예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the SQL Where clause for the component used in this mapping
        /// and the condition value from SDMX Query which is transcoded
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conditionValue">
        /// string with the conditional value from the SDMX query
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="operatorValue">
        /// string with the operator value from the SDMX query, "=" by default
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A SQL where clause for the columns of the mapping
        /// </returns>
        public string GenerateComponentWhere(string conditionValue, string operatorValue = "=")
            var ret = new StringBuilder();

            ret.Append(" (");

            CodeSetCollection localCodesSet =
                this.Mapping.Transcoding.TranscodingRules.GetLocalCodes(new CodeCollection(new[] { conditionValue }));

            if (localCodesSet.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < localCodesSet.Count; i++)
                    if (i != 0)
                        ret.Append(" OR ");

                    ret.Append(" (");
                    Collection <string> localCodes = localCodesSet[i];

                    // component to columns
                    var mappedClause = new List <string>();
                    foreach (DataSetColumnEntity column in this.Mapping.Columns)
                        string mappedId       = column.Name;
                        string mappedValue    = EscapeString(conditionValue);
                        int    columnPosition = this.Mapping.Transcoding.TranscodingRules.ColumnAsKeyPosition[column.SysId];
                        if (localCodes != null && columnPosition < localCodes.Count)
                            mappedValue = localCodes[columnPosition];

                        mappedClause.Add(SqlOperatorComponent(mappedId, mappedValue, operatorValue));
                        //    string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} " + operatorValue + " '{1}' ", mappedId, mappedValue));

                    ret.Append(string.Join(" AND ", mappedClause.ToArray()));
                    ret.Append(" ) ");
                var mappedClause = new List <string>();
                foreach (DataSetColumnEntity column in this.Mapping.Columns)
                    string mappedId    = column.Name;
                    string mappedValue = EscapeString(conditionValue);
                    mappedClause.Add(SqlOperatorComponent(mappedId, mappedValue, operatorValue));
                    //mappedClause.Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} " + operatorValue + " '{1}' ", mappedId, mappedValue));

                ret.Append(string.Join(" AND ", mappedClause.ToArray()));

            ret.Append(" )");
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the SQL Where clause for the component used in this mapping
        /// and the condition value from SDMX Query which is transcoded
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conditionValue">
        /// string with the conditional value from the sdmx query
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="operatorValue">
        /// string with the operator value from the sdmx query, "=" by default
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A SQL where clause for the columns of the mapping
        /// </returns>
        public string GenerateComponentWhere(string conditionValue, string operatorValue = "=")
            var ret = new StringBuilder();

            ret.Append(" (");

            CodeSetCollection localCodesSet =
                this.Mapping.Transcoding.TranscodingRules.GetLocalCodes(new CodeCollection(new[] { conditionValue }));
            DataSetColumnEntity column = this.Mapping.Columns[0];
            string mappedValue         = EscapeString(conditionValue);

            // TODO check if columnIndex == 0 always
            int columnIndex = 0; // was this.Mapping.Transcoding.TranscodingRules.ColumnAsKeyPosition[column.Name];

            if (localCodesSet.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < localCodesSet.Count; i++)
                    Collection <string> localCodes = localCodesSet[i];
                    if (localCodes != null && localCodes.Count > 0)
                        mappedValue = localCodes[columnIndex];

                    if (i != 0)
                        ret.Append(" or ");

                    ret.Append("( " + SqlOperatorComponent(column.Name, mappedValue, operatorValue) + ")");
                    //ret.AppendFormat("( {0} " + operatorValue + " '{1}' )", column.Name, mappedValue);
                ret.Append(" " + SqlOperatorComponent(column.Name, mappedValue, operatorValue));
                //ret.AppendFormat(" {0} " + operatorValue + " '{1}' ", column.Name, mappedValue);

            ret.Append(") ");