public void ApplyColorVisualOnNote(bool lerpMode) { if (!Cnv) { Cnv = transform.parent.GetComponent <ColorNoteVisuals>(); } var color = lerpMode ? Color.Lerp(Color.grey, Cnv.noteColor, ModifierManager.instance.lerpValue) : Cnv.noteColor; if (!_isDisappearingArrow) { var arrowSpriteRenderer = Cnv.GetPrivateField <SpriteRenderer>("_arrowGlowSpriteRenderer"); var circleSpriteRenderer = Cnv.GetPrivateField <SpriteRenderer>("_circleGlowSpriteRenderer"); if (arrowSpriteRenderer) { arrowSpriteRenderer.color = color.ColorWithAlpha(Cnv.GetPrivateField <float>("_arrowGlowIntensity")); } if (circleSpriteRenderer) { circleSpriteRenderer.color = color; } } var blockControllers = Cnv.GetPrivateField <MaterialPropertyBlockController[]>("_materialPropertyBlockControllers") ?? Enumerable.Empty <MaterialPropertyBlockController>(); foreach (var blockController in blockControllers) { blockController.materialPropertyBlock.SetColor(Shader.PropertyToID("_Color"), color.ColorWithAlpha(1f)); blockController.ApplyChanges(); } }
public bool VerificarSelloComprobante(string cadenaOriginal, string sello, HashAlgorithm algoritmo) { byte[] digest = Hash.BytesFromBytes(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cadenaOriginal), algoritmo); StringBuilder llavePublica = Rsa.GetPublicKeyFromCert(Convert.ToBase64String(Convert.FromBase64String(_Base64))); if (llavePublica.Length == 0) { return(false); } byte[] sellado = System.Convert.FromBase64String(sello); if (sellado.Length != Rsa.KeyBytes(llavePublica.ToString())) { return(false); } sellado = Rsa.RawPublic(sellado, llavePublica.ToString()); if (sellado.Length == 0) { return(false); } sellado = Rsa.DecodeDigestForSignature(sellado); if (sellado.Length == 0) { return(false); } return(String.Compare(Cnv.ToHex(sellado), Cnv.ToHex(digest), true) == 0); }
/// <summary> /// Motor de criptografia para caracteres /// </summary> /// <param name="text">Texto a ser criptografado</param> /// <param name="use_even">usar retorno da posição impar ou par</param> /// <param name="char_min">menor caracter que pode ser utilizado(33)</param> /// <param name="char_max">maior caracter que pode ser utilizado(126)</param> /// <returns></returns> private string EncriptyASCII(string text, bool use_even) { int char_min = 0; int char_max = Chars.Length - 1; string VCrip = ""; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { int vc; //Valor ASCII char c; //Caracter ASCII vc = getIdxChar(text[i]); #region Verifica a distancia percorrida do caracter int posk = (i % Key.Length); int iKey = 0; if (posk < (Key.Length - 1)) { string nx = Key[posk].ToString() + Key[posk + 1].ToString(); iKey = Cnv.ToInt(nx); } else { iKey = Cnv.ToInt(Key[posk].ToString()); } #endregion #region Soma ou subtrai quando está criptografando ou descriptografando if ((i % 2) == Convert.ToInt16(use_even)) { vc += iKey; } else { vc -= iKey; } #endregion #region Verifica se não estrapolou o limite do array int Dif = Chars.Length; while (vc < char_min || vc > char_max) { if (vc < char_min) { vc += Dif; } else if (vc > char_max) { vc -= Dif; } } #endregion c = Chars[vc]; VCrip += c; } return(VCrip); }
public void CargarCertificadoDesdeCadenaBase64(string cadena) { byte[] contenido = Convert.FromBase64String(cadena); certificado = new X509Certificate2(); certificado.Import(contenido); _Base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(certificado.GetRawCertData()); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM LcoCertificados WHERE UPPER(NoCertificado) = UPPER(@noCertificado)"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("noCertificado", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Cnv.FromHex(certificado.SerialNumber))); DataTable tabla = db.GetTable(cmd); if (tabla.Rows.Count > 0) { _certificadoLCO = tabla.Rows[0]; } }
public string Get(int Index, int Count) { DateTime DtStart = Cnv.ToDateTime(StartTime); DateTime DtAtual = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan TsPass = DtAtual.Subtract(DtStart); double PercDeco = ((double)Index / (double)Count); double PercFalta = (1 - PercDeco); double Falta = PercDeco == 0 ? Count : TsPass.TotalSeconds * PercFalta / PercDeco; if (FaltaAnt != 0 && FaltaAnt != Count) { Falta = (FaltaAnt + Falta) / 2; } FaltaAnt = Falta; TimeSpan TsFalta = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Falta); string Dias = string.Format(" {0} dias ", TsFalta.Days); string Horas = string.Format(" {0} horas ", TsFalta.Hours); string Minutos = string.Format(" {0} minutos ", TsFalta.Minutes); string Segundos = string.Format(" {0} segundos ", TsFalta.Seconds); if (TsFalta.Days != 0) { return(Dias + Horas); } if (TsFalta.Hours != 0) { return(Horas + Minutos); } if (TsFalta.Minutes != 0) { return(Minutos + Segundos); } else { return(Segundos); } }
public static void V_Test_RSA_DecodeMsg() { Console.WriteLine("Testing RSA_DecodeMsg ..."); byte[] abData = null; byte[] abBlock = null; byte[] abDigest = null; byte[] abDigInfo = null; //'Dim nDataLen As Integer int nBlockLen = 0; // 0. Create an encoded test block ready for for signing abData = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("abc"); //'nDataLen = UBound(abData) - LBound(abData) + 1 nBlockLen = 64; abBlock = Rsa.EncodeMsgForSignature(nBlockLen, abData, HashAlgorithm.Sha1); Console.WriteLine("BLOCK =" + Cnv.ToHex(abBlock)); // 1. Extract the message digest =SHA1("abc") abDigest = Rsa.DecodeDigestForSignature(abBlock); if (abDigest.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Decryption Error"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Message digest is " + abDigest.Length + " bytes long"); Console.WriteLine("HASH =" + Cnv.ToHex(abDigest)); // 2. Extract the full DigestInfo data abDigInfo = Rsa.DecodeDigestForSignature(abBlock, true); if (abDigInfo.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Decryption Error"); return; } Console.WriteLine("DigestInfo is " + abDigInfo.Length + " bytes long"); Console.WriteLine("DIGINFO=" + Cnv.ToHex(abDigInfo)); }
