public void Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { var forumId = Packet.PopInt(); var threadId = Packet.PopInt(); var postId = Packet.PopInt(); var deleteLevel = Packet.PopInt(); var forum = CloudServer.GetGame().GetGroupForumManager().GetForum(forumId); var thread = forum.GetThread(threadId); var post = thread.GetPost(postId); post.DeletedLevel = deleteLevel / 10; post.DeleterId = Session.GetHabbo().Id; post.Save(); Session.SendMessage(new PostUpdatedComposer(Session, post)); if (post.DeletedLevel != 0) { Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("forums.message.hidden")); } else { Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("forums.message.restored")); } }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { int GroupId = Packet.PopInt(); int UserId = Packet.PopInt(); Group Group = null; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetGroupManager().TryGetGroup(GroupId, out Group)) { return; } if (Session.GetHabbo().Id != Group.CreatorId && !Group.IsAdmin(Session.GetHabbo().Id)) { return; } if (!Group.HasRequest(UserId)) { return; } Group.HandleRequest(UserId, false); Session.SendMessage(new UnknownGroupComposer(Group.Id, UserId)); }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient session, ClientPacket packet) { string Category = packet.PopString(); string Search = packet.PopString(); ICollection <SearchResultList> Categories = new List <SearchResultList>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Search)) { SearchResultList QueryResult = null; if (CloudServer.GetGame().GetNavigator().TryGetSearchResultList(0, out QueryResult)) { Categories.Add(QueryResult); } } else { Categories = CloudServer.GetGame().GetNavigator().GetCategorysForSearch(Category); if (Categories.Count == 0) { //Are we going in deep?! Categories = CloudServer.GetGame().GetNavigator().GetResultByIdentifier(Category); if (Categories.Count > 0) { session.SendMessage(new NavigatorSearchResultSetComposer(Category, Search, Categories, session, 2, 100)); return; } } } session.SendMessage(new NavigatorSearchResultSetComposer(Category, Search, Categories, session)); }
public void Execute(GameClient Session, Room Room, string[] Params) { if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("Debe especificar un identificador de habitación!"); return; } int roomId = 0; if (!int.TryParse(Params[1], out roomId)) { Session.SendWhisper("You must enter a valid room ID"); } else { Room room = null; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().TryGetRoom(roomId, out room)) { Session.SendWhisper("This room does not exist!"); return; } Session.GetHabbo().PrepareRoom(room.Id, ""); } }
public bool TryExecute(string[] parameters) { int userId = 0; if (!int.TryParse(parameters[0].ToString(), out userId)) { return(false); } GameClient client = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(userId); if (client == null || client.GetHabbo() == null) { return(false); } // Validate the badge if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(parameters[1]))) { return(false); } string badge = Convert.ToString(parameters[1]); if (client != null) { if (!client.GetHabbo().GetBadgeComponent().HasBadge(badge)) { client.SendMessage(RoomNotificationComposer.SendBubble("badge/" + badge, "Acabas de recibir una placa!", "/inventory/open/badge")); client.GetHabbo().GetBadgeComponent().GiveBadge(badge, true, client); } } return(true); }
private void OnRoomCrash(Exception e) { ExceptionLogger.LogThreadException(e); try { foreach (RoomUser user in _roomUserManager.GetRoomUsers().ToList()) { if (user == null || user.GetClient() == null) { continue; } user.GetClient().SendNotification("O quarto a apenas crashear, entre em contato com um administrador.");//Unhandled exception in room: " + e); try { GetRoomUserManager().RemoveUserFromRoom(user.GetClient(), true, false); } catch (Exception e2) { ExceptionLogger.LogException(e2); } } } catch (Exception e3) { ExceptionLogger.LogException(e3); } isCrashed = true; CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().UnloadRoom(this, true); }
public void Execute(GameClient Session, Room Room, string[] Params) { if (Session != null) { if (Room != null) { if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("Por favor, digite uma mensagem para enviar."); return; } else { string Message = CommandManager.MergeParams(Params, 1); CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("Novo Evento no Hotel ", "<font color=\"#00adff\"> <b>" + Session.GetHabbo().Username + "</b></font> Esta organizando um novo Evento!<br><br>" + "Quer particpar desse jogo ? Clique no botão inferior <b>Ir ao Evento</b>, e você pode participar, siga as instruções!<br><br>" + "Qual Evento é?<br><br>" + "<font color=\"#f11648\"><b>" + Message + "</b></font><br><br>" + "Te esperamos de braços abertos, " + CloudServer.HotelName + "!", NotificationSettings.NOTIFICATION_EVENT_IMG, "Ir ao Evento", "event:navigator/goto/" + Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId)); } } } }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null || !Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { return; } Room Room; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().TryGetRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId, out Room)) { return; } if (!Room.CanTradeInRoom) { return; } Trade Trade = Room.GetUserTrade(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (Trade == null) { return; } Item Item = Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().GetItem(Packet.PopInt()); if (Item == null) { return; } Trade.TakeBackItem(Session.GetHabbo().Id, Item); }
