public override MessagePackObject? Unpack( Stream source)
				// Continue 
				if( this._scalarBufferPosition >= 0 )
					#region ClearEmptyCollectionState
					if( this._currentCollectionState != null )
						if( this._currentCollectionState.UnpackingItemsCount == 0 )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
					#endregion ClearEmptyCollectionState
					#region ContinueScalarUnpacking
					var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, this._scalarBufferPosition, ( ( ( int )this._scalarKind ) & 0xF ) - this._scalarBufferPosition );
					this._readByteLength += scalarReadBytes;
					if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( ( int )this._scalarKind ) & 0xF ) - this._scalarBufferPosition ) )
						// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
						this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
						return null;
						// Whole scalar bytes are read.
					#region ClearScalarBuffer
					this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
					#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
						switch( this._scalarKind )
							case ScalarKind.RawLength16:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								ushort length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region StartBlobUnpacking
								this._remainingBlob = length;
								long blobReadBytes = 0;
								int recentRead;
								int reading;
									reading  = _dummyBuffer.Length < length ? _dummyBuffer.Length : unchecked( ( int )length );
									recentRead = source.Read( _dummyBuffer, 0, reading );
									blobReadBytes += recentRead;
								} while ( recentRead == reading && blobReadBytes < length);
								this._readByteLength += blobReadBytes;
								if( blobReadBytes < this._remainingBlob )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._remainingBlob -= blobReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole blob bytes are read.
									// Reset buffer.
									this._remainingBlob = -1;
									#region TryPopContextCollection
									while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
										#region Returnlength
										var readLength = this._readByteLength;
										this._readByteLength = 0;
										return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
										#endregion ReturnLength
								#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
							case ScalarKind.RawLength32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								uint length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region StartBlobUnpacking
								this._remainingBlob = length;
								long blobReadBytes = 0;
								int recentRead;
								int reading;
									reading  = _dummyBuffer.Length < length ? _dummyBuffer.Length : unchecked( ( int )length );
									recentRead = source.Read( _dummyBuffer, 0, reading );
									blobReadBytes += recentRead;
								} while ( recentRead == reading && blobReadBytes < length);
								this._readByteLength += blobReadBytes;
								if( blobReadBytes < this._remainingBlob )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._remainingBlob -= blobReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole blob bytes are read.
									// Reset buffer.
									this._remainingBlob = -1;
									#region TryPopContextCollection
									while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
										#region Returnlength
										var readLength = this._readByteLength;
										this._readByteLength = 0;
										return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
										#endregion ReturnLength
								#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
							case ScalarKind.ArrayLength16:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
								if( length == 0 )
									if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
										// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
										#region Returnlength
										var readLength = this._readByteLength;
										this._readByteLength = 0;
										return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
										#endregion ReturnLength
							case ScalarKind.MapLength16:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
								if( length == 0 )
									if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
										// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
										#region Returnlength
										var readLength = this._readByteLength;
										this._readByteLength = 0;
										return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
										#endregion ReturnLength
							case ScalarKind.ArrayLength32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
								if( length == 0 )
									if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
										// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
										#region Returnlength
										var readLength = this._readByteLength;
										this._readByteLength = 0;
										return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
										#endregion ReturnLength
							case ScalarKind.MapLength32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
								if( length == 0 )
									if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
										// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
										#region Returnlength
										var readLength = this._readByteLength;
										this._readByteLength = 0;
										return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
										#endregion ReturnLength
							case ScalarKind.Float32:
							case ScalarKind.Float64:
							case ScalarKind.Int8:
							case ScalarKind.UInt8:
							case ScalarKind.Int16:
							case ScalarKind.UInt16:
							case ScalarKind.Int32:
							case ScalarKind.UInt32:
							case ScalarKind.Int64:
							case ScalarKind.UInt64:
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
									#region Returnlength
									var readLength = this._readByteLength;
									this._readByteLength = 0;
									return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
									#endregion ReturnLength
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
										#region Returnlength
										var readLength = this._readByteLength;
										this._readByteLength = 0;
										return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
										#endregion ReturnLength
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
						} // switch this._scalarKind 
					#endregion ContinueScalarUnpacking
				else if(  this._remainingBlob >= 0 )
					#region ContinueBlobUnpacking
					#region ClearEmptyCollectionState
					if( this._currentCollectionState != null )
						if( this._currentCollectionState.UnpackingItemsCount == 0 )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
					#endregion ClearEmptyCollectionState
					long blobReadBytes = 0;
					int recentRead;
					int reading;
						reading  = _dummyBuffer.Length < this._remainingBlob ? _dummyBuffer.Length : unchecked( ( int )this._remainingBlob );
						recentRead = source.Read( _dummyBuffer, 0, reading );
						blobReadBytes += recentRead;
					} while ( recentRead == reading && blobReadBytes < this._remainingBlob);
					this._readByteLength += blobReadBytes;
					if( blobReadBytes < this._remainingBlob )
						// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
						this._remainingBlob -= blobReadBytes;
						return null;
						// Whole blob bytes are read.
