예제 #1
        public async Task <string> WriteFile(CmsFile file, CmsType cmsType, Guid id, string fieldName, string?lang, string?currentUser)
            string fileName = GenerateFileName(cmsType, id, fieldName, lang);

            var blob = await azureStorageService.StoreFileAsync(file.Bytes, fileName, file.ContentType).ConfigureAwait(false);

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                // Get an instance of the CadesSignatureStarter class, responsible for receiving the signature elements and start the
                // signature process
                var signatureStarter = Util.GetRestPkiClient().GetCadesSignatureStarter();

                // Set the signature policy

                // Optionally, set a SecurityContext to be used to determine trust in the certificate chain
                // Note: Depending on the signature policy chosen above, setting the security context may be mandatory (this is not
                // the case for ICP-Brasil policies, which will automatically use the PkiBrazil security context if none is passed)

                // Optionally, set whether the content should be encapsulated in the resulting CMS. If this parameter is ommitted,
                // the following rules apply:
                // - If no CmsToSign is given, the resulting CMS will include the content
                // - If a CmsToCoSign is given, the resulting CMS will include the content if and only if the CmsToCoSign also includes the content

                UserFile = Request.QueryString["userfile"];
                CmsFile  = Request.QueryString["cmsfile"];
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserFile))
                    // If the user was redirected here by Upload (signature with file uploaded by user), the "userfile" URL argument
                    // will contain the filename under the "App_Data" folder.
                    signatureStarter.SetFileToSign(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + UserFile.Replace("_", ".")));
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CmsFile))
                     * If the URL argument "cmsfile" is filled, the user has asked to co-sign a previously signed CMS. We'll set the path to the CMS
                     * to be co-signed, which was perviously saved in the App_Data folder by the POST action on this controller. Note two important things:
                     * 1. The CMS to be co-signed must be set using the method "SetCmsToCoSign", not the method "SetContentToSign" nor "SetFileToSign"
                     * 2. Since we're creating CMSs with encapsulated content (see call to SetEncapsulateContent above), we don't need to set the content
                     *    to be signed, REST PKI will get the content from the CMS being co-signed.
                    signatureStarter.SetCmsToCoSign(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + CmsFile.Replace("_", ".")));
                    // If both userfile and cmsfile are null, this is the "signature with server file" case. We'll set the path of the file to be signed

                // Call the StartWithWebPki() method, which initiates the signature. This yields the token, a 43-character
                // case-sensitive URL-safe string, which identifies this signature process. We'll use this value to call the
                // signWithRestPki() method on the Web PKI component (see javascript on the view) and also to complete the signature
                // on the POST action below (this should not be mistaken with the API access token).
                var token = signatureStarter.StartWithWebPki();

                ViewState["Token"] = token;
예제 #3
        public async Task <string> WriteFile(CmsFile file, CmsType cmsType, Guid id, string fieldName, string?lang, string?currentUser)
            using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(file.Bytes))
                var response = await _client.UploadFileAsync($"{fieldName}.{file.ContentType}", stream);

예제 #4
        public async Task <string> WriteFile(CmsFile file, CmsType cmsType, Guid id, string fieldName, string?lang, string?currentUser)
            using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(file.Bytes))
                var response = await _client.FileSystem.AddAsync(stream, fieldName);

예제 #5
        public void AddDownload(byte[] Bytes)
            CmsFile kooboofile = new CmsFile();

            kooboofile.Extension    = UrlHelper.FileExtension(kooboofile.Name);
            kooboofile.Name         = UrlHelper.FileName(this.DownloadTask.RelativeUrl);
            kooboofile.ContentBytes = Bytes;
            this.Manager.SiteDb.Routes.AddOrUpdate(this.DownloadTask.RelativeUrl, kooboofile, Manager.UserId);
            this.Manager.SiteDb.Files.AddOrUpdate(kooboofile, this.Manager.UserId);
예제 #6
 public TreeGridItem(CmsFile file)
     this.ID               = file.ID;
     this.Name             = file.Name;
     this.IsActive         = file.IsActive;
     this.Type             = "Item";
     this.Icon             = file.ImageSrc; //"_img/icons/item_small.png";
     this.IsLeaf           = true;
     this.CreateDate       = file.CreateDate;
     this.LastModifiedDate = file.ModifiedDate;
     this.FileType         = file.FileType;      //BUG #103
     this.Volume           = file.Volume;        //BUG #103
예제 #7
        public List <TreeGridItem> GetFiles(string folder, string sort)
            folder        = folder.Replace("/", "\\").Replace("\\\\", "\\");
            folder        = (getSiteRoot() + folder).Replace("/", "\\").Replace("\\\\", "\\");;
            CurrentFolder = folder;
            List <CmsFile>      returnFileList      = new List <CmsFile>();
            List <CmsDirectory> returnDirectoryList = new List <CmsDirectory>();
            List <TreeGridItem> returnList          = new List <TreeGridItem>();

