예제 #1
        public void Init(MultigridOperator op)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                if (m_MgOp != null)
                    // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    // someone is trying to re-use this solver: see if the settings permit that
                    // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                    if (op.LevelIndex != m_MgOp.LevelIndex)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Re-use on different level not possible.");
                    if (!this.MtxFull._RowPartitioning.EqualsPartition(op.OperatorMatrix._RowPartitioning))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Matrix has changed, unable to re-use");
                    if (!this.MtxFull._ColPartitioning.EqualsPartition(op.OperatorMatrix._ColPartitioning))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Matrix has changed, unable to re-use");
                    if (!object.ReferenceEquals(this.MtxFull, op.OperatorMatrix))
                        BlockMsrMatrix Check = this.MtxFull.CloneAs();
                        Check.Acc(-1.0, op.OperatorMatrix);
                        if (Check.InfNorm() != 0.0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Matrix has changed, unable to re-use");
                    if (this.m_BlockingStrategy.GetNoOfBlocks(op) != this.blockSolvers.Count())
                        throw new ArgumentException("Blocking, unable to re-use");


                var Mop   = op.OperatorMatrix;
                var MgMap = op.Mapping;
                this.m_MgOp = op;
                int myMpiRank = MgMap.MpiRank;
                int myMpisize = MgMap.MpiSize;

                if (!Mop.RowPartitioning.EqualsPartition(MgMap.Partitioning))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Row partitioning mismatch.");
                if (!Mop.ColPartition.EqualsPartition(MgMap.Partitioning))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Column partitioning mismatch.");

                var ag = MgMap.AggGrid;

                int JComp  = ag.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                int JGhost = ag.iLogicalCells.NoOfExternalCells;

                ilPSP.Connectors.Matlab.BatchmodeConnector matlab;
                if (m_MatlabParalellizationCheck)
                    matlab = new ilPSP.Connectors.Matlab.BatchmodeConnector();
                    matlab = null;

                //for(int i = Mop.RowPartitioning.i0; i < Mop.RowPartitioning.iE; i++) {
                //    Mop[i, i] = i + 1;

                // get cell blocks
                // ===============

                var _Blocks         = this.m_BlockingStrategy.GetBlocking(op);
                int NoOfSchwzBlocks = _Blocks.Count();

                // test cell blocks
                // ================
                    // ensure that each cell is used exactly once, among all blocks
                    bool[] test = new bool[ag.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells];
                    foreach (var bi in _Blocks)
                        foreach (int j in bi)
                            Debug.Assert(test[j] == false);
                            test[j] = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; i++)
                        Debug.Assert(test[i] == true);

                // extend blocks according to desired overlap
                // ==========================================
                    BitArray marker = new BitArray(JComp + JGhost);

                    if (Overlap < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException();
                    if (Overlap > 0)
                        if (Overlap > 1 && Mop.RowPartitioning.MpiSize > 1)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("In MPI parallel runs, the maximum supported overlap for the Schwarz preconditioner is 1.");

                        foreach (List <int> bi in _Blocks) // loop over blocks...
                            marker.SetAll(false);          // marks all cells which are members of the block
                            foreach (int jcomp in bi)
                                marker[jcomp] = true;

                            // determine overlap regions
                            for (int k = 0; k < Overlap; k++)
                                int Jblock = bi.Count;
                                for (int j = 0; j < Jblock; j++)
                                    int   jCell  = bi[j];
                                    int[] Neighs = ag.iLogicalCells.CellNeighbours[jCell];
                                    foreach (int jNeigh in Neighs)
                                        if (marker[jNeigh] == false)
                                            // neighbor cell is not already a member of the block
                                            // => add it.
                                            marker[jNeigh] = true;


                    BlockCells = _Blocks.Select(list => list.ToArray()).ToArray();

                // convert cell blocks to DOF blocks
                // =================================

                List <int>[] BlkIdx_gI_lR;                  //  for each Schwarz block, (global) indices in the local range
                List <int>[] BlkIdx_gI_eR;                  //  for each Schwarz block, (global) indices of external rows and columns
                List <int>[] TempRowIdx_gI;                 // for each Schwarz block, (global) indices into the temporary matrix
                List <int>[] BlkIdx_lI_eR;                  //  for each Schwarz block, (local)  indices of external rows and columns
                List <int>[] LocalBlocks_i0, LocalBlocks_N; // blocking of the Schwarz-Blocks.