public void Execute(GameClient Session, Room Room, string[] Params) { long nowTime = CloudServer.CurrentTimeMillis(); long timeBetween = nowTime - Session.GetHabbo()._lastTimeUsedHelpCommand; if (timeBetween < 60000) { Session.SendMessage(RoomNotificationComposer.SendBubble("abuse", "Espere pelo menos 1 minuto para reutilizar o sistema de apoio", "")); return; } Session.GetHabbo()._lastTimeUsedHelpCommand = nowTime; string Request = CommandManager.MergeParams(Params, 1); if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("Sistema de suporte:", "<font color='#B40404'><b>¡Atenção, " + Session.GetHabbo().Username + "!</b></font>\n\n<font size=\"11\" color=\"#1C1C1C\">O sistema de suporte foi criado para fazer solicitações detalhadas de ajuda. Então você não pode enviar uma mensagem vazia porque é inútil.\n\n" + "Se você quiser pedir ajuda, descrever <font color='#B40404'> <b> detalhadamente o seu problema</b></font>. \n\nO sistema detecta se você abusar estes pedidos, então não enviar mais do que um ou você será bloqueado.\n\n" + "Lembre-se que você também tem ajuda central para resolver seus problemas.", "help_user", "")); return; } else { CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GuideAlert(new RoomNotificationComposer("¡Novo caso de atenção!", "O usuario " + Session.GetHabbo().Username + " Ele requer a ajuda de um guia, o embaixador ou moderador.<br></font></b><br>Sua pergunta ou problema é este:<br><b>s" + Request + "</b></font><br><br>Atender ao usuário mais rapidamente possível para resolver a sua pergunta, lembre-se que em breve sua ajuda vai ser marcado e que serão considerados para a promoção.", "Ajude-me", "Seguir a " + Session.GetHabbo().Username + "", "event:navigator/goto/" + Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId)); } CloudServer.GetGame().GetAchievementManager().ProgressAchievement(Session, "ACH_GuideEnrollmentLifetime", 1); Session.SendMessage(RoomNotificationComposer.SendBubble("ambassador", "Seu pedido de ajuda foi enviada com sucesso, aguarde.", "")); }
public void Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { int goal = int.Parse(CloudServer.GetGame().GetSettingsManager().TryGetValue("usersconcurrent_goal"));; int UsersOnline = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().Count; foreach (GameClient Target in CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClients.ToList()) { if (UsersOnline < goal) { int type = 1; Target.SendMessage(new ConcurrentUsersGoalProgressComposer(UsersOnline, type, goal)); } else if (!Target.GetHabbo().GetStats().PurchaseUsersConcurrent&& UsersOnline >= goal) { int type = 2; Target.SendMessage(new ConcurrentUsersGoalProgressComposer(UsersOnline, type, goal)); } else if (Target.GetHabbo().GetStats().PurchaseUsersConcurrent&& UsersOnline >= goal) { int type = 3; Target.SendMessage(new ConcurrentUsersGoalProgressComposer(UsersOnline, type, goal)); } else { int type = 0; Target.SendMessage(new ConcurrentUsersGoalProgressComposer(UsersOnline, type, goal)); } } }
public HabboSearchResultComposer(List <SearchResult> Friends, List <SearchResult> OtherUsers) : base(ServerPacketHeader.HabboSearchResultMessageComposer) { WriteInteger(Friends.Count); foreach (SearchResult Friend in Friends.ToList()) { bool Online = (CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(Friend.UserId) != null); WriteInteger(Friend.UserId); WriteString(Friend.Username); WriteString(Friend.Motto); WriteBoolean(Online); WriteBoolean(false); WriteString(string.Empty); WriteInteger(0); WriteString(Online ? Friend.Figure : ""); WriteString(Friend.LastOnline); } WriteInteger(OtherUsers.Count); foreach (SearchResult OtherUser in OtherUsers.ToList()) { bool Online = (CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(OtherUser.UserId) != null); WriteInteger(OtherUser.UserId); WriteString(OtherUser.Username); WriteString(OtherUser.Motto); WriteBoolean(Online); WriteBoolean(false); WriteString(string.Empty); WriteInteger(0); WriteString(Online ? OtherUser.Figure : ""); WriteString(OtherUser.LastOnline); } }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { int userID = Packet.PopInt(); Habbo targetData = CloudServer.GetHabboById(userID); if (targetData == null) { Session.SendNotification("Ocorreu um erro ao encontrar o perfil do usuário."); return; } List <Group> groups = CloudServer.GetGame().GetGroupManager().GetGroupsForUser(targetData.Id); int friendCount = 0; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = CloudServer.