public static string UUID_Make() { // 12345678 9012 3456 7890 123456789012 // Returns a 36-character string in the form XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX // where "X" is an "upper-case" hexadecimal digit [0-9A-F]. // Use the LCase function if you want lower-case letters. byte[] abData = null; string strHex = null; // 1. Generate 16 random bytes = 128 bits abData = Rng.Bytes(16); // DEBUGGING... //'Console.WriteLine("RNG=" & Cnv.ToHex(abData)) // 2. Adjust certain bits according to RFC 4122 section 4.4. // This just means do the following // (a) set the high nibble of the 7th byte equal to 4 and // (b) set the two most significant bits of the 9th byte to 10'B, // so the high nibble will be one of {8,9,A,B}. abData[6] = (byte)(0x40 | ((int)abData[6] & 0xf)); abData[8] = (byte)(0x80 | ((int)abData[8] & 0x3f)); // 3. Convert the adjusted bytes to hex values strHex = Cnv.ToHex(abData); // DEBUGGING... //'Console.WriteLine("ADJ=" & Cnv.ToHex(abData)) //'Console.WriteLine(" ^ ^") ' point to the nibbles we've changed // 4. Add four hyphen '-' characters //'strHex = Left$(strHex, 8) & "-" & Mid$(strHex, 9, 4) & "-" & Mid$(strHex, 13, 4) _ //' & "-" & Mid$(strHex, 17, 4) & "-" & Right$(strHex, 12) strHex = strHex.Substring(0, 8) + "-" + strHex.Substring(8, 4) + "-" + strHex.Substring(12, 4) + "-" + strHex.Substring(16, 4) + "-" + strHex.Substring(20, 12); // Return the UUID string return(strHex); }
/// <summary> /// Retorna o número do script conforme a linha /*[UPDATE]{0}*/ /// </summary> /// <param name="line"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int GetNumber(string line) { return(Cnv.ToInt(line.Replace(IniStr, "").Replace(EndStr, ""))); }
public IHttpActionResult Put(int value) { JArray characteristicsArray = new JArray(); JObject characteristicObject = new JObject(); characteristicObject.Add("aid", 3); characteristicObject.Add("iid", 8); characteristicObject.Add("value", value); characteristicsArray.Add(characteristicObject); JObject jsonObj = new JObject(); jsonObj.Add("characteristics", characteristicsArray); var characteristicJson = jsonObj.ToString(); var output = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(characteristicJson); var response = new byte[0]; var returnChars = new byte[2]; returnChars[0] = 0x0D; returnChars[1] = 0x0A; var contentLength = $"Content-Length: {output.Length}"; response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("EVENT/1.0 200 OK")).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"Content-Type: application/hap+json")).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(contentLength)).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(output).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("********************"); Console.WriteLine("* ENCRYPTING EVENT *"); Console.WriteLine("********************"); var resultData = new byte[0]; for (int offset = 0; offset < response.Length;) { int length = Math.Min(response.Length - offset, 1024); var dataLength = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)length); resultData = resultData.Concat(dataLength).ToArray(); var nonce = Cnv.FromHex("00000000").Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(Program.CurrentSession.OutboundBinaryMessageCount++)).ToArray(); var dataToEncrypt = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(response, offset, dataToEncrypt, 0, length); // Use the AccessoryToController key to decrypt the data. // var authTag = new byte[16]; var encryptedData = Aead.Encrypt(out authTag, dataToEncrypt, Program.CurrentSession.AccessoryToControllerKey, nonce, dataLength, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); resultData = resultData.Concat(encryptedData).Concat(authTag).ToArray(); offset += length; } response = resultData; Program.CurrentlyConnectedController.GetStream().Write(response, 0, response.Length); Program.CurrentlyConnectedController.GetStream().Flush(); return(Ok()); }
//public Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post(byte[] body) public Tuple <string, byte[]> Post(byte[] body) { Debug.WriteLine($"Length of input is {body.Length} bytes"); var parts = TLVParser.Parse(body); var state = parts.GetTypeAsInt(Constants.State); Debug.WriteLine($"Pair Setup: Status [{state}]"); if (state == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Pair Setup Step 1/6"); Console.WriteLine("SRP Start Response"); Random randomNumber = new Random(); int code = randomNumber.Next(100, 999); CODE = $"123-45-{code}"; Console.WriteLine($"********************"); Console.WriteLine($"* PIN CODE: {CODE} *"); Console.WriteLine($"********************"); Random rnd = new Random(); salt = new Byte[16]; rnd.NextBytes(salt); // **** BOUNCY CASTLE CODE - NOT USED **** // var I = "Pair-Setup";// Program.ID; var P = CODE; var hashAlgorithm = SHA512.Create(); var groupParameter = SRP.SRP.Group_3072; sessionServer = new SRPServer(groupParameter, hashAlgorithm); server_k = sessionServer.Compute_k(); server_x = sessionServer.Compute_x(salt, I, P); server_v = sessionServer.Compute_v(server_x.ToBigInteger()); Console.WriteLine($"Verifier [Length={server_v.ToBytes().Length}]"); Console.WriteLine(server_v.ToString("X")); server_b = new Byte[32]; rnd.NextBytes(server_b); server_B = sessionServer.Compute_B(server_v, server_k.ToBigInteger(), server_b.ToBigInteger()); Console.WriteLine($"B [Length={server_B.ToBytes().Length}]"); Console.WriteLine(server_B.ToString("X")); var publicKey = server_B.ToBytes(); TLV responseTLV = new TLV(); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.State, 2); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.PublicKey, publicKey); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.Salt, salt); byte[] output = TLVParser.Serialise(responseTLV); return(new Tuple <string, byte[]>("application/pairing+tlv8", output)); //ByteArrayContent content = new ByteArrayContent(output); //content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pairing+tlv8"); //return new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) //{ // Content = content //}; } else if (state == 3) { Console.WriteLine("Pair Setup Step 3/6"); Console.WriteLine("SRP Verify Request"); var iOSPublicKey = parts.GetType(Constants.PublicKey); // A var iOSProof = parts.GetType(Constants.Proof); // M1 Console.WriteLine("A"); Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(iOSPublicKey)); Console.WriteLine("M1 (Client)"); Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(iOSProof)); // Compute the scrambler. // var u = sessionServer.Compute_u(iOSPublicKey, server_B.ToBytes()); Console.WriteLine("U (Scramber)"); Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(u)); // Compute the premaster secret // var server_S = sessionServer.Compute_S(iOSPublicKey.ToBigInteger(), server_v, u.ToBigInteger(), server_b.ToBigInteger()); Console.WriteLine("S"); Console.WriteLine(server_S.ToString("X")); // Compute the session key // server_K = sessionServer.Compute_K(server_S.ToBytes()); Console.WriteLine("K (Session Key)"); Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(server_K)); // Compute the client's proof // var client_M1 = sessionServer.Compute_M1("Pair-Setup", salt, iOSPublicKey, server_B.ToBytes(), server_K); Console.WriteLine("M1 (Server)"); Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(client_M1)); // Check the proof matches what was sent to us // bool isValid = iOSProof.CheckEquals(client_M1); TLV responseTLV = new TLV(); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.State, 4); if (isValid) { Console.WriteLine("Verification was successful. Generating Server Proof (M2)"); var server_M2 = sessionServer.Compute_M2(iOSPublicKey, client_M1, server_K); File.WriteAllBytes("SRPProof", server_M2); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.Proof, server_M2); } else { Console.WriteLine("Verification failed as iOS provided code was incorrect"); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.Error, ErrorCodes.Authentication); } byte[] output = TLVParser.Serialise(responseTLV); return(new Tuple <string, byte[]>("application/pairing+tlv8", output)); //ByteArrayContent content = new ByteArrayContent(output); //content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pairing+tlv8"); //return new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) //{ // Content = content //}; } else if (state == 5) { Debug.WriteLine("Pair Setup Step 5/6"); Debug.WriteLine("Exchange Response"); var iOSEncryptedData = parts.GetType(Constants.EncryptedData); // A int messageDataLength = iOSEncryptedData.Length - 16; byte[] messageData = new byte[messageDataLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy(iOSEncryptedData, 0, messageData, 0, messageDataLength); byte[] authTag = new byte[16]; Buffer.BlockCopy(iOSEncryptedData, messageDataLength, authTag, 0, 16); HKDF g = new HKDF(() => { return(new HMACSHA512()); }, server_K, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Pair-Setup-Encrypt-Salt"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Pair-Setup-Encrypt-Info")); var outputKey = g.GetBytes(32); var hkdfEncKey = outputKey; //var testKey = StringToByteArray("1c 92 40 a5 eb 55 d3 8a f3 33 88 86 04 f6 b5 f0 47 39 17 c1 40 2b 80 09 9d ca 5c bc 20 70 75 c0"); var testKey = StringToByteArray("bd f0 4a a9 5c e4 de 89 95 b1 4b b6 a1 8f ec af 26 47 8f 50 c0 54 f5 63 db c0 a2 1e 26 15 72 aa"); var testNonce = StringToByteArray("00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08"); var testCipherText = StringToByteArray("64 a0 86 15 75 86 1a f4 60 f0 62 c7 9b e6 43 bd" + "5e 80 5c fd 34 5c f3 89 f1 08 67 0a c7 6c 8c b2" + "4c 6c fc 18 75 5d 43 ee a0 9e e9 4e 38 2d 26 b0" + "bd b7 b7 3c 32 1b 01 00 d4 f0 3b 7f 35 58 94 cf" + "33 2f 83 0e 71 0b 97 ce 98 c8 a8 4a bd 0b 94 81" + "14 ad 17 6e 00 8d 33 bd 60 f9 82 b1 ff 37 c8 55" + "97 97 a0 6e f4 f0 ef 61 c1 86 32 4e 2b 35 06 38" + "36 06 90 7b 6a 7c 02 b0 f9 f6 15 7b 53 c8 67 e4" + "b9 16 6c 76 7b 80 4d 46 a5 9b 52 16 cd e7 a4 e9" + "90 40 c5 a4 04 33 22 5e e2 82 a1 b0 a0 6c 52 3e" + "af 45 34 d7 f8 3f a1 15 5b 00 47 71 8c bc 54 6a" + "0d 07 2b 04 b3 56 4e ea 1b 42 22 73 f5 48 27 1a" + "0b b2 31 60 53 fa 76 99 19 55 eb d6 31 59 43 4e" + "ce bb 4e 46 6d ae 5a 10 73 a6 72 76 27 09 7a 10" + "49 e6 17 d9 1d 36 10 94 fa 68 f0 ff 77 98 71 30" + "30 5b ea ba 2e da 04 df 99 7b 71 4d 6c 6f 2c 29" + "a6 ad 5c b4 02 2b 02 70 9b"); //var tag1 = Aead.Mac(testKey, testNonce, testCipherText, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); //Console.WriteLine("Tag: " + ByteArrayToString(tag1)); //Console.WriteLine(""); //byte[] pt, ct, key, nonce, tag, aad; //key = Cnv.FromHex("1c9240a5eb55d38af333888604f6b5f0473917c1402b80099dca5cbc207075c0"); //ct = Cnv.FromHex("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"); //nonce = Cnv.FromHex("000000000102030405060708"); //aad = Cnv.FromHex("f33388860000000000004e91"); //tag = Cnv.FromHex("eead9d67890cbb22392336fea1851f39"); //pt = Aead.Decrypt(ct, key, nonce, aad, tag, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); //Console.WriteLine("P:" + Cnv.ToHex(pt)); //// This is UTF-8-encoded text, so display it //string Str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pt); //Console.WriteLine(Str); //Console.WriteLine(General.ErrorCode()); //Console.WriteLine(""); /* * var testKey = StringToByteArray("1c 92 40 a5 eb 55 d3 8a f3 33 88 86 04 f6 b5 f0 47 39 17 c1 40 2b 80 09 9d ca 5c bc 20 70 75 c0"); * var nonce = StringToByteArray("00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08"); * * var testChacha = new ChaCha20Poly1305(); * var testParameters = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(testKey), nonce); * testChacha.Init(false, testParameters); * * KeyParameter testMacKey = InitRecordMAC(testChacha); * * Console.WriteLine("MAC From Test Vectors"); * Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(testMacKey.GetKey())); * * var testCipherText = StringToByteArray("64 a0 86 15 75 86 1a f4 60 f0 62 c7 9b e6 43 bd" + * "5e 80 5c fd 34 5c f3 89 f1 08 67 0a c7 6c 8c b2" + * "4c 6c fc 18 75 5d 43 ee a0 9e e9 4e 38 2d 26 b0" + * "bd b7 b7 3c 32 1b 01 00 d4 f0 3b 7f 35 58 94 cf" + * "33 2f 83 0e 71 0b 97 ce 98 c8 a8 4a bd 0b 94 81" + * "14 ad 17 6e 00 8d 33 bd 60 f9 82 b1 ff 37 c8 55" + * "97 97 a0 6e f4 f0 ef 61 c1 86 32 4e 2b 35 06 38" + * "36 06 90 7b 6a 7c 02 b0 f9 f6 15 7b 53 c8 67 e4" + * "b9 16 6c 76 7b 80 4d 46 a5 9b 52 16 cd e7 a4 e9" + * "90 40 c5 a4 04 33 22 5e e2 82 a1 b0 a0 6c 52 3e" + * "af 45 34 d7 f8 3f a1 15 5b 00 47 71 8c bc 54 6a" + * "0d 07 2b 04 b3 56 4e ea 1b 42 22 73 f5 48 27 1a" + * "0b b2 31 60 53 fa 76 99 19 55 eb d6 31 59 43 4e" + * "ce bb 4e 46 6d ae 5a 10 73 a6 72 76 27 09 7a 10" + * "49 e6 17 d9 1d 36 10 94 fa 68 f0 ff 77 98 71 30" + * "30 5b ea ba 2e da 04 df 99 7b 71 4d 6c 6f 2c 29" + * "a6 ad 5c b4 02 2b 02 70 9b"); * * * var testPoly = new ChaCha20Poly1305.Poly1305(); * * testPoly.Init(new KeyParameter(testKey)); * * var aad = StringToByteArray("f3 33 88 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 4e 91"); * * var polyInput = new byte[0]; * * var aadPadding = new byte[0]; * var cipherTextPadding = new byte[0]; * * if (aad.Length % 16 != 0) * { * int bytesRequiredForRounding = 16 - (aad.Length % 16); * aadPadding = new byte[bytesRequiredForRounding]; * } * * if (testCipherText.Length % 16 != 0) * { * int bytesRequiredForRounding = 16 - (testCipherText.Length % 16); * cipherTextPadding = new byte[bytesRequiredForRounding]; * } * * //polyInput = aad.Concat(aadPadding).Concat(testCipherText).Concat(cipherTextPadding).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(aad.LongLength)).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(testCipherText.LongLength)).ToArray(); * polyInput = aad.Concat(aadPadding).Concat(testCipherText).Concat(cipherTextPadding).