						// Reset buffer.
						this._remainingBlob = -1;
						#region TryPopContextCollection
						while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
						#endregion TryPopContextCollection
						if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
							#region Returnlength
							var readLength = this._readByteLength;
							this._readByteLength = 0;
							return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
							#endregion ReturnLength
					#endregion ContinueBlobUnpacking
				// Header or scalar
				for( var b = source.ReadByte(); b >= 0; b = source.ReadByte() )
					if ( b < 0x80 )
						#region TryPopContextCollection
						while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
						#endregion TryPopContextCollection
						if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
							#region Returnlength
							var readLength = this._readByteLength;
							this._readByteLength = 0;
							return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
							#endregion ReturnLength
					if ( b >= 0xE0 )
						#region TryPopContextCollection
						while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
						#endregion TryPopContextCollection
						if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
							#region Returnlength
							var readLength = this._readByteLength;
							this._readByteLength = 0;
							return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
							#endregion ReturnLength
					switch ( b )
						case 0x80:
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
								#region Returnlength
								var readLength = this._readByteLength;
								this._readByteLength = 0;
								return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
								#endregion ReturnLength
						case 0x90:
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
								#region Returnlength
								var readLength = this._readByteLength;
								this._readByteLength = 0;
								return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
								#endregion ReturnLength
						case 0xA0:
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
								#region Returnlength
								var readLength = this._readByteLength;
								this._readByteLength = 0;
								return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
								#endregion ReturnLength
						case MessagePackCode.TrueValue:
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
								#region Returnlength
								var readLength = this._readByteLength;
								this._readByteLength = 0;
								return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
								#endregion ReturnLength
						case MessagePackCode.FalseValue:
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
								#region Returnlength
								var readLength = this._readByteLength;
								this._readByteLength = 0;
								return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
								#endregion ReturnLength
						case MessagePackCode.NilValue:
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
								#region Returnlength
								var readLength = this._readByteLength;
								this._readByteLength = 0;
								return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
								#endregion ReturnLength
					if ( b < 0x90 )
						// map
						#region PushFixedContextCollection
						var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.FixedMap( ( b & 0xF ) );
						this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
						this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
						#endregion PushFixedContextCollection
					else if ( b < 0xA0 )
						// array
						#region PushFixedContextCollection
						var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.FixedArray( ( b & 0xF ) );
						this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
						this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
						#endregion PushFixedContextCollection
					else if ( b < 0xC0 )
						// raw
						#region StartBlobUnpacking
						this._remainingBlob = b - 0xA0;
						long blobReadBytes = 0;
						int recentRead;
						int reading;
							reading  = _dummyBuffer.Length < b - 0xA0 ? _dummyBuffer.Length : unchecked( ( int )b - 0xA0 );
							recentRead = source.Read( _dummyBuffer, 0, reading );
							blobReadBytes += recentRead;
						} while ( recentRead == reading && blobReadBytes < b - 0xA0);
						this._readByteLength += blobReadBytes;
						if( blobReadBytes < this._remainingBlob )
							// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
							this._remainingBlob -= blobReadBytes;
							return null;
							// Whole blob bytes are read.
