protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { //ArchetypeChunkComponentType<AABBComponent> collisionTypeRW = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<AABBComponent>(); NativeArray <AABBComponent> _colliders = query.ToComponentDataArray <AABBComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <Translation> _positions = query.ToComponentDataArray <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <MoveComponent> _moveComponents = query.ToComponentDataArray <MoveComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); var collisionJob = new CollisionJob { //chunkComponentType = collisionTypeRW, colliders = _colliders, positions = _positions, moveComponents = _moveComponents, commandBuffer = m_EndFrameBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent() }; var collisionJobHandle = collisionJob.Schedule(query); collisionJobHandle.Complete(); return(collisionJobHandle); }
//========================================================================================= public override JobHandle SolverConstraint(float dtime, float updatePower, int iteration, JobHandle jobHandle) { if (Manager.Particle.ColliderCount <= 0) { return(jobHandle); } // コリジョン拘束 var job1 = new CollisionJob() { flagList = Manager.Particle.flagList.ToJobArray(), teamIdList = Manager.Particle.teamIdList.ToJobArray(), radiusList = Manager.Particle.radiusList.ToJobArray(), nextPosList = Manager.Particle.InNextPosList.ToJobArray(), nextRotList = Manager.Particle.InNextRotList.ToJobArray(), posList = Manager.Particle.posList.ToJobArray(), rotList = Manager.Particle.rotList.ToJobArray(), localPosList = Manager.Particle.localPosList.ToJobArray(), basePosList = Manager.Particle.basePosList.ToJobArray(), baseRotList = Manager.Particle.baseRotList.ToJobArray(), transformIndexList = Manager.Particle.transformIndexList.ToJobArray(), colliderList = Manager.Team.colliderList.ToJobArray(), boneSclList = Manager.Bone.boneSclList.ToJobArray(), teamDataList = Manager.Team.teamDataList.ToJobArray(), outNextPosList = Manager.Particle.OutNextPosList.ToJobArray(), frictionList = Manager.Particle.frictionList.ToJobArray(), //velocityList = Manager.Particle.velocityList.ToJobArray(), }; jobHandle = job1.Schedule(Manager.Particle.Length, 64, jobHandle); Manager.Particle.SwitchingNextPosList(); return(jobHandle); }
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { var translationType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <Translation>(true); var carComponentType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <CarComponent>(true); var entityType = GetArchetypeChunkEntityType(); var hero = this.GetSingletonEntity <HeroComponent>(); var heroCarComponent = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <CarComponent>(hero); var chunks = streetCarsGroup.CreateArchetypeChunkArray(Allocator.TempJob); CollisionJob collisionJob = new CollisionJob { EntityCommandBuffer = entityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(), CarComponentType = carComponentType, EntityType = entityType, Chunks = chunks, TranslationType = translationType, Hero = heroCarComponent }; var inputdeps = collisionJob.Schedule(this, inputDeps); entityCommandBufferSystem.AddJobHandleForProducer(inputdeps); return(inputdeps); }
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDependencies) { var healthType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <Health>(false); var translationType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <Translation>(true); var damageType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <Damage>(true); float enemyRadius = Settings.EnemyCollisionRadius; float playerRadius = Settings.PlayerCollisionRadius; var jobEvB = new CollisionJob() { radius = enemyRadius * enemyRadius, healthType = healthType, translationType = translationType, damageType = damageType, transToTestAgainst = bulletGroup.ToComponentDataArray <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob) }; JobHandle jobHandle = jobEvB.Schedule(enemyGroup, inputDependencies); if (Settings.IsPlayerDead()) { return(jobHandle); } var jobPvE = new CollisionJob() { radius = playerRadius * playerRadius, healthType = healthType, translationType = translationType, damageType = damageType, transToTestAgainst = enemyGroup.ToComponentDataArray <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob) }; return(jobPvE.Schedule(playerGroup, jobHandle)); }
