private static string ObjectToWqlLiteral(object o) { if (LanguagePrimitives.IsNull(o)) { return("null"); // based on an example at } o = CimValueConverter.ConvertFromDotNetToCim(o); PSObject pso = PSObject.AsPSObject(o); Type type = pso.BaseObject.GetType(); TypeCode typeCode = LanguagePrimitives.GetTypeCode(type); if (typeCode == TypeCode.String) { string s = o.ToString(); s = s.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); s = s.Replace("'", "\\'"); return("'" + s + "'"); } if (typeCode == TypeCode.Char) { return(ObjectToWqlLiteral(LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(o, typeof(string), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } if (typeCode == TypeCode.DateTime) { var dateTime = (DateTime)LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(o, typeof(DateTime), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string result = ClrFacade.ToDmtfDateTime(dateTime); return("'" + result + "'"); } if (type == typeof(TimeSpan)) { // WMIv1 does not support using interval literals in a WQL query return(null); } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsNumeric(typeCode)) { return((string)LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(o, typeof(string), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (LanguagePrimitives.IsBooleanType(type)) { if ((bool)LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(o, typeof(bool), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { return("TRUE"); // based on } return("FALSE"); // based on } throw CimValueConverter.GetInvalidCastException( null, /* inner exception */ "InvalidCimQueryCast", o, CmdletizationResources.CimConversion_WqlQuery); }
public void TestParamsLengthZero() { var obj = new MyTestClass(); // Check that passing no parameters to the 'params' parameter (empty array) works var result = ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "UniqueNameStrStrParams", new[] { "", "" }); // However, if it means that there are more than one candidate methods: Assert.Throws <AmbiguousMatchException>(() => { ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "StringSameNameParams", new[] { "" }); }); }
private bool IsLocalFile(string filename) { SecurityZone zone = ClrFacade.GetFileSecurityZone(filename); if (zone == SecurityZone.MyComputer || zone == SecurityZone.Intranet || zone == SecurityZone.Trusted) { return(true); } return(false); }
internal void Copy(SecureString source, int offset) { IntPtr plainTextString = ClrFacade.SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(source); try { unsafe { Copy((char *)plainTextString, offset, source.Length); } } finally { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(plainTextString); } }
private Assembly ResolveAssemblyNameInLoadedAssemblies(string assemblyName, bool fullName) { Assembly result = null; #if false // This should be re-enabled once the default assembly list contains the // assemblies referenced by the S.M.A.dll. // First we need to get the execution context from thread-local storage. ExecutionContext context = System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS(); if (context != null) { context.AssemblyCache.GetAtKey(assemblyName, out result); } #else foreach (Assembly a in ClrFacade.GetAssemblies()) { AssemblyName aName = null; try { aName = a.GetName(); } catch (System.Security.SecurityException) { continue; } string nameToCompare = fullName ? aName.FullName : aName.Name; if (string.Equals(nameToCompare, assemblyName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return(a); } } #endif return(result); }
internal static void Compile(EnumMetadataEnum enumMetadata) { string fullEnumName = GetEnumFullName(enumMetadata); Type underlyingType; if (enumMetadata.UnderlyingType != null) { underlyingType = (Type)LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(enumMetadata.UnderlyingType, typeof(Type), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { underlyingType = typeof(Int32); } ModuleBuilder mb = s_moduleBuilder.Value; EnumBuilder eb; lock (s_moduleBuilderUsageLock) { eb = mb.DefineEnum(fullEnumName, TypeAttributes.Public, underlyingType); } if (enumMetadata.BitwiseFlagsSpecified && enumMetadata.BitwiseFlags) { var cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder(typeof(FlagsAttribute).GetConstructor(PSTypeExtensions.EmptyTypes), new object[0]); eb.SetCustomAttribute(cab); } foreach (var value in enumMetadata.Value) { string name = value.Name; object integerValue = LanguagePrimitives.ConvertTo(value.Value, underlyingType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); eb.DefineLiteral(name, integerValue); } ClrFacade.CreateEnumType(eb); }
public void TestOptionalParametersMethodInvocation() { // TODO tighter checks. Start with: it does not bomb... var obj = new MyTestClass(); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "OptionalInt", new object[] { }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "OptionalInt", new object[] { 3 }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "IntOptionalInt", new object[] { 3 }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "IntOptionalInt", new object[] { 3, 5 }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "DoubleOptionalInt", new object[] { 3.0 }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "DoubleOptionalInt", new object[] { 3.0, 5 }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "DoubleOptionalIntDoubleString", new object[] { 3.0, 5, 4.5, "blah" }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "DoubleOptionalIntDoubleString", new object[] { 3.0, 5, 4.5 }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "DoubleOptionalIntDoubleString", new object[] { 3.0, 5 }); ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "DoubleOptionalIntDoubleString", new object[] { 3.0 }); Assert.Equal("LevelOneClass", ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "OptionalArgsMatch", new object[] { new LevelOneClass() })); Assert.Equal("LevelTwoClass", ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "OptionalArgsMatch", new object[] { new LevelTwoClass() })); Assert.Equal("IMyInterface", ClrFacade.CallInstanceMethod(obj, "OptionalArgsMatch", new object[] { new OtherLevelOneClass() })); }
/// <summary> /// Decode class or struct. /// </summary> private static object DecodeClassOrStruct(PSObject psObject, Type type) { object obj = ClrFacade.GetUninitializedObject(type); // Field values cannot be null - because for null fields we simply don't transport them. foreach (PSPropertyInfo propertyInfo in psObject.Properties) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField(propertyInfo.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (propertyInfo.Value == null) { throw RemoteHostExceptions.NewDecodingFailedException(); } object fieldValue = DecodeObject(propertyInfo.Value, fieldInfo.FieldType); if (fieldValue == null) { throw RemoteHostExceptions.NewDecodingFailedException(); } fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, fieldValue); } return(obj); }