							// Reset buffer.
							this._remainingBlob = -1;
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
								#region Returnlength
								var readLength = this._readByteLength;
								this._readByteLength = 0;
								return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
								#endregion ReturnLength
						#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
						// variable scalars & collections
						switch( b )
							case 0xDC: // array16
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._scalarKind = ScalarKind.ArrayLength16;
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								#region PushContextCollection
								var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.Array();
								this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
								this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
								#endregion PushContextCollection
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )ScalarKind.ArrayLength16 ) & 0xF );
								this._readByteLength += scalarReadBytes;
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )ScalarKind.ArrayLength16 ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
										byte temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
									#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
									this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
									if( length == 0 )
										if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
											// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
											this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#region Returnlength
											var readLength = this._readByteLength;
											this._readByteLength = 0;
											return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
											#endregion ReturnLength
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
							case 0xDD: // array32
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._scalarKind = ScalarKind.ArrayLength32;
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								#region PushContextCollection
								var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.Array();
								this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
								this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
								#endregion PushContextCollection
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )ScalarKind.ArrayLength32 ) & 0xF );
								this._readByteLength += scalarReadBytes;
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )ScalarKind.ArrayLength32 ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
										byte temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
									#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
									this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
									if( length == 0 )
										if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
											// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
											this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#region Returnlength
											var readLength = this._readByteLength;
											this._readByteLength = 0;
											return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
											#endregion ReturnLength
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
							case 0xDE: // map16
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._scalarKind = ScalarKind.MapLength16;
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								#region PushContextCollection
								var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.Map();
								this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
								this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
								#endregion PushContextCollection
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )ScalarKind.MapLength16 ) & 0xF );
								this._readByteLength += scalarReadBytes;
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )ScalarKind.MapLength16 ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
										byte temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
									#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
									this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
									if( length == 0 )
										if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
											// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
											this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#region Returnlength
											var readLength = this._readByteLength;
											this._readByteLength = 0;
											return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
											#endregion ReturnLength
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
							case 0xDF: // map32
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._scalarKind = ScalarKind.MapLength32;
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								#region PushContextCollection
								var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.Map();
								this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
								this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
								#endregion PushContextCollection
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )ScalarKind.MapLength32 ) & 0xF );
								this._readByteLength += scalarReadBytes;
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )ScalarKind.MapLength32 ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
										byte temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
									#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
									this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
									if( length == 0 )
										if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
											// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
											this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#region Returnlength
											var readLength = this._readByteLength;
											this._readByteLength = 0;
											return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
											#endregion ReturnLength
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._scalarKind = _scalarKinds[ b - 0xC0 ];
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )_scalarKinds[ b - 0xC0 ] ) & 0xF );
								this._readByteLength += scalarReadBytes;
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )_scalarKinds[ b - 0xC0 ] ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									switch( this._scalarKind )
										case ScalarKind.RawLength16:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											ushort length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region StartBlobUnpacking
											this._remainingBlob = length;
											long blobReadBytes = 0;
											int recentRead;
											int reading;
												reading  = _dummyBuffer.Length < length ? _dummyBuffer.Length : unchecked( ( int )length );
												recentRead = source.Read( _dummyBuffer, 0, reading );
												blobReadBytes += recentRead;
											} while ( recentRead == reading && blobReadBytes < length);
											this._readByteLength += blobReadBytes;
											if( blobReadBytes < this._remainingBlob )
												// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
												this._remainingBlob -= blobReadBytes;
												return null;
												// Whole blob bytes are read.
