예제 #1
파일: FrmYbZnSh.cs 프로젝트: Wooyme/HIS-1
        private void btnSupplyLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Cursor = PubStaticFun.WaitCursor();
                string zyh = txtZyh.Text.Trim();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zyh))
                    MessageBox.Show("请输入住院号!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                string strSql = string.Format("select INPATIENT_ID from ZY_INPATIENT where INPATIENT_NO ='{0}' and DEPT_ID='{1}'  ", zyh, InstanceForm.BCurrentDept.DeptId);
                string inp    = "";
                    inp = database.GetDataResult(strSql).ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("未在本科室找到该住院号:" + zyh + " 的病人信息\r" + ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                bool CanAudit = ClsAuditCheck.CheckIsAuditCheck(inp, database);//是否需要智审
                if (!CanAudit)
                    MessageBox.Show("该病人不满足进行智审判断条件", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                if (MessageBox.Show("确认补传 住院号:" + zyh + " 该病人未上传费用吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Cancel)

                string strMsg = "";
                bool   bSuc   = DoVaildYbFee(new DataTable(), 9, 0, new Guid(inp), 0, true, out strMsg);

                if (!bSuc)
                    MessageBox.Show(strMsg, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                MessageBox.Show("补传病人费用成功", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
예제 #2
파일: FrmYbZnSh.cs 프로젝트: Wooyme/HIS-1
        private void btnReLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Cursor = PubStaticFun.WaitCursor();
                string zyh = txtZyh.Text.Trim();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zyh))
                    MessageBox.Show("请输入住院号!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                string strSql = string.Format("select INPATIENT_ID from VI_ZY_VINPATIENT_ALL where INPATIENT_NO ='{0}' and {2}='{1}'  ", zyh, _iYsHs == 0 ? InstanceForm.BCurrentDept.DeptId.ToString() : InstanceForm.BCurrentDept.WardId, _iYsHs == 0 ? "DEPT_ID" : "ward_id");
                string inp    = "";
                    inp = database.GetDataResult(strSql).ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("未在本科室找到该住院号:" + zyh + " 的病人信息\r" + ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                bool CanAudit = ClsAuditCheck.CheckIsAuditCheck(inp, database);//是否需要智审
                if (!CanAudit)
                    MessageBox.Show("该病人不满足进行智审判断条件", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                //当天新开 医嘱预审保存不计费 需要提示
                if (MessageBox.Show("建议执行完所有 今天新开医嘱 后再进行该操作!\r\r是否确认重传住院号:" + zyh + "所有费用?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Cancel)

                DoVaildYbFee(zyh, inp);
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 智审控费接口调用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myTb"></param>
        /// <param name="MNGType"></param>
        /// <param name="Kind"></param>
        /// <param name="BinID"></param>
        /// <param name="BabyID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool DoVaildYbFee(DataTable myTb, int MNGType, int Kind, Guid BinID, long BabyID, out string strMsg)
            BmiAuditClass clsAdtChk = new BmiAuditClass();
            ClsAuditCheck cls       = new ClsAuditCheck(_DataBase);

            strMsg = "";
            string strRet = "";

            string zyh   = "";
            string yblx  = "";
            string ybzlx = "";

                string inAGENCIES_ID = "";
                string ssql          = string.Format("select YBLX,XZLX,INPATIENT_NO from VI_ZY_VINPATIENT_ALL where INPATIENT_ID ='{0}' ", BinID.ToString());
                    DataTable dtInp = _DataBase.GetDataTable(ssql);

                    if (dtInp == null || dtInp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("未找到该住院号的病人信息\r");

                    yblx  = dtInp.Rows[0]["YBLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    ybzlx = dtInp.Rows[0]["XZLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    zyh   = dtInp.Rows[0]["INPATIENT_NO"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (yblx.Equals("1"))
                        inAGENCIES_ID = "1";
                    else if (yblx.Equals("3") && ybzlx.Equals("55"))
                        inAGENCIES_ID = "2";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("未找到该住院号的病人信息\r" + ex.Message);

                //wait to filter myTb
                DataTable dtVal = DoGetValidateFeeInfo();

                DataTable dtFeeDetails = cls.GetPostFeeInfo(dtVal, MNGType, Kind, BinID, BabyID);
                decimal   sum          = 0M;
                DataTable dtDetail     = cls.GetDetailFeeInfo(dtFeeDetails, yblx, ybzlx, out sum);

                if (dtDetail.Rows.Count <= 0)