internal static byte[] GetData(SecureString s) { // // each unicode char is 2 bytes. // byte[] data = new byte[s.Length * 2]; if (s.Length > 0) { IntPtr ptr = ClrFacade.SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(s); try { Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length); } finally { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(ptr); } } return(data); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="powerShellVersion"></param> /// <param name="credential"></param> /// <param name="initializationScript"></param> /// <param name="useWow64"></param> public PowerShellProcessInstance(Version powerShellVersion, PSCredential credential, ScriptBlock initializationScript, bool useWow64) { string psWow64Path = s_PSExePath; if (useWow64) { string procArch = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"); if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(procArch)) && (procArch.Equals("amd64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || procArch.Equals("ia64", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { psWow64Path = s_PSExePath.ToLowerInvariant().Replace("\\system32\\", "\\syswow64\\"); if (!File.Exists(psWow64Path)) { string message = PSRemotingErrorInvariants.FormatResourceString( RemotingErrorIdStrings.IPCWowComponentNotPresent, psWow64Path); throw new PSInvalidOperationException(message); } } } string processArguments = string.Empty; // Adding Version parameter to powershell.exe // Version parameter needs to go before all other parameters because the native layer looks for Version or // PSConsoleFile parameters before parsing other parameters. // The other parameters get parsed in the managed layer. Version tempVersion = powerShellVersion ?? PSVersionInfo.PSVersion; processArguments = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "-Version {0}", new Version(tempVersion.Major, tempVersion.Minor)); processArguments = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} -s -NoLogo -NoProfile", processArguments); if (initializationScript != null) { string scripBlockAsString = initializationScript.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scripBlockAsString)) { string encodedCommand = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(scripBlockAsString)); processArguments = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} -EncodedCommand {1}", processArguments, encodedCommand); } } // 'WindowStyle' is used only if 'UseShellExecute' is 'true'. Since 'UseShellExecute' is set // to 'false' in our use, we can ignore the 'WindowStyle' setting in the initialization below. _startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = useWow64 ? psWow64Path : s_PSExePath, Arguments = processArguments, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardInput = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true, LoadUserProfile = true, }; if (credential != null) { Net.NetworkCredential netCredential = credential.GetNetworkCredential(); _startInfo.UserName = netCredential.UserName; _startInfo.Domain = string.IsNullOrEmpty(netCredential.Domain) ? "." : netCredential.Domain; #if CORECLR _startInfo.PasswordInClearText = ClrFacade.ConvertSecureStringToString(credential.Password); #else _startInfo.Password = credential.Password; #endif } Process = new Process { StartInfo = _startInfo, EnableRaisingEvents = true }; }
} // ProcessRecord private string GetFilePath() { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_fileName)) { if (InvocationExtent == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(InvocationExtent.File)) { throw PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(ImportLocalizedDataStrings.NotCalledFromAScriptFile); } } string dir = _baseDirectory; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { if (InvocationExtent != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(InvocationExtent.File)) { dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(InvocationExtent.File); } else { dir = "."; } } dir = PathUtils.ResolveFilePath(dir, this); string fileName = _fileName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { fileName = InvocationExtent.File; } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName))) { throw PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException(ImportLocalizedDataStrings.FileNameParameterCannotHavePath); } } fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); CultureInfo culture = null; if (_uiculture == null) { culture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture; } else { try { culture = ClrFacade.GetCultureInfo(_uiculture); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("Culture"); } } CultureInfo currentCulture = culture; string filePath; string fullFileName = fileName + ".psd1"; while (currentCulture != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentCulture.Name)) { filePath = Path.Combine(dir, currentCulture.Name, fullFileName); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { return(filePath); } currentCulture = currentCulture.Parent; } filePath = Path.Combine(dir, fullFileName); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { return(filePath); } InvalidOperationException ioe = PSTraceSource.NewInvalidOperationException( ImportLocalizedDataStrings.CannotFindPsd1File, fullFileName, Path.Combine(dir, culture.Name) ); WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ioe, "ImportLocalizedData", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, Path.Combine(dir, culture.Name, fullFileName))); return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Get the path of reference assembly where the type is declared. /// </summary> private static string GetReferenceAssemblyPathBasedOnType(Type type) { string refAsmFileName = PathType.GetFileName(ClrFacade.GetAssemblies(type.FullName).First().Location); return(PathType.Combine(s_netcoreAppRefFolder, refAsmFileName)); }