												// Reset buffer.
												this._remainingBlob = -1;
												#region TryPopContextCollection
												while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
													this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
												#endregion TryPopContextCollection
												if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
													#region Returnlength
													var readLength = this._readByteLength;
													this._readByteLength = 0;
													return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
													#endregion ReturnLength
											#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
										case ScalarKind.RawLength32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											uint length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region StartBlobUnpacking
											this._remainingBlob = length;
											long blobReadBytes = 0;
											int recentRead;
											int reading;
												reading  = _dummyBuffer.Length < length ? _dummyBuffer.Length : unchecked( ( int )length );
												recentRead = source.Read( _dummyBuffer, 0, reading );
												blobReadBytes += recentRead;
											} while ( recentRead == reading && blobReadBytes < length);
											this._readByteLength += blobReadBytes;
											if( blobReadBytes < this._remainingBlob )
												// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
												this._remainingBlob -= blobReadBytes;
												return null;
												// Whole blob bytes are read.
												// Reset buffer.
												this._remainingBlob = -1;
												#region TryPopContextCollection
												while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
													this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
												#endregion TryPopContextCollection
												if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
													#region Returnlength
													var readLength = this._readByteLength;
													this._readByteLength = 0;
													return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
													#endregion ReturnLength
											#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
										case ScalarKind.ArrayLength16:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
											if( length == 0 )
												if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
													// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
													this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
													#region Returnlength
													var readLength = this._readByteLength;
													this._readByteLength = 0;
													return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
													#endregion ReturnLength
										case ScalarKind.MapLength16:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
											if( length == 0 )
												if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
													// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
													this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
													#region Returnlength
													var readLength = this._readByteLength;
													this._readByteLength = 0;
													return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
													#endregion ReturnLength
										case ScalarKind.ArrayLength32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
											if( length == 0 )
												if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
													// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
													this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
													#region Returnlength
													var readLength = this._readByteLength;
													this._readByteLength = 0;
													return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
													#endregion ReturnLength
										case ScalarKind.MapLength32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
											if( length == 0 )
												if( this._collectionStates.Count == 1 )
													// Top of stack must be empty which is pushed just now, so we can return tiny length safely.
													this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
													#region Returnlength
													var readLength = this._readByteLength;
													this._readByteLength = 0;
													return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
													#endregion ReturnLength
										case ScalarKind.Float32:
										case ScalarKind.Float64:
										case ScalarKind.Int8:
										case ScalarKind.UInt8:
										case ScalarKind.Int16:
										case ScalarKind.UInt16:
										case ScalarKind.Int32:
										case ScalarKind.UInt32:
										case ScalarKind.Int64:
										case ScalarKind.UInt64:
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
												#region Returnlength
												var readLength = this._readByteLength;
												this._readByteLength = 0;
												return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
												#endregion ReturnLength
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
												if( this._currentCollectionState == null )
													#region Returnlength
													var readLength = this._readByteLength;
													this._readByteLength = 0;
													return new MessagePackObject( readLength );
													#endregion ReturnLength
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									} // switch _scalarKinds[ b - 0xC0 ] 
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
				} // for 
				// stream ends
				return null;
			public override MessagePackObject? Unpack( Stream source)
				this._collectionItemsCount = null;
				// Continue 
				if( this._scalarBufferPosition >= 0 )
					#region ContinueScalarUnpacking
					#region ClearEmptyCollectionState
					if( this._currentCollectionState != null )
						if( this._currentCollectionState.UnpackingItemsCount == 0 )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
					#endregion ClearEmptyCollectionState
					var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, this._scalarBufferPosition, ( ( ( int )this._scalarKind ) & 0xF ) - this._scalarBufferPosition );
					if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( ( int )this._scalarKind ) & 0xF ) - this._scalarBufferPosition ) )
						// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
						this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
						return null;
						// Whole scalar bytes are read.
						switch( this._scalarKind )
							case ScalarKind.RawLength16:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								ushort length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region StartBlobUnpacking
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
								var blob = new byte[ length ];
								var blobReadBytes = source.Read( blob, 0, length );
								if( blobReadBytes < length )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._blobBuffer = blob;
									this._blobBufferPosition += blobReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole blob bytes are read.