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(aad.LongLength)).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(testCipherText.LongLength)).ToArray(); * * var expectedPolyInput = StringToByteArray("f3 33 88 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 4e 91 00 00 00 00" + * "64 a0 86 15 75 86 1a f4 60 f0 62 c7 9b e6 43 bd" + * "5e 80 5c fd 34 5c f3 89 f1 08 67 0a c7 6c 8c b2" + * "4c 6c fc 18 75 5d 43 ee a0 9e e9 4e 38 2d 26 b0" + * "bd b7 b7 3c 32 1b 01 00 d4 f0 3b 7f 35 58 94 cf" + * "33 2f 83 0e 71 0b 97 ce 98 c8 a8 4a bd 0b 94 81" + * "14 ad 17 6e 00 8d 33 bd 60 f9 82 b1 ff 37 c8 55" + * "97 97 a0 6e f4 f0 ef 61 c1 86 32 4e 2b 35 06 38" + * "36 06 90 7b 6a 7c 02 b0 f9 f6 15 7b 53 c8 67 e4" + * "b9 16 6c 76 7b 80 4d 46 a5 9b 52 16 cd e7 a4 e9" + * "90 40 c5 a4 04 33 22 5e e2 82 a1 b0 a0 6c 52 3e" + * "af 45 34 d7 f8 3f a1 15 5b 00 47 71 8c bc 54 6a" + * "0d 07 2b 04 b3 56 4e ea 1b 42 22 73 f5 48 27 1a" + * "0b b2 31 60 53 fa 76 99 19 55 eb d6 31 59 43 4e" + * "ce bb 4e 46 6d ae 5a 10 73 a6 72 76 27 09 7a 10" + * "49 e6 17 d9 1d 36 10 94 fa 68 f0 ff 77 98 71 30" + * "30 5b ea ba 2e da 04 df 99 7b 71 4d 6c 6f 2c 29" + * "a6 ad 5c b4 02 2b 02 70 9b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" + * "0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 01 00 00 00 00 00 00"); * * var polyMatchesExpectedValue = polyInput.SequenceEqual(expectedPolyInput); * * Debug.WriteLine("Test Poly AEAD Input"); * Debug.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(polyInput)); * * testPoly.BlockUpdate(polyInput, 0, polyInput.Length); * * byte[] testCalculatedTag = new byte[testPoly.GetMacSize()]; * testPoly.DoFinal(testCalculatedTag, 0); * * Debug.WriteLine("Test Tag"); * Debug.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(testCalculatedTag)); * * Debug.Write("H"); */ // ***************************************** // NaCl test code // /* * var testKey = StringToByteArray("1c 92 40 a5 eb 55 d3 8a f3 33 88 86 04 f6 b5 f0 47 39 17 c1 40 2b 80 09 9d ca 5c bc 20 70 75 c0"); * var testNonce = StringToByteArray("01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08"); * * var testChacha = new ChaChaEngine(20); * var testParameters = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(testKey), testNonce); * testChacha.Init(false, testParameters); * * KeyParameter testMacKey = InitRecordMAC(testChacha); * * var testCipherText = StringToByteArray("64 a0 86 15 75 86 1a f4 60 f0 62 c7 9b e6 43 bd" + * "5e 80 5c fd 34 5c f3 89 f1 08 67 0a c7 6c 8c b2" + * "4c 6c fc 18 75 5d 43 ee a0 9e e9 4e 38 2d 26 b0" + * "bd b7 b7 3c 32 1b 01 00 d4 f0 3b 7f 35 58 94 cf" + * "33 2f 83 0e 71 0b 97 ce 98 c8 a8 4a bd 0b 94 81" + * "14 ad 17 6e 00 8d 33 bd 60 f9 82 b1 ff 37 c8 55" + * "97 97 a0 6e f4 f0 ef 61 c1 86 32 4e 2b 35 06 38" + * "36 06 90 7b 6a 7c 02 b0 f9 f6 15 7b 53 c8 67 e4" + * "b9 16 6c 76 7b 80 4d 46 a5 9b 52 16 cd e7 a4 e9" + * "90 40 c5 a4 04 33 22 5e e2 82 a1 b0 a0 6c 52 3e" + * "af 45 34 d7 f8 3f a1 15 5b 00 47 71 8c bc 54 6a" + * "0d 07 2b 04 b3 56 4e ea 1b 42 22 73 f5 48 27 1a" + * "0b b2 31 60 53 fa 76 99 19 55 eb d6 31 59 43 4e" + * "ce bb 4e 46 6d ae 5a 10 73 a6 72 76 27 09 7a 10" + * "49 e6 17 d9 1d 36 10 94 fa 68 f0 ff 77 98 71 30" + * "30 5b ea ba 2e da 04 df 99 7b 71 4d 6c 6f 2c 29" + * "a6 ad 5c b4 02 2b 02 70 9b"); * * var testReceivedTag = StringToByteArray("ee ad 9d 67 89 0c bb 22 39 23 36 fe a1 85 1f 38"); * var testChaChaKey = StringToByteArray("1c 92 40 a5 eb 55 d3 8a f3 33 88 86 04 f6 b5 f0 47 39 17 c1 40 2b 80 09 9d ca 5c bc 20 70 75 c0"); * bool verified = OneTimeAuth.Poly1305.Verify(testReceivedTag, testCipherText, testChaChaKey); * var testLongNonce = StringToByteArray("00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08"); * var decryptedTest = XSalsa20Poly1305.TryDecrypt(testCipherText, testKey, testLongNonce); * * Console.WriteLine(verified); */ // COSE //************************************** // TEST CODE FOR BouncyCastle POLY1305 /* * var testKey = StringToByteArray("1c 92 40 a5 eb 55 d3 8a f3 33 88 86 04 f6 b5 f0 47 39 17 c1 40 2b 80 09 9d ca 5c bc 20 70 75 c0"); * var nonce = StringToByteArray("01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08"); * * var testChacha = new ChaChaEngine(20); * var testParameters = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(testKey), nonce); * testChacha.Init(false, testParameters); * * KeyParameter testMacKey = InitRecordMAC(testChacha); * * Console.WriteLine("MAC From Test Vectors"); * Console.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(testMacKey.GetKey())); * * var testCipherText = StringToByteArray("64 a0 86 15 75 86 1a f4 60 f0 62 c7 9b e6 43 bd" + * "5e 80 5c fd 34 5c f3 89 f1 08 67 0a c7 6c 8c b2" + * "4c 6c fc 18 75 5d 43 ee a0 9e e9 4e 38 2d 26 b0" + * "bd b7 b7 3c 32 1b 01 00 d4 f0 3b 7f 35 58 94 cf" + * "33 2f 83 0e 71 0b 97 ce 98 c8 a8 4a bd 0b 94 81" + * "14 ad 17 6e 00 8d 33 bd 60 f9 82 b1 ff 37 c8 55" + * "97 97 a0 6e f4 f0 ef 61 c1 86 32 4e 2b 35 06 38" + * "36 06 90 7b 6a 7c 02 b0 f9 f6 15 7b 53 c8 67 e4" + * "b9 16 6c 76 7b 80 4d 46 a5 9b 52 16 cd e7 a4 e9" + * "90 40 c5 a4 04 33 22 5e e2 82 a1 b0 a0 6c 52 3e" + * "af 45 34 d7 f8 3f a1 15 5b 00 47 71 8c bc 54 6a" + * "0d 07 2b 04 b3 56 4e ea 1b 42 22 73 f5 48 27 1a" + * "0b b2 31 60 53 fa 76 99 19 55 eb d6 31 59 43 4e" + * "ce bb 4e 46 6d ae 5a 10 73 a6 72 76 27 09 7a 10" + * "49 e6 17 d9 1d 36 10 94 fa 68 f0 ff 77 98 71 30" + * "30 5b ea ba 2e da 04 df 99 7b 71 4d 6c 6f 2c 29" + * "a6 ad 5c b4 02 2b 02 70 9b"); * * * var testPoly = new Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Macs.Poly1305(); * * testPoly.Init(testMacKey); * * var aad = StringToByteArray("f3 33 88 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 4e 91"); * * var polyInput = new byte[0]; * * var aadPadding = new byte[0]; * var cipherTextPadding = new byte[0]; * * if (aad.Length % 16 != 0) * { * int bytesRequiredForRounding = 16 - (aad.Length % 16); * aadPadding = new byte[bytesRequiredForRounding]; * } * * if (testCipherText.Length % 16 != 0) * { * int bytesRequiredForRounding = 16 - (testCipherText.Length % 16); * cipherTextPadding = new byte[bytesRequiredForRounding]; * } * * polyInput = aad.Concat(aadPadding).Concat(testCipherText).Concat(cipherTextPadding).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(aad.LongLength)).