                DataTable dtMain = ClsAuditCheck.RetAfSetMainInfo(BinID.ToString(), zyh, sum, _DataBase);

                strRet = clsAdtChk.ClaimAudit4Hospital_N(dtMain, dtDetail);

                if (strRet.Equals("0") || strRet.Equals("2"))
                    ///返回: 0:审核失败
                    string err = (strRet.Equals("0") ? "医保智审【审核失败!】" : "医保智审【调用步骤出错!】");
                    err = err + "\r\r返回原因:" + clsAdtChk.l_error_message;
                    throw new Exception(err + "\r\r请手动上传该病人费用到中公网!");
                else if (strRet.Equals("3"))
                    strRet = clsAdtChk.ClaimAudit4Hospital_S(dtMain, dtDetail);
                    string err = (strRet.Equals("0") ? "医保智审【审核失败!】" : "医保智审【调用步骤出错!】");
                    err = err + "\r\r返回原因:" + clsAdtChk.l_error_message;
                    if (strRet.Equals("0") || strRet.Equals("2"))
                        throw new Exception("数据保存成功,上传中公网数据成功! \r\t医保智能审核检测到存在违规数据,请停止违规医嘱,并冲正费用,再手动上传该病人所有费用到中公网!");

                    bool bSc = cls.UpdateScbz(dtDetail);
                    throw new Exception("数据保存成功,上传中公网数据成功," + (bSc ? "成功更新本地标识" : "失败更新本地标识") + "!\r\t医保智能审核检测到存在违规数据,请停止违规医嘱,并冲正费用! \r\t请在 问题数据处理界面 重新查看该医嘱");
                //强制提交是否需要日志记录或者相关信息 wait jchl

                strMsg = "";
                bool bSc1 = cls.UpdateScbz(dtDetail);
                if (!bSc1)
                    throw new Exception("数据保存成功,上传中公网数据成功,失败更新本地标识!请手动上传该病人费用!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                strMsg = "医保智审数据上传错误" + ":" + ex.Message.ToString().Trim();
                myFunc.SaveLog(FrmMdiMain.CurrentDept.DeptId, FrmMdiMain.CurrentUser.EmployeeId, "医保智审", BinID.ToString() + "医保智审数据上传错误" + ":" + ex.Message.ToString().Trim(), 1, 4);
                //wait  log
예제 #4
        private void btsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                DataTable tb = (DataTable)dgvyzxm.DataSource;
                if (tb.Rows.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("没有确认的费用", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return;

                //验证病人的状态,如果出区或结算,不能修改费用 Modify By Tany 2015-06-16
                string    ssql = "select * from zy_inpatient(nolock) where inpatient_id in (select INPATIENT_ID from ZY_ORDERRECORD(nolock) where ORDER_ID='" + order_id + "')";
                DataTable tbpa = _DataBase.GetDataTable(ssql);
                if (tbpa.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (tbpa.Rows[0]["flag"].ToString() == "5" || tbpa.Rows[0]["flag"].ToString() == "2" || tbpa.Rows[0]["flag"].ToString() == "6" || tbpa.Rows[0]["flag"].ToString() == "10")
                        MessageBox.Show("该病人已经定义出院,不能执行该操作!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //Modify by jchl   2016-12-30   不允许医技科室2016-12-31 18:00:00  到  2017-01-01 00:10:00  操作费用
                string _yblx = tbpa.Rows[0]["YBLX"].ToString().Trim();
                if (_yblx.Trim().Equals("1"))
                    DateTime serDate = DateManager.ServerDateTimeByDBType(_DataBase);
                    DateTime dtMin   = DateTime.Parse("2016-12-31 18:00:00");
                    DateTime dtMax   = DateTime.Parse("2017-01-01 00:10:00");
                    if (serDate >= dtMin && serDate <= dtMax)
                        MessageBox.Show("因为年底大调价,根据医院的统一部署安排,12月31日 18点 至 次日0:10分 医保病人不允许操作费用!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                ssql = "select * from zy_fee_speci(nolock) where order_id='" + order_id + "' and delete_bit=0 ";
                DataTable tbfee = _DataBase.GetDataTable(ssql);
                if (tbfee.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (tbfee.Rows[0]["discharge_bit"].ToString() == "1")
                        MessageBox.Show("该费用已结算,不能执行该操作", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    //Modify By Tany 2015-06-16 将这段代码移到外层
                    //ssql = "select * from zy_inpatient(nolock) where inpatient_id='" + tbfee.Rows[0]["inpatient_id"].ToString() + "' ";
                    //tbpa = _DataBase.GetDataTable(ssql);
                    //if (tbpa.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //    //出院病人不能修改费用
                    //    if (tbpa.Rows[0]["flag"].ToString() == "5" || tbpa.Rows[0]["flag"].ToString() == "2" || tbpa.Rows[0]["flag"].ToString() == "6" || tbpa.Rows[0]["flag"].ToString() == "10")
                    //    {
                    //        MessageBox.Show("该病人定义出院,不能执行该操作", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    //        return;
                    //    }