									// Reset buffer.
									this._blobBuffer = null;
									this._blobBufferPosition = 0;
									#region TryPopContextCollection
									while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									return new MessagePackObject( blob );
								#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
							case ScalarKind.RawLength32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								uint length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region EnsureLengthIsInt32
								if( length > Int32.MaxValue )
									throw new MessageNotSupportedException( "MessagePack for CLI cannot handle a collection which stores more than Int32.MaxValue items." );
								#endregion EnsureLengthIsInt32
								#region StartBlobUnpacking
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
								var blob = new byte[ unchecked( ( int )length ) ];
								var blobReadBytes = source.Read( blob, 0, unchecked( ( int )length ) );
								if( blobReadBytes < unchecked( ( int )length ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._blobBuffer = blob;
									this._blobBufferPosition += blobReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole blob bytes are read.
									// Reset buffer.
									this._blobBuffer = null;
									this._blobBufferPosition = 0;
									#region TryPopContextCollection
									while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									return new MessagePackObject( blob );
								#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
							case ScalarKind.ArrayLength16:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
								return new MessagePackObject( length );
							case ScalarKind.MapLength16:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
								return new MessagePackObject( length );
							case ScalarKind.ArrayLength32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
								return new MessagePackObject( length );
							case ScalarKind.MapLength32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
								return new MessagePackObject( length );
							case ScalarKind.Float32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var value = BitConverter.ToSingle( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.Float64:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var value = BitConverter.ToDouble( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.Int8:
								var value = unchecked( ( sbyte )this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.UInt8:
								var value = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.Int16:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var value = BitConverter.ToInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.UInt16:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var value = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.Int32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var value = BitConverter.ToInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.UInt32:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var value = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.Int64:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var value = BitConverter.ToInt64( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
							case ScalarKind.UInt64:
								#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
									byte temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ] = temp;
									temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ];
									this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ] = temp;
								#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
								var value = BitConverter.ToUInt64( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
								#region ClearScalarBuffer
								this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
								#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
								#region TryPopContextCollection
								while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
									this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
								#endregion TryPopContextCollection
								return new MessagePackObject( value );
								throw new NotSupportedException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Unknown scalar '{0}'.", this._scalarKind ) );
						} // switch this._scalarKind 
					#endregion ContinueScalarUnpacking
				else if(  this._blobBuffer != null )
					#region ContinueBlobUnpacking
					var blob = this._blobBuffer;
					#region ClearEmptyCollectionState
					if( this._currentCollectionState != null )
						if( this._currentCollectionState.UnpackingItemsCount == 0 )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
					#endregion ClearEmptyCollectionState
					var blobReadBytes = source.Read( blob, this._blobBufferPosition, this._blobBuffer.Length - this._blobBufferPosition );
					if( blobReadBytes < this._blobBuffer.Length - this._blobBufferPosition )
						// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
						this._blobBuffer = blob;
						this._blobBufferPosition += blobReadBytes;
						return null;
						// Whole blob bytes are read.
						// Reset buffer.