            if (folder.ToLower().EndsWith("_files"))
                if (!Directory.Exists(folder))

            string[] files       = Directory.GetFiles(folder);
            string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(folder);
            foreach (string file in files)
                FileInfo fileInfoObject = new FileInfo(file);
                CmsFile  fileObject     = new CmsFile(fileInfoObject, SessionObject.CurrentSite, SessionObject.CurrentBitplateUser.Theme);

            foreach (string directory in directories)
                DirectoryInfo directoryInfoObject = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
                CmsDirectory  directoryObject     = new CmsDirectory(directoryInfoObject);
            string sortOrder = "ASC";

            if (sort.Contains(" DESC"))
                sortOrder = "DESC";
            string sortField = sort.Replace(" ASC", "");

            sortField = sortField.Replace(" DESC", "");
            Sort(sortField, sortOrder, returnFileList);
            SortFolders(sortField, sortOrder, returnDirectoryList);
            //Mappen sorteren.
            returnDirectoryList.ForEach(c => returnList.Add(new TreeGridItem(c)));
            returnFileList.ForEach(c => returnList.Add(new TreeGridItem(c)));

예제 #8
        public async Task <JsonResult> Upload([FromForm] IFormFile file, [FromRoute] string cmsType, [FromRoute] Guid id, [FromRoute] string?lang, [FromQuery] string fieldName)
            if (file != null)
                string fileName = GetFileName(file);
                string mimeType = file.ContentType.ToLowerInvariant();

                //Get file bytes
                var outputStream = new MemoryStream();
                var output       = file.OpenReadStream();
                byte[] bytes = outputStream.ToArray();

                //if (mimeType.StartsWith("image/"))
                //    // Only validate files that seem to be images.
                //    //Image.Load(Configuration.Default, bytes);

                CmsFile cmsFile = new CmsFile
                    Bytes       = bytes,
                    ContentType = mimeType

                    var result = await writeFileService.WriteFile(cmsFile, cmsType, id, fieldName, lang, this.User.Identity?.Name).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    return(new JsonResult(result));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.LogError(ex, "Error writing file.");

            return(new JsonResult("No file submitted"));
예제 #9
        public static void FileRender(FrontContext context, string NameOrId, Dictionary <string, string> Parameters)
            Guid    FileId;
            CmsFile file = null;

            if (System.Guid.TryParse(NameOrId, out FileId))
                file = context.SiteDb.Files.Get(FileId) as CmsFile;

            long logid = -1;

            if (long.TryParse(NameOrId, out logid))
                var logentry = context.SiteDb.Log.Get(logid);
                var repo     = context.SiteDb.Images as IRepository;
                file = repo.GetByLog(logentry) as CmsFile;

            if (file != null)
                FileRenderer.RenderFile(context, file);
예제 #10
        public async Task <string> WriteFile(CmsFile file, CmsType cmsType, Guid id, string fieldName, string?lang, string?currentUser)
            var task = await Task.WhenAll(writeFileProviders.Select(x => x.WriteFile(file, cmsType, id, fieldName, lang, currentUser))).ConfigureAwait(false);

예제 #11
        //file only contains column data.
        public static async Task RenderFile(FrontContext context, Models.CmsFile file)
            var    sitedb      = context.WebSite.SiteDb();
            string contentType = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.ContentType))
                contentType = file.ContentType;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.Name))
                contentType = IOHelper.MimeType(file.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contentType))
                if (context.Route != null)
                    contentType = IOHelper.MimeType(context.Route.Name);

            context.RenderContext.Response.ContentType = contentType;

            if (file.Size > BigSize)
                var partinfo = sitedb.Files.Store.GetFieldPart(file.Id, nameof(file.ContentBytes));

                context.RenderContext.Response.FilePart = partinfo;
                // read whole content.
                CmsFile FileContent = null;
                if (file.ContentBytes == null)
                    FileContent = await sitedb.FilePool.GetAsync(file.Id);
                    FileContent = file;

                if (FileContent.ContentBytes != null)
                    context.RenderContext.Response.Body = FileContent.ContentBytes;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileContent.ContentString))
                    context.RenderContext.Response.Body = DataConstants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(FileContent.ContentString);