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(testCipherText.LongLength)).ToArray(); * * var expectedPolyInput = StringToByteArray("f3 33 88 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 4e 91 00 00 00 00" + * "64 a0 86 15 75 86 1a f4 60 f0 62 c7 9b e6 43 bd" + * "5e 80 5c fd 34 5c f3 89 f1 08 67 0a c7 6c 8c b2" + * "4c 6c fc 18 75 5d 43 ee a0 9e e9 4e 38 2d 26 b0" + * "bd b7 b7 3c 32 1b 01 00 d4 f0 3b 7f 35 58 94 cf" + * "33 2f 83 0e 71 0b 97 ce 98 c8 a8 4a bd 0b 94 81" + * "14 ad 17 6e 00 8d 33 bd 60 f9 82 b1 ff 37 c8 55" + * "97 97 a0 6e f4 f0 ef 61 c1 86 32 4e 2b 35 06 38" + * "36 06 90 7b 6a 7c 02 b0 f9 f6 15 7b 53 c8 67 e4" + * "b9 16 6c 76 7b 80 4d 46 a5 9b 52 16 cd e7 a4 e9" + * "90 40 c5 a4 04 33 22 5e e2 82 a1 b0 a0 6c 52 3e" + * "af 45 34 d7 f8 3f a1 15 5b 00 47 71 8c bc 54 6a" + * "0d 07 2b 04 b3 56 4e ea 1b 42 22 73 f5 48 27 1a" + * "0b b2 31 60 53 fa 76 99 19 55 eb d6 31 59 43 4e" + * "ce bb 4e 46 6d ae 5a 10 73 a6 72 76 27 09 7a 10" + * "49 e6 17 d9 1d 36 10 94 fa 68 f0 ff 77 98 71 30" + * "30 5b ea ba 2e da 04 df 99 7b 71 4d 6c 6f 2c 29" + * "a6 ad 5c b4 02 2b 02 70 9b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" + * "0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 01 00 00 00 00 00 00"); * * var polyMatchesExpectedValue = polyInput.SequenceEqual(expectedPolyInput); * * Debug.WriteLine("Test Poly AEAD Input"); * Debug.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(polyInput)); * * //byte[] testCalculatedTag = new byte[testPoly.GetMacSize()]; * * testPoly.BlockUpdate(polyInput, 0, polyInput.Length); * * * byte[] testCalculatedTag = new byte[100]; * * for (int i = 0; i < 84; i++) * { * testPoly.DoFinal(testCalculatedTag, i); * * Debug.WriteLine("Test Tag"); * Debug.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(testCalculatedTag)); * } * * * * * Debug.Write("H"); * * testPoly = new Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Macs.Poly1305(); * * testPoly.Init(testMacKey); * * // The AAD * // * testPoly.BlockUpdate(aad, 0, aad.Length); * * // The AAD padding * // * if (aad.Length % 16 != 0) * { * int bytesRequiredForRounding = 16 - (aad.Length % 16); * testPoly.BlockUpdate(new byte[bytesRequiredForRounding], 0, bytesRequiredForRounding); * } * * // The ciphertext. * // * testPoly.BlockUpdate(testCipherText, 0, testCipherText.Length); * * // The ciphertext padding length. * // * if (testCipherText.Length % 16 != 0) * { * int bytesRequiredForRounding = 16 - (testCipherText.Length % 16); * testPoly.BlockUpdate(new byte[bytesRequiredForRounding], 0, bytesRequiredForRounding); * } * * // The length of the AAD * // * testPoly.BlockUpdate(BitConverter.GetBytes(aad.LongLength), 0, 8); * * // The length of the ciphertext * // * testPoly.BlockUpdate(BitConverter.GetBytes(testCipherText.LongLength), 0, 8); * * // Compute the final key * // * byte[] alternativeTestCalculatedTag = new byte[testPoly.GetMacSize()]; * testPoly.DoFinal(alternativeTestCalculatedTag, 0); * * Debug.WriteLine("Alternative Test Tag"); * Debug.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(alternativeTestCalculatedTag)); * * // Decrypt * // * var testOutput = new byte[testCipherText.Length]; * testChacha.ProcessBytes(testCipherText, 0, testCipherText.Length, testOutput, 0); * * Debug.WriteLine("Decrypted Test CipherText"); * Debug.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(testOutput)); * */ // END OF BouncyCastle Poly1305 Test Code //******************************************** //var chacha = new ChaChaEngine(20); //var parameters = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(outputKey), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("PS-Msg05")); //chacha.Init(false, parameters); //KeyParameter macKey = InitRecordMAC(chacha); //var iOSPoly = new Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Macs.Poly1305(); #region OLD POLY /* * iOSPoly.Init(macKey); * * // The AAD padding length. * // * //iOSPoly.BlockUpdate(new byte[4], 0, 4); * * // The ciphertext. * // * iOSPoly.BlockUpdate(messageData, 0, messageData.Length); * * // The ciphertext padding length. * // * if (messageData.Length % 16 != 0) * { * int bytesRequiredForRounding = 16 - (messageData.Length % 16); * iOSPoly.BlockUpdate(new byte[bytesRequiredForRounding], 0, bytesRequiredForRounding); * } * * // The length of the AAD * // * iOSPoly.BlockUpdate(new byte[8], 0, 8); * * // The length of the ciphertext * // * iOSPoly.BlockUpdate(BitConverter.GetBytes(messageData.LongLength), 0, 8); * * // Compute the final key * // * byte[] calculatedMAC = new byte[iOSPoly.GetMacSize()]; * iOSPoly.DoFinal(calculatedMAC, 0); * * // Verify this calculatedMac matches the iOS authTag. * // This is failing, which implies the way I'm generating the MAC is incorrect. * // * //bool isAuthTagValid = CryptoBytes.ConstantTimeEquals(authTag, calculatedMAC); * //if (!isAuthTagValid) * //{ * // return new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); * //} */ #endregion //byte[] output = new byte[messageData.Length]; //chacha.ProcessBytes(messageData, 0, messageData.Length, output, 0); byte[] output, ct, key, nonce, tag, aad; key = outputKey; ct = messageData; nonce = Cnv.FromHex("00000000").Concat(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("PS-Msg05")).ToArray(); aad = new byte[0]; tag = authTag; output = Aead.Decrypt(ct, key, nonce, aad, tag, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); Console.WriteLine("P:" + Cnv.ToHex(output)); // This is UTF-8-encoded text, so display it string Str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(output); Console.WriteLine(Str); Console.WriteLine(General.ErrorCode()); Console.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("Decrypted TLV"); Debug.WriteLine(ByteArrayToString(output)); var subData = TLVParser.Parse(output); byte[] username = subData.GetType(Constants.Identifier); byte[] ltpk = subData.GetType(Constants.PublicKey); byte[] proof = subData.GetType(Constants.Signature); Console.WriteLine("iOSDeviceInfo"); Console.WriteLine($"Username [{username.Length}]: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(username)}"); Console.WriteLine($"LTPK [{ltpk.Length}]: {ByteArrayToString(ltpk)}"); Console.WriteLine($"Proof [{proof.Length}]: {ByteArrayToString(proof)}"); // Verify the proof matches the INFO // HKDF hkdf = new HKDF(() => { return(new HMACSHA512()); }, server_K, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Pair-Setup-Controller-Sign-Salt"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Pair-Setup-Controller-Sign-Info")); byte[] okm = hkdf.GetBytes(32); byte[] completeData = okm.Concat(username).Concat(ltpk).ToArray(); if (!Ed25519.Verify(proof, completeData, ltpk)) { Console.WriteLine("Verification failed as iOS provided code was incorrect"); var errorTLV = new TLV(); errorTLV.AddType(Constants.Error, ErrorCodes.Authentication); byte[] errorOutput = TLVParser.Serialise(errorTLV); return(new Tuple <string, byte[]>("application/pairing+tlv8", errorOutput)); //var errorContent = new ByteArrayContent(output); //errorContent.