						this._blobBuffer = null;
						this._blobBufferPosition = 0;
						#region TryPopContextCollection
						while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
						#endregion TryPopContextCollection
						return new MessagePackObject( blob );
					#endregion ContinueBlobUnpacking
				// Header or scalar
				var b = source.ReadByte();
				if(  b >= 0 )
					if ( b < 0x80 )
						this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
						#region TryPopContextCollection
						while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
						#endregion TryPopContextCollection
						return _positiveIntegers[ b ];
					if ( b >= 0xE0 )
						this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
						#region TryPopContextCollection
						while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
							this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
						#endregion TryPopContextCollection
						return _negativeIntegers[ b - 0xE0 ];
					switch ( b )
						case 0x80:
							this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.Map;
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							this._collectionItemsCount = 0;
							return _positiveIntegers[ 0 ];
						case 0x90:
							this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.Array;
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							this._collectionItemsCount = 0;
							return _positiveIntegers[ 0 ];
						case 0xA0:
							this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							return _emptyRaw;
						case MessagePackCode.TrueValue:
							this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							return _true;
						case MessagePackCode.FalseValue:
							this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							return _false;
						case MessagePackCode.NilValue:
							this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							return MessagePackObject.Nil;
					if ( b < 0x90 )
						// map
						this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.Map;
						#region PushFixedContextCollection
						var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.FixedMap( ( b & 0xF ) );
						this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
						this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
						#endregion PushFixedContextCollection
						return _positiveIntegers[ ( b & 0xF ) ];
					else if ( b < 0xA0 )
						// array
						this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.Array;
						#region PushFixedContextCollection
						var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.FixedArray( ( b & 0xF ) );
						this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
						this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
						#endregion PushFixedContextCollection
						return _positiveIntegers[ ( b & 0xF ) ];
					else if ( b < 0xC0 )
						// raw
						#region StartBlobUnpacking
						#region ClearScalarBuffer
						this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
						#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
						this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
						var blob = new byte[ b - 0xA0 ];
						var blobReadBytes = source.Read( blob, 0, b - 0xA0 );
						if( blobReadBytes < b - 0xA0 )
							// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
							this._blobBuffer = blob;
							this._blobBufferPosition += blobReadBytes;
							return null;
							// Whole blob bytes are read.
							// Reset buffer.
							this._blobBuffer = null;
							this._blobBufferPosition = 0;
							#region TryPopContextCollection
							while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
								this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
							#endregion TryPopContextCollection
							return new MessagePackObject( blob );
						#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
						// variable scalars & collections
						switch( b )
							case 0xDC: // array16
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.Array;
								this._scalarKind = ScalarKind.ArrayLength16;
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								#region PushContextCollection
								var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.Array();
								this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
								this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
								#endregion PushContextCollection
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )ScalarKind.ArrayLength16 ) & 0xF );
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )ScalarKind.ArrayLength16 ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
									#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
										byte temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
									#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
									#region ClearScalarBuffer
									this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
									#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									#region TryPopContextCollection
									while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
									return new MessagePackObject( length );
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
							case 0xDD: // array32
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.Array;
								this._scalarKind = ScalarKind.ArrayLength32;
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								#region PushContextCollection
								var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.Array();
								this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
								this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
								#endregion PushContextCollection
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )ScalarKind.ArrayLength32 ) & 0xF );
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )ScalarKind.ArrayLength32 ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
									#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
										byte temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
									#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
									#region ClearScalarBuffer
									this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
									#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									#region TryPopContextCollection
									while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
									return new MessagePackObject( length );
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
							case 0xDE: // map16
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.Map;
								this._scalarKind = ScalarKind.MapLength16;
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								#region PushContextCollection
								var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.Map();
								this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
								this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
								#endregion PushContextCollection
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )ScalarKind.MapLength16 ) & 0xF );
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )ScalarKind.MapLength16 ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
									#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
										byte temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
									#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
									#region ClearScalarBuffer
									this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
									#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									#region TryPopContextCollection
									while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
									return new MessagePackObject( length );
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
							case 0xDF: // map32
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.Map;
								this._scalarKind = ScalarKind.MapLength32;
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								#region PushContextCollection
								var newCollectionState = CollectionUnpackingState.Map();
								this._currentCollectionState = newCollectionState;
								this._collectionStates.Push( newCollectionState );
								#endregion PushContextCollection
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )ScalarKind.MapLength32 ) & 0xF );
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )ScalarKind.MapLength32 ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
									#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
										byte temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
										temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
										this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
									#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
									var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
									#region ClearScalarBuffer
									this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
									#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
									#region TryPopContextCollection
									while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
										this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
									#endregion TryPopContextCollection
									this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
									return new MessagePackObject( length );
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
								#region StartScalarUnpacking
								this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
								this._scalarKind = _scalarKinds[ b - 0xC0 ];
								this._scalarBufferPosition = 0;
								var scalarReadBytes = source.Read( this._scalarBuffer, 0, ( ( int )_scalarKinds[ b - 0xC0 ] ) & 0xF );
								if( scalarReadBytes < ( ( ( int )_scalarKinds[ b - 0xC0 ] ) & 0xF ) )
									// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
									this._scalarBufferPosition += scalarReadBytes;
									return null;
									// Whole scalar bytes are read.