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT COUNT(0) FROM `messenger_friendships` WHERE (`user_one_id` = @userid OR `user_two_id` = @userid)"); dbClient.AddParameter("userid", userID); friendCount = dbClient.getInteger(); } Session.SendMessage(new ProfileInformationComposer(targetData, Session, groups, friendCount)); }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("Please enter the username of the user you would like to unmute."); return; } GameClient TargetClient = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Params[1]); if (TargetClient == null || TargetClient.GetHabbo() == null) { Session.SendWhisper("An error occoured whilst finding that user, maybe they're not online."); return; } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = CloudServer.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.RunQuery("UPDATE `users` SET `time_muted` = '0' WHERE `id` = '" + TargetClient.GetHabbo().Id + "' LIMIT 1"); } TargetClient.GetHabbo().TimeMuted = 0; TargetClient.SendNotification("You have been un-muted by " + Session.GetHabbo().Username + "!"); Session.SendWhisper("You have successfully un-muted " + TargetClient.GetHabbo().Username + "!"); }
public bool TryExecute(string[] parameters) { int userId = 0; if (!int.TryParse(parameters[0].ToString(), out userId)) { return(false); } GameClient client = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(userId); if (client == null || client.GetHabbo() == null) { return(false); } // Validate the badge if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(parameters[1]))) { return(false); } string badge = Convert.ToString(parameters[1]); if (client.GetHabbo().GetBadgeComponent().HasBadge(badge)) { client.GetHabbo().GetBadgeComponent().RemoveBadge(badge); } return(true); }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("Por favor, introduzca el nombre de usuario del usuario."); return; } GameClient TargetClient = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Params[1]); if (TargetClient == null) { Session.SendWhisper("Se produjo un error mientras que la búsqueda de usuario, tal vez no están en línea."); return; } if (TargetClient.GetHabbo() == null) { Session.SendWhisper("Se produjo un error mientras que la búsqueda de usuario, tal vez no están en línea."); return; } if (TargetClient.GetHabbo().Username == Session.GetHabbo().Username) { Session.SendWhisper("Consigue una vida."); return; } string Message = CommandManager.MergeParams(Params, 2); TargetClient.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("command_gmessage", "message", "" + Message + "!")); Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("command_gmessage", "message", "Mensaje enviado con éxito para " + TargetClient.GetHabbo().Username)); }
internal static void Process(object caller) { if (lowPriorityProcessWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 10000 || !isExecuted) { isExecuted = true; lowPriorityProcessWatch.Restart(); var clientCount = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().Count; var loadedRoomsCount = CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().Count; var Uptime = DateTime.Now - CloudServer.ServerStarted; Game.SessionUserRecord = clientCount > Game.SessionUserRecord ? clientCount : Game.SessionUserRecord; Console.Title = string.Concat("Cloud Server [" + CloudServer.HotelName + "] » [" + clientCount + "] ON » [" + loadedRoomsCount + "] SALAS » [" + Uptime.Days + "] DÍAS » [" + Uptime.Hours + "] HORAS"); using (var queryReactor = CloudServer.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { if (clientCount > _userPeak) { _userPeak = clientCount; } _lastDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); queryReactor.runFastQuery(string.Concat("UPDATE `server_status` SET `status` = '2', `users_online` = '", clientCount, "', `loaded_rooms` = '", loadedRoomsCount, "'")); } } }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { var room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; using (var queryReactor = CloudServer.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) queryReactor.runFastQuery(string.Format("UPDATE rooms SET roomtype = 'private' WHERE id = {0}", room.RoomId)); var roomId = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.RoomId; var users = new List <RoomUser>(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUsers().ToList()); CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().UnloadRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom); RoomData Data = CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().GenerateRoomData(roomId); Session.GetHabbo().PrepareRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.RoomId, ""); CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().LoadRoom(roomId); var data = new RoomForwardComposer(roomId); foreach (var user in users.Where(user => user != null && user.GetClient() != null)) { user.GetClient().SendMessage(data); } }