                if (new Guid(Convertor.IsNull(yjqrid, Guid.Empty.ToString())) != Guid.Empty)
                    ssql = "select * from yj_zysq(nolock) where zxid='" + orderexec_id + "' and bscbz=0 and btfbz<>0";
                    DataTable tbtf = _DataBase.GetDataTable(ssql);
                    if (tbtf.Rows.Count > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("该申请有退费信息,请先确认退费信息", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return;

                DataTable tbmx = select.SelectTopFee(new Guid(order_id), _DataBase);
                if (tbmx.Rows.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("没有找到该申请的原记录", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return;

                string sDate = DateManager.ServerDateTimeByDBType(_DataBase).ToString();//登记时间

                Guid inpatient_id = new Guid(tbmx.Rows[0]["inpatient_id"].ToString());
                long baby_id      = Convert.ToInt64(tbmx.Rows[0]["baby_id"]);
                //Guid orderexec_id = new Guid(tbmx.Rows[0]["orderexec_id"].ToString());
                Guid    prescription_id = new Guid(tbmx.Rows[0]["prescription_id"].ToString());
                decimal presc_no        = Convert.ToDecimal(tbmx.Rows[0]["presc_no"].ToString());
                string  presc_date      = Convert.ToString(tbmx.Rows[0]["presc_date"].ToString());
                int     doc_id          = Convert.ToInt32(tbmx.Rows[0]["doc_id"].ToString());
                int     dept_id         = Convert.ToInt32(tbmx.Rows[0]["dept_id"].ToString());
                int     dept_br         = Convert.ToInt32(tbmx.Rows[0]["dept_br"].ToString());
                int     execdept_id     = Convert.ToInt32(tbmx.Rows[0]["execdept_id"].ToString());
                int     dept_ly         = Convert.ToInt32(tbmx.Rows[0]["dept_ly"].ToString());


                    bool    _bok = false;
                    decimal qrje = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= tb.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                        string id      = Convertor.IsNull(tb.Rows[i]["id"], "");
                        string y_cz_id = Convertor.IsNull(tb.Rows[i]["y_cz_id"], "");

                        string delete_bit = Convertor.IsNull(tb.Rows[i]["delete_bit"], "");
                        if (id == "")
                            string  cz_id         = Convertor.IsNull(tb.Rows[i]["cz_id"], "");
                            string  statitem_code = Convert.ToString(tb.Rows[i]["statitem_code"].ToString());
                            long    xmid          = Convert.ToInt64(tb.Rows[i]["xmid"].ToString());
                            string  subcode       = Convert.ToString(tb.Rows[i]["code"].ToString());
                            string  item_name     = Convert.ToString(tb.Rows[i]["name"].ToString());
                            string  unit          = Convert.ToString(tb.Rows[i]["item_unit"].ToString());
                            decimal price         = Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Rows[i]["price"].ToString());
                            decimal num           = Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Rows[i]["num"].ToString());
                            decimal je            = Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Rows[i]["je"].ToString());
                            qrje = qrje + je;
                            Guid   NewID    = Guid.Empty;
                            int    err_code = -1;
                            string err_text = "";
                            yjqr.SaveFee(inpatient_id, baby_id, new Guid(order_id), new Guid(orderexec_id), prescription_id, presc_no, presc_date, sDate, TrasenFrame.Forms.FrmMdiMain.CurrentUser.EmployeeId,
                                         statitem_code, xmid, subcode, item_name, unit, price, num, je, new Guid(Convertor.IsNull(cz_id, Guid.Empty.ToString())), doc_id, dept_id, dept_br, execdept_id, dept_ly, jgbm,
                                         out NewID, out err_code, out err_text, _DataBase);
                            if (err_code != 0 || NewID == Guid.Empty)
                                throw new Exception(err_text);
                            _bok = true;
                        if (delete_bit == "1")
                            decimal je = Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Rows[i]["je"].ToString());
                            qrje = qrje + (-1) * je;
                            yjqr.DeleteFee(new Guid(id), new Guid(Convertor.IsNull(y_cz_id, Guid.Empty.ToString())), _DataBase, new Guid(orderexec_id));