#pragma warning restore 1573 #else public int Start(string consoleFilePath, string[] args) #endif { #if !CORECLR // For long-path support, Full .NET requires some AppContext switches; // (for CoreCLR this is Not needed, because CoreCLR supports long paths by default) // internally in .NET they are cached once retrieved and are typically hit very early during an application run; // so per .NET team's recommendation, we are setting them as soon as we enter managed code. EnableLongPathsInDotNetIfAvailable(); #endif System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.EarlyStartup.Init(); // Set ETW activity Id Guid activityId = EtwActivity.GetActivityId(); if (activityId == Guid.Empty) { EtwActivity.SetActivityId(EtwActivity.CreateActivityId()); } PSEtwLog.LogOperationalInformation(PSEventId.Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStart, PSOpcode.WinStart, PSTask.PowershellConsoleStartup, PSKeyword.UseAlwaysOperational); #if !CORECLR // Register crash reports in non-server mode WindowsErrorReporting.RegisterWindowsErrorReporting(false); #endif try { // Windows Vista and later support non-traditional UI fallback ie., a // user on an Arabic machine can choose either French or English(US) as // UI fallback language. // CLR does not support this (non-traditional) fallback mechanism. // The currentUICulture returned NativeCultureResolver supports this non // traditional fallback on Vista. So it is important to set currentUICulture // in the beginning before we do anything. ClrFacade.SetCurrentThreadUiCulture(NativeCultureResolver.UICulture); ClrFacade.SetCurrentThreadCulture(NativeCultureResolver.Culture); RunspaceConfigForSingleShell configuration = null; PSConsoleLoadException warning = null; // PSSnapInException will cause the control to return back to the native code // and stuff the EXCEPINFO field with the message of the exception. // The native code will print this out and exit the process. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(consoleFilePath)) { #if DEBUG // Special switches for debug mode to allow self-hosting on InitialSessionState instead // of runspace configuration... if (args.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0]) && args[0].Equals("-iss", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ConsoleHost.DefaultInitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2(); configuration = null; } else if (args.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0]) && args[0].Equals("-isswait", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine("Attach the debugger and hit enter to continue:"); Console.ReadLine(); ConsoleHost.DefaultInitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2(); configuration = null; } else { ConsoleHost.DefaultInitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2(); configuration = null; } #else ConsoleHost.DefaultInitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault2(); configuration = null; #endif } else { //TODO : Deprecate RunspaceConfiguration and use InitialSessionState configuration = RunspaceConfigForSingleShell.Create(consoleFilePath, out warning); } int exitCode = 0; try { #if CORECLR var banner = ManagedEntranceStrings.ShellBannerNonWindowsPowerShell; #else var banner = ManagedEntranceStrings.ShellBanner; #endif exitCode = Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleShell.Start( configuration, banner, ManagedEntranceStrings.ShellHelp, warning == null ? null : warning.Message, args); } catch (System.Management.Automation.Host.HostException e) { if (e.InnerException != null && e.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)) { System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception win32e = e.InnerException as System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception; // These exceptions are caused by killing conhost.exe // 1236, network connection aborted by local system // 0x6, invalid console handle if (win32e.NativeErrorCode == 0x6 || win32e.NativeErrorCode == 1236) { return(exitCode); } } #if CORECLR System.Environment.FailFast(e.Message); #else WindowsErrorReporting.FailFast(e); #endif } catch (Exception e) { #if CORECLR System.Management.Automation.Environment.FailFast(e.Message); #else // exceptions caught here should cause Watson. // Must call FailFast; otherwise the exception will be returned to the native code // which will just print out the exception message without Watson WindowsErrorReporting.FailFast(e); #endif } return(exitCode); } finally { #if !CORECLR WindowsErrorReporting.WaitForPendingReports(); #endif } }
internal bool EnableTransportManagerSendDataToClient( WSManNativeApi.WSManPluginRequest requestDetails, WSManPluginOperationShutdownContext ctxtToReport) { _shutDownContext = ctxtToReport; bool isRegisterWaitForSingleObjectSucceeded = true; lock (_syncObject) { if (_isRequestPending) { // if a request is already pending..ignore this. WSManPluginInstance.ReportWSManOperationComplete( requestDetails, WSManPluginErrorCodes.NoError); return false; } if (_isClosed) { WSManPluginInstance.ReportWSManOperationComplete(requestDetails, _lastErrorReported); return false; } _isRequestPending = true; _requestDetails = requestDetails; if (Platform.IsWindows) { // Wrap the provided handle so it can be passed to the registration function SafeWaitHandle safeWaitHandle = new SafeWaitHandle(requestDetails.shutdownNotificationHandle, false); // Owned by WinRM EventWaitHandle eventWaitHandle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset); ClrFacade.SetSafeWaitHandle(eventWaitHandle, safeWaitHandle); _registeredShutDownWaitHandle = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject( eventWaitHandle, new WaitOrTimerCallback(WSManPluginManagedEntryWrapper.PSPluginOperationShutdownCallback), _shutDownContext, -1, // INFINITE true); // TODO: Do I need to worry not being able to set missing WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION? if (null == _registeredShutDownWaitHandle) { isRegisterWaitForSingleObjectSucceeded = false; } } // release thread waiting to send data to the client. _waitHandle.Set(); } if (!isRegisterWaitForSingleObjectSucceeded) { WSManPluginInstance.PerformCloseOperation(ctxtToReport); WSManPluginInstance.ReportOperationComplete( requestDetails, WSManPluginErrorCodes.ShutdownRegistrationFailed, StringUtil.Format( RemotingErrorIdStrings.WSManPluginShutdownRegistrationFailed)); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of the FileSystemContentStream class, opens /// the specified file for reading, and returns the IContentReader interface /// to it. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"> /// The path of the file to be opened for reading. /// </param> /// <returns> /// An IContentReader for the specified file. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"> /// path is null or empty. /// </exception> public IContentReader GetContentReader(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("path"); } path = NormalizePath(path); // Defaults for the file read operation string delimiter = "\n"; // Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default; Encoding encoding = ClrFacade.GetDefaultEncoding(); bool streamTypeSpecified = false; bool usingByteEncoding = false; bool delimiterSpecified = false; bool isRawStream = false; // Get the dynamic parameters. // They override the defaults specified above. if (DynamicParameters != null) { StreamContentReaderDynamicParameters dynParams = DynamicParameters as StreamContentReaderDynamicParameters; if (dynParams != null) { // -raw is not allowed when -first,-last or -wait is specified // this call will validate that and throws. ValidateParameters(dynParams.Raw); isRawStream = dynParams.Raw; // Get the delimiter delimiterSpecified = dynParams.DelimiterSpecified; if (delimiterSpecified) { delimiter = dynParams.Delimiter; } // Get the stream type usingByteEncoding = dynParams.AsByteStream; streamTypeSpecified = dynParams.WasStreamTypeSpecified; if (usingByteEncoding && streamTypeSpecified) { WriteWarning(FileSystemProviderStrings.EncodingNotUsed); } if (streamTypeSpecified) { encoding = dynParams.Encoding; } } } StreamContentReaderWriter stream = null; ZipFileItemInfo archiveFile = GetItemHelper(path); //Archive.FileStream archiveStream = archiveFile.Open(FileMode.Append); try { // Users can't both read as bytes, and specify a delimiter if (delimiterSpecified) { if (usingByteEncoding) { Exception e = new ArgumentException(FileSystemProviderStrings.DelimiterError, "delimiter"); WriteError(new ErrorRecord( e, "GetContentReaderArgumentError", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path)); } else { //Console.WriteLine("Get-Content : Delimiter"); stream = new ZipFileContentStream(archiveFile, FileMode.Append, delimiter, encoding, usingByteEncoding, this, isRawStream); } } else { //Console.WriteLine("Get-Content : Default"); stream = new ZipFileContentStream(archiveFile, FileMode.Append, encoding, usingByteEncoding, this, isRawStream); } } catch (PathTooLongException pathTooLong) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(pathTooLong, "GetContentReaderPathTooLongError", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFound) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(fileNotFound, "GetContentReaderFileNotFoundError", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, path)); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException directoryNotFound) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(directoryNotFound, "GetContentReaderDirectoryNotFoundError", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, path)); } catch (ArgumentException argException) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(argException, "GetContentReaderArgumentError", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path)); } catch (IOException ioException) { // IOException contains specific message about the error occured and so no need for errordetails. WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ioException, "GetContentReaderIOError", ErrorCategory.ReadError, path)); } catch (System.Security.SecurityException securityException) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(securityException, "GetContentReaderSecurityError", ErrorCategory.PermissionDenied, path)); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException unauthorizedAccess) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(unauthorizedAccess, "GetContentReaderUnauthorizedAccessError", ErrorCategory.PermissionDenied, path)); } catch (Exception e) { WriteError( new ErrorRecord(e, "Unhandled Error", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path) ); } if (stream == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid stream"); } return(stream); }
/// <summary> /// Load an assembly given its byte stream /// </summary> /// <param name="assembly">The byte stream of assembly</param> /// <returns>The loaded assembly</returns> public static Assembly LoadFrom(Stream assembly) { return(ClrFacade.LoadFrom(assembly)); }
public void TestMethodBindingOptionalParameters() { var tname = typeof(TestMethodBinding).FullName; int anInt = 1; double aDouble = Math.PI; object anObject = new Object(); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anObject, anObject, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anObject, anObject, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anObject, anObject, anObject, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anObject, anObject, anObject, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anObject, anObject, anInt, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anObject, anObject, anInt, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anObject, anObject, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anObject, anObject, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anObject, anInt, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anObject, anInt, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anObject, anInt, anObject, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anObject, anInt, anObject, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anObject, anInt, anInt, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anObject, anInt, anInt, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anObject, anInt, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anObject, anInt, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anInt, anObject, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anInt, anObject, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anInt, anObject, anObject, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anInt, anObject, anObject, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anInt, anObject, anInt, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anInt, anObject, anInt, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anInt, anObject, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anInt, anObject, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anInt, anInt, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anInt, anInt, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anInt, anInt, anObject, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anInt, anInt, anObject, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anInt, anInt, anInt, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anInt, anInt, anInt, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anObject, anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anObject, anObject, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anObject, anObject, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anObject, anObject, anObject, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anObject, anObject, anObject, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anObject, anObject, anInt, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anObject, anObject, anInt, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anObject, anObject, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anObject, anObject, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anObject, anInt, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anObject, anInt, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anObject, anInt, anObject, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anObject, anInt, anObject, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anObject, anInt, anInt, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anObject, anInt, anInt, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anObject, anInt, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anObject, anInt, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