomRight;

                        case (CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.BottomRight):
                            PlayersToCheck[i]._HurtSide = CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.TopLeft;

                        case (CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.BottomLeft):
                            PlayersToCheck[i]._HurtSide = CollisionRectAccess.HitSide.TopRight;

        /// <summary>
        /// Used to detect if there has been a collision between two objects such as sprites.
        /// </summary>
        public CollisionRectAccess.HitSide CheckObjectRectAgainst(SpriteAccess OtherObject, int CurrFrame, float CurrX, float CurrY)
            CollisionRectAccess.HitSide RetVal = HitSide.None;

            //Get the locations of our rectange's sides in floats
            float[] RectangleCollisions = (float[])this.RectangleMatrix[CurrFrame];
            float   RectLeft            = CurrX + RectangleCollisions[0];
            float   RectTop             = CurrY + RectangleCollisions[1];
            float   RectRight           = CurrX - RectangleCollisions[2];
            float   RectBottom          = CurrY - RectangleCollisions[3];

            //Get the locations the other rectange's sides in floats
            float[] OtherRectangleCollisions = (float[])OtherObject.CollisionRects.GetIndex(OtherObject.Frame);
            float   OtherRectLeft            = OtherObject.X + OtherRectangleCollisions[0];
            float   OtherRectTop             = OtherObject.Y + OtherRectangleCollisions[1];
            float   OtherRectRight           = OtherObject.X - OtherRectangleCollisions[2];
            float   OtherRectBottom          = OtherObject.Y - OtherRectangleCollisions[3];

            //Check each side of the rect to see if it is within the other rect
            bool LeftInBounds   = RectLeft >= OtherRectRight && RectRight <= OtherRectLeft;
            bool TopInBounds    = RectTop >= OtherRectTop && RectBottom <= OtherRectTop;
            bool RightInBounds  = RectRight >= OtherRectLeft && RectRight <= OtherRectRight;
            bool BottomInBounds = RectTop >= OtherRectBottom && RectBottom <= OtherRectBottom;

            //Check to see if both sides are in the rect
            //If they are pick one of the sides only depending on which is deeper
            if (RectTop <= OtherRectTop && RectBottom >= OtherRectBottom)
                if (OtherRectTop - RectTop > RectBottom - OtherRectBottom)
                    BottomInBounds = true;
                    TopInBounds = true;
            if (RectLeft <= OtherRectLeft && RectRight >= OtherRectRight)
                if (OtherRectLeft - RectLeft > RectRight - OtherRectRight)
                    LeftInBounds = true;
                    RightInBounds = true;

            //if this frame's rect is inside the other rect, there is a collision
            if (LeftInBounds && (BottomInBounds || TopInBounds))
                if (BottomInBounds)
                    RetVal = HitSide.BottomLeft;
                else if (TopInBounds)
                    RetVal = HitSide.TopLeft;
            else if (RightInBounds && (BottomInBounds || TopInBounds))
                if (TopInBounds)
                    RetVal = HitSide.TopRight;
                    RetVal = HitSide.BottomRight;