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pairing+tlv8"); //return new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) //{ // Content = errorContent //}; } Console.WriteLine("Step 5/6 is complete."); Console.WriteLine("Pair Setup Step 6/6"); Console.WriteLine("Response Generation"); g = new HKDF(() => { return(new HMACSHA512()); }, server_K, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Pair-Setup-Accessory-Sign-Salt"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Pair-Setup-Accessory-Sign-Info")); outputKey = g.GetBytes(32); // Create the AccessoryLTPK // byte[] accessoryLTSK; byte[] accessoryLTPK; var seed = new byte[32]; RandomNumberGenerator.Create().GetBytes(seed); Ed25519.KeyPairFromSeed(out accessoryLTPK, out accessoryLTSK, seed); File.WriteAllBytes("PrivateKey", accessoryLTSK); var serverUsername = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Program.ID); byte[] material = outputKey.Concat(serverUsername).Concat(accessoryLTPK).ToArray(); byte[] signature = Ed25519.Sign(material, accessoryLTSK); Console.WriteLine("AccessoryDeviceInfo"); Console.WriteLine($"Username [{serverUsername.Length}]: {ByteArrayToString(serverUsername)}"); Console.WriteLine($"LTPK [{accessoryLTPK.Length}]: {ByteArrayToString(accessoryLTPK)}"); Console.WriteLine($"Proof [{signature.Length}]: {ByteArrayToString(signature)}"); TLV encoder = new TLV(); encoder.AddType(Constants.Identifier, serverUsername); encoder.AddType(Constants.PublicKey, accessoryLTPK); encoder.AddType(Constants.Signature, signature); // Verify our own signature // Ed25519.Verify(signature, material, accessoryLTPK); byte[] plaintext = TLVParser.Serialise(encoder); //chacha = new ChaChaEngine(20); //parameters = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(hkdfEncKey), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("PS-Msg06")); //chacha.Init(true, parameters); //macKey = InitRecordMAC(chacha); //byte[] ciphertext = new byte[plaintext.Length]; //chacha.ProcessBytes(plaintext, 0, plaintext.Length, ciphertext, 0); //var poly = new Poly1305(); //iOSPoly.Init(macKey); //iOSPoly.BlockUpdate //iOSPoly.BlockUpdate(ciphertext, 0, ciphertext.Length); //iOSPoly.BlockUpdate(BitConverter.GetBytes((long)ciphertext.Length), 0, 8); //var accessoryCalculatedMAC = new byte[iOSPoly.GetMacSize()]; //iOSPoly.DoFinal(accessoryCalculatedMAC, 0); //var accessoryCalculatedMAC = Sodium.OneTimeAuth.Sign(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ciphertext), macKey.GetKey()); //var verifyMac = Sodium.OneTimeAuth.Verify(ciphertext, accessoryCalculatedMAC, macKey.GetKey()); //byte[] pt, ct, key, nonce, tag, aad; //key = Cnv.FromHex("071b113b 0ca743fe cccf3d05 1f737382"); //nonce = Cnv.FromHex("f0761e8d cd3d0001 76d457ed"); //aad = Cnv.FromHex("e20106d7 cd0df076 1e8dcd3d 88e54c2a 76d457ed"); //pt = Cnv.FromHex("08000f10 11121314 15161718 191a1b1c 1d1e1f20 21222324 25262728 292a2b2c 2d2e2f30 31323334 0004"); //tag = new byte[0]; // Do this to avoid "before it has been assigned a value" error //ct = Aead.Encrypt(out tag, pt, key, nonce, aad, Aead.Algorithm.Aes_128_Gcm); //Console.WriteLine("C: " + Cnv.ToHex(ct)); //Console.WriteLine("T: " + Cnv.ToHex(tag)); //byte[] ret = ciphertext.Concat(accessoryCalculatedMAC).ToArray(); //TLV responseTLV = new TLV(); //responseTLV.AddType(Constants.State, 6); //responseTLV.AddType(Constants.EncryptedData, ret); //output = TLVParser.Serialise(responseTLV); //ByteArrayContent content = new ByteArrayContent(output); //content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pairing+tlv8"); //Console.WriteLine("Step 6/6 is complete."); //return new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) //{ // Content = content //}; nonce = Cnv.FromHex("00000000").Concat(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("PS-Msg06")).ToArray(); aad = new byte[0]; byte[] outputTag = new byte[0]; var encryptedOutput = Aead.Encrypt(out outputTag, plaintext, hkdfEncKey, nonce, aad, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); Console.WriteLine($"EncryptionStatus: {General.ErrorCode()}"); // Test the decryption // Aead.Decrypt(encryptedOutput, hkdfEncKey, nonce, aad, outputTag, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); Console.WriteLine($"DecryptionStatus: {General.ErrorCode()}"); byte[] ret = encryptedOutput.Concat(outputTag).ToArray(); TLV responseTLV = new TLV(); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.State, 6); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.EncryptedData, ret); output = TLVParser.Serialise(responseTLV); return(new Tuple <string, byte[]>("application/pairing+tlv8", output)); //ByteArrayContent content = new ByteArrayContent(output); //content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pairing+tlv8"); //Console.WriteLine("Step 6/6 is complete."); //return new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) //{ // Content = content //}; } return(null); //return new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); }
private static void HandleControllerConnection(object obj) { TcpClient tcpClient = (TcpClient)obj; // Set keepalive to true! // //tcpClient.Client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, true); string clientEndPoint = tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); Console.WriteLine($"Handling a new controller connection from {clientEndPoint}"); ControllerSession session = new ControllerSession(); CurrentSession = session; using (var networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()) { byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize]; var keepListening = true; while (keepListening) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for more data from the client...."); // This is blocking and will wait for data to come from the client. // var bytesRead = networkStream.Read(receiveBuffer, 0, (int)tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize); Console.WriteLine("**************************** REQUEST RECEIVED *************************"); if (bytesRead == 0) { // Read returns 0 if the client closes the connection. // break; } var content = receiveBuffer.CopySlice(0, bytesRead); if (session.IsVerified) { Console.WriteLine("* DECRYPTING REQUEST *"); var encryptionResult = new byte[0]; for (int offset = 0; offset < bytesRead;) { // The first type bytes represent the length of the data. // byte[] twoBytes = new Byte[] { content[0], content[1] }; offset += 2; UInt16 frameLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(twoBytes, 0); int availableDataLength = bytesRead - offset - 16; byte[] messageData = new byte[availableDataLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy(content, offset, messageData, 0, availableDataLength); offset += availableDataLength; byte[] authTag = new byte[16]; Buffer.BlockCopy(content, offset, authTag, 0, 16); var nonce = Cnv.FromHex("00000000").Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(session.InboundBinaryMessageCount++)).ToArray(); // Use the AccessoryToController key to decrypt the data. // var decryptedData = Aead.Decrypt(messageData, session.ControllerToAccessoryKey, nonce, twoBytes, authTag, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); encryptionResult = encryptionResult.Concat(decryptedData).ToArray(); offset += (18 + frameLength); } content = encryptionResult; } var ms = new MemoryStream(content); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms); String request = sr.ReadLine(); string[] tokens = request.Split(' '); if (tokens.Length != 3) { throw new Exception("Invalid HTTP request line"); } var method = tokens[0].ToUpper(); var url = tokens[1].Trim('/'); var version = tokens[2]; string line; Dictionary <string, string> httpHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Equals("")) { break; } int separator = line.IndexOf(':'); if (separator == -1) { throw new Exception("invalid http header line: " + line); } String name = line.Substring(0, separator); int pos = separator + 1; while ((pos < line.Length) && (line[pos] == ' ')) { pos++; // strip any spaces } string value = line.Substring(pos, line.Length - pos); Console.WriteLine("* Header: {0}:{1}", name, value); httpHeaders[name.ToLower()] = value; } Console.WriteLine($"* URL: {url}"); int BUF_SIZE = 4096; int content_len = 0; MemoryStream contentMs = new MemoryStream(); if (httpHeaders.ContainsKey("content-length")) { content_len = Convert.ToInt32(httpHeaders["content-length"]); if (content_len > 20000) { throw new Exception(String.Format("POST Content-Length({0}) too big for this simple server", content_len)); } ms.Position = ms.Position - content_len; var temp = new byte[ms.Length - ms.Position]; Array.Copy(ms.ToArray(), (int)ms.Position, temp, 0, (int)ms.Length - ms.Position); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms); if (httpHeaders.ContainsKey("content-length")) { byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; int to_read = content_len; while (to_read > 0) { int numread = br.Read(buf, 0, Math.Min(BUF_SIZE, to_read)); if (numread == 0) { if (to_read == 0) { break; } else { throw new Exception("client disconnected during post"); } } to_read -= numread; contentMs.Write(buf, 0, numread); } contentMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } } Tuple <string, byte[]> result = null; if (url == "pair-setup") { PairSetupController controller = new PairSetupController(); result = controller.Post(contentMs.ToArray()); } else if (url == "pair-verify") { PairVerifyController controller = new PairVerifyController(); result = controller.Post(contentMs.ToArray(), session); } else if (url == "accessories") { AccessoriesController controller = new AccessoriesController(); result = controller.Get(session); } else if (url == "pairings") { PairingsController controller = new PairingsController(); result = controller.Post(contentMs.ToArray(), session); } else if (url.StartsWith("characteristics")) { // The url will contain a query string e.g. id=1.1 meaning accessoryId 1 with characteristic 1 // CharacteristicsController controller = new CharacteristicsController(); if (method == "PUT") { result = controller.Put(contentMs.ToArray(), session); } else if (method == "GET") { var parts = url.Split('?'); var queryStringing = parts[1].Replace("id=", ""); var accessoriesParts = queryStringing.Split(','); List <Tuple <int, int> > accessories = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); foreach (var accessoryString in accessoriesParts) { var accessoryParts = accessoryString.Split('.'); var aid = int.Parse(accessoryParts[0]); var iid = int.Parse(accessoryParts[1]); accessories.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(aid, iid)); } result = controller.Get(accessories, session); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"* Request for {url} is not yet supported!"); throw new Exception("Not Supported"); } // Construct the response. We're assuming 100% success, all of the time, for now. // var response = new byte[0]; var returnChars = new byte[2]; returnChars[0] = 0x0D; returnChars[1] = 0x0A; var contentLength = $"Content-Length: {result.Item2.Length}"; if (result.Item2.Length == 0) { response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content")).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); } else { response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(contentLength)).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"Content-Type: {result.Item1}")).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); } response = response.Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(result.Item2).ToArray(); if (session.IsVerified && !session.SkipFirstEncryption) { // We need to decrypt the request! // Console.WriteLine("* ENCRYPTING RESPONSE"); var resultData = new byte[0]; for (int offset = 0; offset < response.Length;) { int length = Math.Min(response.Length - offset, 1024); var dataLength = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)length); resultData = resultData.Concat(dataLength).ToArray(); var nonce = Cnv.FromHex("00000000").Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(session.OutboundBinaryMessageCount++)).ToArray(); var dataToEncrypt = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(response, offset, dataToEncrypt, 0, length); // Use the AccessoryToController key to decrypt the data. // var authTag = new byte[16]; var encryptedData = Aead.Encrypt(out authTag, dataToEncrypt, session.AccessoryToControllerKey, nonce, dataLength, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); resultData = resultData.Concat(encryptedData).Concat(authTag).ToArray(); offset += length; } response = resultData; networkStream.Write(response, 0, response.Length); networkStream.Flush(); } else { networkStream.Write(response, 0, response.Length); networkStream.Flush(); if (session.SkipFirstEncryption) { session.SkipFirstEncryption = false; } } Console.WriteLine("**************************** RESPONSE SENT ******************************"); } } Console.WriteLine($"Connection from {clientEndPoint} will be closed!"); tcpClient.Close(); tcpClient.Dispose(); }