public bool TryExecute(string[] parameters) { int userId = 0; if (!int.TryParse(parameters[0].ToString(), out userId)) { return(false); } GameClient client = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(userId); if (client == null || client.GetHabbo() == null) { return(false); } // Validate the achievement if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(parameters[1]))) { return(false); } string achievement = Convert.ToString(parameters[1]); // Validate the progress int progress = 0; if (!int.TryParse(parameters[2].ToString(), out progress)) { return(false); } CloudServer.GetGame().GetAchievementManager().ProgressAchievement(client, achievement, progress); return(true); }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null) { return; } if (Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { Room OldRoom; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().TryGetRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId, out OldRoom)) { return; } if (OldRoom.GetRoomUserManager() != null) { OldRoom.GetRoomUserManager().RemoveUserFromRoom(Session, true, false); } } Session.GetHabbo().IsTeleporting = false; Session.GetHabbo().TeleportingRoomID = 0; Session.GetHabbo().TeleporterId = 0; Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId = 0; }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { if (!Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { return; } Room Room; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().TryGetRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId, out Room)) { return; } RoomUser User = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (User == null) { return; } if (User.CarryItemID > 0 && User.CarryTimer > 0) { User.CarryItem(0); } }
public bool TryExecute(string[] parameters) { int userId = 0; if (!int.TryParse(parameters[0].ToString(), out userId)) { return(false); } GameClient client = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(userId); if (client == null || client.GetHabbo() == null) { return(false); } // Validate the message if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(parameters[1]))) { return(false); } string message = Convert.ToString(parameters[1]); client.SendMessage(new BroadcastMessageAlertComposer(message)); return(true); }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null || !Session.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasRight("mod_kick")) { return; } int UserId = Packet.PopInt(); string Message = Packet.PopString(); GameClient Client = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(UserId); if (Client == null || Client.GetHabbo() == null || Client.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId < 1 || Client.GetHabbo().Id == Session.GetHabbo().Id) { return; } if (Client.GetHabbo().Rank >= Session.GetHabbo().Rank) { Session.SendNotification(CloudServer.GetGame().GetLanguageManager().TryGetValue("moderation.kick.disallowed")); return; } Room Room = null; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().TryGetRoom(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId, out Room)) { return; } Room.GetRoomUserManager().RemoveUserFromRoom(Client, true, false); }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { Room Room = null; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().TryGetRoom(Packet.PopInt(), out Room)) { return; } if (!Room.CheckRights(Session, true)) { return; } int CategoryId = Packet.PopInt(); int TradeSettings = Packet.PopInt(); if (TradeSettings < 0 || TradeSettings > 2) { TradeSettings = 0; } SearchResultList SearchResultList = null; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetNavigator().TryGetSearchResultList(CategoryId, out SearchResultList)) { CategoryId = 36; } if (SearchResultList.CategoryType != NavigatorCategoryType.CATEGORY || SearchResultList.RequiredRank > Session.GetHabbo().Rank) { CategoryId = 36; } }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("Por favor, introduzca el nombre de usuario del usuario que desea congelar."); return; } GameClient TargetClient = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Params[1]); if (TargetClient == null) { Session.SendWhisper("Se produjo un error mientras que la búsqueda de usuario, tal vez no están en línea."); return; } RoomUser TargetUser = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Params[1]); if (TargetUser != null) { TargetUser.Frozen = true; } Session.SendWhisper("Se congelo exitosamente a " + TargetClient.GetHabbo().Username + "!"); }
public GetRelationshipsComposer(Habbo Habbo, int Loves, int Likes, int Hates) : base(ServerPacketHeader.GetRelationshipsMessageComposer) { WriteInteger(Habbo.Id); WriteInteger(Habbo.Relationships.Count); // Count foreach (Relationship Rel in Habbo.Relationships.Values) { UserCache HHab = CloudServer.GetGame().GetCacheManager().GenerateUser(Rel.UserId); if (HHab == null) { WriteInteger(0); WriteInteger(0); WriteInteger(0); // Their ID WriteString("Placeholder"); WriteString(""); } else { WriteInteger(Rel.Type); WriteInteger(Rel.Type == 1 ? Loves : Rel.Type == 2 ? Likes : Hates); WriteInteger(Rel.UserId); // Their ID WriteString(HHab.Username); WriteString(HHab.Look); } } }