                    ssql = "select * from yj_zysq where zxid='" + orderexec_id + "' and bqsbz=1";
                    DataTable tbbbqs = _DataBase.GetDataTable(ssql);
                    if (tbbbqs.Rows.Count > 0 && new SystemCfg(10011, _DataBase).Config == "1")
                        throw new Exception("该申请标本已签收,不能修改费用");

                    Guid NewQrid = Guid.Empty;
                    if (yjqrid != "" && (qrje != 0 || _bok == true))
                        int       err_code = -1;
                        string    err_text = "";
                        DataTable tbsq     = select.SelectZYSQ(new Guid(yjsqid), _DataBase);
                        if (tbsq.Rows.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("没有找到原申请记录");
                        yjqr.yj_zysq_qrjl(new Guid(order_id), new Guid(orderexec_id), new Guid(yjsqid), qrje, TrasenFrame.Forms.FrmMdiMain.CurrentDept.DeptId,
                                          sDate, TrasenFrame.Forms.FrmMdiMain.CurrentUser.EmployeeId, 0, Convertor.IsNull(tbsq.Rows[0]["jcrq"], ""),
                                          Convert.ToInt32(Convertor.IsNull(tbsq.Rows[0]["jcys"], "0")), "", out NewQrid, out err_code, out err_text, 0, _DataBase);
                        if (err_code != 0 || NewQrid == Guid.Empty)
                            throw new Exception(err_text);
                        btsave.Enabled   = false;
                        btadd.Enabled    = false;
                        btdel.Enabled    = false;
                        btcancel.Enabled = false;


                    #region "医保智审调用"

                        bool CanAudit = ClsAuditCheck.CheckIsAuditCheck(inpatient_id.ToString(), _DataBase);//是否需要智审
                        if (CanAudit)
                            if (baby_id == 0)
                                string strMsg = "";
                                bool   bSuc   = DoVaildYbFee(new DataTable(), 1, 1, inpatient_id, baby_id, out strMsg);
                                if (!bSuc)
                                    MessageBox.Show(strMsg, "警告", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    { }


                    if (NewQrid != Guid.Empty)
                        yjqrid = NewQrid.ToString();
                catch (System.Exception err)
                    throw new Exception(err.Message);
            catch (System.Exception err)
                MessageBox.Show(err.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
예제 #5
파일: FrmYbZnSh.cs 프로젝트: Wooyme/HIS-1
        /// <summary>
        /// 智审控费接口调用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myTb"></param>
        /// <param name="MNGType">全部9</param>
        /// <param name="Kind">所有0</param>
        /// <param name="BinID"></param>
        /// <param name="BabyID">只处理0</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool DoVaildYbFee(DataTable myTb, int MNGType, int Kind, Guid BinID, string zyh, long BabyID, out string strMsg)
            BabyID = 0;//不处理小孩医嘱和费用

            BmiAuditClass clsAdtChk = new BmiAuditClass();
            ClsAuditCheck cls       = new ClsAuditCheck(database);

            strMsg = "";
            string strRet = "";
            //string serr = "0";

            string yblx  = "";
            string ybzlx = "";

                string inAGENCIES_ID = "";
                //string ssql = string.Format("select YBLX,XZLX,INPATIENT_NO from VI_ZY_VINPATIENT_ALL where INPATIENT_ID ='{0}' ", BinID.ToString());
                string ssql = string.Format("select YBLX,XZLX,INPATIENT_NO from ZY_INPATIENT where INPATIENT_ID ='{0}' ", BinID.ToString());
                    DataTable dtInp = database.GetDataTable(ssql);

                    if (dtInp == null || dtInp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("未找到该住院号的病人信息\r");

                    yblx  = dtInp.Rows[0]["YBLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    ybzlx = dtInp.Rows[0]["XZLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    zyh   = dtInp.Rows[0]["INPATIENT_NO"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (yblx.Equals("1"))
                        inAGENCIES_ID = "1";
                    else if (yblx.Equals("3") && ybzlx.Equals("55"))
                        inAGENCIES_ID = "2";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("未找到该住院号的病人信息\r" + ex.Message);