                // for matrix 'ExternalRowsTemp': which rows of 'Mop' are required locally
                List <int> ExternalRowsIndices, ExternalRows_BlockI0, ExternalRows_BlockN;
                    int Jup = MgMap.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                    int Jgh = MgMap.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfExternalCells;

                    int LocalizedBlockCounter = 0;

                    BlkIdx_gI_lR   = NoOfSchwzBlocks.ForLoop(iPart => new List <int>(BlockCells[iPart].Length * MgMap.MaximalLength));
                    BlkIdx_gI_eR   = NoOfSchwzBlocks.ForLoop(iPart => new List <int>());
                    LocalBlocks_i0 = NoOfSchwzBlocks.ForLoop(iPart => new List <int>());
                    LocalBlocks_N  = NoOfSchwzBlocks.ForLoop(iPart => new List <int>());

                    TempRowIdx_gI = NoOfSchwzBlocks.ForLoop(iPart => new List <int>());
                    BlkIdx_lI_eR  = NoOfSchwzBlocks.ForLoop(iPart => new List <int>());

                    ExternalRowsIndices  = new List <int>();
                    ExternalRows_BlockI0 = new List <int>();
                    ExternalRows_BlockN  = new List <int>();

                    for (int iPart = 0; iPart < NoOfSchwzBlocks; iPart++)   // loop over parts...
                        int[] bc    = BlockCells[iPart];
                        var   biI   = BlkIdx_gI_lR[iPart];
                        var   biE   = BlkIdx_gI_eR[iPart];
                        var   l1    = TempRowIdx_gI[iPart];
                        var   l2    = BlkIdx_lI_eR[iPart];
                        var   LBBi0 = LocalBlocks_i0[iPart];
                        var   LBBN  = LocalBlocks_N[iPart];

                        int Jblock         = bc.Length;
                        int anotherCounter = 0;

                        for (int jblk = 0; jblk < Jblock; jblk++)   // loop over cells in blocks...
                            int j = bc[jblk];
                            int N = MgMap.GetLength(j);

                            if (j < Jup)
                                // locally updated cell
                                int i0 = MgMap.GlobalUniqueIndex(0, j, 0);

                                for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                                    biI.Add(i0 + n);
                                // external cell
                                int i0E = MgMap.GlobalUniqueIndex(0, j, 0); //
                                int i0L = MgMap.LocalUniqueIndex(0, j, 0);  //
                                for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                                    biE.Add(i0E + n);
                                    ExternalRowsIndices.Add(i0E + n);
                                    l1.Add(LocalizedBlockCounter + n);
                                    l2.Add(i0L + n);
                                    Debug.Assert(Mop._RowPartitioning.FindProcess(i0E + n) != myMpiRank);

                                LocalizedBlockCounter += N;


                            anotherCounter += N;

                    //this.BlockIndices = _LocallyStoredBlockIndices.Select(bi => bi.ToArray()).ToArray();

                // get rows for blocks that use external cells
                // ===========================================

                    if (Overlap == 0)
                        Debug.Assert(ExternalRowsIndices.Count == 0);
                        Debug.Assert(ExternalRows_BlockI0.Count == 0);
                        Debug.Assert(ExternalRows_BlockN.Count == 0);

                    foreach (var bi in BlkIdx_gI_lR)
                        foreach (int idx in bi)
                            Debug.Assert(idx >= m_MgOp.Mapping.i0);
                            Debug.Assert(idx < m_MgOp.Mapping.iE);

                    foreach (var ei in BlkIdx_gI_eR)
                        foreach (int idx in ei)
                            Debug.Assert(idx < m_MgOp.Mapping.i0 || idx >= m_MgOp.Mapping.iE);

                    int LL   = m_MgOp.Mapping.LocalLength;
                    int jMax = m_MgOp.Mapping.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfCells - 1;
                    int LE   = m_MgOp.Mapping.LocalUniqueIndex(0, jMax, 0) + m_MgOp.Mapping.GetLength(jMax);