anObject, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anObject, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anObject, anObject, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anObject, anObject, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anObject, anInt, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anObject, anInt, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anObject, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anObject, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anInt, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anInt, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anInt, anObject, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anInt, anObject, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, anInt, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, anInt, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, aDouble, anInt, aDouble, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, aDouble, anInt, aDouble, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, aDouble, anInt, aDouble, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, aDouble, anInt, aDouble, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, aDouble, anInt, anInt, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, aDouble, anInt, anInt, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, aDouble, anInt, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, aDouble, anInt, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, anInt, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, anInt, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, anInt, aDouble, aDouble, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, anInt, aDouble, aDouble, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, anInt, aDouble, anInt, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, anInt, aDouble, anInt, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, anInt, aDouble, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, anInt, aDouble, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, anInt, anInt, aDouble, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, anInt, anInt, aDouble, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, anInt, anInt, aDouble, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, anInt, anInt, aDouble, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, anInt, anInt, anInt, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, anInt, anInt, anInt, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(aDouble, anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { aDouble, anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, aDouble, aDouble, anInt, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, aDouble, aDouble, anInt, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, aDouble, aDouble, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, aDouble, aDouble, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, aDouble, anInt, aDouble, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, aDouble, anInt, aDouble, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, aDouble, anInt, aDouble, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, aDouble, anInt, aDouble, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, aDouble, anInt, anInt, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, aDouble, anInt, anInt, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, aDouble, anInt, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, aDouble, anInt, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, aDouble, aDouble, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, aDouble, aDouble, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, aDouble, aDouble, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, aDouble, anInt, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, aDouble, anInt, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, aDouble, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, aDouble, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anInt, aDouble, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anInt, aDouble, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anInt, aDouble, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anInt, aDouble, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt, aDouble), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt, aDouble })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.SomeMethodWithVarArgs(anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "SomeMethodWithVarArgs", new object[] { anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt, anInt })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.MultipleMatchVarArgs(anObject, new LevelOneClass(), anObject, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "MultipleMatchVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, new LevelOneClass(), anObject, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Equal( TestMethodBinding.MultipleMatchVarArgs(anObject, new LevelTwoClass(), anObject, anObject, anObject), ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "MultipleMatchVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, new LevelTwoClass(), anObject, anObject, anObject })); Assert.Throws <AmbiguousMatchException>( () => { ClrFacade.CallStaticMethod(tname, "MultipleMatchVarArgs", new object[] { anObject, new LevelThreeClass(), anObject, anObject, anObject }); }); }
private Assembly LoadMshSnapinAssembly(PSSnapInInfo mshsnapinInfo) { Assembly assembly = null; s_mshsnapinTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly from GAC. Assembly Name: {0}", mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName); try { // WARNING: DUPLICATE CODE see InitialSessionState assembly = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName(mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName)); } catch (FileLoadException e) { s_mshsnapinTracer.TraceWarning("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message); } catch (BadImageFormatException e) { s_mshsnapinTracer.TraceWarning("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { s_mshsnapinTracer.TraceWarning("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message); } if (assembly != null) { return(assembly); } s_mshsnapinTracer.WriteLine("Loading assembly from path: {0}", mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName); try { AssemblyName assemblyName = ClrFacade.GetAssemblyName(mshsnapinInfo.AbsoluteModulePath); if (string.Compare(assemblyName.FullName, mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { string message = StringUtil.Format(ConsoleInfoErrorStrings.PSSnapInAssemblyNameMismatch, mshsnapinInfo.AbsoluteModulePath, mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName); s_mshsnapinTracer.TraceError(message); throw new PSSnapInException(mshsnapinInfo.Name, message); } assembly = ClrFacade.LoadFrom(mshsnapinInfo.AbsoluteModulePath); } catch (FileLoadException e) { s_mshsnapinTracer.TraceError("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message); throw new PSSnapInException(mshsnapinInfo.Name, e.Message); } catch (BadImageFormatException e) { s_mshsnapinTracer.TraceError("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message); throw new PSSnapInException(mshsnapinInfo.Name, e.Message); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { s_mshsnapinTracer.TraceError("Not able to load assembly {0}: {1}", mshsnapinInfo.AssemblyName, e.Message); throw new PSSnapInException(mshsnapinInfo.Name, e.Message); } return(assembly); }
