예제 #1
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        bool bResult = false;
        Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters oCbTest = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters();

            bResult = oCbTest.runTest();
        catch (Exception exc_main)
            bResult = false;
            Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + "FAiL!  Error Err_9999zzz!  Uncaught Exception caught in main(), exc_main==" + exc_main);
        if (!bResult)
            Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + s_strTFPath);
            Console.Error.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.Error.WriteLine("FAiL!  " + s_strTFAbbrev);
            Console.Error.WriteLine(" ");
        if (bResult == true)
            Environment.ExitCode = 0;
            Environment.ExitCode = 1;
    	public virtual bool runTest()
    		const Int32 iSimpleGraphCount = 10;
			const Int32 iNumberOfThreads = 20;
    		int iCountErrors = 0;
    		int iCountTestcases = 0;
    		String strLoc="123_er";
    		Console.Out.Write( s_strClassMethod );
    		Console.Out.Write( ": " );
    		Console.Out.Write( s_strTFPath + s_strTFName );
    		Console.Out.Write( ": " );
    		Console.Out.Write( s_strDtTmVer );
    		Console.Out.WriteLine( " runTest started..." );
    		int iObjectCount;
    		Graph_Object[] oArr = new Graph_Object[iSimpleGraphCount];
    		Graph_Object DsrObj;
			ThreadStart tdst1;				
			Thread[] thdPool;
	        Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters[] targets;
			ArrayList list;
    		Graph_Object objCurrent;
    		Graph_Object objChild;
    		Hashtable hsh1;
    		Boolean fRepeatValue;
    			for(int i=0; i< iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
    				oArr[i] = new Graph_Object(i);
    			iObjectCount = 0;
    			for(int i=0; i< iSimpleGraphCount; i++){
    				oArr[i].m_obj1 = oArr[++iObjectCount];
    				if(iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount-1))
    				oArr[i].m_obj2 = oArr[++iObjectCount];
    				if(iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount-1))
    			theRoot = oArr[0];
    			targets = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters[iNumberOfThreads];
    			for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads;i++)
    				targets[i] = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters();
				thdPool = new Thread[iNumberOfThreads];
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++){
					tdst1 = new ThreadStart(targets[i].DoTheSerialize);
					thdPool[i] = new Thread(tdst1);
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++)
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++)
				list = new ArrayList();
				syncList = ArrayList.Synchronized(list);
				thdPool = new Thread[iNumberOfThreads];
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++){
					tdst1 = new ThreadStart(targets[i].DoTheDeserialize);
					thdPool[i] = new Thread(tdst1);
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++)
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++)
				if(syncList.Count != iNumberOfThreads){
					Console.WriteLine("Err_742wn! Error in the number of objects, " + syncList.Count);
    			for(int loopCount = 0; loopCount<syncList.Count; loopCount++){
    				DsrObj = (Graph_Object)syncList[loopCount];
    				iObjectCount = 0;
    				objCurrent = DsrObj;
    				objChild = null;
    				hsh1 = new Hashtable();
    				hsh1.Add(iObjectCount, objCurrent);
    				for(int i=1; i< iSimpleGraphCount; i++){
    					objChild = objCurrent.m_obj1;
    					hsh1.Add(++iObjectCount, objChild);
    					objChild = objCurrent.m_obj2;
    					hsh1.Add(++iObjectCount, objChild);
    					objCurrent = (Graph_Object)hsh1[i];
    				iObjectCount = 0;
    				objCurrent = DsrObj;
    				objChild = null;
    				fRepeatValue = false;
    				for(int i=0; i< iSimpleGraphCount; i++){
    					strLoc="loc_639dk_" + i;
    					objCurrent = (Graph_Object)hsh1[i];
    					if (objCurrent.iValue != i){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_320ye_" + i + ", objCurrent.iValue=="+ objCurrent.iValue );
    					if (Int32.Parse(objCurrent.strValue) != i){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_932rp_" + i + ", objCurrent.strValue=="+ objCurrent.strValue );
    					strLoc="loc_275sd_" + i;
    					objChild = objCurrent.m_obj1;
    					if (objChild.iValue != ++iObjectCount){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_835sf_" + i + ", objChild.iValue=="+ objChild.iValue );
    					strLoc="Loc_564ds_" + i;
