public override void ReceiveResponse(INextLayer nextLayer, Exchange exchange, Response response) { if (response.HasOption(OptionType.Oscoap)) { Option op = response.GetFirstOption(OptionType.Oscoap); if (exchange.OscoapContext == null) { return; } SecurityContext ctx = exchange.OscoapContext; bool fServerIv = true; Encrypt0Message msg = Uncompress(op.RawValue); if (msg == null) { return; } msg.SetEncryptedContent(response.Payload); SecurityContext.EntityContext recip = ctx.Recipient; if (recip == null) { if (ctx.GroupId == null) { // This is not currently a valid state to be in return; } CBORObject kid = msg.FindAttribute(HeaderKeys.KeyId); if (kid == null) { // this is not currently a valid state to be in return; } recip = ctx.Recipients[kid.GetByteString()]; if (recip == null) { // M00TODO - deal with asking the user for a recipient structure at this point. return; } } if (msg.FindAttribute(HeaderKeys.PartialIV) == null) { msg.AddAttribute(HeaderKeys.PartialIV, CBORObject.FromObject(ctx.Sender.PartialIV), Attributes.DO_NOT_SEND); fServerIv = false; } byte[] partialIV = msg.FindAttribute(HeaderKeys.PartialIV).GetByteString(); byte[] seqNoArray = new byte[8]; Array.Copy(partialIV, 0, seqNoArray, 8 - partialIV.Length, partialIV.Length); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(seqNoArray); } Int64 seqNo = BitConverter.ToInt64(seqNoArray, 0); if (fServerIv) { if (_replayWindow && recip.ReplayWindow.HitTest(seqNo)) { return; } } msg.AddAttribute(HeaderKeys.Algorithm, recip.Algorithm, Attributes.DO_NOT_SEND); CBORObject fullIV; if (fServerIv) { fullIV = recip.GetIV(partialIV); } else { fullIV = ctx.Sender.GetIV(partialIV); } msg.AddAttribute(HeaderKeys.IV, fullIV, Attributes.DO_NOT_SEND); // build aad CBORObject aad = CBORObject.NewArray(); aad.Add(1); aad.Add(CBORObject.NewArray()); aad[1].Add(recip.Algorithm); aad.Add(ctx.Sender.Id); aad.Add(ctx.Sender.PartialIV); aad.Add(CBORObject.FromObject(new byte[0])); // OPTIONS if (ctx.GroupId != null) { aad.Add(ctx.GroupId); } msg.SetExternalData(aad.EncodeToBytes()); _Log.Info(m => m($"fServerIv = {fServerIv}")); _Log.Info(m => m("ReceiveResponse: AAD = " + BitConverter.ToString(aad.EncodeToBytes()))); _Log.Info(m => m($"ReceiveResponse: IV = {BitConverter.ToString(fullIV.GetByteString())}")); _Log.Info(m => m($"ReceiveResponse: Key = {BitConverter.ToString(recip.Key)}")); byte[] payload = msg.Decrypt(recip.Key); recip.ReplayWindow.SetHit(seqNo); byte[] rgb = new byte[payload.Length + _FixedHeader.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(_FixedHeader, rgb, _FixedHeader.Length); Array.Copy(payload, 1, rgb, _FixedHeader.Length, payload.Length - 1); rgb[1] = payload[0]; Codec.IMessageDecoder me = Spec.NewMessageDecoder(rgb); Response decryptedReq = me.DecodeResponse(); response.Payload = decryptedReq.Payload; response.StatusCode = decryptedReq.StatusCode; RestoreOptions(response, decryptedReq); } base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response); }
public override void ReceiveResponse(INextLayer nextLayer, Exchange exchange, Response response) { if (response.HasOption(OptionType.Oscoap)) { Option op = response.GetFirstOption(OptionType.Oscoap); if (exchange.OscoreContext == null) { return; } _Log.Info($"Incoming message for OSCORE\n{Utils.ToString(response)}"); SecurityContext ctx = exchange.OscoreContext; bool fServerIv = true; Encrypt0Message msg = Uncompress(op.RawValue); if (msg == null) { return; } msg.SetEncryptedContent(response.Payload); SecurityContext.EntityContext recip = ctx.Recipient; if (ctx.IsGroupContext) { if (ctx.GroupId == null) { // This is not currently a valid state to be in return; } CBORObject kid = msg.FindAttribute(HeaderKeys.KeyId); if (kid == null) { // this is not currently a valid state to be in return; } recip = ctx.Recipients[kid.GetByteString()]; if (recip == null) { // M00TODO - deal with asking the user for a recipient structure at this point. return; } if (msg.FindAttribute(HeaderKeys.PartialIV) == null) { msg.AddAttribute(HeaderKeys.PartialIV, CBORObject.FromObject(ctx.Sender.PartialIV), Attributes.DO_NOT_SEND); fServerIv = false; } } else { if (msg.FindAttribute(HeaderKeys.PartialIV) == null) { msg.AddAttribute(HeaderKeys.PartialIV, CBORObject.FromObject(ctx.Sender.PartialIV), Attributes.DO_NOT_SEND); fServerIv = false; } } byte[] partialIV = msg.FindAttribute(HeaderKeys.PartialIV).GetByteString(); byte[] seqNoArray = new byte[8]; Array.Copy(partialIV, 0, seqNoArray, 8 - partialIV.Length, partialIV.Length); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(seqNoArray); } Int64 seqNo = BitConverter.ToInt64(seqNoArray, 0); if (fServerIv) { if (_replayWindow && recip.ReplayWindow.HitTest(seqNo)) { return; } } msg.AddAttribute(HeaderKeys.Algorithm, recip.Algorithm, Attributes.DO_NOT_SEND); CBORObject fullIV; if (fServerIv) { fullIV = recip.GetIV(partialIV); } else { fullIV = ctx.Sender.GetIV(partialIV); } msg.AddAttribute(HeaderKeys.IV, fullIV, Attributes.DO_NOT_SEND); // build aad CBORObject aad = CBORObject.NewArray(); aad.Add(1); // Version # aad.Add(CBORObject.NewArray()); aad[1].Add(recip.Algorithm); aad.Add(ctx.Sender.Id); aad.Add(ctx.Sender.PartialIV); aad.Add(CBORObject.FromObject(new byte[0])); // OPTIONS if (ctx.Sender.SigningAlgorithm != null) { aad[1].Add(ctx.Sender.SigningAlgorithm); if (ctx.CountersignParams != null) { aad[1].Add(ctx.CountersignParams); } if (ctx.CountersignKeyParams != null) { aad[1].Add(ctx.CountersignKeyParams); } } msg.SetExternalData(aad.EncodeToBytes()); _Log.Info(m => m($"fServerIv = {fServerIv}")); _Log.Info(m => m("ReceiveResponse: AAD = " + BitConverter.ToString(aad.EncodeToBytes()))); _Log.Info(m => m($"ReceiveResponse: IV = {BitConverter.ToString(fullIV.GetByteString())}")); _Log.Info(m => m($"ReceiveResponse: Key = {BitConverter.ToString(recip.Key)}")); if (ctx.IsGroupContext) { aad.Add(op.RawValue); int cbSignature = 64; // M00TODO Need to figure out the size of the signature from the context. byte[] rgbSignature = new byte[cbSignature]; byte[] rgbPayload = new byte[response.Payload.Length - cbSignature]; Array.Copy(response.Payload, rgbPayload, rgbPayload.Length); Array.Copy(response.Payload, rgbPayload.Length, rgbSignature, 0, cbSignature); CounterSignature1 cs1 = new CounterSignature1(rgbSignature); cs1.AddAttribute(HeaderKeys.Algorithm, ctx.Sender.SigningAlgorithm, Attributes.DO_NOT_SEND); cs1.SetObject(msg); cs1.SetKey(recip.SigningKey); byte[] aadData = aad.EncodeToBytes(); cs1.SetExternalData(aadData); msg.SetEncryptedContent(rgbPayload); try { if (!msg.Validate(cs1)) { return; } } catch (CoseException e) { // try the next possible one return; } } byte[] payload = msg.Decrypt(recip.Key); recip.ReplayWindow.SetHit(seqNo); byte[] rgb = new byte[payload.Length + _FixedHeader.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(_FixedHeader, rgb, _FixedHeader.Length); Array.Copy(payload, 1, rgb, _FixedHeader.Length, payload.Length - 1); rgb[1] = payload[0]; Codec.IMessageDecoder me = Spec.NewMessageDecoder(rgb); Response decryptedReq = me.DecodeResponse(); _Log.Info($"Inner message for OSCORE{Utils.ToString(decryptedReq)}"); response.Payload = decryptedReq.Payload; response.Code = (int)decryptedReq.StatusCode; RestoreOptions(response, decryptedReq); if (decryptedReq.HasOption(OptionType.Observe)) { if (partialIV.Length > 3) { byte[] x = new byte[3]; Array.Copy(partialIV, partialIV.Length - 3, x, 0, 3); partialIV = x; } response.AddOption(Option.Create(OptionType.Observe, partialIV)); } _Log.Info($"Outgoing message for OSCORE{Utils.ToString(response)}"); } base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response); }