// OnUpdate do something (decide to do job or pass) protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDependencies) { // get types var healthType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <Health>(false); var translationType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <Translation>(true); // set detect radius float enemyRadius = 1; float playerRadius = 0.8f; JobHandle jobHandle = new JobHandle(); if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex != 2) // if not stage 1 { // change stage2 BOSS & player's Raduis if (Done_GameController_stage2.bossShow == true) { enemyRadius *= 3f; playerRadius /= 1.5f; } // change stage3 BOSS & player's Raduis if (Done_GameController_stage3.bossShow == true) { enemyRadius *= 1.5f; playerRadius /= 1.5f; } // deal with enemy collide with bullet var jobEvB = new CollisionJob() { radius = enemyRadius * enemyRadius, healthType = healthType, translationType = translationType, transToTestAgainst = playerBulletGroup.ToComponentDataArray <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob) }; jobHandle = jobEvB.Schedule(enemyGroup, inputDependencies); // add in Job list // deal with bullet collide with enemy var jobBvE = new CollisionJob() { radius = enemyRadius * enemyRadius, healthType = healthType, translationType = translationType, transToTestAgainst = enemyGroup.ToComponentDataArray <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob) }; jobHandle = jobBvE.Schedule(playerBulletGroup, jobHandle); // add in Job list } // deal with player collide with enemy or enemyBullet NativeArray <Translation> enemyBulletPosition; NativeArray <Translation> enemyPosition; bool gameOver = false; // get enemyBullet position & enemy position enemyBulletPosition = enemyBulletGroup.ToComponentDataArray <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob); enemyPosition = enemyGroup.ToComponentDataArray <Translation>(Allocator.TempJob); // if stage 1 easier (player radius / 1.5f) if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2) { playerRadius /= 1.5f; } // for all enemy bullet position for (int i = 0; i < enemyBulletPosition.Length; i++) { // calculate distance between player and enemy float dx, dz; if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2) { dx = Done_PlayerController_stage1.playerPosition.x - enemyBulletPosition[i].Value.x; dz = Done_PlayerController_stage1.playerPosition.z - enemyBulletPosition[i].Value.z; } else { dx = Done_PlayerController_stage23.playerPosition.x - enemyBulletPosition[i].Value.x; dz = Done_PlayerController_stage23.playerPosition.z - enemyBulletPosition[i].Value.z; } if (dx * dx + dz * dz <= playerRadius) // if collide { gameOver = true; if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2) { Done_GameController_stage1.gameOver = true; } else if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 4) { Done_GameController_stage2.gameOver = true; } else { Done_GameController_stage3.gameOver = true; } } } // if not stage 1 detect enemy player collision if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex != 2) { for (int i = 0; i < enemyPosition.Length; i++) { float dx, dz; if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2) { dx = Done_PlayerController_stage1.playerPosition.x - enemyPosition[i].Value.x; dz = Done_PlayerController_stage1.playerPosition.z - enemyPosition[i].Value.z; } else { dx = Done_PlayerController_stage23.playerPosition.x - enemyPosition[i].Value.x; dz = Done_PlayerController_stage23.playerPosition.z - enemyPosition[i].Value.z; } if (dx * dx + dz * dz <= playerRadius + enemyRadius) // if collide { gameOver = true; if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2) { Done_GameController_stage1.gameOver = true; } else if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 4) { Done_GameController_stage2.gameOver = true; } else { Done_GameController_stage3.gameOver = true; } } } } // If GameOver delete gameObject if (gameOver) { Object.Destroy(GameObject.Find("Done_Player")); // Delete Player if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2) { Object.Destroy(GameObject.Find("Boy_stage1")); // Delete Boy } } enemyPosition.Dispose(); enemyBulletPosition.Dispose(); return(jobHandle); }