    					if (Int32.Parse(objChild.strValue) != iObjectCount){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_482xp_" + i + ", objChild.strValue=="+ objChild.strValue );
    					strLoc="loc_145nj_" + i;
    					if(fRepeatValue && (iObjectCount < iSimpleGraphCount) && (iObjectCount >= 0)){
    						if(objChild.Equals((Graph_Object)hsh1[iObjectCount]) != true){
    							Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_530dr_" + i + ", iObjectCount=="+ iObjectCount );
    					if(iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount-1)){
    						fRepeatValue = true;
    					strLoc="loc_589fa_" + i;
    					objChild = objCurrent.m_obj2;
    					if (objChild.iValue != ++iObjectCount){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_735sd_" + i + ", objChild.iValue=="+ objChild.iValue );
    					if (Int32.Parse(objChild.strValue) != iObjectCount){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_963sx_" + i + ", objChild.strValue=="+ objChild.strValue );
    					strLoc="loc_666dt_" + i;
    					if(fRepeatValue && (iObjectCount < iSimpleGraphCount) && (iObjectCount >= 0)){
    						if(objChild.Equals((Graph_Object)hsh1[iObjectCount]) != true){
    							Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_274qm_" + i + ", iObjectCount=="+ iObjectCount );
    					if(iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount-1)){
    						fRepeatValue = true;
    			for(int i=0; i< iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
    				oArr[i] = new Graph_Object(i);
    			iObjectCount = 0;
    			for(int i=0; i< iSimpleGraphCount; i++){
    				oArr[i].m_obj1 = oArr[++iObjectCount];
    				if(iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount-1))
    				oArr[i].m_obj2 = oArr[++iObjectCount];
    				if(iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount-1))
    			theRoot = oArr[0];
    			targets = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters[iNumberOfThreads];
    			for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads;i++)
    				targets[i] = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters();
				thdPool = new Thread[iNumberOfThreads];
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++){
					tdst1 = new ThreadStart(targets[i].DoTheSoapSerialize);
					thdPool[i] = new Thread(tdst1);
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++)
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++)
				list = new ArrayList();
				syncList = ArrayList.Synchronized(list);
				thdPool = new Thread[iNumberOfThreads];
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++){
					tdst1 = new ThreadStart(targets[i].DoTheDeserialize);
					thdPool[i] = new Thread(tdst1);
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++)
				for(int i=0; i<iNumberOfThreads; i++)
				if(syncList.Count != iNumberOfThreads){
					Console.WriteLine("Err_827435sdg! Error in the number of objects, " + syncList.Count);
    			for(int loopCount = 0; loopCount<syncList.Count; loopCount++){
    				DsrObj = (Graph_Object)syncList[loopCount];
    				iObjectCount = 0;
    				objCurrent = DsrObj;
    				objChild = null;
    				hsh1 = new Hashtable();
    				hsh1.Add(iObjectCount, objCurrent);
    				for(int i=1; i< iSimpleGraphCount; i++){
    					objChild = objCurrent.m_obj1;
    					hsh1.Add(++iObjectCount, objChild);
    					objChild = objCurrent.m_obj2;
    					hsh1.Add(++iObjectCount, objChild);
    					objCurrent = (Graph_Object)hsh1[i];
    				iObjectCount = 0;
    				objCurrent = DsrObj;
    				objChild = null;
    				fRepeatValue = false;
    				for(int i=0; i< iSimpleGraphCount; i++){
    					strLoc="loc_764wdsg_" + i;
    					objCurrent = (Graph_Object)hsh1[i];
    					if (objCurrent.iValue != i){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_9275g_" + i + ", objCurrent.iValue=="+ objCurrent.iValue );
    					if (Int32.Parse(objCurrent.strValue) != i){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_0275sg_" + i + ", objCurrent.strValue=="+ objCurrent.strValue );
    					strLoc="loc_275sd_" + i;
    					objChild = objCurrent.m_obj1;
    					if (objChild.iValue != ++iObjectCount){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_0752dg_" + i + ", objChild.iValue=="+ objChild.iValue );
    					strLoc="Loc_564ds_" + i;
    					if (Int32.Parse(objChild.strValue) != iObjectCount){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_2076wggb_" + i + ", objChild.strValue=="+ objChild.strValue );
    					strLoc="loc_276dg_" + i;
    					if(fRepeatValue && (iObjectCount < iSimpleGraphCount) && (iObjectCount >= 0)){
    						if(objChild.Equals((Graph_Object)hsh1[iObjectCount]) != true){
    							Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_92721455g_" + i + ", iObjectCount=="+ iObjectCount );