            // cache for font.
            if (contentType != null)
                string lower = contentType.ToLower();

                if (lower.Contains("font"))
                else if (lower.Contains("image"))
                    context.RenderContext.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
                    context.RenderContext.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");

                else if (lower.Contains("css"))
                else if (lower.Contains("javascript"))
                else if (lower.Contains("video"))
예제 #12
        public static SiteObject AddDownload(DownloadManager manager, DownloadContent download, string absoluteUrl, bool DefaultStartPage, bool AnalyzePage, string originalimporturl = "")
            var sitedb = manager.SiteDb;

            bool issamehost = UrlHelper.isSameHost(originalimporturl, absoluteUrl);

            string relativeurl = UrlHelper.RelativePath(absoluteUrl, issamehost);

            byte consttype = 0;

            var FileType = Kooboo.Lib.Helper.UrlHelper.GetFileType(relativeurl, download.ContentType);

            switch (FileType)
            case UrlHelper.UrlFileType.Image:
                consttype = ConstObjectType.Image;

            case UrlHelper.UrlFileType.JavaScript:
                consttype = ConstObjectType.Script;

            case UrlHelper.UrlFileType.Style:
                consttype = ConstObjectType.Style;

            case UrlHelper.UrlFileType.File:
                consttype = ConstObjectType.File;

                string htmlsource = download.GetString();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlsource) || Kooboo.HtmlUtility.HasHtmlOrBodyTag(htmlsource))
                    consttype = ConstObjectType.Page;
                    consttype = ConstObjectType.View;

            switch (consttype)
            case ConstObjectType.Page:
                Page page = new Page();
                page.IsStatic     = true;
                page.DefaultStart = DefaultStartPage;

                page.Name = Service.PageService.GetPageNameFromUrl(relativeurl);

                string htmlsource = UrlHelper.ReplaceMetaCharSet(download.GetString());

                if (AnalyzePage)
                    var context = AnalyzerManager.Execute(htmlsource, absoluteUrl, page.Id, page.ConstType, manager, originalimporturl);
                    htmlsource = context.HtmlSource;
                page.Body = htmlsource;

                if (page.Name == "untitled")
                    var titleel = Service.DomService.GetTitleElement(page.Dom);
                    if (titleel != null)
                        string title = titleel.InnerHtml;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                            title     = Lib.Helper.StringHelper.SementicSubString(title, 0, 30);
                            page.Name = title.Trim();

                sitedb.Routes.AddOrUpdate(relativeurl, page, manager.UserId);
                sitedb.Pages.AddOrUpdate(page, manager.UserId);


            case ConstObjectType.Style:
                string csstext = download.GetString();
                if (AnalyzePage)
                    CssManager.ProcessResource(ref csstext, absoluteUrl, manager, default(Guid));
                var style = new Style();
                style.Body = csstext;
                sitedb.Routes.AddOrUpdate(relativeurl, style, manager.UserId);
                sitedb.Styles.AddOrUpdate(style, manager.UserId);

            case ConstObjectType.Script:
                Script script = new Script {
                    ConstType = ConstObjectType.Script, Body = download.GetString()

                sitedb.Routes.AddOrUpdate(relativeurl, script, manager.UserId);
                sitedb.Scripts.AddOrUpdate(script, manager.UserId);

            case ConstObjectType.Image:
                Image koobooimage = new Image
                    ContentBytes = download.DataBytes,
                    Extension    = UrlHelper.FileExtension(relativeurl),
                    Name         = UrlHelper.FileName(relativeurl),

                sitedb.Routes.AddOrUpdate(relativeurl, koobooimage, manager.UserId);
                sitedb.Images.AddOrUpdate(koobooimage, manager.UserId);

            case ConstObjectType.View:
                var view = new View();

                string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(absoluteUrl);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    name = "untitlted";
                view.Name = name;

                string htmlsource = UrlHelper.ReplaceMetaCharSet(download.GetString());
                if (AnalyzePage)
                    var context = AnalyzerManager.Execute(htmlsource, absoluteUrl, view.Id, view.ConstType, manager, originalimporturl);
                    htmlsource = context.HtmlSource;

                view.Body = htmlsource;

                sitedb.Routes.AddOrUpdate(relativeurl, view, manager.UserId);
                sitedb.Views.AddOrUpdate(view, manager.UserId);

                /// default treat it as file.
                var kooboofile = new CmsFile
                    ContentType   = download.ContentType,
                    ContentBytes  = download.DataBytes,
                    ContentString = download.ContentString,
                    Extension     = UrlHelper.FileExtension(relativeurl),
                    Name          = UrlHelper.FileName(relativeurl)
                sitedb.Routes.AddOrUpdate(relativeurl, kooboofile, manager.UserId);
                sitedb.Files.AddOrUpdate(kooboofile, manager.UserId);