protected void btnadtolist_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int inc1 = 0; DataTable dsp1 = ClsIp.SelctIpControlMastertblId(); if (dsp1.Rows.Count > 0) { if (rdipright.SelectedIndex == 0) { string str45 = "Select IpControldetailtbl.* from IpControlMastertbl inner join IpControldetailtbl on IpControldetailtbl.IpcontrolId= IpControlMastertbl.IpcontrolId where CID='" + Session["comid"].ToString() + "' and Ipaddress='" + dynip + "' and IpControldetailtbl.Cidwise='True' and Userwise='False' "; SqlCommand cmd45 = new SqlCommand(str45, con); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd45); DataTable ds = new DataTable(); da.Fill(ds); if (ds.Rows.Count > 0) { statuslable.Visible = true; statuslable.Text = "Record already exist"; } else { inc1 = ClsIp.InsertIpAddress(Convert.ToInt32(dsp1.Rows[0]["IpcontrolId"]), Convert.ToBoolean(1), Convert.ToBoolean(0), "0", dynip); statuslable.Visible = true; statuslable.Text = "Record inserted successfully"; } } else { string str45 = "Select IpControldetailtbl.* from IpControlMastertbl inner join IpControldetailtbl on IpControldetailtbl.IpcontrolId= IpControlMastertbl.IpcontrolId where CID='" + Session["comid"].ToString() + "' and Ipaddress='" + dynip + "' and IpControldetailtbl.Cidwise='False' and Userwise='True' and IpControldetailtbl.UserId='" + ddluser.SelectedValue + "' "; SqlCommand cmd45 = new SqlCommand(str45, con); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd45); DataTable ds = new DataTable(); da.Fill(ds); if (ds.Rows.Count > 0) { statuslable.Visible = true; statuslable.Text = "Record already exist"; } else { inc1 = ClsIp.InsertIpAddress(Convert.ToInt32(dsp1.Rows[0]["IpcontrolId"]), Convert.ToBoolean(0), Convert.ToBoolean(1), ddluser.SelectedValue, dynip); statuslable.Visible = true; statuslable.Text = "Record inserted successfully"; } } FillGridView1(); } }
protected void btnaddn0_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int flag = ret(txtIpAddress.Text); int flag1 = ret(txtip1.Text); int flag2 = ret(txtip2.Text); int flag3 = ret(txtip3.Text); int inc = 0; if (flag == 0 && flag1 == 0 && flag2 == 0 && flag3 == 0) { string Ipaddd = txtIpAddress.Text + "." + txtip1.Text + "." + txtip2.Text + "." + txtip3.Text; DataTable dsp = ClsIp.SelctIpControlMastertblId(); if (dsp.Rows.Count > 0) { if (rdipright.SelectedIndex == 0) { inc = ClsIp.InsertIpAddress(Convert.ToInt32(dsp.Rows[0]["IpcontrolId"]), Convert.ToBoolean(1), Convert.ToBoolean(0), "0", Ipaddd); } else if (rdipright.SelectedIndex == 1) { inc = ClsIp.InsertIpAddress(Convert.ToInt32(dsp.Rows[0]["IpcontrolId"]), Convert.ToBoolean(0), Convert.ToBoolean(1), ddluser.SelectedValue, Ipaddd); } if (inc > 0) { SqlDataAdapter daq = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from TBLUserLoginIpRestrictionPreference where userid='" + ddluser.SelectedValue + "' and compid='" + Session["Comid"] + "'", con); DataTable dys = new DataTable(); daq.Fill(dys); if (dys.Rows.Count > 0) { SqlCommand cmf = new SqlCommand("update TBLUserLoginIpRestrictionPreference set MakeIPRestriction='1' where userid='" + ddluser.SelectedValue + "' and compid='" + Session["Comid"] + "' ", con); con.Open(); cmf.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } else { SqlCommand cmf = new SqlCommand("insert into TBLUserLoginIpRestrictionPreference(compid,userid, MakeIPRestriction)values('" + Session["Comid"] + "','" + ddluser.SelectedValue + "','1') ", con); con.Open(); cmf.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } statuslable.Visible = true; statuslable.Text = "Record inserted successfully"; txtIpAddress.Text = ""; txtip1.Text = ""; txtip2.Text = ""; txtip3.Text = ""; txtIpAddress.Focus(); FillGridView1(); } else { statuslable.Visible = true; statuslable.Text = "Record alredy existed"; } } else { statuslable.Visible = true; statuslable.Text = "Record not inserted"; } } else { statuslable.Visible = true; statuslable.Text = "Please enter IP Address range between 0-255 or *"; } }