                    foreach (var ci in BlkIdx_lI_eR)
                        foreach (int idx in ci)
                            Debug.Assert(idx >= LL);
                            Debug.Assert(idx < LE);

                    if (m_MatlabParalellizationCheck)
                        int globalBlockCounter = 0;
                        for (int rankCounter = 0; rankCounter < myMpisize; rankCounter++)
                            int rank_NoBlks = NoOfSchwzBlocks.MPIBroadcast(rankCounter);
                            if (rankCounter == myMpiRank)
                                Debug.Assert(rank_NoBlks == NoOfSchwzBlocks);

                            for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < rank_NoBlks; iBlock++)
                                double[] vec;
                                if (rankCounter == myMpiRank)
                                    vec = ArrayTools.Cat(BlkIdx_gI_lR[iBlock], BlkIdx_gI_eR[iBlock]).Select(ii => ((double)(ii + 1))).ToArray();
                                    vec = new double[0];

                                matlab.PutVector(vec, string.Format("BlockIdx{0}", globalBlockCounter));


                BlockMsrMatrix ExternalRowsTemp;
                if (myMpisize > 1 && Overlap > 0)
                    //int NoOfLocalRows = _ExternalBlockIndices.Sum(L => L.Count);

                    BlockPartitioning PermRow = new BlockPartitioning(ExternalRowsIndices.Count, ExternalRows_BlockI0, ExternalRows_BlockN, Mop.MPI_Comm, i0isLocal: true);

                    // Remark: we use a permutation matrix for MPI-exchange of rows

                    BlockMsrMatrix Perm = new BlockMsrMatrix(PermRow, Mop._RowPartitioning);
                    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < ExternalRowsIndices.Count; iRow++)
                        Debug.Assert(Mop._RowPartitioning.IsInLocalRange(ExternalRowsIndices[iRow]) == false);
                        Perm[iRow + PermRow.i0, ExternalRowsIndices[iRow]] = 1;

                    ExternalRowsTemp = BlockMsrMatrix.Multiply(Perm, Mop);

                    if (m_MatlabParalellizationCheck)
                        matlab.PutSparseMatrix(Perm, "Perm");
                        matlab.PutSparseMatrix(ExternalRowsTemp, "ExternalRowsTemp");
                    ExternalRowsTemp = null;

                ExternalRowsIndices  = null;
                ExternalRows_BlockI0 = null;
                ExternalRows_BlockN  = null;

                // create solvers
                // ==============

                    blockSolvers = new ISparseSolver[NoOfSchwzBlocks];

                    List <BlockMsrMatrix> Blocks = new List <BlockMsrMatrix>();
                    for (int iPart = 0; iPart < NoOfSchwzBlocks; iPart++)
                        var bi = BlkIdx_gI_lR[iPart];

                        int Bsz;
                        if (MgMap.MinimalLength == MgMap.MaximalLength)
                            Bsz = MgMap.MaximalLength;
                            Bsz = 1;

                        var l1 = TempRowIdx_gI[iPart];

                        //if (M.RowPartitioning.MpiSize > 1) {
                        //    int i0Proc = M.RowPartitioning.i0;
                        //    bi = bi.CloneAs();
                        //    for (int i = 0; i < bi.Length; i++) {
                        //        bi[i] += i0Proc;
                        //    }

                        BlockPartitioning localBlocking = new BlockPartitioning(bi.Count + l1.Count, LocalBlocks_i0[iPart], LocalBlocks_N[iPart], csMPI.Raw._COMM.SELF);

                        if (l1.Count > 0)
                            // convert the indices into 'ExternalRowsTemp' to global indices
                            int l1L    = l1.Count;
                            int offset = ExternalRowsTemp._RowPartitioning.i0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < l1L; i++)
                                l1[i] += offset;

                        BlockMsrMatrix Block = new BlockMsrMatrix(localBlocking, localBlocking);// bi.Length, bi.Length, Bsz, Bsz);
                        Mop.WriteSubMatrixTo(Block, bi, default(int[]), bi, default(int[]));
                        if (l1.Count > 0)
                            int   offset   = bi.Count;
                            int[] targRows = l1.Count.ForLoop(i => i + offset);