    					if(iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount-1)){
    						fRepeatValue = true;
    					strLoc="loc_589fa_" + i;
    					objChild = objCurrent.m_obj2;
    					if (objChild.iValue != ++iObjectCount){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_2975sg_" + i + ", objChild.iValue=="+ objChild.iValue );
    					if (Int32.Parse(objChild.strValue) != iObjectCount){
    						Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_8724fdg_" + i + ", objChild.strValue=="+ objChild.strValue );
    					strLoc="loc_666dt_" + i;
    					if(fRepeatValue && (iObjectCount < iSimpleGraphCount) && (iObjectCount >= 0)){
    						if(objChild.Equals((Graph_Object)hsh1[iObjectCount]) != true){
    							Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_8724sbg_" + i + ", iObjectCount=="+ iObjectCount );
    					if(iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount-1)){
    						fRepeatValue = true;
    		catch (Exception exc_general){
    			Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + "Error Err_8888yyy!  strLoc=="+ strLoc +" ,exc_general=="+ exc_general );
    		if ( iCountErrors == 0 )
    			Console.Error.WriteLine( "paSs.   "+ s_strTFPath +" "+ s_strTFName +"  ,iCountTestcases=="+ iCountTestcases );
    			return true;
    			Console.Error.WriteLine( "FAiL!   "+ s_strTFPath +" "+ s_strTFName +"  ,iCountErrors=="+ iCountErrors +" ,BugNums?: "+ s_strActiveBugNums );
    			return false;
예제 #3
    public virtual bool runTest()
        const Int32 iSimpleGraphCount = 10;
        const Int32 iNumberOfThreads  = 20;
        int         iCountErrors      = 0;
        int         iCountTestcases   = 0;
        String      strLoc            = "123_er";

        Console.Out.Write(": ");
        Console.Out.Write(s_strTFPath + s_strTFName);
        Console.Out.Write(": ");
        Console.Out.WriteLine(" runTest started...");
        int iObjectCount;

        Graph_Object[] oArr = new Graph_Object[iSimpleGraphCount];
        Graph_Object   DsrObj;
        ThreadStart    tdst1;

        Thread[] thdPool;
        Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters[] targets;
        ArrayList    list;
        Graph_Object objCurrent;
        Graph_Object objChild;
        Hashtable    hsh1;
        Boolean      fRepeatValue;

            strLoc = "loc_680_sd";
            for (int i = 0; i < iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
                oArr[i] = new Graph_Object(i);
            iObjectCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
                oArr[i].m_obj1 = oArr[++iObjectCount];
                if (iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount - 1))
                    iObjectCount = -1;
                oArr[i].m_obj2 = oArr[++iObjectCount];
                if (iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount - 1))
                    iObjectCount = -1;
            strLoc  = "loc_486af";
            theRoot = oArr[0];
            targets = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters[iNumberOfThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
                targets[i] = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters();
            thdPool = new Thread[iNumberOfThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
                tdst1      = new ThreadStart(targets[i].DoTheSerialize);
                thdPool[i] = new Thread(tdst1);
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
            list     = new ArrayList();
            syncList = ArrayList.Synchronized(list);
            thdPool  = new Thread[iNumberOfThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
                tdst1      = new ThreadStart(targets[i].DoTheDeserialize);
                thdPool[i] = new Thread(tdst1);
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
            if (syncList.Count != iNumberOfThreads)
                Console.WriteLine("Err_742wn! Error in the number of objects, " + syncList.Count);
            for (int loopCount = 0; loopCount < syncList.Count; loopCount++)
                DsrObj       = (Graph_Object)syncList[loopCount];
                iObjectCount = 0;
                objCurrent   = DsrObj;
                objChild     = null;
                strLoc       = "loc_015aq";
                hsh1         = new Hashtable();
                hsh1.Add(iObjectCount, objCurrent);
                for (int i = 1; i < iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
                    objChild = objCurrent.m_obj1;
                    hsh1.Add(++iObjectCount, objChild);
                    objChild = objCurrent.m_obj2;