/// <summary> /// Process a single module with a given culture /// </summary> /// <param name="module">module to process</param> /// <param name="culture">culture to use</param> /// <returns>true if the module has been processed, false if not</returns> internal override bool ProcessModuleWithCulture(UpdatableHelpModuleInfo module, string culture) { UpdatableHelpInfo currentHelpInfo = null; UpdatableHelpInfo newHelpInfo = null; string helpInfoUri = null; // reading the xml file even if force is specified // Reason: we need the current version for ShouldProcess string xml = UpdatableHelpSystem.LoadStringFromPath(this, SessionState.Path.Combine(module.ModuleBase, module.GetHelpInfoName()), null); if (xml != null) { // constructing the helpinfo object from previous update help log xml.. // no need to resolve the uri's in this case. currentHelpInfo = _helpSystem.CreateHelpInfo(xml, module.ModuleName, module.ModuleGuid, currentCulture: null, pathOverride: null, verbose: false, shouldResolveUri: false, // ignore validation exception if _force is true ignoreValidationException: _force); } // Don't update too frequently if (!_alreadyCheckedOncePerDayPerModule && !CheckOncePerDayPerModule(module.ModuleName, module.ModuleBase, module.GetHelpInfoName(), DateTime.UtcNow, _force)) { return true; } _alreadyCheckedOncePerDayPerModule = true; if (_path != null) { UpdatableHelpSystemDrive helpInfoDrive = null; try { Collection<string> resolvedPaths = new Collection<string>(); // Search for the HelpInfo XML foreach (string path in _path) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { PSArgumentException e = new PSArgumentException(StringUtil.Format(HelpDisplayStrings.PathNullOrEmpty)); WriteError(e.ErrorRecord); return false; } try { string sourcePath = path; if (_credential != null) { UpdatableHelpSystemDrive drive = new UpdatableHelpSystemDrive(this, path, _credential); sourcePath = drive.DriveName; } // Expand wildcard characters foreach (string tempPath in ResolvePath(sourcePath, _recurse, _isLiteralPath)) { resolvedPaths.Add(tempPath); } } catch (System.Management.Automation.DriveNotFoundException e) { ThrowPathMustBeValidContainersException(path, e); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { ThrowPathMustBeValidContainersException(path, e); } } if (resolvedPaths.Count == 0) { return true; } // Everything in resolvedPaths is a container foreach (string resolvedPath in resolvedPaths) { string literalPath = SessionState.Path.Combine(resolvedPath, module.GetHelpInfoName()); xml = UpdatableHelpSystem.LoadStringFromPath(this, literalPath, _credential); if (xml != null) { newHelpInfo = _helpSystem.CreateHelpInfo(xml, module.ModuleName, module.ModuleGuid, culture, resolvedPath, verbose: false, shouldResolveUri: true, ignoreValidationException: false); helpInfoUri = resolvedPath; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(e); throw new UpdatableHelpSystemException("UnableToRetrieveHelpInfoXml", StringUtil.Format(HelpDisplayStrings.UnableToRetrieveHelpInfoXml, culture), ErrorCategory.ResourceUnavailable, null, e); } finally { if (helpInfoDrive != null) { helpInfoDrive.Dispose(); } } } else { // Form the actual HelpInfo.xml uri helpInfoUri = _helpSystem.GetHelpInfoUri(module, null).ResolvedUri; string uri = helpInfoUri + module.GetHelpInfoName(); newHelpInfo = _helpSystem.GetHelpInfo(UpdatableHelpCommandType.UpdateHelpCommand, uri, module.ModuleName, module.ModuleGuid, culture); } if (newHelpInfo == null) { throw new UpdatableHelpSystemException("UnableToRetrieveHelpInfoXml", StringUtil.Format(HelpDisplayStrings.UnableToRetrieveHelpInfoXml, culture), ErrorCategory.ResourceUnavailable, null, null); } bool installed = false; foreach (UpdatableHelpUri contentUri in newHelpInfo.HelpContentUriCollection) { Version currentHelpVersion = (currentHelpInfo != null) ? currentHelpInfo.GetCultureVersion(contentUri.Culture) : null; string updateHelpShouldProcessAction = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, HelpDisplayStrings.UpdateHelpShouldProcessActionMessage, module.ModuleName, (currentHelpVersion != null) ? currentHelpVersion.ToString() : "", newHelpInfo.GetCultureVersion(contentUri.Culture), contentUri.Culture); if (!this.ShouldProcess(updateHelpShouldProcessAction, "Update-Help")) { continue; } if (Utils.IsUnderProductFolder(module.ModuleBase) && (!Utils.IsAdministrator())) { string message = StringUtil.Format(HelpErrors.UpdatableHelpRequiresElevation); ProcessException(module.ModuleName, null, new UpdatableHelpSystemException("UpdatableHelpSystemRequiresElevation", message, ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null, null)); return false; } if (!IsUpdateNecessary(module, _force ? null : currentHelpInfo, newHelpInfo, contentUri.Culture, _force)) { WriteVerbose(StringUtil.Format(HelpDisplayStrings.SuccessfullyUpdatedHelpContent, module.ModuleName, HelpDisplayStrings.NewestContentAlreadyInstalled, contentUri.Culture.Name, newHelpInfo.GetCultureVersion(contentUri.Culture))); installed = true; continue; } else { try { Debug.Assert(helpInfoUri != null, "If we are here, helpInfoUri must not be null"); string helpContentUri = contentUri.ResolvedUri; string xsdPath = SessionState.Path.Combine(Utils.GetApplicationBase(Context.ShellID), "Schemas\\PSMaml\\maml.xsd"); // TODO: Edit the maml XSDs and change this // Gather destination paths Collection<string> destPaths = new Collection<string>(); destPaths.Add(module.ModuleBase); #if !CORECLR // Side-By-Side directories are not present in OneCore environments. if (IsSystemModule(module.ModuleName) && ClrFacade.Is64BitOperatingSystem()) { string path = Utils.GetApplicationBase(Utils.DefaultPowerShellShellID).Replace("System32", "SysWOW64"); destPaths.Add(path); } #endif Collection<string> filesInstalled; if (Directory.Exists(helpContentUri)) { if (_credential != null) { string helpContentName = module.GetHelpContentName(contentUri.Culture); string tempContentPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName())); try { using (UpdatableHelpSystemDrive drive = new UpdatableHelpSystemDrive(this, helpContentUri, _credential)) { if (!Directory.Exists(tempContentPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempContentPath); } InvokeProvider.Item.Copy(new