                            var   biE         = BlkIdx_gI_eR[iPart];
                            int[] extTargCols = biE.Count.ForLoop(i => i + offset);

                            Mop.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, Block, bi, default(int[]), new int[0], default(int[]), biE, extTargCols);
                            ExternalRowsTemp.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, Block, l1, targRows, bi, default(int[]), biE, extTargCols);
                        if (m_MatlabParalellizationCheck)
                        blockSolvers[iPart] = new PARDISOSolver()
                            CacheFactorization = true,
                            UseDoublePrecision = false
                        //blockSolvers[iPart] = new FullDirectSolver();
                        //blockSolvers[iPart] = new ilPSP.LinSolvers.MUMPS.MUMPSSolver();

                    if (m_MatlabParalellizationCheck)
                        int globalBlockCounter = 0;
                        for (int rankCounter = 0; rankCounter < myMpisize; rankCounter++)
                            int rank_NoBlks = NoOfSchwzBlocks.MPIBroadcast(rankCounter);
                            for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < rank_NoBlks; iBlock++)
                                BlockMsrMatrix Block;
                                if (rankCounter == myMpiRank)
                                    Block = Blocks[iBlock];
                                    Block = null;

                                matlab.PutSparseMatrix(Block, string.Format("Block{0}", globalBlockCounter));


                // Record required indices
                // =======================
                    this.BlockIndices_Local    = new int[NoOfSchwzBlocks][];
                    this.BlockIndices_External = new int[NoOfSchwzBlocks][];
                    int LocalI0     = MgMap.i0;
                    int LocalLength = MgMap.LocalLength;

                    for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < NoOfSchwzBlocks; iBlock++)
                        var   _bi = BlkIdx_gI_lR[iBlock];
                        int   L   = _bi.Count;
                        int[] bil = new int[L];
                        this.BlockIndices_Local[iBlock] = bil;

                        for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                            bil[l] = _bi[l] - LocalI0;
                            Debug.Assert(bil[l] >= 0);
                            Debug.Assert(bil[l] < MgMap.LocalLength);

                        var _biE = BlkIdx_lI_eR[iBlock];
                        if (_biE.Count > 0)
                            this.BlockIndices_External[iBlock] = _biE.ToArray();

                this.MtxFull = Mop;

                if (CoarseSolver != null)

                // Debug & Test-Code
                // =================
                if (m_MatlabParalellizationCheck)
                    Console.WriteLine("Matlab dir: " + matlab.WorkingDirectory);

                    matlab.PutSparseMatrix(Mop, "Full");
                    int GlobalNoOfBlocks = NoOfSchwzBlocks.MPISum();

                    for (int iGlbBlock = 0; iGlbBlock < GlobalNoOfBlocks; iGlbBlock++)
                        matlab.Cmd("BlockErr({0} + 1, 1) = norm( Block{0} - Full( BlockIdx{0}, BlockIdx{0} ), inf );", iGlbBlock);

                    Random   rnd     = new Random(myMpiRank);
                    double[] testRHS = new double[MgMap.LocalLength];
                    for (int i = 0; i < testRHS.Length; i++)
                        testRHS[i] = rnd.NextDouble();
                    matlab.PutVector(testRHS, "testRHS");

                    MPIexchange <double[]> ResExchange = new MPIexchange <double[]>(MgMap, testRHS);

                    int offset = MgMap.LocalLength;

                    int g = 0;
                    for (int rankCounter = 0; rankCounter < myMpisize; rankCounter++)
                        int rank_NoBlks = NoOfSchwzBlocks.MPIBroadcast(rankCounter);
                        for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < rank_NoBlks; iBlock++)
                            double[] SubVec;
                            if (rankCounter == myMpiRank)
                                int LL = this.BlockIndices_Local[iBlock].Length;
                                int LE;
                                if (this.BlockIndices_External[iBlock] != null)
                                    LE = this.BlockIndices_External[iBlock].Length;
                                    LE = 0;
                                int L = LL + LE;

