/// <summary>
        /// Returns replace span of the reference (what should be replaced) and also updates it to fit the new result item
        /// </summary>
        public override TextSpan GetInlineReplaceSpan(CodeReferenceResultItem item, out int absoluteStartIndex, out int absoluteLength)
            TextSpan current = item.GetInlineReplaceSpan(true, out absoluteStartIndex, out absoluteLength);


예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns new undo unit for the item
 /// </summary>
 public override AbstractUndoUnit GetUndoUnit(CodeReferenceResultItem item, bool externalChange)
     return(new InlineUndoUnit(item.FullReferenceText, externalChange));
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns replace span of the reference (what should be replaced)
 /// </summary>
 public override TextSpan GetInlineReplaceSpan(CodeReferenceResultItem item, out int absoluteStartIndex, out int absoluteLength)
     return(item.GetInlineReplaceSpan(false, out absoluteStartIndex, out absoluteLength));
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns text that replaces current reference
 /// </summary>
 public override string GetReplaceString(CodeReferenceResultItem item)
     return(item.GetInlineValue()); // this includes escaping sequences ( " -> \" )
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns new undo unit for the item
 /// </summary>
 public override AbstractUndoUnit GetUndoUnit(CodeReferenceResultItem item, bool externalChange)
     return(new GridRenameKeyInCodeUndoUnit(item.Key, item.KeyAfterRename));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns text that replaces current reference
 /// </summary>
 public override string GetReplaceString(CodeReferenceResultItem item)
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares expected and actual result item
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ValidateItems(AbstractResultItem a, AbstractResultItem b)
            if (b is NetStringResultItem)
                NetStringResultItem an = a as NetStringResultItem;
                NetStringResultItem bn = b as NetStringResultItem;
                Assert.AreEqual(an.VariableElementName, bn.VariableElementName, "Variable names are not equal, " + a.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.MethodElementName, bn.MethodElementName, "Method names are not equal, " + a.Value);
            if (b is CSharpStringResultItem)
                TestCSharpStringResultItem an = a as TestCSharpStringResultItem;
                CSharpStringResultItem     bn = b as CSharpStringResultItem;
                if (an.NamespaceElementName == null)
                    Assert.IsNull(bn.NamespaceElement, "Namespace null, " + a.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.NamespaceElementName, bn.NamespaceElement.FullName, "Namespace names are not equal, " + a.Value);
            if (b is VBStringResultItem)
                TestVBStringResultItem an = a as TestVBStringResultItem;
                VBStringResultItem     bn = b as VBStringResultItem;
                if (an.NamespaceElementName == null)
                    Assert.IsNull(bn.NamespaceElement, "Namespace null, " + a.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.NamespaceElementName, bn.NamespaceElement.FullName, "Namespace names are not equal, " + a.Value);
            if (b is AspNetStringResultItem)
                TestAspNetStringResultItem an = a as TestAspNetStringResultItem;
                AspNetStringResultItem     bn = b as AspNetStringResultItem;

                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromClientComment, bn.ComesFromClientComment, "ComesFromClientComment are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromCodeBlock, bn.ComesFromCodeBlock, "ComesFromCodeBlock are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromDirective, bn.ComesFromDirective, "ComesFromDirective are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromElement, bn.ComesFromElement, "ComesFromElement are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromInlineExpression, bn.ComesFromInlineExpression, "ComesFromInlineExpression are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromPlainText, bn.ComesFromPlainText, "ComesFromPlainText are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ElementName, bn.ElementName, "ElementName are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ElementPrefix, bn.ElementPrefix, "ElementPrefix are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.LocalizabilityProved, bn.LocalizabilityProved, "LocalizabilityProved are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.Language, bn.Language, "Language are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            if (b is CodeStringResultItem)
                CodeStringResultItem an = a as CodeStringResultItem;
                CodeStringResultItem bn = b as CodeStringResultItem;
                Assert.AreEqual(an.WasVerbatim, bn.WasVerbatim, "Verbatim options are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ClassOrStructElementName, bn.ClassOrStructElementName, "Class names are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            if (b is CodeReferenceResultItem)
                CodeReferenceResultItem an = a as CodeReferenceResultItem;
                CodeReferenceResultItem bn = b as CodeReferenceResultItem;

                Assert.AreEqual(an.FullReferenceText, bn.FullReferenceText, "FullReferenceText are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.OriginalReferenceText, bn.OriginalReferenceText, "OriginalReferenceText are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            if (b is AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem)
                AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem an = a as AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem;
                AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem bn = b as AspNetCodeReferenceResultItem;

