public Dictionary <string, object> getConfiguration() { log.Debug("Entering getConfiguration"); log.Debug("Get Configuration " + CollectorConstants.getBeaconURL()); log.Debug("Get Configuration " + CollectorConstants.getClientName()); log.Debug("Get Configuration " + CollectorConstants.getProjectName()); log.Debug("Get Configuration " + CollectorConstants.getScenarioName()); String url = CollectorConstants.getBeaconURL() + "/getConfig?ClientName=" + CollectorConstants.getClientName() + "&ProjectName=" + CollectorConstants.getProjectName() + "&Scenario=" + CollectorConstants.getScenarioName() + "&updateRunID=true"; if (CollectorConstants.getLoadTest().Equals("true")) { url = url + "&isLoadTest=true"; } //Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //result = HttpUtils.callService(url,"GET",null,ConfigurationLoader.getApiToken()); try { Dictionary <String, Object> results = HTTPUtils.callService(url, "GET", null, CollectorConstants.getApiToken()); Dictionary <String, Object> jsonObj = JSONUtils.JsonStringToMap(results["response"].ToString()); return(jsonObj); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Exception in parsing configuration : {}", e); return(null); } }
public string getAuthToken() { log.Debug("Entering getAuthToken"); String url = CollectorConstants.getBeaconURL() + "/authToken"; String body = "{\"username\":\"" + CollectorConstants.getUserName() + "\",\"password\":\"" + CollectorConstants.getPassword() + "\"}"; return(HTTPUtils.callService(url, "POST", body, null)["authToken"].ToString()); }
public string uploadPerformanceData(string body) { String url = CollectorConstants.getBeaconURL() + "/insertStats"; Dictionary <String, Object> result = HTTPUtils.callService(url, "POST", body, CollectorConstants.getApiToken()); if (result.ContainsKey("status") && result["status"].Equals("pass")) { log.Debug("Data uploaded successfully : {}" + result["response"]); return(result["response"].ToString()); } else { if (result["reason"].Equals("JWTExpiry")) { log.Debug("JWT Token expired.Retrying again"); CollectorConstants.setApiToken(getAuthToken()); log.Debug("New JWT Token set : " + CollectorConstants.getApiToken()); result = HTTPUtils.callService(url, "POST", body, CollectorConstants.getApiToken()); if (result["status"].Equals("pass")) { log.Debug("Data uploaded successfully for retry : {}" + result["response"].ToString()); return(result["response"].ToString()); } else { log.Debug("Data uploaded failed for retry"); return(null); } } else { log.Debug("Data uploaded failed for first try"); return(null); } } }
/* * private Dictionary<String, String> GetBeaconPropertyLoadConfig(String path) * { * * string fullPathName = string.Empty; * if (path != null) * { * fullPathName = propertyDirPath + "\\"; * } * else * { * string projectDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase; * LoggingMessage.DisplayMessage("CXOptimize - Project Target Dir Path -> " + projectDir, LoggingMessage.MessageType.DEBUG, log); * GetPropertyFile(projectDir); * * } * string[] split; * string line = String.Empty; * Dictionary<String, String> config = null; * * //string projectDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase; * * * string environmentKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Environment"]; * if (environmentKey == null || environmentKey == string.Empty) * fullPathName = propertyDirPath + "\\"; * else * fullPathName = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", propertyDirPath, environmentKey); * * LoggingMessage.DisplayMessage("CXOptimize - Config Path-> " + fullPathName, LoggingMessage.MessageType.DEBUG, log); * * if (File.Exists(fullPathName)) * { * config = new Dictionary<string, string>(); * using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(fullPathName)) * { * while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) * { * split = line.Split('='); * if (split.Length == 2) * config.Add(split[0], split[1]); * } * } * * } * else * { * throw new ArgumentException("Collector Property file missing"); * } * * return config; * } */ protected ConfigurationLoader() { try { log.Debug("Starting Loading Configuration"); String path = CollectorConstants.getCollectorProperties(); if (path == null) { GetPropertyFile(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase); path = propertyDirPath + "\\"; } else { path = path + "\\"; } Dictionary <String, String> config; string[] split; string line = String.Empty; if (File.Exists(path)) { config = new Dictionary <string, string>(); using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(path)) { while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { split = line.Split('='); if (split.Length == 2) { config.Add(split[0], split[1]); } } } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Collector Property file missing"); } if (config != null) { log.Debug("Properties Load Successfull from file : " + config.ToString()); CollectorConstants.setBeaconURL(config["beaconUrl"]); CollectorConstants.setClientName(config["clientName"]); CollectorConstants.setProjectName(config["projectName"]); CollectorConstants.setScenarioName(config["scenarioName"]); CollectorConstants.setLicenseKey(config["LicenseKey"]); CollectorConstants.setUserName(config["UserName"]); CollectorConstants.setPassword(config["Password"]); /* * if (config.ContainsKey("Release") && config["Release"] != String.Empty) * { * CollectorConstants.setRelease(config["Release"].ToString()); * } * else * { * CollectorConstants.setRelease("NA"); * } * if (config.ContainsKey("Build") && config["Build"] != String.Empty) * { * CollectorConstants.setBuild(config["Build"].ToString()); * } * else * { * CollectorConstants.setBuild("NA"); * }*/ if (config.ContainsKey("isLoadTest") && config["isLoadTest"].Contains("true")) { CollectorConstants.setLoadTest("true"); } else { CollectorConstants.setLoadTest("false"); } if (config.ContainsKey("markWaitTime") && config["markWaitTime"] != String.Empty) { CollectorConstants.setMarkWaitTime(Int32.Parse(config["markWaitTime"])); } else { CollectorConstants.setMarkWaitTime(5000); } if (config.ContainsKey("resourceSettleTime")) { CollectorConstants.setResourceSettleTime(Int32.Parse(config["resourceSettleTime"])); } else { CollectorConstants.setResourceSettleTime(2000); } log.Debug("Loaded initialization parameters"); } if (CollectorConstants.getBeaconURL() == null || CollectorConstants.getBeaconURL() == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Missing value for BeaconURL"); } if (CollectorConstants.getClientName() == null || CollectorConstants.getClientName() == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Missing value for ClientName"); } if (CollectorConstants.getProjectName() == null || CollectorConstants.getProjectName() == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Missing value for ProjectName"); } if (CollectorConstants.getScenarioName() == null || CollectorConstants.getScenarioName() == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Missing value for ScenarioName"); } if (CollectorConstants.getUserName() == null || CollectorConstants.getUserName() == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Missing value for UserName"); } if (CollectorConstants.getPassword() == null || CollectorConstants.getPassword() == "") { throw new ArgumentException("Missing value for Password"); } if (CollectorConstants.getMarkWaitTime() == 0) { CollectorConstants.setMarkWaitTime(5000); } if (CollectorConstants.getResourceSettleTime() == 0) { CollectorConstants.setResourceSettleTime(2000); } if (CollectorConstants.getRelease() == null || CollectorConstants.getRelease() == string.Empty) { CollectorConstants.setRelease(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM")); } if (CollectorConstants.getBuild() == null || CollectorConstants.getBuild() == string.Empty) { CollectorConstants.setBuild(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHH")); } Dictionary <string, object> configs = new Dictionary <string, object>(); ICXOptimizeService cxOpService = new CXOptimizeServiceImpl(); CollectorConstants.setApiToken(cxOpService.getAuthToken()); log.Debug("Created ApiToken for the session " + CollectorConstants.getApiToken()); configs = cxOpService.getConfiguration(); if (config.ContainsKey("Status")) // Failed to get the config { log.Info("Cannot load configuration: " + config["Reason"]); config.Clear(); } else { configs.Add("beaconUrl", CollectorConstants.getBeaconURL()); configs.Add("RunTime", configs.ContainsKey("runTimestamp") ? configs["runTimestamp"] : (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds); CollectorConstants.setStaticExt(configs.ContainsKey("staticResourceExtension") ? configs["staticResourceExtension"].ToString() : ""); CollectorConstants.setImages(configs.ContainsKey("imageResourceExtension") ? configs["imageResourceExtension"].ToString() : ""); CollectorConstants.setResDurThreshold((configs.ContainsKey("resourceDurationThreshold") ? Double.Parse(configs["resourceDurationThreshold"].ToString()) : Double.Parse("10"))); configs.Add("Release", CollectorConstants.getRelease()); configs.Add("BuildNumber", CollectorConstants.getBuild()); clientConfig = configs; log.Debug("Complete Configuration " + config.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Cannot load configuration due to exception : " + e); } }