                DataTable dtFeeDetails = GetPostFeeInfo(myTb, MNGType, Kind, BinID, BabyID);
                if (dtFeeDetails.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    //throw new Exception("该病人没有需要上传的费用明细");

                //serr += "2";
                decimal   sum      = 0M;
                DataTable dtDetail = cls.GetDetailFeeInfo(dtFeeDetails, yblx, ybzlx, true, out sum);
                DataTable dtMain   = ClsAuditCheck.RetAfSetMainInfo(BinID.ToString(), zyh, sum, true, database);
                if (dtMain.Rows.Count != 1)
                    //throw new Exception("该病人主单信息不唯一");

                if (dtMain.Rows.Count != 1 || dtDetail.Rows.Count <= 0)

                //serr += "4";
                strRet = clsAdtChk.ClaimAudit4Hospital_S(dtMain, dtDetail);

                if (strRet.Equals("0") || strRet.Equals("2"))
                    ///返回: 0:审核失败
                    string err = (strRet.Equals("0") ? "医保智审【审核失败!】" : "医保智审【调用步骤出错!】");
                    err = err + "\r\r返回原因:" + clsAdtChk.l_error_message;
                    throw new Exception(err + " \r\r请手动上传该病人费用到中公网!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                strMsg = "医保智审数据上传错误" + ":" + ex.Message.ToString().Trim();
                myFunc.SaveLog(FrmMdiMain.CurrentDept.DeptId, FrmMdiMain.CurrentUser.EmployeeId, "医保智审", BinID.ToString() + "医保智审数据上传错误" + ":" + ex.Message.ToString().Trim(), 1, 4);
                //wait  log
예제 #6
파일: FrmYbZnSh.cs 프로젝트: Wooyme/HIS-1
        /// <summary>
        /// 智审控费接口调用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myTb"></param>
        /// <param name="MNGType">全部9</param>
        /// <param name="Kind">所有0</param>
        /// <param name="BinID"></param>
        /// <param name="BabyID">只处理0</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool DoVaildYbFee(DataTable myTb, int MNGType, int Kind, Guid BinID, long BabyID, bool IsDelOrd, out string strMsg)
            BabyID = 0;//不处理小孩医嘱和费用

            BmiAuditClass clsAdtChk = new BmiAuditClass();
            ClsAuditCheck cls       = new ClsAuditCheck(database);

            strMsg = "";
            string strRet = "";

            string yblx  = "";
            string ybzlx = "";
            string zyh   = "";

                string inAGENCIES_ID = "";
                string ssql          = string.Format("select YBLX,XZLX,INPATIENT_NO from VI_ZY_VINPATIENT_ALL where INPATIENT_ID ='{0}' ", BinID.ToString());
                    DataTable dtInp = database.GetDataTable(ssql);

                    if (dtInp == null || dtInp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("未在病人信息\r");

                    yblx  = dtInp.Rows[0]["YBLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    ybzlx = dtInp.Rows[0]["XZLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    zyh   = dtInp.Rows[0]["INPATIENT_NO"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (yblx.Equals("1"))
                        inAGENCIES_ID = "1";
                    else if (yblx.Equals("3") && ybzlx.Equals("55"))
                        inAGENCIES_ID = "2";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("未找到该住院号的病人信息\r" + ex.Message);

                if (IsDelOrd)
                    //wait to filter myTb
                    DataTable dtVal = DoGetValidateFeeInfo(myTb, MNGType, Kind);

                    //当天首次执行的医嘱   与开单时自动上传的未计费医嘱当天重复   需删除开单上传的费用
                    DataTable dtDel = cls.GetNoneFeeOrdInfo(dtVal, MNGType, Kind, BinID, BabyID);
                    if (dtDel != null && dtDel.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtDel.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string ordId = dtDel.Rows[i]["order_id"].ToString();

                            strRet = clsAdtChk.deleteDetail4Hospital(BinID.ToString(), ordId, inAGENCIES_ID);