                    hsh1.Add(++iObjectCount, objChild);
                    objCurrent = (Graph_Object)hsh1[i];
                strLoc       = "loc_186ac";
                iObjectCount = 0;
                objCurrent   = DsrObj;
                objChild     = null;
                fRepeatValue = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
                    strLoc     = "loc_639dk_" + i;
                    objCurrent = (Graph_Object)hsh1[i];
                    if (objCurrent.iValue != i)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_320ye_" + i + ", objCurrent.iValue==" + objCurrent.iValue);
                    if (Int32.Parse(objCurrent.strValue) != i)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_932rp_" + i + ", objCurrent.strValue==" + objCurrent.strValue);
                    strLoc   = "loc_275sd_" + i;
                    objChild = objCurrent.m_obj1;
                    if (objChild.iValue != ++iObjectCount)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_835sf_" + i + ", objChild.iValue==" + objChild.iValue);
                    strLoc = "Loc_564ds_" + i;
                    if (Int32.Parse(objChild.strValue) != iObjectCount)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_482xp_" + i + ", objChild.strValue==" + objChild.strValue);
                    strLoc = "loc_145nj_" + i;
                    if (fRepeatValue && (iObjectCount < iSimpleGraphCount) && (iObjectCount >= 0))
                        if (objChild.Equals((Graph_Object)hsh1[iObjectCount]) != true)
                            Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_530dr_" + i + ", iObjectCount==" + iObjectCount);
                    if (iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount - 1))
                        iObjectCount = -1;
                        fRepeatValue = true;
                    strLoc   = "loc_589fa_" + i;
                    objChild = objCurrent.m_obj2;
                    if (objChild.iValue != ++iObjectCount)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_735sd_" + i + ", objChild.iValue==" + objChild.iValue);
                    if (Int32.Parse(objChild.strValue) != iObjectCount)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_963sx_" + i + ", objChild.strValue==" + objChild.strValue);
                    strLoc = "loc_666dt_" + i;
                    if (fRepeatValue && (iObjectCount < iSimpleGraphCount) && (iObjectCount >= 0))
                        if (objChild.Equals((Graph_Object)hsh1[iObjectCount]) != true)
                            Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_274qm_" + i + ", iObjectCount==" + iObjectCount);
                    if (iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount - 1))
                        iObjectCount = -1;
                        fRepeatValue = true;
            strLoc = "loc_97435gf";
            for (int i = 0; i < iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
                oArr[i] = new Graph_Object(i);
            iObjectCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
                oArr[i].m_obj1 = oArr[++iObjectCount];
                if (iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount - 1))
                    iObjectCount = -1;
                oArr[i].m_obj2 = oArr[++iObjectCount];
                if (iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount - 1))
                    iObjectCount = -1;
            strLoc  = "loc_8732rsdg";
            theRoot = oArr[0];
            targets = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters[iNumberOfThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
                targets[i] = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters();
            thdPool = new Thread[iNumberOfThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
                tdst1      = new ThreadStart(targets[i].DoTheSoapSerialize);
                thdPool[i] = new Thread(tdst1);
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
            list     = new ArrayList();
            syncList = ArrayList.Synchronized(list);
            thdPool  = new Thread[iNumberOfThreads];
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
                tdst1      = new ThreadStart(targets[i].DoTheDeserialize);
                thdPool[i] = new Thread(tdst1);
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumberOfThreads; i++)
            if (syncList.Count != iNumberOfThreads)
                Console.WriteLine("Err_827435sdg! Error in the number of objects, " + syncList.Count);
            for (int loopCount = 0; loopCount < syncList.Count; loopCount++)
