예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates code representing a set of Sitecore templates
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateTemplateCode(CodeCompileUnit concreteUnit, CodeCompileUnit interfaceUnit)
            CodeNamespace interfaceNamespace = interfaceUnit.CreateNamespace(Parameters.InterfaceNamespace);

            var templatesToGenerate = new List <TemplateGenerationInfo>(Templates);            // as interface generation can modify the Templates collection, we need to make an immutable copy of the collection items before we iterate over it

            foreach (var template in templatesToGenerate)
                // setup concrete model object
                CodeNamespace       templateNamespace = GetTemplateNamespace(concreteUnit, template.Template.ID, Parameters.ItemNamespace);
                CodeTypeDeclaration concrete          = templateNamespace.CreateType(MemberAttributes.Public, template.TypeName);
                concrete.IsClass   = true;
                concrete.IsPartial = true;
                concrete.BaseTypes.Add(new CodeTypeReference(Parameters.ItemBaseClass, CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GlobalReference));

                // add the constructor (validates item template)

                AddTemplateIdPropertiesToEntity(concrete, template.Template);   // adds static and dynamic template ID property
                AddCommentsToItem(concrete, template.Template);                 // adds XML comments based on Sitecore Help fields

                HashSet <string> fieldKeys = GetBaseFieldSet();
                fieldKeys.Add(concrete.Name.AsIdentifier());                       // member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type so we add the type name to the fields collection
                foreach (var baseTemplate in template.AllNonstandardBaseTemplates) // similarly names can't be the same as any of their base templates' names (this would cause an incompletely implemented interface)
                    fieldKeys.Add(baseTemplate.Template.Name.AsIdentifier());      // NOTE: you could break this if you have a base template called Foo and a field called Foo that IS NOT on the Foo template (but why would you have that?)
                // generate item properties
                foreach (var field in template.Template.Fields)
                    if (_templateInputProvider.IsFieldIncluded(field))                     // query the template input provider and make sure we generate
                        string propertyName  = field.Name.AsNovelIdentifier(fieldKeys);
                        bool   propertyAdded = CreateItemProperty(propertyName, field, concrete.Members);

                        if (propertyAdded)
                            // record usage of the property name

                // generates interfaces to represent the Sitecore template inheritance hierarchy
                string baseInterface = GenerateInheritedInterfaces(template.Template, interfaceUnit, interfaceNamespace);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseInterface))
                    concrete.BaseTypes.Add(new CodeTypeReference(baseInterface, CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GlobalReference));                     // implement the base type interface
                // create initializer class
                CreateInitializer(templateNamespace, concrete, template.Template.ID);