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle handle) { bubCount = boublesQuery.CalculateEntityCount(); var sm = GetSingleton <SpawnerRndAreaComp>(); if (BoubleAuth._grad == 0 || bubCount == 0 || spawnSystem._prefabEntity == Entity.Null) { return(handle); } if (sizeToGrav == 0) { sizeToGrav = .5f / BoubleAuth._grad; } bubMap.Clear(); dt = Time.DeltaTime; new InitBubs { bubs = bubList }.Schedule(this, handle).Complete(); int workers = 14; int countPerJob = bubCount / workers; if (gravWaitTime >= { new GravJob { t = framesSinceLastGrav > 0 ? dt * framesSinceLastGrav : dt, bubsIn = bubList, bubsOut = bubList2, numOfBubs = bubCount, gravMultiplier = bd.gravityMult, gravDivider = bd.gravityDiv }.Schedule(bubCount, countPerJob, handle).Complete(); gravWaitTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bubCount; i++) { var item = bubList2[i]; bubMap.TryAdd(item.entity, item); } framesSinceLastGrav = 0; } else { gravWaitTime += Time.DeltaTime; framesSinceLastGrav++; for (int i = 0; i < bubCount; i++) { var item = bubList[i]; bubMap.TryAdd(item.entity, item); } } new UpdateBubsJob { maxRad = + bd.boundryBuffer, maxHeight = + bd.boundryBuffer, sizeToGrav = sizeToGrav, bubMap = bubMap, bounce = bd.bounce, absorb = bd.absorb, maxScale = bd.maxScale }.Schedule(this, handle).Complete(); new ChangeColors { sm = sm }.Schedule(this, handle).Complete(); if (bd.absorb) { var cj = new CollisionJob { ecb = _ecbs.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(), bubs = bubMap, prefabEntity = spawnSystem._prefabEntity, scaleInc = bd.scaleInc, explosionLifeTime =, explosionEndScale =, explode = }; handle = cj.Schedule(this, handle); collisionSystem.AddDependingJobHandle(handle); _ecbs.AddJobHandleForProducer(handle); } return(handle); }
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { int count = m_Group.CalculateEntityCount(); if (count == 0) { return(inputDeps); } if (!translations.IsCreated) { translations = new NativeArray <float3>(count, Allocator.Persistent); } else if (translations.Length != count) { translations.Dispose(); translations = new NativeArray <float3>(count, Allocator.Persistent); } if (!velocities.IsCreated) { velocities = new NativeArray <float3>(count, Allocator.Persistent); } else if (velocities.Length != count) { velocities.Dispose(); velocities = new NativeArray <float3>(count, Allocator.Persistent); } CopyTranslations copyTranslationsJob = new CopyTranslations { translations = translations, translationType = GetComponentTypeHandle <Translation>() }; CopyVelocities copyVelocitiesJob = new CopyVelocities { velocities = velocities, velocityType = GetComponentTypeHandle <Velocity>() }; JobHandle copyTranslationsJobHandle = copyTranslationsJob.Schedule(m_Group, inputDeps); JobHandle copyVelocitiesJobHandle = copyVelocitiesJob.Schedule(m_Group, inputDeps); JobHandle copyJobsHandle = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(copyTranslationsJobHandle, copyVelocitiesJobHandle); if (CollisionBuckets.IsCreated) { CollisionBuckets.Dispose(); } CollisionBuckets = new NativeMultiHashMap <int, int>(count, Allocator.Persistent); PrepareBucketsJob prepareBucketsJob = new PrepareBucketsJob { positions = translations, buckets = CollisionBuckets }; JobHandle prepareBucketsHandle = prepareBucketsJob.Schedule(copyJobsHandle); CollisionJob collisionJob = new CollisionJob { dt = Time.DeltaTime, positions = translations, velocities = velocities, buckets = CollisionBuckets, maxIterations = m_maxIterations, maxClosestDone = m_maxClosestDone, maxForce = m_maxForce, damping = m_damping, radiusSqr = m_radiusSqr, maxVelocity = m_maxVelocity, maxVelocitySqr = m_maxVelocitySqr, velocityType = GetComponentTypeHandle <Velocity>() }; return(collisionJob.Schedule(m_Group, prepareBucketsHandle)); }