                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromInlineExpression, bn.ComesFromInlineExpression, "ComesFromInlineExpression are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference, bn.ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference, "ComesFromWebSiteResourceReference are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                Assert.AreEqual(an.Language, bn.Language, "Language are not equal" + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

                if (an.ComesFromInlineExpression)
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.StartLine, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.StartLine, "StartLine are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.StartIndex, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.StartIndex, "StartIndex are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.EndLine, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.EndLine, "EndLine are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.EndIndex, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.EndIndex, "EndIndex are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.AbsoluteCharOffset, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.AbsoluteCharOffset, "Offsets are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
                    Assert.AreEqual(an.InlineReplaceSpan.AbsoluteCharLength, bn.InlineReplaceSpan.AbsoluteCharLength, "AbsoluteLengths are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.Value, b.Value, "Values are not equal on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.SourceItem, b.SourceItem, "Source items are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.IsWithinLocalizableFalse, b.IsWithinLocalizableFalse, "[Localizable(false)] options are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.IsMarkedWithUnlocalizableComment, b.IsMarkedWithUnlocalizableComment, "/*VL_NO_LOC*/ options are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ComesFromDesignerFile, b.ComesFromDesignerFile, "Designer file options are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine, b.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine, "iStartLine are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ReplaceSpan.iStartIndex, b.ReplaceSpan.iStartIndex, "iStartIndex are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ReplaceSpan.iEndLine, b.ReplaceSpan.iEndLine, "iEndLine are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.ReplaceSpan.iEndIndex, b.ReplaceSpan.iEndIndex, "iEndIndex are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.AbsoluteCharOffset, b.AbsoluteCharOffset, "Offsets are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.AbsoluteCharLength, b.AbsoluteCharLength, "AbsoluteLengths are not equal, " + a.Value + " on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);

            Assert.AreEqual(a.IsConst, b.IsConst, "IsConst are not equal on line " + a.ReplaceSpan.iStartLine);
        public void Inline(List <CodeReferenceResultItem> dataList, bool externalChange, ref int errorRows)
            // sort according to position
            dataList.Sort(new ResultItemsPositionCompararer <CodeReferenceResultItem>());

            // start with the last items - not necessary to adjust position of many items after replace
            for (int i = dataList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                try {
                    CodeReferenceResultItem resultItem = dataList[i];

                    if (resultItem.MoveThisItem)   // the item was checked in the toolwindow grid
                        int absoluteStartIndex, absoluteLength;

                        // get text that replaces the result item
                        string text = GetReplaceString(resultItem);

                        // get position information about block to replace
                        TextSpan inlineSpan = GetInlineReplaceSpan(resultItem, out absoluteStartIndex, out absoluteLength);

                        string path = resultItem.SourceItem.GetFullPath();
                        if (RDTManager.IsFileOpen(path) && RDTManager.IsFileVisible(path)) // file is open
                            if (!buffersCache.ContainsKey(path))                           // file's buffer is not yet loaded
                            // load buffer
                                IVsTextLines textLines = DocumentViewsManager.GetTextLinesForFile(path, false);
                                buffersCache.Add(path, textLines);

                                IOleUndoManager m;
                                // load undo manager
                                int hr = textLines.GetUndoManager(out m);
                                undoManagersCache.Add(path, m);

                            // replace the result item with the new text
                            int h = buffersCache[path].ReplaceLines(inlineSpan.iStartLine, inlineSpan.iStartIndex, inlineSpan.iEndLine, inlineSpan.iEndIndex,
                                                                    Marshal.StringToBSTR(text), text.Length, new TextSpan[] { inlineSpan });

                            // previous step caused undo unit to be added - remove it
                            List <IOleUndoUnit> units = undoManagersCache[path].RemoveTopFromUndoStack(1);

                            // and add custom undo unit which includes whole operation
                            AbstractUndoUnit newUnit = GetUndoUnit(resultItem, externalChange);
                            if (!filesCache.ContainsKey(path))   // file is not yet loaded
                            // load the file and save it in cache
                                filesCache.Add(path, new StringBuilder(File.ReadAllText(path)));
                            StringBuilder b = filesCache[path];

                            // replace the text
                            b = b.Remove(absoluteStartIndex, absoluteLength);
                            b = b.Insert(absoluteStartIndex, text);
                            filesCache[path] = b;
                } catch (Exception ex) {

            foreach (var pair in filesCache)
                if (RDTManager.IsFileOpen(pair.Key))
                    RDTManager.SetIgnoreFileChanges(pair.Key, true);
                    File.WriteAllText(pair.Key, pair.Value.ToString());
                    RDTManager.SetIgnoreFileChanges(pair.Key, false);
                    File.WriteAllText(pair.Key, pair.Value.ToString());
            if (errorRows > 0)
                throw new Exception("Error occured while processing some rows - see Output window for details.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns new undo unit for the item
 /// </summary>
 public abstract AbstractUndoUnit GetUndoUnit(CodeReferenceResultItem item, bool externalChange);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns replace span of the reference (what should be replaced)
 /// </summary>
 public abstract TextSpan GetInlineReplaceSpan(CodeReferenceResultItem item, out int absoluteStartIndex, out int absoluteLength);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns text that replaces current reference
 /// </summary>
 public abstract string GetReplaceString(CodeReferenceResultItem item);