public Tuple <string, byte[]> Post(byte[] body, ControllerSession session) { var parts = TLVParser.Parse(body); var state = parts.GetTypeAsInt(Constants.State); if (state == 1) { Console.WriteLine("* Pair Verify Step 1/4"); Console.WriteLine("* Verify Start Request"); var clientPublicKey = parts.GetType(Constants.PublicKey); byte[] privateKey = new byte[32]; SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); random.NextBytes(privateKey); var publicKey = Curve25519.GetPublicKey(privateKey); var sharedSecret = Curve25519.GetSharedSecret(privateKey, clientPublicKey); var serverUsername = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Program.ID); byte[] material = publicKey.Concat(serverUsername).Concat(clientPublicKey).ToArray(); var accessoryLTSK = File.ReadAllBytes("PrivateKey"); byte[] proof = Ed25519.Sign(material, accessoryLTSK); HKDF g = new HKDF(() => { return(new HMACSHA512()); }, sharedSecret, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Pair-Verify-Encrypt-Salt"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Pair-Verify-Encrypt-Info")); var outputKey = g.GetBytes(32); TLV encoder = new TLV(); encoder.AddType(Constants.Identifier, serverUsername); encoder.AddType(Constants.Signature, proof); byte[] plaintext = TLVParser.Serialise(encoder); var nonce = Cnv.FromHex("00000000").Concat(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("PV-Msg02")).ToArray(); var aad = new byte[0]; byte[] outputTag = new byte[0]; var encryptedOutput = Aead.Encrypt(out outputTag, plaintext, outputKey, nonce, aad, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); byte[] ret = encryptedOutput.Concat(outputTag).ToArray(); TLV responseTLV = new TLV(); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.State, 2); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.PublicKey, publicKey); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.EncryptedData, ret); // Store the details on the session. // session.ClientPublicKey = clientPublicKey; session.PrivateKey = privateKey; session.PublicKey = publicKey; session.SharedSecret = sharedSecret; session.HkdfPairEncKey = outputKey; var encSalt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Control-Salt"); var infoRead = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Control-Read-Encryption-Key"); var infoWrite = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Control-Write-Encryption-Key"); g = new HKDF(() => { return(new HMACSHA512()); }, sharedSecret, encSalt, infoRead); session.AccessoryToControllerKey = g.GetBytes(32); g = new HKDF(() => { return(new HMACSHA512()); }, sharedSecret, encSalt, infoWrite); session.ControllerToAccessoryKey = g.GetBytes(32); var output = TLVParser.Serialise(responseTLV); return(new Tuple <string, byte[]>("application/pairing+tlv8", output)); } else if (state == 3) { Console.WriteLine("* Pair Verify Step 3/4"); Console.WriteLine("* Verify Start Request"); // We're looking good here. Need to set the encryption/settings on this session. // session.IsVerified = true; session.SkipFirstEncryption = true; TLV responseTLV = new TLV(); responseTLV.AddType(Constants.State, 4); var output = TLVParser.Serialise(responseTLV); return(new Tuple <string, byte[]>("application/pairing+tlv8", output)); } return(null); }
public byte[] Put(ControllerSession session, int aid, int iid, object value) { Console.WriteLine("* Accessories Controller"); Console.WriteLine("* Update accessory"); if (session == null) { return(new byte[0]); } //var output = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Development\dotnet-homebridge\ColdBear.Console\accessories.json"); JArray characteristicsArray = new JArray(); JObject characteristicObject = new JObject(); characteristicObject.Add("aid", aid); characteristicObject.Add("iid", iid); characteristicObject.Add("value", (int)value); characteristicsArray.Add(characteristicObject); JObject jsonObj = new JObject(); jsonObj.Add("characteristics", characteristicsArray); var characteristicJson = jsonObj.ToString(); var output = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(characteristicJson); var response = new byte[0]; var returnChars = new byte[2]; returnChars[0] = 0x0D; returnChars[1] = 0x0A; var contentLength = $"Content-Length: {output.Length}"; response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("EVENT/1.0 200 OK")).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"Content-Type: application/hap+json")).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(contentLength)).Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(returnChars).ToArray(); response = response.Concat(output).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("* ENCRYPTING EVENT"); var resultData = new byte[0]; for (int offset = 0; offset < response.Length;) { int length = Math.Min(response.Length - offset, 1024); var dataLength = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)length); resultData = resultData.Concat(dataLength).ToArray(); var nonce = Cnv.FromHex("00000000").Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(session.OutboundBinaryMessageCount++)).ToArray(); var dataToEncrypt = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(response, offset, dataToEncrypt, 0, length); // Use the AccessoryToController key to decrypt the data. // var authTag = new byte[16]; var encryptedData = Aead.Encrypt(out authTag, dataToEncrypt, session.AccessoryToControllerKey, nonce, dataLength, Aead.Algorithm.Chacha20_Poly1305); resultData = resultData.Concat(encryptedData).Concat(authTag).ToArray(); offset += length; } response = resultData; return(response); }
public XmlDocument SellarXML(XmlDocument XmlBase) { Comprobante CFDI; XmlNode nodoComprobante; CFDI = new Comprobante(); CFDI.ObtenerDatosComprobanteXML(XmlBase.OuterXml); CFDI.CrearCadenaOriginal(); _selloDigital = SellarCadena(CFDI.CadenaOriginal); nodoComprobante = XmlBase.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Comprobante")[0]; nodoComprobante.Attributes["sello"].Value = _selloDigital; nodoComprobante.Attributes["certificado"].Value = _Base64; nodoComprobante.Attributes["noCertificado"].Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Cnv.FromHex(certificado.GetSerialNumberString())); return(XmlBase); } //public XmlDocument SellarXML