protected void grdAddPlantopup_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { grdselfcaredebit.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; Hashtable htTopupParams = getTopupParamsData(); string username, catid, operator_id; if (Session["username"] != null || Session["operator_id"] != null) { username = Session["username"].ToString(); catid = Convert.ToString(Session["category"]); operator_id = Convert.ToString(Session["operator_id"]); } else { Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); return; } Cls_Business_rptSelfcareDebitReport objTran = new Cls_Business_rptSelfcareDebitReport(); Hashtable htResponse = objTran.GetTransations(htTopupParams, username, catid); DataTable dt = null; if (htResponse["htResponse"] != null) { dt = (DataTable)htResponse["htResponse"]; } if (dt == null) { Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx"); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { grdselfcaredebit.Visible = false; lblSearchMsg.Text = "No data found"; } else { btngrnExel.Visible = true; btnGenerateExcel.Visible = true; grdselfcaredebit.Visible = true; lblSearchMsg.Text = ""; //ViewState["searched_trans"] = dt; grdselfcaredebit.DataSource = dt; grdselfcaredebit.DataBind(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string from = txtFrom.Text; string to = txtTo.Text; lblResultCount.Text = ""; DateTime fromDt; DateTime toDt; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(from) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(to)) { fromDt = new DateTime(); toDt = new DateTime(); fromDt = DateTime.ParseExact(from, "dd-MMM-yyyy", null); toDt = DateTime.ParseExact(to, "dd-MMM-yyyy", null); // DateTime fromDt; // DateTime toDt; Double dateDiff = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(from) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(to)) { fromDt = new DateTime(); toDt = new DateTime(); fromDt = DateTime.ParseExact(from, "dd-MMM-yyyy", null); toDt = DateTime.ParseExact(to, "dd-MMM-yyyy", null); dateDiff = (toDt - fromDt).TotalDays; } if (dateDiff >= 3) { btnGenerateExcel_Click(null, null); } if (toDt.CompareTo(fromDt) < 0) { lblSearchMsg.Text = "To date must be later than From date"; grdselfcaredebit.Visible = false; lblSearchMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; return; } else if (Convert.ToDateTime(txtFrom.Text.ToString()) > DateTime.Now.Date) { lblSearchMsg.Text = "You can not select date greater than current date!"; return; } else if (Convert.ToDateTime(txtTo.Text.ToString()) > DateTime.Now.Date) { lblSearchMsg.Text = "You can not select date greater than current date!"; return; } else { lblSearchMsg.Text = ""; grdselfcaredebit.Visible = true; } } Hashtable htTopupParams = getTopupParamsData(); string username, catid, operator_id; if (Session["username"] != null || Session["operator_id"] != null) { username = Session["username"].ToString(); catid = Convert.ToString(Session["category"]); // operator_id = ddlLco.SelectedValue.Split('#')[0].ToString(); //Convert.ToString(Session["operator_id"]); } else { Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); return; } Cls_Business_rptSelfcareDebitReport objTran = new Cls_Business_rptSelfcareDebitReport(); Hashtable htResponse = objTran.GetTransations(htTopupParams, username, catid); //, operator_id DataTable dt = null; //check for exception if (htResponse["htResponse"] != null) { dt = (DataTable)htResponse["htResponse"]; } if (dt == null) { Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx"); return; } //showing parameters string strParams = htResponse["ParamStr"].ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strParams)) { // lblSearchParams.Text = Server.HtmlDecode("<b style='color:#094791;'>Top-up Parameters : </b>" + strParams); lblSearchParams.Text = Server.HtmlDecode("<b style='color:#094791;'></b>" + strParams); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { grdselfcaredebit.Visible = false; lblSearchMsg.Text = "No data found"; } else { btngrnExel.Visible = true; btnGenerateExcel.Visible = true; grdselfcaredebit.Visible = true; lblSearchMsg.Text = ""; ViewState["searched_trans"] = dt; grdselfcaredebit.DataSource = dt; grdselfcaredebit.DataBind(); DivRoot.Style.Add("display", "block"); } }
protected void btnGenerateExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string from = txtFrom.Text; string to = txtTo.Text; lblResultCount.Text = ""; Hashtable htTopupParams = getTopupParamsData(); string username, catid, operator_id; if (Session["username"] != null || Session["operator_id"] != null) { username = Session["username"].ToString(); catid = Convert.ToString(Session["category"]); //operator_id = ddlLco.SelectedValue.Split('#')[0].ToString(); //Convert.ToString(Session["operator_id"]); } else { Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); return; } Cls_Business_rptSelfcareDebitReport objTran = new Cls_Business_rptSelfcareDebitReport(); Hashtable htResponse = objTran.GetTransations(htTopupParams, username, catid); DataTable dt = null; //check for exception if (htResponse["htResponse"] != null) { dt = (DataTable)htResponse["htResponse"]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DateTime dd = DateTime.Now; string datetime = dd.Day + "" + dd.Month + "" + dd.Year + "" + dd.Hour + "" + dd.Minute + "" + dd.Second; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("../MyExcelFile/") + "SelfcareDebit_" + datetime + ".xls"); try { int j = 0; String strheader = "Sr.No." + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Transaction Id" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Receipt No" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Customer Id" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Amount" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Inserted By" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Transaction Date" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "User" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Flag" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Credit" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Deduct Type" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "LCO Code" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "LCO Name" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "Collection Amount" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "LCO GSTN" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "JV GSTN" + Convert.ToChar(9) ; while (j < dt.Rows.Count) { sw.WriteLine(strheader); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { j = j + 1; string strrow = j.ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["num_custpay_transid"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_custpay_receiptno"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_custpay_custid"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["amount"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_custpay_insby"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + "'" + dt.Rows[i]["dat_custpay_transdt"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_custpay_user"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_custpay_page_flag"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_custpay_das_area"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_custpay_deducttype"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_LCOMST_code"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["var_lcomst_name"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["Collection_amount"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["lco_gstn"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) + dt.Rows[i]["jv_gstn"].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(9) ; sw.WriteLine(strrow); } } sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); Response.Write("Error : " + ex.Message.Trim()); return; } Response.Redirect("../MyExcelFile/" + "SelfcareDebit_" + datetime + ".xls"); } } if (dt == null) { Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx"); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { grdselfcaredebit.Visible = false; lblSearchMsg.Text = "No data found"; } else { grdselfcaredebit.Visible = true; lblSearchMsg.Text = ""; ViewState["searched_trans"] = dt; grdselfcaredebit.DataSource = dt; grdselfcaredebit.DataBind(); } }