                            if (strRet.Trim().Equals("0"))
                                //日志记录wait log
                                myFunc.SaveLog(FrmMdiMain.CurrentDept.DeptId, FrmMdiMain.CurrentUser.EmployeeId, "医保智审", "删除医嘱明细--病人:" + BinID.ToString() + "  医嘱:" + ordId + "  返回结果:" + strRet, 1, 4);

                DataTable dtFeeDetails = cls.GetPostFeeInfo(myTb, MNGType, Kind, BinID, BabyID);
                decimal   sum          = 0M;
                DataTable dtDetail     = cls.GetDetailFeeInfo(dtFeeDetails, yblx, ybzlx, out sum);

                DataTable dtMain = ClsAuditCheck.RetAfSetMainInfo(BinID.ToString(), zyh, sum, database);

                strRet = clsAdtChk.ClaimAudit4Hospital_N(dtMain, dtDetail);

                if (strRet.Equals("0") || strRet.Equals("2"))
                    ///返回: 0:审核失败
                    string err = (strRet.Equals("0") ? "医保智审【审核失败!】" : "医保智审【调用步骤出错!】");
                    err = err + "\r\r返回原因:" + clsAdtChk.l_error_message;
                    throw new Exception(err + " \r\r请手动上传该病人费用到中公网!");
                else if (strRet.Equals("3"))
                    strRet = clsAdtChk.ClaimAudit4Hospital_S(dtMain, dtDetail);
                    string err = (strRet.Equals("0") ? "医保智审【审核失败!】" : "医保智审【调用步骤出错!】");
                    err = err + "\r\r返回原因:" + clsAdtChk.l_error_message;
                    if (strRet.Equals("0") || strRet.Equals("2"))
                        throw new Exception("数据保存成功,上传中公网数据成功! \r\r 医保智能审核检测到存在违规数据,请停止违规医嘱,并冲正费用,再手动上传该病人所有费用到中公网!");

                    bool bSc = cls.UpdateScbz(dtDetail);
                    throw new Exception("数据保存成功,上传中公网数据成功," + (bSc ? "成功更新本地标识" : "失败更新本地标识") + "!\r\r医保智能审核检测到存在违规数据,请停止违规医嘱,并冲正费用! \r\r请在 住院医保费用重审界面通过违规查询功能 重新查看违规明细!");
                //强制提交是否需要日志记录或者相关信息 wait jchl

                strMsg = "";
                bool bSc1 = cls.UpdateScbz(dtDetail);
                if (!bSc1)
                    throw new Exception("数据保存成功,上传中公网数据成功,失败更新本地标识!请手动上传该病人费用!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                strMsg = "医保智审" + ":" + ex.Message.ToString().Trim();
                myFunc.SaveLog(FrmMdiMain.CurrentDept.DeptId, FrmMdiMain.CurrentUser.EmployeeId, "医保智审", BinID.ToString() + "医保智审数据上传错误" + ":" + ex.Message.ToString().Trim(), 1, 4);
                //wait  log
예제 #7
파일: FrmYbZnSh.cs 프로젝트: Wooyme/HIS-1
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除上传费用,重置上传标志[]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inpId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool DoDelInpFeeInfo(string inpId)
            BmiAuditClass clsAdtChk = new BmiAuditClass();

                string inAGENCIES_ID = "";
                string ssql          = string.Format("select YBLX,XZLX,INPATIENT_NO from VI_ZY_VINPATIENT_ALL where INPATIENT_ID ='{0}' ", inpId);
                string yblx          = "";
                string ybzlx         = "";
                string impNo         = "";

                string mainID = "";
                    DataTable dtInp = database.GetDataTable(ssql);

                    if (dtInp == null || dtInp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("未找到该住院号的病人信息\r");

                    yblx  = dtInp.Rows[0]["YBLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    ybzlx = dtInp.Rows[0]["XZLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    impNo = dtInp.Rows[0]["INPATIENT_NO"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (yblx.Equals("1"))
                        inAGENCIES_ID = "1";
                        mainID        = inpId;
                    else if (yblx.Equals("3") && ybzlx.Equals("55"))
                        inAGENCIES_ID = "2";