                DsrObj       = (Graph_Object)syncList[loopCount];
                iObjectCount = 0;
                objCurrent   = DsrObj;
                objChild     = null;
                strLoc       = "loc_015aq";
                hsh1         = new Hashtable();
                hsh1.Add(iObjectCount, objCurrent);
                for (int i = 1; i < iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
                    objChild = objCurrent.m_obj1;
                    hsh1.Add(++iObjectCount, objChild);
                    objChild = objCurrent.m_obj2;
                    hsh1.Add(++iObjectCount, objChild);
                    objCurrent = (Graph_Object)hsh1[i];
                strLoc       = "loc_186ac";
                iObjectCount = 0;
                objCurrent   = DsrObj;
                objChild     = null;
                fRepeatValue = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < iSimpleGraphCount; i++)
                    strLoc     = "loc_764wdsg_" + i;
                    objCurrent = (Graph_Object)hsh1[i];
                    if (objCurrent.iValue != i)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_9275g_" + i + ", objCurrent.iValue==" + objCurrent.iValue);
                    if (Int32.Parse(objCurrent.strValue) != i)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_0275sg_" + i + ", objCurrent.strValue==" + objCurrent.strValue);
                    strLoc   = "loc_275sd_" + i;
                    objChild = objCurrent.m_obj1;
                    if (objChild.iValue != ++iObjectCount)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_0752dg_" + i + ", objChild.iValue==" + objChild.iValue);
                    strLoc = "Loc_564ds_" + i;
                    if (Int32.Parse(objChild.strValue) != iObjectCount)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_2076wggb_" + i + ", objChild.strValue==" + objChild.strValue);
                    strLoc = "loc_276dg_" + i;
                    if (fRepeatValue && (iObjectCount < iSimpleGraphCount) && (iObjectCount >= 0))
                        if (objChild.Equals((Graph_Object)hsh1[iObjectCount]) != true)
                            Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_92721455g_" + i + ", iObjectCount==" + iObjectCount);
                    if (iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount - 1))
                        iObjectCount = -1;
                        fRepeatValue = true;
                    strLoc   = "loc_589fa_" + i;
                    objChild = objCurrent.m_obj2;
                    if (objChild.iValue != ++iObjectCount)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_2975sg_" + i + ", objChild.iValue==" + objChild.iValue);
                    if (Int32.Parse(objChild.strValue) != iObjectCount)
                        Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_8724fdg_" + i + ", objChild.strValue==" + objChild.strValue);
                    strLoc = "loc_666dt_" + i;
                    if (fRepeatValue && (iObjectCount < iSimpleGraphCount) && (iObjectCount >= 0))
                        if (objChild.Equals((Graph_Object)hsh1[iObjectCount]) != true)
                            Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " Err_8724sbg_" + i + ", iObjectCount==" + iObjectCount);
                    if (iObjectCount >= (iSimpleGraphCount - 1))
                        iObjectCount = -1;
                        fRepeatValue = true;
        catch (Exception exc_general) {
            Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + "Error Err_8888yyy!  strLoc==" + strLoc + " ,exc_general==" + exc_general);
        if (iCountErrors == 0)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("paSs.   " + s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + "  ,iCountTestcases==" + iCountTestcases);
            Console.Error.WriteLine("FAiL!   " + s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + "  ,iCountErrors==" + iCountErrors + " ,BugNums?: " + s_strActiveBugNums);
 	public static void Main( String[] args ){
 		bool bResult = false;	
 		Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters oCbTest = new Co8501OneGraphMultipleFormatters();
 			bResult = oCbTest.runTest();
 		catch ( Exception exc_main )
 			bResult = false;
 			Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + "FAiL!  Error Err_9999zzz!  Uncaught Exception caught in main(), exc_main=="+ exc_main );
 		if ( ! bResult )
 			Console.WriteLine( s_strTFAbbrev + s_strTFPath );
 			Console.Error.WriteLine( " " );
 			Console.Error.WriteLine( "FAiL!  "+ s_strTFAbbrev );  
 			Console.Error.WriteLine( " " );
 		if ( bResult == true ) Environment.ExitCode = 0; else Environment.ExitCode = 1; 