string[1] { Path.Combine(drive.DriveName, helpContentName) }, Path.Combine(tempContentPath, helpContentName), false, CopyContainers.CopyTargetContainer, true, true); // Local _helpSystem.InstallHelpContent(UpdatableHelpCommandType.UpdateHelpCommand, Context, tempContentPath, destPaths, module.GetHelpContentName(contentUri.Culture), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName())), contentUri.Culture, xsdPath, out filesInstalled); } } catch (Exception e) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(e); throw new UpdatableHelpSystemException("HelpContentNotFound", StringUtil.Format(HelpDisplayStrings.HelpContentNotFound), ErrorCategory.ResourceUnavailable, null, e); } } else { _helpSystem.InstallHelpContent(UpdatableHelpCommandType.UpdateHelpCommand, Context, helpContentUri, destPaths, module.GetHelpContentName(contentUri.Culture), Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName())), contentUri.Culture, xsdPath, out filesInstalled); } } else { // Remote // Download and install help content if (!_helpSystem.DownloadAndInstallHelpContent(UpdatableHelpCommandType.UpdateHelpCommand, Context, destPaths, module.GetHelpContentName(contentUri.Culture), contentUri.Culture, helpContentUri, xsdPath, out filesInstalled)) { installed = false; continue; } } _helpSystem.GenerateHelpInfo(module.ModuleName, module.ModuleGuid, newHelpInfo.UnresolvedUri, contentUri.Culture.Name, newHelpInfo.GetCultureVersion(contentUri.Culture), module.ModuleBase, module.GetHelpInfoName(), _force); foreach (string fileInstalled in filesInstalled) { WriteVerbose(StringUtil.Format(HelpDisplayStrings.SuccessfullyUpdatedHelpContent, module.ModuleName, StringUtil.Format(HelpDisplayStrings.UpdatedHelpContent, fileInstalled), contentUri.Culture.Name, newHelpInfo.GetCultureVersion(contentUri.Culture))); } LogMessage(StringUtil.Format(HelpDisplayStrings.UpdateHelpCompleted)); installed = true; } catch (Exception e) { CommandProcessorBase.CheckForSevereException(e); ProcessException(module.ModuleName, contentUri.Culture.Name, e); } } } return installed; }
/// <summary> /// Report session context to WSMan..this will let WSMan send ACK to /// client and client can send data. /// </summary> internal void ReportContext() { int result = 0; bool isRegisterWaitForSingleObjectFailed = false; lock (_syncObject) { if (true == isClosed) { return; } if (!isContextReported) { isContextReported = true; PSEtwLog.LogAnalyticInformational(PSEventId.ReportContext, PSOpcode.Connect, PSTask.None, PSKeyword.ManagedPlugin | PSKeyword.UseAlwaysAnalytic, creationRequestDetails.ToString(), creationRequestDetails.ToString()); //RACE TO BE FIXED - As soon as this API is called, WinRM service will send CommandResponse back and Signal is expected anytime // If Signal comes and executes before registering the notification handle, cleanup will be messed result = WSManNativeApi.WSManPluginReportContext(creationRequestDetails.unmanagedHandle, 0, creationRequestDetails.unmanagedHandle); if (Platform.IsWindows && (WSManPluginConstants.ExitCodeSuccess == result)) { registeredShutdownNotification = 1; // Wrap the provided handle so it can be passed to the registration function SafeWaitHandle safeWaitHandle = new SafeWaitHandle(creationRequestDetails.shutdownNotificationHandle, false); // Owned by WinRM EventWaitHandle eventWaitHandle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset); ClrFacade.SetSafeWaitHandle(eventWaitHandle, safeWaitHandle); // Register shutdown notification handle this.registeredShutDownWaitHandle = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject( eventWaitHandle, new WaitOrTimerCallback(WSManPluginManagedEntryWrapper.PSPluginOperationShutdownCallback), shutDownContext, -1, // INFINITE true); // TODO: Do I need to worry not being able to set missing WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION? if (null == this.registeredShutDownWaitHandle) { isRegisterWaitForSingleObjectFailed = true; registeredShutdownNotification = 0; } } } } if ((WSManPluginConstants.ExitCodeSuccess != result) || (isRegisterWaitForSingleObjectFailed)) { string errorMessage; if (isRegisterWaitForSingleObjectFailed) { errorMessage = StringUtil.Format(RemotingErrorIdStrings.WSManPluginShutdownRegistrationFailed); } else { errorMessage = StringUtil.Format(RemotingErrorIdStrings.WSManPluginReportContextFailed); } // Report error and close the session Exception mgdException = new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); Close(mgdException); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of the FileSystemContentStream class, opens /// the specified file for writing, and returns the IContentReader interface /// to it. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"> /// The path of the file to be opened for writing. /// </param> /// <returns> /// An IContentWriter for the specified file. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"> /// path is null or empty. /// </exception> public IContentWriter GetContentWriter(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("path"); } path = NormalizePath(path); // If this is true, then the content will be read as bytes bool usingByteEncoding = false; bool streamTypeSpecified = false; Encoding encoding = ClrFacade.GetDefaultEncoding(); FileMode filemode = FileMode.OpenOrCreate; bool suppressNewline = false; // Get the dynamic parameters if (DynamicParameters != null) { // [BUG] Regardless of override DynamicParameters is of type FileSystemContentWriterDynamicParameters // StreamContentWriterDynamicParameters dynParams = DynamicParameters as StreamContentWriterDynamicParameters; FileSystemContentWriterDynamicParameters dynParams = DynamicParameters as FileSystemContentWriterDynamicParameters; if (dynParams != null) { usingByteEncoding = dynParams.AsByteStream; streamTypeSpecified = dynParams.WasStreamTypeSpecified; if (usingByteEncoding && streamTypeSpecified) { WriteWarning(FileSystemProviderStrings.EncodingNotUsed); } if (streamTypeSpecified) { encoding = dynParams.Encoding; } suppressNewline = dynParams.NoNewline.IsPresent; } } StreamContentReaderWriter stream = null; ZipFileItemInfo archiveFile; if (ItemExists(path)) { archiveFile = GetItemHelper(path); } else { // Set-Item should create an item if not exists. archiveFile = NewItemHelper(path); } try { stream = new ZipFileContentStream(archiveFile, FileMode.Append, encoding, usingByteEncoding, this, false, suppressNewline); } catch (PathTooLongException pathTooLong) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(pathTooLong, "GetContentWriterPathTooLongError", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFound) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(fileNotFound, "GetContentWriterFileNotFoundError", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, path)); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException directoryNotFound) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(directoryNotFound, "GetContentWriterDirectoryNotFoundError", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, path)); } catch (ArgumentException argException) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(argException, "GetContentWriterArgumentError", ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path)); } catch (IOException ioException) { // IOException contains specific message about the error occured and so no need for errordetails. WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ioException, "GetContentWriterIOError", ErrorCategory.WriteError, path)); } catch (System.Security.SecurityException securityException) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(securityException, "GetContentWriterSecurityError", ErrorCategory.PermissionDenied, path)); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException unauthorizedAccess) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(unauthorizedAccess, "GetContentWriterUnauthorizedAccessError", ErrorCategory.PermissionDenied, path)); } return(stream); }
internal static Type ResolveTypeNameWithContext(TypeName typeName, out Exception exception, Assembly[] assemblies, TypeResolutionState typeResolutionState) { ExecutionContext context = null; exception = null; if (typeResolutionState == null) { // Usings from script scope (and if no script scope, fall back to default 'using namespace system') context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS(); typeResolutionState = TypeResolutionState.GetDefaultUsingState(context); } // We can do the cache lookup only if we don't define type in the current scope (cache would be invalid in this case). var result = typeResolutionState.ContainsTypeDefined(typeName.Name) ? null : TypeCache.Lookup(typeName, typeResolutionState); if (result != null) { return(result); } if (typeName.AssemblyName != null) { result = ResolveAssemblyQualifiedTypeName(typeName, out exception); TypeCache.Add(typeName, typeResolutionState, result); return(result); } // Simple typename (no generics, no arrays, no assembly name) // We use the following search order, using the specified name (assumed to be fully namespace qualified): // // * Search scope table (includes 'using type x = ...' aliases) // * Built in type accelerators (implicit 'using type x = ...' aliases that are effectively in global scope // * typeResolutionState.assemblies, which contains: // - Assemblies with PS types, added by 'using module' // - Assemblies added by 'using assembly'. // For this case, we REPORT ambiguity, since user explicitly specifies the set of assemblies. // * All other loaded assemblies (excluding dynamic assemblies created for PS defined types). // IGNORE ambiguity. It mimics PS v4. There are two reasons: // 1) If we report ambiguity, we need to fix our caching logic accordingly. // Consider this code // Add-Type 'public class Q {}' # ok // Add-Type 'public class Q { }' # get error about the same name // [Q] # we would get error about ambiguous type, because we added assembly with duplicated type // # before we can report TYPE_ALREADY_EXISTS error. // // Add-Type 'public class Q2 {}' # ok // [Q2] # caching Q2 type // Add-Type 'public class Q2 { }' # get error about the same name // [Q2] # we don't get an error about ambiguous type, because it's cached already // 2) NuGet (VS Package Management console) uses MEF extensibility model. // Different assemblies includes same interface (i.e. NuGet.VisualStudio.IVsPackageInstallerServices), // where they include only methods that they are interested in the interface declaration (result interfaces are different!). // Then, at runtime VS provides an instance. Everything work as far as instance has compatible API. // So [NuGet.VisualStudio.IVsPackageInstallerServices] can be resolved to several different assemblies and it's ok. // * User defined type accelerators (rare - interface was never public) // // If nothing is found, we search again, this time applying any 'using namespace ...' declarations including the implicit 'using namespace System'. // We must search all using aliases and REPORT an error if there is an ambiguity. // If this is TypeDefinition we should not cache anything in TypeCache. if (typeName._typeDefinitionAst != null) { return(typeName._typeDefinitionAst.Type); } if (context == null) { context = LocalPipeline.GetExecutionContextFromTLS(); } // Use the explicitly passed-in assembly list when it's specified by the caller. // Otherwise, retrieve all currently loaded assemblies. var assemList = assemblies ?? ClrFacade.GetAssemblies(typeResolutionState, typeName); var isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn = assemblies != null; result = CallResolveTypeNameWorkerHelper(typeName, context, assemList, isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn, typeResolutionState, out exception); if (result != null) { TypeCache.Add(typeName, typeResolutionState, result); return(result); } if (exception == null) { foreach (var ns in typeResolutionState.namespaces) { var newTypeNameToSearch = ns + "." + typeName.Name; newTypeNameToSearch = typeResolutionState.GetAlternateTypeName(newTypeNameToSearch) ?? newTypeNameToSearch; var newTypeName = new TypeName(typeName.Extent, newTypeNameToSearch); #if CORECLR if (!isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn) { // We called 'ClrFacade.GetAssemblies' to get assemblies. That means the assemblies to search from // are not pre-defined, and thus we have to refetch assembly again based on the new type name. assemList = ClrFacade.GetAssemblies(typeResolutionState, newTypeName); } #endif var newResult = CallResolveTypeNameWorkerHelper(newTypeName, context, assemList, isAssembliesExplicitlyPassedIn, typeResolutionState, out exception); if (exception != null) { break; } if (newResult != null) { if (result == null) { result = newResult; } else { exception = new AmbiguousTypeException(typeName, new string[] { result.FullName, newResult.FullName }); result = null; break; } } } } if (exception != null) { // AmbiguousTypeException is for internal representation only. var ambiguousException = exception as AmbiguousTypeException; if (ambiguousException != null) { exception = new PSInvalidCastException("AmbiguousTypeReference", exception, ParserStrings.AmbiguousTypeReference, ambiguousException.TypeName.Name, ambiguousException.Candidates[0], ambiguousException.Candidates[1]); } } if (result != null) { TypeCache.Add(typeName, typeResolutionState, result); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Load an assembly given its file path. /// </summary> /// <param name="assemblyPath">The path of the file that contains the manifest of the assembly.</param> /// <returns>The loaded assembly.</returns> public static Assembly LoadFrom(string assemblyPath) { return(ClrFacade.LoadFrom(assemblyPath)); }