                        DataTable dtYbDjInfo = ClsAuditCheck.GetOldYbdjInfo(impNo, yblx, ybzlx, database);
                        mainID = dtYbDjInfo.Rows[0]["akc190"] == null ? "" : dtYbDjInfo.Rows[0]["akc190"].ToString().Trim();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("未找到该住院号的病人信息\r" + ex.Message);

                string sRet = clsAdtChk.deleteClaim4Hospital(mainID, inAGENCIES_ID);
                //string sRet = "1";

                if (sRet.Trim().Equals("0"))
                    throw new Exception("重审删除主单数据返回出错!");
                else if (sRet.Trim().Equals("1") || sRet.Trim().Equals("2"))
                    //先清除主单,再更新标志,会多传一部分费用【就控费来说:比先更新标志,在清除主单 少传数据好】
                    string strSql = string.Format(@"update ZY_YBZNSH_Info set scbz=0 where inpatient_id='{0}' ", inpId);
                    int    iRet   = database.DoCommand(strSql);

                    if (iRet > 0)
                        //记录重审 重置上传标志位 的数据行【并行操作 可能实际上传数据行多于实际数据行 】
                        myFunc.SaveLog(FrmMdiMain.CurrentDept.DeptId, FrmMdiMain.CurrentUser.EmployeeId, "医保智审", inpId + " 重审重置上传标志返回数据行【" + iRet + "行】", 1, 4);
                        throw new Exception(" 重审重置上传标志返回数据行【" + iRet + "行】");

                return(true);//1:成功 0:失败
            catch (Exception ex)
                myFunc.SaveLog(FrmMdiMain.CurrentDept.DeptId, FrmMdiMain.CurrentUser.EmployeeId, "医保智审", inpId + " 删除重传操作错误:" + ex.Message, 1, 4);
                MessageBox.Show("医保智审-- 删除重传操作错误:" + ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
예제 #8
파일: FrmYbZnSh.cs 프로젝트: Wooyme/HIS-1
        private void btnReCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Cursor = PubStaticFun.WaitCursor();
            BmiAuditClass clsAdtChk = new BmiAuditClass();

                string zyh = txtZyh.Text.Trim();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zyh))
                    MessageBox.Show("请输入住院号!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                string strSql = string.Format("select INPATIENT_ID,YBLX,XZLX from VI_ZY_VINPATIENT_ALL where INPATIENT_NO ='{0}' and {2}='{1}'  ", zyh, _iYsHs == 0 ? InstanceForm.BCurrentDept.DeptId.ToString() : InstanceForm.BCurrentDept.WardId, _iYsHs == 0 ? "DEPT_ID" : "ward_id");
                string inp    = "";
                string yblx   = "";
                string ybzlx  = "";

                string mainID = "";
                    DataTable dtInp = database.GetDataTable(strSql);

                    if (dtInp == null || dtInp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("未在本科室找到该住院号:" + zyh + " 的病人信息\r");

                    inp   = dtInp.Rows[0]["INPATIENT_ID"].ToString().Trim();
                    yblx  = dtInp.Rows[0]["YBLX"].ToString().Trim();
                    ybzlx = dtInp.Rows[0]["XZLX"].ToString().Trim();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("未在本科室找到该住院号:" + zyh + " 的病人信息\r" + ex.Message);

                bool CanAudit = ClsAuditCheck.CheckIsAuditCheck(inp, database);//是否需要智审
                if (!CanAudit)
                    MessageBox.Show("该病人不满足进行智审判断条件", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                string inAGENCIES_ID = "";
                if (yblx.Equals("1"))
                    inAGENCIES_ID = "1";

                    mainID = inp;
                else if (yblx.Equals("3") && ybzlx.Equals("55"))
                    inAGENCIES_ID = "2";

                    DataTable dtYbDjInfo = ClsAuditCheck.GetOldYbdjInfo(zyh, yblx, ybzlx, database);
                    mainID = dtYbDjInfo.Rows[0]["akc190"] == null ? "" : dtYbDjInfo.Rows[0]["akc190"].ToString().Trim();

                //inAGENCIES_ID :保险ID 1市直医保 2省直医保
                string sRet = clsAdtChk.ReCheckLoadInfo(mainID, inAGENCIES_ID);

                if (sRet.Trim().Equals("0"))
                    MessageBox.Show("审核返回错误,请重新操作!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                else if (sRet.Trim().Equals("1"))
                    MessageBox.Show("已上传费用审核通过", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("审核出错" + ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;