public void Parse(HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient Session, ClientPacket packet) { string word; string Name = packet.PopString(); Name = CloudServer.GetGame().GetChatManager().GetFilter().IsUnnaceptableWord(Name, out word) ? "Spam" : Name; string Description = packet.PopString(); Description = CloudServer.GetGame().GetChatManager().GetFilter().IsUnnaceptableWord(Description, out word) ? "Spam" : Description; int RoomId = packet.PopInt(); int Colour1 = packet.PopInt(); int Colour2 = packet.PopInt(); int Unknown = packet.PopInt(); int groupCost = Convert.ToInt32(CloudServer.GetGame().GetSettingsManager().TryGetValue("")); if (Session.GetHabbo().Credits < groupCost) { Session.SendMessage(new BroadcastMessageAlertComposer("Um grupo custa " + groupCost + " creditos! E você tem " + Session.GetHabbo().Credits + "!")); return; } else { Session.GetHabbo().Credits -= groupCost; Session.SendMessage(new CreditBalanceComposer(Session.GetHabbo().Credits)); } RoomData Room = CloudServer.GetGame().GetRoomManager().GenerateRoomData(RoomId); if (Room == null || Room.OwnerId != Session.GetHabbo().Id || Room.Group != null) { return; } string Badge = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Badge += BadgePartUtility.WorkBadgeParts(i == 0, packet.PopInt().ToString(), packet.PopInt().ToString(), packet.PopInt().ToString()); } Group Group = null; if (!CloudServer.GetGame().GetGroupManager().TryCreateGroup(Session.GetHabbo(), Name, Description, RoomId, Badge, Colour1, Colour2, out Group)) { Session.SendNotification("Houve um erro ao tentar criar este grupo.\n\nTenta de novo.Se você receber esta mensagem mais de uma vez, fale com o moderador.\r\r"); return; } Session.SendMessage(new PurchaseOKComposer()); Room.Group = Group; if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoomId != Room.Id) { Session.SendMessage(new RoomForwardComposer(Room.Id)); } Session.SendMessage(new NewGroupInfoComposer(RoomId, Group.Id)); }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("Por favor, introduzca el nombre de usuario que desea cambiar."); return; } GameClient TargetClient = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Params[1]); if (TargetClient == null) { Session.SendWhisper("Se produjo un error mientras que la búsqueda de usuario, tal vez no están en línea."); return; } if (TargetClient.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasRight("mod_tool")) { Session.SendWhisper("No se le permite al usuario de que la bandera."); return; } else { TargetClient.GetHabbo().LastNameChange = 0; TargetClient.GetHabbo().ChangingName = true; TargetClient.SendNotification("Tenga en cuenta que si su nombre de usuario se considerará como no apropiado, se le prohibió sin lugar a dudas.\r\rTambién tenga en cuenta que el personal no le permitirá cambiar su nombre de usuario de nuevo en caso de tener un problema con lo que haya elegido.\r\rCierre esta ventana y haga clic en sí mismo para comenzar a elegir un nuevo nombre de usuario!"); TargetClient.SendMessage(new UserObjectComposer(TargetClient.GetHabbo())); } }
public void Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) { var length = Packet.PopInt(); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var forumid = Packet.PopInt(); //Forum ID var postid = Packet.PopInt(); //Post ID var readall = Packet.PopBoolean(); //Make all read var forum = CloudServer.GetGame().GetGroupForumManager().GetForum(forumid); if (forum == null) { continue; } var post = forum.GetPost(postid); if (post == null) { continue; } var thread = post.ParentThread; var index = thread.Posts.IndexOf(post); thread.AddView(Session.GetHabbo().Id, index + 1); } //Thread.AddView(Session.GetHabbo().Id); }
public bool TryExecute(string[] parameters) { int userId = 0; if (!int.TryParse(parameters[0].ToString(), out userId)) { return(false); } GameClient client = CloudServer.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(userId); if (client == null || client.GetHabbo() == null) { return(false); } using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = CloudServer.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `rank` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = @userId LIMIT 1"); dbClient.AddParameter("userId", userId); client.GetHabbo().Rank = dbClient.getInteger(); } client.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().Init(client.GetHabbo()); if (client.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasRight("mod_tickets")) { client.SendMessage(new ModeratorInitComposer( CloudServer.GetGame().GetModerationManager().UserMessagePresets, CloudServer.GetGame().GetModerationManager().RoomMessagePresets, CloudServer.GetGame().GetModerationManager().GetTickets)); } return(true); }
public void OnTrigger(GameClients.GameClient Session, Item Item, int Request, bool HasRights) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null || Item == null) { return; } Room Room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; if (Room == null) { return; } RoomUser Actor = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (Actor == null) { return; } if (Item.ExtraData == "1") { return; } if (Gamemap.TileDistance(Actor.X, Actor.Y, Item.GetX, Item.GetY) > 2) { return; } CloudServer.GetGame().GetPinataManager().ReceiveCrackableReward(Actor, Room, Item); }