									switch( this._scalarKind )
										case ScalarKind.RawLength16:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											ushort length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region StartBlobUnpacking
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
											var blob = new byte[ length ];
											var blobReadBytes = source.Read( blob, 0, length );
											if( blobReadBytes < length )
												// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
												this._blobBuffer = blob;
												this._blobBufferPosition += blobReadBytes;
												return null;
												// Whole blob bytes are read.
												// Reset buffer.
												this._blobBuffer = null;
												this._blobBufferPosition = 0;
												#region TryPopContextCollection
												while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
													this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
												#endregion TryPopContextCollection
												return new MessagePackObject( blob );
											#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
										case ScalarKind.RawLength32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											uint length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region EnsureLengthIsInt32
											if( length > Int32.MaxValue )
												throw new MessageNotSupportedException( "MessagePack for CLI cannot handle a collection which stores more than Int32.MaxValue items." );
											#endregion EnsureLengthIsInt32
											#region StartBlobUnpacking
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											this._collectionHeaderKind = CollectionHeaderKind.NotCollection;
											var blob = new byte[ unchecked( ( int )length ) ];
											var blobReadBytes = source.Read( blob, 0, unchecked( ( int )length ) );
											if( blobReadBytes < unchecked( ( int )length ) )
												// Must wait extra bytes, book keep states.
												this._blobBuffer = blob;
												this._blobBufferPosition += blobReadBytes;
												return null;
												// Whole blob bytes are read.
												// Reset buffer.
												this._blobBuffer = null;
												this._blobBufferPosition = 0;
												#region TryPopContextCollection
												while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
													this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
												#endregion TryPopContextCollection
												return new MessagePackObject( blob );
											#endregion StartBlobUnpacking
										case ScalarKind.ArrayLength16:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
											return new MessagePackObject( length );
										case ScalarKind.MapLength16:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var length = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
											return new MessagePackObject( length );
										case ScalarKind.ArrayLength32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
											return new MessagePackObject( length );
										case ScalarKind.MapLength32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var length = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											this._currentCollectionState.SetItemsCount( length );
											return new MessagePackObject( length );
										case ScalarKind.Float32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var value = BitConverter.ToSingle( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.Float64:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var value = BitConverter.ToDouble( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.Int8:
											var value = unchecked( ( sbyte )this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.UInt8:
											var value = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.Int16:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var value = BitConverter.ToInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.UInt16:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var value = BitConverter.ToUInt16( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.Int32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var value = BitConverter.ToInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.UInt32:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var value = BitConverter.ToUInt32( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.Int64:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var value = BitConverter.ToInt64( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
										case ScalarKind.UInt64:
											#region SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											if( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
												byte temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 0 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 7 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 1 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 6 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 2 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 5 ] = temp;
												temp = this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 3 ] = this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ];
												this._scalarBuffer[ 4 ] = temp;
											#endregion SwapScalarBufferIfLittleEndian
											var value = BitConverter.ToUInt64( this._scalarBuffer, 0 );
											#region ClearScalarBuffer
											this._scalarBufferPosition = -1;
											#endregion ClearScalarBuffer
											#region TryPopContextCollection
											while( this._currentCollectionState != null && this._currentCollectionState.IncrementUnpacked() )
												this._currentCollectionState = this._collectionStates.Count == 0 ? null : this._collectionStates.Peek();
											#endregion TryPopContextCollection
											return new MessagePackObject( value );
											throw new NotSupportedException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Unknown scalar '{0}'.", this._scalarKind ) );
									} // switch _scalarKinds[ b - 0xC0 ] 
								#endregion StartScalarUnpacking
				} // for 
				// stream ends
				return null;