                                SubVec = new double[L];
                                for (int i = 0; i < LL; i++)
                                    SubVec[i] = testRHS[this.BlockIndices_Local[iBlock][i]];
                                if (LE > 0)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < LE; i++)
                                        SubVec[i + LL] = ResExchange.Vector_Ext[this.BlockIndices_External[iBlock][i] - offset];
                                SubVec = new double[0];

                            matlab.PutVector(SubVec, "SubVec" + g);


                    for (int iGlbBlock = 0; iGlbBlock < GlobalNoOfBlocks; iGlbBlock++)
                        matlab.Cmd("RhsErr({0} + 1, 1) = norm( SubVec{0} - testRHS( BlockIdx{0} ), inf );", iGlbBlock);

                    double[] testX = new double[testRHS.Length];
                    MPIexchangeInverse <double[]> XExchange = new MPIexchangeInverse <double[]>(MgMap, testX);

                    g = 0;
                    for (int rankCounter = 0; rankCounter < myMpisize; rankCounter++)
                        int rank_NoBlks = NoOfSchwzBlocks.MPIBroadcast(rankCounter);
                        for (int iBlock = 0; iBlock < rank_NoBlks; iBlock++)
                            if (rankCounter == myMpiRank)
                                int LL = this.BlockIndices_Local[iBlock].Length;
                                int LE;
                                if (this.BlockIndices_External[iBlock] != null)
                                    LE = this.BlockIndices_External[iBlock].Length;
                                    LE = 0;
                                int L = LL + LE;

                                for (int i = 0; i < LL; i++)
                                    testX[this.BlockIndices_Local[iBlock][i]] += (g + 1);
                                if (LE > 0)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < LE; i++)
                                        XExchange.Vector_Ext[this.BlockIndices_External[iBlock][i] - offset] += (g + 1);


                    matlab.Cmd("testXref = zeros({0},1);", MgMap.TotalLength);
                    for (int iGlbBlock = 0; iGlbBlock < GlobalNoOfBlocks; iGlbBlock++)
                        matlab.Cmd("testXref(BlockIdx{0},1) = testXref(BlockIdx{0},1) + ({0} + 1);", iGlbBlock);

                    matlab.PutVector(testX, "testX");
                    matlab.Cmd("testXErr = norm(testX - testXref, inf);");

                    MultidimensionalArray BlockErr = MultidimensionalArray.Create(GlobalNoOfBlocks, 1);
                    MultidimensionalArray RhsErr   = MultidimensionalArray.Create(GlobalNoOfBlocks, 1);
                    MultidimensionalArray testXErr = MultidimensionalArray.Create(1, 1);

                    matlab.GetMatrix(BlockErr, "BlockErr");
                    matlab.GetMatrix(RhsErr, "RhsErr");
                    matlab.GetMatrix(testXErr, "testXErr");


                    for (int iGlbBlock = 0; iGlbBlock < GlobalNoOfBlocks; iGlbBlock++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Block #{0} Error (external? ) " + BlockErr[iGlbBlock, 0], iGlbBlock);
                        Console.WriteLine("RHS #{0} Error " + RhsErr[iGlbBlock, 0], iGlbBlock);
                        Debug.Assert(BlockErr[iGlbBlock, 0] == 0);
                        Debug.Assert(RhsErr[iGlbBlock, 0] == 0);

                    Console.WriteLine("X Error " + testXErr[0, 0]);
                    Debug.Assert(testXErr[0, 0] == 0.0);

예제 #2
파일: Schwarz.cs 프로젝트: octwanna/BoSSS
        public void Init(MultigridOperator op)
            var M     = op.OperatorMatrix;
            var MgMap = op.Mapping;

            this.m_MgOp = op;

            if (!M.RowPartitioning.EqualsPartition(MgMap.Partitioning))
                throw new ArgumentException("Row partitioning mismatch.");
            if (!M.ColPartition.EqualsPartition(MgMap.Partitioning))
                throw new ArgumentException("Column partitioning mismatch.");

            var ag = MgMap.AggGrid;

            int JComp  = ag.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
            int JGhost = ag.iLogicalCells.NoOfExternalCells;

