public IActionResult Index(int?Page,
                                   string SortExpression,
                                   List <int> Genres)
            //Set default values for all optional  parameters
            var safePage           = Page ?? 1;
            var safeSortExpression =
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(SortExpression) ? "CreateDate" : SortExpression;

            bool useDefaultSort = Accending.HasValue ? Accending.Value : true;

            var resultsFound = 0;
            var model        = new CollaborationSpaceSearchResultModel();
            var search       =
                new CollaborationSpaceSearchParams
                SortExpression    = safeSortExpression,
                CurrentPageNumber = safePage,
                ItemsPerPage      = 10,
                GenreFilter       = Genres

            model.CollaborationSpaceSearchResults =
                                                                                      out resultsFound);
            model.NumberOfResults = resultsFound;
            model.GenreLookUpList =
                (IList <GenreLookUp>)_UnitOfWork.GenreLookUpRepository.Query();
            model.CurrentPage    = safePage;
            model.ItemsPerPage   = 10;
            model.SortExpression = safeSortExpression;

            // if a filter has been selected add to the model
            // so we can show what filter is selected in the view
            if (Genres != null && Genres.Count > 0)
                model.GenreLookUpId = Genres[0];

            model.ResultsDescription =
                string.Format("Displaying records {0} - {1} of {2} sorted by {3}",
                              (safePage * 10),
                              (safePage * 10) + 10,
            return(View("Index", model));
예제 #2
        public List <CollaborationSpaceSearchResult> GetActiveCollaborationSpaces(CollaborationSpaceSearchParams filter, out int resultsFound)
            if (filter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filter");

            var collabSpacesQuery = from a in _context.CollaborationSpaces
                                    join o in _context.CollaborationSpaceGenres
                                    on a.CollaborationSpaceId equals o.CollaborationSpaceId
                                    join p in _context.ArtistCollaborationSpaces
                                    on a.CollaborationSpaceId equals p.CollaborationSpaceId
                                    join artist in _context.Artists
                                    on p.ArtistId equals artist.ArtistId
                                    where a.Status != ProjectStatus.Canceled &&
                                    a.Status != ProjectStatus.OnHold &&
                                    a.Status != ProjectStatus.Published &&
                                    a.AllowPublicView == true &&
                                    p.IsCreator == true
                                    select new CollaborationSpaceSearchResult()
                CollaborationSpaceId       = a.CollaborationSpaceId,
                CreateDate                 = a.CreateDate,
                Description                = a.Description,
                LastPostDate               = a.LastPostDate,
                ModifiedDate               = a.ModifiedDate,
                NumberComments             = a.NumberComments,
                NumberViews                = a.NumberViews,
                RestrictContributorsToBand = a.RestrictContributorsToBand,
                Status        = a.Status,
                Title         = a.Title,
                GenreLookUpId = o.GenreLookUpId,
                UserName      = artist.UserName,
                WebSite       = artist.WebSite,
                AvatarURL     = artist.AvatarUrl

            if (filter.GenreFilter != null && filter.GenreFilter.Count > 0)
                collabSpacesQuery = collabSpacesQuery.Where(LinqUtilities.BuildOrExpression <CollaborationSpaceSearchResult,
                                                                                             int>(p => p.GenreLookUpId, filter.GenreFilter));

            //get rid of duplicates
            // EF Bug causing invalid caste exception
            //collabSpacesQuery = (from a in collabSpacesQuery
            //                     group a by a.CollaborationSpaceId into u
            //                     select u.First());

            // First round trip to the database that runs a query to
            // get the count
            resultsFound = collabSpacesQuery == null ? 0 : collabSpacesQuery.Count();
            int skip = getSkip(filter.CurrentPageNumber, filter.ItemsPerPage);

            //several EF bugs causing incorrect results here
            collabSpacesQuery = collabSpacesQuery.OrderByText(filter.SortExpression).Skip(skip).Take(filter.ItemsPerPage);

            // second round trip to the database retrieves (count) 10 records
            return(collabSpacesQuery == null ?  null : collabSpacesQuery.ToList());