            // get cell blocks
            // ===============

            var _Blocks = this.m_BlockingStrategy.GetBlocking(op);
            int NoParts = _Blocks.Count();

            // test cell blocks
            // ================
                // ensure that each cell is used exactly once, among all blocks
                bool[] test = new bool[ag.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells];
                foreach (var bi in _Blocks)
                    foreach (int j in bi)
                        Debug.Assert(test[j] == false);
                        test[j] = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(test[i] == true);

            // extend blocks according to desired overlap
            // ==========================================
                BitArray marker = new BitArray(JComp + JGhost);

                if (overlap < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException();
                if (overlap > 0)
                    foreach (List <int> bi in _Blocks) // loop over blocks...
                        marker.SetAll(false);          // marks all cells which are members of the block
                        foreach (int jcomp in bi)
                            marker[jcomp] = true;

                        // determine overlap regions
                        for (int k = 0; k < overlap; k++)
                            int Jblock = bi.Count;
                            for (int j = 0; j < Jblock; j++)
                                int   jCell  = bi[j];
                                int[] Neighs = ag.iLogicalCells.CellNeighbours[jCell];
                                foreach (int jNeigh in Neighs)
                                    if (marker[jNeigh] == false)
                                        // neighbor cell is not already a member of the block
                                        // => add it.
                                        marker[jNeigh] = true;


                BlockCells = _Blocks.Select(list => list.ToArray()).ToArray();

            // convert cell blocks to DOF blocks
            // =================================

                int Jup = MgMap.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                int Jgh = MgMap.AggGrid.iLogicalCells.NoOfExternalCells;

                var _BlockIndices = NoParts.ForLoop(iPart => new List <int>(BlockCells[iPart].Length * MgMap.MaximalLength));
                for (int iPart = 0; iPart < NoParts; iPart++)   // loop over parts...
                    int[] bc     = BlockCells[iPart];
                    var   bi     = _BlockIndices[iPart];
                    int   Jblock = bc.Length;

                    for (int jblk = 0; jblk < Jblock; jblk++)
                        int j = bc[jblk];

                        if (j < Jup)
                            int N  = MgMap.GetLength(j);
                            int i0 = MgMap.LocalUniqueIndex(0, j, 0);

                            for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                                bi.Add(i0 + n);
                            throw new NotImplementedException("todo: MPI parallelization;");

                this.BlockIndices = _BlockIndices.Select(bi => bi.ToArray()).ToArray();

            // test DOF blocks
            // ===============
                int L  = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                int i0 = M.RowPartitioning.i0;

                // ensure that each cell is used exactly once, among all blocks

                BitArray test = new BitArray(L);
                foreach (var bi in BlockIndices)
                    bi.ForEach(delegate(int i) {
                        if (i < L)
                            Debug.Assert(test[i] == false || this.overlap > 0);
                            test[i] = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(test[i] == true);

            // create solvers
            // ==============

                blockSolvers = new ISparseSolver[NoParts];

                for (int iPart = 0; iPart < NoParts; iPart++)
                    int[] bi = BlockIndices[iPart];

                    int Bsz;
                    if (MgMap.MinimalLength == MgMap.MaximalLength)
                        Bsz = MgMap.MaximalLength;
                        Bsz = 1;

                    if (M.RowPartitioning.MpiSize > 1)
                        int i0Proc = M.RowPartitioning.i0;
                        bi = bi.CloneAs();
                        for (int i = 0; i < bi.Length; i++)
                            bi[i] += i0Proc;

                    MsrMatrix Block = new MsrMatrix(bi.Length, bi.Length, Bsz, Bsz);
                    M.WriteSubMatrixTo(Block, bi, default(int[]), bi, default(int[]));

                    //blockSolvers[iPart] = new PARDISOSolver();
                    //blockSolvers[iPart].CacheFactorization = true;
                    //blockSolvers[iPart] = new FullDirectSolver();

                    blockSolvers[iPart] = new ilPSP.LinSolvers.MUMPS.MUMPSSolver();

            this.MtxFull = new ilPSP.LinSolvers.monkey.CPU.RefMatrix(M.ToMsrMatrix());

            if (CoarseSolver != null)